* Have a listen to Rick Adams Show (RBN, June 12, 08).
One of our AZLer calls in - 40 mins into show - for activists to take up demonstrations to expose Zionist 911, nation-wide. The AZL will support other, willing demonstrators with a second Hunger Strike to expose Zionist-911. The first AZL Hunger Strike was in Jan/Feb 2008. Activists are invited to notify us of their interest in this collaborative effort.
* The following night on Rick Adams, Daryl Smith calls in to speak with his brother Scott- 41 mins
* On June 25, Rick Adams interviews Daryl Smith. (A sort of homecoming).
* THE AZL has since spoken with Daryl Smith (http://www.iamthewitness.com/). He has agreed that a nation-wide call for Zionist-911 demonstrations is a most effective way to "act now...for a BLOODLESS awakening," which was precisely what he called for in his June 25th interview with Rick Adams. Daryl agrees with one obvious truth:
Short of activism to reach to people - about Zionist-911 first, as the Seminal event behind today's WW III society - we will have failed to achieve that bloodless awakening which all true patriots work for first and foremost.
I "served" on 28 bomber missions for the allied forces during WW II. During those missions, we often had to haul the dead bodies of many of our companions onto carts, off for their coffins, then on to heaven. I KNOW THE COST OF WAR, AND THOSE WHO BENEFIT FROM *OUR DEATHS.
If folks will not expose the truth in the streets of America, ...if they lack even that small bit of courage, to help wake up their countryment, there's no sense believing their claims for bold actions "later on."
Those who put down BLOODLESS efforts to inform our countrymen of the Zionist terror-racket DO NOT KNOW THE COST OF WAR. Anyone who denies the importance of wide-spread public activism with a message as crucial as Zionist-911 is lying, and lying for those who do NOT want a "bloodless awakening" for our nation.
The AZL is doing its part to wake up America, before its too late; before all truth-seekers are tagged as "enemy combatants", in connection to RINGERS; Ringers who now actually advise against public activism; Ringers, who on one hand, advise activists to limit their "witnessing" about Z-911 to quiet dialogues with friends, while on the other, promising bold, bloody moves later after failing to support our nation's bloodless awakening.
The AZL invites Daryl Smith's brother, SCOTT SMITH - along with RICK ADAMS - to join in our New England Zionist-911 demonstrations. (One can hear both of them in the above June 12 Rick Adams show).
The AZL invites SCOTT SMITH (Daryl's brother), along with RICK ADAMS, to join in our New England demos to expose Zionist-911. (Both speakers are in June 12 interview above).
Congressional candidate JIM CONDIT has professed a plan to JOIN in the AZL's call for Zionist-911 demonstrations. Jim Condit's sites are www.votefraud.com and www.realnews247.com
(Prothink) Mike Delaney's uncle is a trad Catholic, connected to Jim Condit (http://www.votefraud.org/, http://www.realnews247.com/) and to Condit's brother. How much WILL Prothink.org do to network with YOU true patriots for wide-spread Z-911 demonstrations?
Surely, NO site whose mission is to expose the Zionist terror-racket would neglect to call for and support wide-spread "911" demos, to let Americans know who the real enemy is; who was behind this seminal event, this act of "treason from within", behind all of the bloodshed since.
How can Americans rout out "the terrorists" unless they first know those terrorists exist? Any "online hero" who is not supporting YOUR public activism wake up your own nation, true patriots, is an AGENT working online just to set you up.
Delaney of Prothink.org and "John" of www.projectoffthegrid.com have had as much opportunity as anybody to support you true patriots in taking up these needed OFFLINE activism efforts. Are they here to support wide-spread activism or not? Are they for America's "bloodless awakening" or working against that prospect?
What do we need, in order to inform a whole nation about 911's true terrorists?
All that the "anti--Zionist-terrorist" sites need to provide, together, are:
* State-by-State contact lists
* Fact sheets, posters, etc.
Even the fake 911 truthers acknowledge the need for public activism before any message as marginalized as "911 truth" can be brought to the awareness of our countrymen. See the many contacts and resources at 911truth.org, for example, proving that the fakes are doing more to expose 911 (while denying the Zionist role) than we are.
JIM CONDIT has also agreed to enjoin Mark Glenn (http://www.crescentandcross.com/) and Michael Piper (http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/) in this unified, nation-wide call for protests.
Lets see what happens with all these others who call themselves patriots. We call for REAL 911 demos, nation-wide - not in hopes of "changing" that terror-racket, or making them "care" about their crimes, but because we have an obligation to inform our countrymen.
In pointing out this glaring omission, the AZL call all of you true patriots to expose the Zionist terror-racket. We eoncourage anyone (or two, or three) in any city with the courage to get out there on behalf of their fellow citizens to post reports and photos of their own protests here at the AZL.com*org. Just email them to me at [email protected]. Just write 'Activism' in subject line - quicker. The AZL will pass demo-photos and articles on to Condit and Smith upon the activist's request.
Only a Ringer will deny or remain silent on this problem from here on in; and the AZL has made its mark, whether the ringers like it or not. No one can deny this simple necessity, to which we've already devoted our efforts. SO JOIN US. From here on in, clearly, any "Zionist-911" site that will NOT call for and support demonstrations to publically expose that crime, is here to set up true patriots; keeping readers "online" - getting them on some list - while keeping our nation in the dark. HERDING the NERDS onto some gitmo list as "enemy combatants." Doesn't sound too good, does it? Lets hear those calls to action!
*Note: My business Phone is for business. I no longer even run that business. Those who DO run that business require that post to be removed.
* Today, the AZL held a demonstration today. Worcester's Mayor witnessed our efforts (as one who knows the Tony Hmura legacy quite well). The AZL visited Mayor Lukes months back (see this article), along with our U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern.
For the AZL's part: We find that public demonstrations work. In one day, you real 911-activists can alert your Mayor, and many Police and Firemen (as the AZL does, many days) about what's happening. All it takes is a busy street-corner, and YOUR nonviolent, nonracist efforts on behalf of your own city. No ONLINE forum can replace the wide-spread public activism so essential to our message. No matter how few of US there are, right now- we have an obligation to reach out to the many. "My people have been destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Anthony Hmura.com