Would You
Like Fries with that New World Order?
by Edgar J.
Alas, alas
that great city, wherein were made rich
all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness!
for in one hour is she made desolate.
--Revelations 18, 19.
No, I don't necessarily think that scriptural passage refers to New
York. If true, then it possibly concerns Los Angeles, the obvious next
target of our terrorist friends from the desert sands of the mideast.
I'm tapping this out on my laptop on
a plane - the first that I have been on since before September 11.
Getting here has been a struggle, to say the least.
I was one of the unfortunate
trying to catch a plane the morning of the WTC disaster. I was one of
the fortunate who failed. Thus began my odyssey to reach my San
Francisco office in time to oversee its physical move to a new location
on Friday.
On September 11, I was to
stop over in LA first, to participate in a documentary being filmed about
hate crime as depicted in American cinema. We're going to
reschedule. I'm not sure I want to go until after the other shoe drops,
I rescheduled my flight to Wednesday,
then to Thursday. Desperate when those flights were all canceled, it
being midnight on Wednesday, I had my wife drive me to the Spokane Greyhound
bus station. 26 hours later, I was in my Bay Area office, with two hours
to spare before the movers arrived. It's been 38 years since I rode a
Greyhound bus and the experience has not mellowed with age. You simply
haven't lived until you have spent a two-hour layover in the Sacramento bus
station at 3 am...or been scrunched up next to a guy with green hair and
multiple body piercings for hours on end. I can personally testify that
the third world has arrived in force.
I got a return flight today and came
face to face with the New World Order. An hour just to get the rental
car turned in. An extra level or two of ID checking, then one of the
most cursory bag checks I have ever seen. I could have been
carrying 30 pounds of plastic explosive aboard and they never would have
known! And the airport was deserted - of passengers - on both ends.
But there were about four times as many employees milling around as I have
ever seen. It was Monty Python come to life, but inhabited by the spirit
from Pet Sematary.
Between the fear of flying engendered
by the recent hijackings, a serious economic downturn and the fundamental
obnoxiousness of a bad system made worse, I predict hard times ahead for both
the airline and car rental industries. I know that I
won't be flying down every week, as has been my custom for some time now.
In fact, I think it might be time to find a way just to hunker down for a
while in my out-of-the-way spot in the mountains.
As my wife drove up to collect me, I
stepped out of the terminal with my bags just as an airport cop walked up
and dumped on her for pausing at the curb, saying that wasn't allowed when her
pickup isn't standing right there. I asked him what his problem
was and the short, fat little white-haired guy launched into me, telling me
that what he was saying to my wife was none of my business. Envision a
red flag waved in front of a bull.
Before I disengaged, Shortfatlittle
was threatening to arrest me and loudly demanding that I move on. He
refused to give me his name or badge number. "I don't have
to," a sentiment echoed by his superior, who I had on the phone within 10
minutes. Before I left the curb, I motioned over a guy who had been
watching the whole thing, wanting the name of a witness for the administrative
proceeding at which I was going to see this particular little reichsfuhrer
reduced in rank. The witness said he thought the cop's attitude was
reasonable in view of recent events. He has lots of company, it turns
A Harris Poll conducted shortly after the
WTC tragedy found that 4 out of 5 Americans would trade "some freedom for
more security in public places." Democracy in action.
At about the same time, our
congressional leadership quickly passed a new antiterrorism bill, the
provisions of which I have yet to review, but which reportedly include a
provision allowing free access to and review of all Internet-based
communications without a search warrant, probable cause or, even, reasonable
I hate to join the Internet chorus,
but it does look as though there has been a major shift in American society.
I suspect this truly marks the beginning of many things, chief among them
implementation of the New World Order.
This is war, like it or not.
Modern war as fought by terrorists against tyrranical nations and, in turn, by
those nations against their own citizenry in the form of control.
Times have changed and events are moving too fast for subtlety.
This is war and we have had our first
taste of the new war tactics. The rules have changed...again. They
changed for the British when American revolutionaries sniped at them from the
brush and they changed for America when the Viet Cong set booby traps such as
poisoned pungi sticks set at the bottom of pits dug in pathways and covered
over with palm fronds. The "rules" of war are made up by the
victors of previous wars to protect their finer sensibilities.
Thereby, they lay bare their vulnerabilities, of course.
Now it is easier to wage war if you
are not a country with a physical location. It is easier if you don't
announce your intentions by massing troops and acquiring ordnance. It is
easier if you hit and run - easier still if you just hit and forget about
First, let me reassure you that there
likely will be no more hijackings. Logic dictates that the carnage of
September 11 can occur only once. Never again will hijackers be
able to subdue a planeload of people who know they will die if they don't do something
- anything. Bin Laden may be a lot of things, but stupid is not among
them. He knows he cannot play this card again. Besides, while we
are busy fortifying the barn, the mad cow is out in the pasture, turning its
attention to our other vulnerabilities.
Bin Laden has other options, almost
infinite in number, given how open and trusting (fat and lazy, some would say,
but I am not one of them) America has become. Biological weaponry
seems the most logical next tactic. New York was an easy first choice
for someone who objects to the way his cousins are treated by Israel.
New York is the original habitat of the American Jew. Los Angeles,
another serious concentration of Jewish interests in America, is the logical
next target, with Miami not far behind. I'd like to have the gas mask
concession stand at the corner of Wilshire and Santa Monica Boulevards
during the upcoming unpleasantries.
We likely will move heaven and earth
in running Osama Bin Laden to ground. Taking him out will not end it,
however. Bin Laden is an effect, not the cause. There are
countless others to take his place. This will not end until we end the
reason for it.
It is amazing how few people seem
to have any grasp on the why of the WTC's destruction. It is more
amazing how few there are who seem even to care about the why.
David Kelley, Executive Director of something called "The Objectivist
Center" in Poughkeepsie, thinks that "What makes them denounce
America as the great Satan is nothing as superficial as Coca-Cola or blue
jeans. It is our secular culture of freedom, reason, and the pursuit
of happiness. They hate our individualism; what they want is an
authoritarian society where thought and behavior are controlled by true
believers. They hate capitalism as a system of trade, production,
innovation, and progress; what they want is a return to a primitive mode
of existence from which these "materialist" aspirations have
been banished. They hate the political system of individual rights, the
rule of law, and secular government; what they want is a tribal society
ruled by command."
What complete and utter bullshit. Or, as my little girl would say,
"Yeah....right." (Ah, if only I could get the right degree of
condescension into the second syllable - she seems naturally to have come
by a sneer that I can only hope to achieve after floundering about in the
midst of several hundred words.)
"Because we are the shining land of liberty" was the reason Senor
Bush gave for the WTC travesty during his first public address afterwards.
Give me a break.
Because we are Israel's enforcer, that's
why. Because we fund Israel to the tune of $10 million per day, a
significant portion of which is used to kill Palestinians and advance the
Zionist cause in the mideast.
This isn't rocket science, boys and
girls. We don't even need to think about it, because the terrorists
themselves have told us repeatedly why they do it. In 1993, after the
first WTC bombing, someone calling themselves the "Liberation Army Fifth
Batallion" wrote the New York Times and threatened further assaults.
The feds authenticated the letter, by the way.
The LAFB (probably not destined to
become acronymized into "Laughing Boys") demanded that America
stop interfering "with any of the Middle East countries interior
affairs." They went on to explain that "The Americans must
know that their civilians who got killed are no better than those who are
getting killed by the American weapons and support. The American people are
responsible for the actions of their government and they must question all of
the crimes that their government is committing against other people, or
Americans will be targets of our operations that could diminish them."
The Arabs really couldn't make
a clearer statement of their complaint or the consequences to us for
not changing. There should be no confusion today such as I see
manifested at every turn in the media. Of course, it is the height of
political incorrectness to question Israel or anything Jewish. As they
say, to know a country's masters, you need only discover what group it is that
nobody speaks of. In New York during the mid-1900's you never said the
word "mafia" out loud in public. Today, you cannot speak of
Jews without being roundly condemned at every turn.
It is time to lift the taboo against
speaking about America's "inner party," its true ruling class.
It is time to start openly talking about things Jewish and their implications
for all Americans. It's time for Americans to examine what it means to
be American in the 21st Century. We're not in your father's
America anymore, Toto.
America has grown so accustomed to
carrying Israel's water that America itself has become a genuine cause of its
own discomfort, rather than yet another symptom of the Israeli compulsion
to push in every direction until resistance is met. No, let me say it
straight out, because Israel itself is really a shorthand for what I mean:
The Jewish need to push until reigned in. Israel is like that
because it is exclusively Jewish, after all. You have to be Jewish
to have hardly any rights in Israel (e.g., to vote or own land).
Similarly, America has become obnoxiously aggressive because
America is now Jewish owned, led and managed. There is not one single
major media outlet that is not Jewish run. Only 2-1/2% of Americans
are Jewish, yet 60% of the Fortune 1000 are Jewish owned or controlled.
Virtually all the power positions in Clinton's administration were
Jewish; Bush has not decreased the concentration by much.
Incredibly few lemmings seem to realize any of this and therefore express
confusion as to why the Arabs hate us so much.
The essay you are reading now is the absolute farthest that
this line of discussion can reach today - and they are intent upon shutting
down even this (witness the new law they passed last week). Though
other writings of mine get wide circulation and have been posted
regularly to a variety of Internet and written publications, I have no
illusions that this will go any further than being passed around by
members of the choir.
This is a vitally important issue and one that demands a dialogue at
all levels of American society, so I do what I can, despite the
consequences. I will not meekly submit to the shackles being forged
for all of us by our masters at this moment.
Object if you like, but please remember that there is a reason
you are on this list. Some are here for my politically incorrect
mutterings. Some are here for my unbridled defense of free speech by
unpopular people. Some are here for my support of families being
ripped apart by tyrannical bureaucrats. Some are here because I pull
no punches when taking on the establishment, no matter who is on the other
side. All these have the same thing in common: I am opposed to
injustice and unfair treatment of anybody. Another time and another
place and I might have been defending black people from the Klu Klux
Klan or white southerners from Reconstructionists.
I will never please everybody and I will not please anybody all the
time. Several asked to be deleted from my list after my missive
of the 12th, due to the comparatively gentle references I made to Israel.
Many more asked to be added, however. I expect a larger flurry of
such in both directions this time, too, since I have taken off the gloves
now with regard to our true rulers.
How ironic that the most racist
and exclusive country in the world (Israel) requires through its proxies that
its toady (America) become the single most unracist and unexclusive country.
Of course, by watering down the original stock, some argue, our masters ensure
that their grip on power will not be removed forcibly. The extension of
that argument is their explanation for the push to a one-world government,
with the elimination of personal freedom that is thereby entailed and in the
process of occurring in this country and elsewhere. Go along to get
along, they say. Morally relativistic to a man (or woman), anything
goes, so long as they stamp out those who speak out against tyranny and
oppression. Free speech and every other component of the Bill of Rights
necessarily have to go, of course, and we are well along the path to that end.
John Kucek, of Watchung, NJ, notes that "When the government
declared War on Poverty, we got more poverty, when they declared War on Illiteracy
we got more illiteracy, when they declared War on Crime we got more
crime, and when they declared War on Drugs we got more drugs." Of
course, Senor Bush just declared war on terrorism, didn't he? Gee, I
wonder what we will get now....
"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it
would be the truth."
- Morpheus
Copyright © Edgar J. Steele,
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