The Coming Balkanization of America
by Edgar J. Steele
September 13, 2004
"We must understand clearly and firmly that the dominant authorities...not only do nothing to conserve what most of us regard as our traditional way of life, but actually seek its destruction...""Those who profess to favor freedom,
and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the
ground. They want rain without
thunder and lightning..."
--- Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776)
(This is an excerpt from Chapter 18, "New America," of Defensive Racism by Edgar J. Steele, due to be published in October 2004. Visit for other excerpts, further details and, when available, an order blank)
heard it said that anybody with a globe and bottle of whiskey can be a
geopolitician. Though I drink very
little these days, I do own a globe. Let's
test that thesis. My best take on
how things might go in
battle lines will be drawn along what will be perceived to be defensible
borders, coincident with natural impediments like rivers and mountain ranges.
The lines will be drawn racially at first.
A great deal depends upon whether
will become a reality in those days and there is not a thing that anybody can do
about it. In truth, there is little
that could be done about it today, if the militant Mestizos occupying the future
When reports of the carnage against non-Hispanic residents of Aztlan reach the rest of America with latino populations, the reprisal killings and violence will precipitate a headlong dash for the new border by all Hispanics not already in Aztlan.
a similar scenario will be playing out in the deep South, where Blacks simply
will up the already-simmering race war to a full boil.
I expect that border to enclose the already-huge Black populations of
see a strong possibility, born of necessity for a gulf coast port, of New
America dipping down through eastern
Buffer zones of varying widths naturally will arise along the de facto borders of Aztlan, New Africa and what will become New America. Those will be the only relatively safe areas for those who find themselves welcome on neither side of the new borders, as with mixed-race families.
There will be outposts, strongholds if you will, of Blacks deep in what becomes White territory. Detroit comes to mind as an example. What comes of them at first is anybody's guess, but, eventually, those people will migrate to New Africa.
a general war has taken place,
Eastern Europe
will erupt into regional wars, what with the removal of American and other
Western influence. It will shake
out eventually, as will
northern reaches of
European nations, which have become as racially mixed as
upon how things progress, Jews could become the focus of a great deal of anger
by people throughout the world, particularly in America, if they are seen as
having been the source of the difficulties, particularly a war that escapes the
Middle East, then engulfs the world.
I do not foresee a breakout of hostilities between the two regions in
lack of a better term, I have dubbed the far eastern portion of what will remain
of America
"New Israel."
The size of New Israel will depend inversely upon the degree of hostility
to Jews and any requirement by New America that Jews be excluded strictly along
racial lines.
do not foresee Americans actually expelling any who have attained American
citizenship, nor do I advocate such expulsion.
However, just as Blacks and Mestizos inevitably will concentrate
themselves in those areas which they currently dominate, so will Jews
concentrate into an area centering on what already has become New Tel Aviv: New
York City.
of the violent White overreaction to the murder of Whites in Aztlan and New
Africa, all Blacks and Mestizos will
end up south of those borders and all Whites who don't head north will be
killed. I do not foresee anything
of that sort occurring with Jews, but they are likely to find themselves
singularly unwelcome in what remains of
region which is left, including portions of
New America becomes pretty much a White European homeland, with its borders
imposed upon it by others, in the main. Only
the presence of Jews may be problematic and, by far, may prove to be the single
most difficult task confronting New America, even in the face of all the chaos,
death and destruction caused by and on behalf of Zionists throughout the world.
This moral dilemma will prove so difficult, in fact, that I believe it
likely to cause a further split of the eastern region, with the smaller portion
going to those who demand ethnic purity by exclusion of all Jews.
are rumors of agents of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) buying up huge swaths of
land in southern Argentina, where monstrous sheep and cattle ranches have been on the market in recent
years at rock-bottom prices. This
makes me think that
While I cannot advocate forcing the outright expulsion of any American citizen save those granted their franchise by virtue of their parents illegally entering America for the purpose of having one or more children born into citizenship, certainly I can support the idea of drawing boundary lines and requiring citizens to choose one side or the other so that different political structures can be erected in different states.
New America. An idea whose time
has come.
Copyright ©2004, Edgar J. Steele
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