This week's missive is in a different format so that I might tell you several things:
First, I'm adding audio files to all new columns, for those who prefer sound and for those who might like it in addition to my written missives. A clickable link will be posted at the top of each article, as well as on my web site's main page. As time allows, I will go back and record some of my best archived columns, as well.
My latest column, "Crusty Old Men," which I have not sent around (and won't, because of this notice) is the first with an audio counterpart (Audio version: mp3, 1.7mb, 14 minutes). It also represents a bit of a departure from the regular themes of my work, in that it is designed to be shared with people who never have thought to read the sort of thing I normally write.
Some of my recent pieces have found favor at mainstream Internet sites. "Optional Reading" and "Golden Escape Pods" both were reproduced or mentioned prominently at three of the largest financial news and precious metals sites on the Internet:, and There may be others of which I am unaware.
These departures in subject matter are quite intentional. I think of them as trails of bread crumbs, designed to lead newcomers back to my lair, where I then have an opportunity to infect them with my particular brand of thinking on politically-incorrect subjects.
I'm still looking for a legal site or magazine that might think enough of "Steele's Twenty Commandments for New Lawyers" or "The Living Bill of Rights" to post either or both of them, but the Twenty Commandments piece, in particular, made its way through a large number of American law firms and was uniformly a hit.
The "Nickel Rants" also seem to be a hit, based upon both the email responses and the volume of accesses recorded by my domain server. Five minutes per rant...seems to be something that people really like, so I'll keep doing them. In response to many, many requests, I've also added links to web pages that contain the text of the rants. As before, I am including both a highly-condensed audio file as well as a much larger file that is intended for those who wish to download and rebroadcast in top fidelity. For these rants, only, I have all but removed copyright protection, save only prohibiting others from reproducing them in salable format, as on CDs. Here are links to the first two rants, also accessible from my web site:
4/12/05 - "Mexican
Standoff" (on the border
570 kb, or
mp3 broadcast
quality, 4.6 mb)
3/28/05 - "Inconvenient
Lives" (on Teri Shiavo,
euthanasia and living wills)
900 kb, or
mp3 broadcast
quality, 4.7 mb)
Also due to repeated requests, I will begin posting links to archived interviews I have done. I've started with two from the past month, for which I had the URLs already at hand. If anybody has others, I would appreciate receiving them so that I can post them, as well. In particular, the link to Peter Shank's show last month seems to have been popular, as I hear he has rerun it 3 or 4 times. Sorry, but I do not have a link to the Court TV interview I gave during their recent rebroadcast of the Christine trial. Here are the two interview links just mentioned, which now are posted on my web site, as well:
4/25/05 - Thorn/Giuliani's "Wing TV"
(Real Player Streaming or Real Player Download - 25 minutes, video, too, so very large files)Finally, something completely different: I have narrated one of my favorite fables of all time, Rockwell's The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens, and posted it. (As you can tell, finally I have figured out some of this audio business.) This is particularly good for children; that is, if you happen to think that Orwell's Animal Farm is good for children. If you've never read or heard it, this is an absolute must!!! Here is the link:
"The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens" (Audio version: mp3, 1.7mb, 15 minutes)
Whew! That's enough for now. As many know, I post things to my web site in advance of sending them around, if I send something around at all, that is. Check in once in a while and get caught up:
I'm looking for a new domain server and, in particular, a new list server. Nothing but trouble with the current ones and it takes me three days of continuous sending to get a message like this one out to the approximately 20,000 people on this list. With all this audio, bandwidth is going to become a big issue, too. I've never asked for contributions before, except for specific case cost funds. I have preferred to fund all this out of my own pocket as a part of my mission to awaken others in America (save the very infrequent and unsolicited contributions that some list members send to cover costs). However, I am not rich and the cost is about to become more substantial. If anybody has a workable suggestion, I'd love to hear it, as those continual pleas for money from everybody else frankly annoy me and I would prefer not to engage in that sort of thing.
New America. An idea whose time
has come.
Copyright ©2005, Edgar J. Steele
Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate
among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet
sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications.
Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
On-Line link to this column in HTML format:
Donations to help with the cost of our efforts may also be mailed to Edgar Steele, PO Box 1255, Sagle, ID 83860. Until the politically incorrect begin to get a fair shake in America, and because of unfairly-applied income tax regulations, I regret that your donation cannot legally be deducted on your tax return. I must also make the following statement, to ensure that I need not declare it as income and pay tax on it and to avoid being charged with misuse of funds, for which some patriot leaders falsely have been charged and imprisoned: your donation is a gift to me, personally.
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Complete archive of past articles, essays and speeches, including sound files, maintained at: