Do the Math
by Edgar J. Steele
June 11, 2005
"Knowledge comes, but wisdom
--- Alfred Lord Tennyson, English poet (1809 - 1892)
"Conditions are never just right.
People who delay action until all factors are favourable do nothing."
--- William Feather, author (1889 - 1981)
"Few have
the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small
portion of events, and in the total of those acts will be written the history
of this generation."
--- Robert F. Kennedy, US Senator and Attorney General (1925 - 1968)
mp3 audio file of this column: (1.8 mb, 15 min) (streaming version)
If you are listening to this, then you may be able to tell from my voice that I have been sick for the past four weeks. My whole family, too. That is why you haven't heard from me recently or seen much action on my web site. Whatever we have simply morphs from one set of symptoms to another, week after week. There have been rumors of a "10-week flu" going around here in North Idaho, but those of us with a more conspiratorial bent of mind, like you and I, might well wonder about a disease that we never have heard of before.
The first two weeks, I spent most of the time sleeping. I saw my doctor twice and dutifully took all the pills he prescribed, normally a last resort for me. Now I get by with just 8 hours sleep, so long as I can supplement that with a one-hour nap in the afternoon. Even so, I can't work outside more than an hour without becoming exhausted. Maybe I'm just getting old. In fact, I am getting old! But, I didn't expect it to happen all at once.
I haven't read of this 10-week flu in any of the media, not even the paranoid internet press.
Now, despite this "flu's" (coincidental?) conjunction with a couple of admittedly virulent anti-Semitic articles I wrote, I might be less suspicious if, just days before I was struck down, my computer server had not crashed so badly that I had to replace both of the main system hard drives and the motherboard. Used to be, we said that software couldn't break hardware. My bit-twiddler friends tell me that is not so true anymore.
Furthermore, my crashed server had an IP address (Internet Protocol - every computer has one that is unique) that I never had sent outside my home network - I use other computers to send out email and irregular missives to this list and even with which to do my net surfing. The server just sat there behind its firewall, running its antivirus and antispyware programs, providing hard disk space and printers to my network. Somebody bored through my firewalls and planted a boot-sector virus on my server that neither Symantec nor McAfee ever had seen. Coincidence?
Fortunately, virtually everything was backed up, though I did lose a lot of current email (my in basket always seems to have about a thousand unread emails, as those who get replies from me several weeks after writing often figure out).
In a private email to a handful of trusted friends the day after my server crashed, after I finally figured out what had happened, I remarked that, thankfully, they hadn't done the same thing to my main work computer. One day later, they targeted that machine with the same virus. Five other computers on my network were unaffected. Coincidence?
Now I have replaced all the affected hard drives and reloaded the fundamentals on both machines. I have put additional security measures in place. I have recovered from this flu sufficiently to be truly angry, too.
And I have a couple of Rants in me just snorting to be let out. Stay posted...
All this came on the heels of my writing and releasing two of the most truly anti-Semitic pieces I ever have authored: What Color are Jews? (mp3 audio: 3.1 mb, 27 minutes) and Plague (mp3 audio: 2.0 mb, 18 minutes). Gee, you don't suppose there is a connection, do you? It's not for nothing that I call my web site Conspiracy Pen Pal, you know. Honestly, now, do you believe in coincidence?
Though representative of some of my best work, neither of those two pieces ever saw the light of day on many Internet web sites that routinely have published my work in the past, presumably because they both were so forthrightly critical of Jews during this time of increasing official hostility toward those who speak as do I. Funny, you would think that, since I am a practicing attorney, they would take at face value the fact that my writings always stay well on this side of the line currently being prosecuted. I say "currently" because they keep moving that line, you see.
I did see one or the other of those recent heavy-duty essays posted at The Old Right, White Survival Forum, White Alert and White Revolution, but those are among the more hard-core sites you will find. And, a couple of brave souls actually posted one or both in the forums maintained by both Stormfront and VNN. And I simply cannot fail to mention (and thank) both The CDL Report (Christian Defense League, POB 449, Arabi, LA 70032) and VNN's own The Aryan Alternative for being steadfast in presenting my work to their hard-copy readers. To those who posted either (or, in fact, any of my work...ever), I apologize for not mentioning you - I simply haven't gotten around much recently.
Of course, it has been years since my work has been allowed on the likes of Free Republic or Etherzone, so swamped by Jewish moderators have they become. In fact, the owners of both Free Republic and Etherzone explicitly threatened me if I ever tried to show my face at either forum again.
But the Jews certainly heard of both pieces. And I heard back from them in spades. Until my computers were taken out of action, that is. In fact, I wrote Plague directly in response to the Jewish backlash over What Color are Jews? I say it time and again, but they just don't get it: They cause me to write the things that I do. It is why I coined the phrase: AntiSemitism is a disease, you catch it from Jews.
Do you believe in coincidence? I used to, but time has cured me of it. Liberals believe in coincidence. So do the young. True conservatives don't (hint: we are neither Republican nor NeoConservative - now we more closely resemble Classical Liberals).
True conservatives, sometimes called PaleoConservatives, have learned the hard way - through bitter experience. Sure, once in a while I will be wrong when I jump to a conclusion that concurring events immediately suggest. But I have learned that I am wrong perhaps 5 times out of a hundred. Whereas, when I did believe in coincidence, I was wrong 95 times out of a hundred. Do the math. Of course, this is the math of the old, not the new math, which itself is yet another defective product of modern liberalism.
As we age and our own mortality heaves into view, we begin to look for shortcuts, knowing that time is growing short. Experience teaches us that coincidence almost always is not what it appears to be. For example, it is no coincidence that Blacks commit 50 times the violent crime that Whites do, on a per-capita basis. It's genetic. No, the races are not the same beneath the skin. On the contrary. Now, when a Black is accused of a crime, I assume he did it - I practically never am wrong, it turns out. And, when a White is accused of a crime, I assume he didn't do it. Similarly, I hardly ever am wrong, even if the White gets convicted! Think Matt Hale, for example.
Do I need to call in the high-priced Internet detectives, as I occasionally have done, to learn that malicious mischief directed at me directly after sending round a piece that particularly offends Jews always originates among The Chosen (like you, Mr. Zimmerman, there on the lower East Side in Manhattan)? No. I no longer believe in coincidence. Now I know how to do the math.
Nor do I any longer believe there merely is coincidence at work between the monolithic Jewish ownership of the media, including TV, movies, magazines and newspapers, and the lockstep depravity and deception that now issues forth from every orifice of every single organ of that same media. Do the math.
Yes, occasionally I am wrong. But, not often. And it has simplified things for me so much. Life truly has become more comprehensible since I began to follow the money and refuse to believe something rather obvious is not true merely because it could be coincidental. In some circles, this sort of thinking is called profiling. In others it is known as stereotyping. Unfortunately, it also has come to be unthinkingly branded as racism and anti-Semitism. Whatever you might call it, though, it works!
Don't let inertia continue to blind you. Yes, awakening involves some restructuring, both inside and outside your brain. Yes, that might involve some pain, but nothing like what is coming for all of us if we don't wake up, look around and decide to take action. Taking action means different things for different people. For some, merely forwarding this and similar emails to others constitutes radical action and significant risk. Others will require more of themselves. Your mileage may vary. Do the math.
A handful of you sent unsolicited contributions recently, when I mentioned the spiraling cost of these mutterings, which increasingly assume primary importance among all the things that I do. I have sent individual thank you notes, but I want to thank you publicly, too. You have no idea just how helpful you are to my work...our work. You are making a difference and will honor me if you consider yourselves my silent coauthors. Wish I could think of some way to seek donations without seeming...needy, I guess.
Many have made some excellent suggestions, too, as to how I might raise funds, now that the cost of this enterprise is going up (audio equipment, Internet bandwidth, list servers, computer equipment, software, etc.) at the same time that my income from other sources essentially has plunged to nothing. More books, including essay anthologies, and some CDs now are bubbling up in my fevered brain. My current book is for sale below, to those who have not yet read it - those who have read it have been almost embarrassingly gushing in their support for it, by the way, which I love, of course.
I steadfastly am opposed to closing my list to a select few or charging a subscription fee, however. This is important work, the awakening of our fellow countrymen, and I want my web site open to all who are willing to consider the points of view offered therein. Ultimately, that is what it is all about you know. Heaven knows it isn't for the glory or the money, since I reap exactly the opposite of both for doing this work. But, it is important work. It is work that must be done. Join me, won't you, in whatever way you deem most appropriate? Make a difference. Do the math.
New America. An idea whose time
has come.
Copyright ©2005, Edgar J. Steele
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