Mossad's Subliminal Mind
Control "kee betachbulot ta'ase lecha milchama" Copyright Joe Vialls, 22 August 2001 & 23 December 2002 |
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As an unprecedented and illegal massed attack on Iraq approaches,
thousands of web sites and pages are being hacked and removed from the
Internet, especially those carrying scientific data which might in later
years assist members of the public to parade various western politicians,
bureaucrats and “media personalities’ in front of war crimes tribunals.
This Internet “pruning” is deemed essential in the run-up to the new
American carnage in Iraq, itself aimed solely at capturing oil-rich Muslim
sovereign nations in the Middle East, for their new Zionist “owners” .in
downtown New York and Tel
Aviv. This report was first posted on the Internet in late 2001 to explain the most foul Mossad subliminal exercise in modern history, which induced millions of viewers world wide to believe that nearly half a million American, British and Australian servicemen fought the Gulf War for Israel. Then two weeks ago it fell victim to the Internet “Purge”, being suddenly “removed” from the web along with 120 other detailed reports on atrocities by Israel in general, and by the Mossad in particular. Here it is again in all its essentials, edited only slightly to take into account the forth- coming needless sacrifice of American, British and Australian lives. Back in 1990-1991, tens of millions of television viewers were confronted by thousands of images of American battle tanks thundering across the open desert in hot pursuit of the “Evil Tyrant” Saddam Hussein. They were enormously influential images, showing the most powerful army on earth striking repeated massive blows at the heart of Islam. The hearts of retired military viewers fluttered with pride, and psychiatrists everywhere dribbled down their shirtfronts at the phallic implications of those long 120-mm gun barrels poking out of the turrets. Regardless of who the viewers actually were, their collective conscious minds all saw the same thing: massed firepower proving forever that America was the only remaining super power on earth, America was the world’s policeman, and anyone failing to carry out American orders with alacrity would be utterly destroyed. Unfortunately it was all a lie, and what the conscious mind perceived was not at all what the subconscious mind believed. Tricked by advanced subliminal techniques on television, millions of subconscious minds were un-wittingly coerced into believing that Israel was the only remaining super power on earth, Israel was the world’s policeman, and anyone failing to carry out Israel’s orders with alacrity would be utterly destroyed. Before explaining exactly how this was done, it is first necessary to go backwards in time, to explain how subliminal suggestion was first used to manipulate and change human thought and behavior. Most readers have heard of basic subliminal suggestion, where an image is flashed on a movie or television screen so quickly that only the subconscious mind has time to see it. The technique was rife in the sixties, effectively culminating in an experimental version of the movie “Picnic” which was interlaced with subliminal messages at 1/3000th second every five seconds, alternately suggesting “Drink Coco Cola”, and “Hungry? Eat Popcorn” Due to the embedded subliminal messages, Coke sales at the experimental movie house in Fort Lee, New Jersey, rose by a staggering 57.7 percent and popcorn sales rose by 18.1 percent. The frightening effectiveness of subliminal suggestion was thus proved scientifically, and American lawmakers promptly outlawed the techniques. After all, such techniques might be used by “The Commies” and had to be stopped to protect national security! Legally thwarted in their ambition of directing human thought by use of subliminal input that could be detected by government inspectors, shrinks and psychologists alike searched the darkest recesses of their minds to find a way around the law. This turned out to be easier than they initially thought, using a new technique known as “in-screen subliminal”. Basically what this means is that an object is placed in full view of the movie or television audience, but at the edge of their peripheral vision where the conscious mind is not focused. A good example of this might be a Formula One race with cars rocketing around the track at 200 m.p.h. The conscious mind peers intently at the cars as they slam on the brakes for a tricky corner, and completely misses an advertising logo near the same corner reading “Alaska Cool Beer is the Best”. The subconscious mind misses nothing however, and the chances are that at some time in the future if confronted by this and other competitive products in a bar, you’ll order a can of “Alaska Cool” without really knowing why. If you doubt this works, call any reputable advertising agency and ask for trackside ad space on the Formula One circuit. Chances are there will be a long waiting list. This sort of mind control works well enough in the English speaking world, but what if you want to manipulate thought and belief mechanisms across a broad spectrum of different languages and cultures? The answer is symbolism. Symbols have no national or language barriers, and can be used to distort the perception of millions. To understand how this is done, look at the two pictures below, known lovingly in shrink circles as “widgets”. |
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Widget number one is an “impossible object” because it makes no sense.
Initially you’ll probably swear blind it’s a three-pronged tuning fork,
but hey, where did the middle prong go? Your brain hunts for alternative
solutions to the problem but there really aren’t any. Remember here that
you can stare at this widget for hours if you want to, but imagine the
problems if it was only flashed at you for 1,3000th second, or in separate
segments. Unrestrained by conscious brakes, your subconscious mind would
probably go nuts trying to sort it
out. Widget number two is directly relevant to the incredible subliminal Gulf War illusion, as you will see later in this report. It is a line drawing of a cube, but as you stare intently at it for an extended period, its orientation suddenly changes for no apparent reason. Sometimes it will appear to project upwards, and other times it will project downwards. The reason for this is that your brain is trying to isolate a “firm” image to store in memory, but cannot do so because there are too many variables. This widget is also useful for debunking cynics who might claim that I’m talking rubbish about deliberate Gulf War subliminal input. I’m doing what? You have all just been “had” by a single stationary widget in clear view on a single web page. Imagine what the experts can do when given unfettered access to military equipment and media networks. The giant Gulf War illusion was started by first removing all distracting national or other markings from every battle tank in the region. Where in earlier years All-American tanks displayed a very prominent five-pointed star and British tanks a prominent Union Jack, all were completely removed from equipment marked for participation in Operation Desert Storm. So from the outset, certain planners were able to start with a “blank sheet of paper”. Suddenly each and every tank sported a large single “V” emblem, though not always in the same orientation. The “V” shown on the American Abrams M1 battle tank below right points up, but others pointed down, forwards, or backwards, on different days for no apparent reason. |
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To most television viewers the change went unnoticed because a battle tank
is simply a battle tank, but a handful of more analytical and curious
viewers were suspicious. Some voiced concern that the new markings were
symbolic of the New World Order, while others hesitantly put forth
theories about general occult or satanic connections. The latter group was
much exercised by the apparently randomly changing orientation of the “V”,
which in reality is an equilateral triangle with the base
missing. Was the continually changing orientation a message of some sort, perhaps from one secret cabal to another? Not really, though the “V” in this configuration does have a bit of history. Initially used as “V for Victory” in English, the symbol also fitted the Flemish vrijheing and French victoire. The BBC mounted a highly successful propaganda campaign employing the Morse code symbol for V (dot-dot-dot-dash) and the opening bars of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony (Weishaupt`s Law of Fives, due to Beethoven’s connections with the Illuminati). Then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill started using the symbol directly against Hitler, and from that day forward "V" became indelibly associated at the conscious and subconscious levels with the primarily Jewish-sponsored anti-Nazi movement. Now compare the incomplete equilateral triangle of the Gulf War “V” with the Hebrew Mogen David (Shield of David), composed of two overlaid equilateral triangles that form a six-pointed star, or hexagram, the Jewish national symbol. It appears on synagogues, Jewish tombstones, and the flag of the State of Israel. The symbol originated in antiquity, when it was pressed into service by Kabbalists as protection against evil spirits. The reality is the symbol has been around so long, everyone in the world with a television or newspaper automatically links it consciously and subconsciously with the Jews and Israel. Most readers will by now have guessed the nature of the massed subliminal deception during the Gulf War, which relied on subconsciously transposing the multiple equilateral “V” icons in different orientations on thousands of battle tanks, into the six-pointed dual equilateral triangles comprising the Jewish national symbol. Surprisingly, this was not hard to achieve. Unlike the two widgets discussed earlier, which cannot be resolved subconsciously because there are no existing combinations of correct images in memory, no such problem exists when linking or transposing an open ended equilateral triangle to the overlaid double equilateral triangle forming the Star of David. When you consider that a single human brain has at least the same problem-solving power as all the PCs in Australia, with only about 5% available at the conscious level, you get a better feel for the raw computing power of the subconscious. Every child at lower school knows what an equilateral triangle looks like, thereby having the instant mental ability to add a third side to the “V” to match the image stored in memory. First problem solved. Next, orientation and overlay. Because television viewers were artfully exposed to thousands of presentations of the “V” in all orientations, the resulting cinematic effect ensured the brain would transpose and combine the images. Initially the subconscious transposes the open triangles in four different orientations into closed equilateral triangles, then transposes the closed equilateral triangles into the Star of David already stored in memory. No widget problems here, because all required data are permanently stored in the brain. This is illustrated in the self-repeating film clip below. |
So there you have it. One of the biggest stories of the Gulf War that was
never told, probably because the only mainstream media outlets capable of
telling you are 99.7% Jewish owned or controlled. Tracing the massive Gulf
War subliminal operation back to its source is not easy, and serving
military contacts have been unable to find an accurate date (or even an
existing written order) for the obliteration of national insignia and
replacement by “V” markings where battle tanks and other armored vehicles
concerned. Prime suspect at present for inventing this particular subliminal exercise is Lohamah Psichlgit, a sub-division of the Mossad [ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim], responsible for psychological warfare, propaganda and deception operations. In turn Lohama Psichlogic works alongside and sometimes in concert with Metsada, another sub-division of the Mossad responsible for conducting highly sensitive assassination, sabotage, paramilitary and psychological warfare projects. The ongoing almost hyperactive use of the Omni directional “V” on American-supplied Israeli tanks as they destroy Arab homes for the television cameras supports this origin, though actual responsibility will probably never be revealed officially. It very rarely is. Whether readers agree with the objectives of the Gulf War or not, the biggest losers apart from the Iraqis seem to be members of the American and British military. First they were sent to the Gulf and forcibly injected with potentially lethal and untested vaccinations, then sent into battle to destroy the State of Israel’s greatest enemy – Iraq. Even the most inexperienced private in the Infantry was capable of working out that Iraq was no threat to America at all. Unknown to American and British servicemen at the time, they were also engaged in one of the biggest subliminal exercises in history, with their national and regimental insignia obscured in order to create the illusion that the Jews were the all-conquering army in the middle east, and thus to be feared and obeyed. When the shooting war was over, American and British servicemen were sent home to suffer the terrible pharmaceutical ravages of “Gulf War Syndrome”, with more than 10,000 dying between 1991 and 2001, and countless others incapacitated for life. This is invariably what happens to the military when American senators and congressmen prostitute themselves for the all-powerful Israeli lobby: Some merely for hard cash and others in the misplaced belief that Israel is America’s “ally”. Israel is not America’s ally, a fact shown graphically back in 1967 by savage repeated attacks on the unarmed USS Liberty in international waters. Even after the crew abandoned ship, Israeli warships closed on the Liberty and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House. The White House and Congress immediately accepted Israel's explanation and let the matter drop. Israel later paid token reparation of US $6 million, but surviving Liberty crewmembers would not be silenced. They kept demanding an open inquiry and tried to tell their accurate story of premeditated attack. Israel's government worked behind the scenes to thwart these efforts, going so far as having American pro-Israel groups accuse Liberty's survivors of being “anti-Semites” and “Israel-haters.” Though it is impossible to prevent corrupt politicians in Washington and London from sacrificing American, British and Australian servicemen for Israel, senior officers at the Pentagon and British Ministry of Defence, have the independent ability to remove the obscene subliminal illusion that western armored forces act solely on behalf of the Jews. The military high commands failed to remove the insignia during the Gulf War, but now in 2002-2003, American, British and Australian troops face a terrifying war whose sole purpose is to clear southern Iraq of all human life, leaving the way open for the Jewish State to move in behind unharmed, and occupy the southern Iraqi oilfields under its long-planned “Operation Shekhinah”. Get rid of the obscene subliminal Jewish “V” forever, and replace it with national insignia, suitably camouflaged of course. Add discreet regimental markings, and fly an identification pennant from the radio aerial on every vehicle. If American, British and Australian servicemen must die because their own politicians are too weak and corrupt to stand up to a few thousand Jews, then at least let them die under their own colors. |
Verbatim Quote from the
Talmud, Judaism’s Most Holy and Murderous Book: "Every Jew, who spills the blood of the Goyim (any and all non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God." Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772 |
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