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[PDF]A Game as Old as Empire, Economic Hitmen & the Web of Global Corruption - Steven Hiatt 2007.pdf1.9M
[PDF]A Study of Assassination by the CIA 1997.pdf460K
[PDF]AT&T’s Implementation of NSA Spying on American Citizens 2005.pdf1.6M
[   ]A Time to Betray, A CIA Agent Inside Iran - Reza Kahili.epub1.9M
[   ]A Time to Betray, A CIA Agent Inside Iran - Reza Kahili.mobi680K
[   ]A Time to Betray, Double Life of a CIA Agent inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran - Reza Kahlili 2010.epub1.9M
[PDF]Air America; The Story of the CIA's Secret Airlines - Robbins, Christopher 2010.pdf 44M
[PDF]American Cryptology During the Cold War - T. Johnson 1995.pdf9.5M
[DOC]A secret pact between the Dept. of Justice and the CIA.doc127K
[PDF]Assassination Weapons of the Soviet Secret Service 1964.pdf2.9M
[   ]At the Center of the Storm, My Years at the CIA - George Tenet & Bill Harlow.epub836K
[   ]At the Center of the Storm, My Years at the CIA - George Tenet & Bill Harlow.mobi1.0M
[DOC]Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent - Deanna Spingola, 14 Mar. 2010.docx 57K
[PDF]Big Brother NSA and Its Little Brothers, The National Security Agency's Global Surveillance Network - Terry L. Cook .pdf 14M
[PDF]Body of Secrets; Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, NSA - James Bamford 2002.pdf3.6M
[PDF]Brain-Washing, A Synthesis of the Russian Text Book on Psychopolitics - Charles Stickley 1959.pdf3.0M
[DOC]Brain Washing - Lavrent Pavlovich Beria, before 1936.doc165K
[PDF]Brainwashing - Kathleen Taylor 2004.pdf4.9M
[DOC]Brainwashing - Lorenzo Saint Dubois.doc121K
[PDF]Brainwashing - Thomas Dorman.pdf184K
[PDF]Brainwashing Manual; Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics - L Ron Hubbard 1955.pdf134K
[DOC]Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today - Dick Sutphen.doc 47K
[PDF]Business Confidential, Lessons for Corporate Success from Inside the CIA - Peter Earnest 2011.pdf953K
[DOC]CIA’s role in the attack upon America! - William Cooper.doc365K
[PDF]CIA & The World Trade Centre.pdf161K
[PDF]CIA's Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warefare.pdf191K
[PDF]CIA, Cocaine in America a Veteran of the CIA Drug War Tells All - Kenneth C. Bucchi 1994.pdf1.1M
[PDF]CIA, Origin and Evolution - Michael Warner, CIA History Staff 2001.pdf227K
[DOC]CIA - Book of Dirty Tricks 1.doc742K
[   ]CIA - Book of Dirty Tricks 1.lit177K
[PDF]CIA - Book of Dirty Tricks 1.pdf355K
[PDF]CIA - Grenada Comic.pdf1.8M
[PDF]CIA - Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual - 1983.pdf2.3M
[PDF]CIA Assessment of Parapsychology - Kenneth A. Kress 1999.pdf517K
[PDF]CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates - John L. Helgerson.pdf269K
[VID]CIA Drug Trafficking Allegations Hearing -1998- w Maxine Waters Gary Webb.mp4406M
[   ]CIA Explosives For Sabotage Manual 1987.epub3.1M
[PDF]CIA Field-Expedient Key Casting Manual; United States; Central Intelligence Agency1988.pdf515K
[PDF]CIA How To Think Clearly On Drugs 1999.pdf 12K
[DOC]CIA INTELLIGENCE NETWORKS, Full Disclosure 1986.doc 39K
[PDF]CIA Lock Picking; Field Operative Training Manual -2012.pdf1.9M
[PDF]CIA Manual Trickery and Deception - H. Keith Melton 2009.pdf1.8M
[PDF]CIA Psych Ops In Guerrilla Warefare.pdf191K
[PDF]CIA Remote Viewing Manual 1986.pdf284K
[DOC]CIA Secret Weapons - Andrew Stark.doc 17K
[PDF]CIA Secret Weapons - Andrew Stark.pdf 18K
[   ]CIA Spymaster; George Kisevalter, The Agency's - Kisevalter, George G.; Ashley, Clarence 2011.epub2.4M
[PDF]CIA Study, Hypnosis in Interrogation of 1960 - Edward F. Deshere.pdf128K
[VID]CIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything! Extreme Prejudice.mp4304M
[PDF]COMM 12 Briefing - Mind Control Operations.pdf5.0M
[PDF]Central Intelligence, Origin and Evolution - Michael Warner CIA History Staff 2001.pdf227K
[PDF]Citizen Spy, Television, Espionage & the Cold War Culture - Michael Kackman 2005.pdf3.3M
[PDF]Confessions of an (ex) NSA spy; why America and its allies --Barry Webb 2016.pdf 29M
[VID]Contagion; the Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law 2010.mp46.7M
[PDF]Covert operations of the NSA - John St Clair Akwei 2004.pdf299K
[PDF]Creating Our New Reality, Mind Control - David R. Siminton.pdf103K
[PDF]Crystalizing Public Opinion - Edward L. Bernays 1923.pdf8.8M
[DOC]DEEP BLACK, CIA Drug Wars - David Guyatt.doc109K
[PDF]Dark Alliance, The CIA the Contras and the Crack Cocaine Explosion - Gary Webb 1998.pdf2.8M
[PDF]Department of Defense - Law of War Manual June SEE Section 11.3 Page 750 2015.pdf 13M
[PDF]Dirty Work;The CIA in Western Europe - Philip Agee 1987.pdf 12M
[PDF]Drug Smuggling Army and CIA Involvement in the USA.pdf4.4M
[SND]ELF Mind Control - 1 of 3 - Dr. Robert Beck.mp35.3M
[SND]ELF Mind Control - 2 of 3 - Dr. Robert Beck.mp35.3M
[SND]ELF Mind Control - 3 of 3 - Dr. Robert Beck.mp33.6M
[SND]ELF Problem - Parts 1 - 4 - Andrija Puharich, M.D..mp3 13M
[SND]ELF Waves - 1 of 2 - Open Forum.mp33.6M
[SND]ELF Waves - 2 of 2 - Open Forum.mp3148K
[DOC]EX CIA OFFICIAL Victor Marchetti SPEAKS OUT - Greg Kaza.doc127K
[PDF]Echelon, NSA - Project Freedom.pdf137K
[PDF]Echelon interception system - European Parliament - Gerhard Schmid 2004.pdf867K
[PDF]Electronic Mind Control - Jason Jeffrey.pdf289K
[PDF]Encyclopedia of Mind Control - Jim Keith.pdf3.6M
[   ]Enemies; A History of the FBI - Tim Weiner 2012.mobi2.1M
[PDF]Experiments into Mindcontrol Technology - Jim Keith.pdf 46K
[VID]Former CIA officer and now whistleblower Kevin Shipp exposes the global web of corruption July 2020.mp4207M
[PDF]Frequency Weapons Are Real - Project Freedom.PDF395K
[VID]Gary Webb In His Own Words -2002- CIA Cocaine Dark Alliance Aug 2018.mp4 21M
[   ]Ghost Wars, Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan & Bin Laden - Steve Coll.epub769K
[   ]Ghost Wars, Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan & Bin Laden - Steve Coll.mobi1.2M
[VID]Governor Ventura confronted by the CIA.mp47.8M
[PDF]Gunderson Report Corruption Satanic Drug Cult Network and Missing Children, Vol 1-4.pdf 22M
[PDF]Hearing Voices; CIA and Pentagon Electromagnetic Mind Control Experiments - A1ex Constantine.pdf2.1M
[SND]Hour of the Time 374 June 13 1994 Mind Control #1.mp33.9M
[SND]Hour of the Time 375 June 14 1994 Mind Control #2.mp34.1M
[SND]Hour of the Time 376 June 15 1994 Mind Control #3.mp34.0M
[SND]Hour of the Time 377 June 16 1994 Mind Control #4.mp33.9M
[SND]Hour of the Time 379 June 20 1994 Mind Control #5.mp33.9M
[SND]Hour of the Time 380 June 21 1994 Mind Control #6.mp33.9M
[VID]How Gov. C.I.A. Organized Crime Sells Drugs to Your Children to Pay for Wall Street & 911 - PSU - Mike Ruppert.mp4369M
[VID]How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.mp4339M
[PDF]How the FBIs Criminal Espionage Investigation of the CFR Was Foiled - Sept. 1994.pdf6.4M
[DOC]INSIDE THE SHADOW CIA and Who is Wackenhut - John Connolly 1992.doc 79K
[PDF]Illuminati Mind Controled Slaves - Cisco Wheeler & Fritz Springmeier.pdf2.7M
[   ]In Deep, The FBI, CIA and the Truth About America's Deep State - David Rohde 2020.epub6.9M
[PDF]Inside the covert operations of the CIA & Israel's Mossad - Joel Bainerman 1994.pdf811K
[PDF]Jonestown Massacre, CIA Mind Control Run Amok - Jonathan Vankin 1995.pdf107K
[PDF]Killing Hope U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War 2 - William Blum 2003.pdf2.9M
[   ]Legacy of Ashes, The History of the CIA - Tim Weiner.epub1.0M
[   ]Legacy of Ashes, The History of the CIA - Tim Weiner.mobi3.0M
[PDF]Legacy of Ashes; The History of the CIA - Tim Weiner 2007.pdf 10M
[   ]Legacy of Ashes; The History of the CIA - Weiner, Tim 2008.mobi3.0M
[VID]MK-Ultra Mind Control - Jay Myers.mp4147M
[DOC]MKULTRA, CIA Mind Control - Jon Elliston.doc 55K
[PDF]MKULTRA - The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification - 1977.pdf471K
[PDF]MKULTRA CIA Mind Control Research and Documentation.pdf8.0M
[PDF]MKULTRA Materials and Methods 1955.pdf237K
[PDF]Microchip Iimplants, Mind Control & Cybernetics - Rauni Kilde.pdf 91K
[PDF]Microchip Mind Control, Implants & Cybernetics - Jose Delgato 1974.pdf100K
[PDF]Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control - Julianne McKenney.pdf242K
[PDF]Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation - Julianne Mckinney 1992.pdf159K
[PDF]Mind Control, Blueprint for a Prison Planet - Nick Sandberg 2001.pdf253K
[PDF]Mind Control, Remote Behavioral Influence Technology - John J. McMurtrey 2003.pdf223K
[PDF]Mind Control, Spin Programming - John D. Lovern.pdf174K
[PDF]Mind Control, The False Memory Hoax - Alex Constantine 1996.pdf222K
[PDF]Mind Control, The Network of Stolen Consciousness - Beth Goobie.pdf173K
[PDF]Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control - Jim Keith 1998.pdf4.1M
[PDF]Mind Control, and the Secret State - Daniel Brandt.pdf139K
[PDF]Mind Control - Awareness - WAKE UP AMERICA!!! - (see Alex Jones & David Icke).PDF395K
[DOC]Mind Control - Don Winslow 2002.doc 53K
[PDF]Mind Control - Harry V. Martin & David Caul 1995.pdf305K
[PDF]Mind Control - Peter Schrag 1978.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Mind Control America; Navy Disclosure Parts 1 and 2 - 2013.pdf108K
[PDF]Mind Control Experiments on Children - Jon Rappoport.pdf 86K
[PDF]Mind Control Forums - www.mindcontrolforums.com.pdf170K
[PDF]Mind Control In The United States - Steven Jacobson, Intro. by Anthony C. Sutton 1985.pdf601K
[DOC]Mind Control Points That are accessed Remotely Jan 2019.docx3.6M
[PDF]Mind Control Slavery & the New World Order - Uri Dowbenko 1998.pdf139K
[PDF]Mind Controlled Celebrities - David Icke.pdf 19K
[TXT]Mind Controlled Celebrities - David Icke.txt 12K
[PDF]Mind Wars, Brain Research and National Defense - Jonathan D. Moreno 2006.pdf1.6M
[   ]Murder in the CIA - Margaret Truman 2014.epub311K
[   ]Murder in the Vatican; The CIA and the Bolshevik Pontiff - Gregoire, Lucien 2010.epub1.7M
[PDF]NSA Employee Manual.pdf 98K
[   ]NSA Secrets; Government Spying in the Internet Age - The Washington Post 2013.epub1.2M
[DOC]NSA employee's security manual.doc167K
[PDF]Office of Strategic Services 1942–45, The World War II -- Eugene Liptak; Richard Hook 2009.pdf 25M
[PDF]Operation Mind Control - Researcher's Edition - Walter H. Bowart 1978.pdf116M
[PDF]Operation Mind Control - Walter H. Bowart 1978.pdf2.9M
[PDF]Operation Mind Control and The CIA - Walter Bowart 1978.pdf3.0M
[PDF]Opium Lords, Israel, The Golden Triangle, and The Kennedy Assassination - Salvador Astucia 2003 or after.pdf2.4M
[PDF]PSI SPIES, America's Psychic Warfare Program - Jim Marrs.pdf2.0M
[SND]Pete Santilli Episode 813 - CIA Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan Tech Can Control Your Mind Remotely.mp3 83M
[PDF]Poisons, Poisoning and the Drug Trade in Ancient Rome - L. Cilliers.pdf155K
[DOC]Programming Using Colors - 1997.doc 38K
[PDF]Project MKULTRA - Joint Hearings Aug 3, 1977.pdf471K
[PDF]Project MKULTRA CIA Program of Research into Behavioral Modification.pdf5.9M
[PDF]Project Megiddo, FBI strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism.pdf110K
[PDF]Project Superman, Mind Control And The Montauk Projects - Andy Pero story, aka Mr. X 2000.pdf283K
[PDF]Psychological Operations - The Ethical Dimension - Aquino Michael 1987.pdf 82K
[PDF]Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warefare.pdf191K
[PDF]Psychology of Intelligence Analysis - Central Intelligence Agency - Richards J. Heuer 1999 A.O.pdf2.0M
[PDF]Recording Everything Digital; Storage as an Enabler of Authoritarian Governments - Brookings - John Villasenor Dec 2011.pdf498K
[PDF]Ritual Abuse & Mind Control - Kathleen Sullivan.pdf280K
[VID]Ritual Abuse, MKUltra & Gangstalking.mp4209M
[   ]Search For The Manchurian Candidate; The CIA & Mind Control - John Marks 1979.rtf1.5M
[PDF]Senate Hearing on MKULTRA, 2nd, 1977.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Senate Hearing on MKULTRA, 1977.pdf471K
[PDF]Sex, Drugs, the CIA, MIND CONTROL and Your Children - A.B.H. Alexander.pdf151K
[PDF]Social Engineering, The Art of Human Hacking - C. Hadnagy 2011.pdf6.1M
[DOC]Some Books on the CIA and Drug Smuggling.DOC 63K
[   ]Spy Secrets That Can Save Your - Jason Hanson 2015.epub424K
[   ]Spy Secrets That Can Save Your - Jason Hanson 2015.mobi518K
[PDF]Spy Wars, Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games - Tennent H. Bagley 2007.pdf925K
[   ]Spycraft, Inside The CIA's Top Secret Spy Lab - Robert Wallace.epub1.9M
[   ]Spycraft, Inside The CIA's Top Secret Spy Lab - Robert Wallace.mobi2.3M
[   ]Spycraft; the Secret History of the CIA’s Spytechs from Communism to Al-Qaeda - Robert Wallace 2008.mobi3.1M
[VID]State Of Mind The Psychology Of Control - Alex Jones Movie 2013.mp4623M
[DOC]THE BATTLE FOR YOUR MIND How to program people - Dick Sutphen.doc132K
[PDF]The 2007 CIA World Factbook - 2011.pdf 12M
[PDF]The Agency; A History of the CIA 8000 - Hugh Wilford 2019.pdf 17M
[PDF]The Alien Jigsaw - Project Open Mind - Gov Mind Control Experiments - K. Wilson 1996.pdf335K
[PDF]The Art of Deception, Controlling the Human Element of Security - Kevin Mitnick 2003.pdf5.2M
[PDF]The Beautiful Side of Evil; Mind Control - Johanna Michaelson 1982.pdf1.2M
[PDF]The Big Breach, From Top Secret to Maximum Security - Richard Tomlinson 2001.pdf1.2M
[PDF]The Bigger Picture, CIA - Bill Tyree..pdf9.6M
[PDF]The Black Box And Other Psychic Generators - W.E. Davis 1987.pdf 26M
[PDF]The Brainwashing Manual - L Ron Hubbard 1955.pdf137K
[DOC]The CIA, How To Think Clearly On Drugs 1999.doc 14K
[PDF]The CIA, Mind Control & Children - Jon Rappoport.pdf167K
[PDF]The CIA, the British Left and the Cold War - Hugh Wilford 2003.pdf 11M
[DOC]The CIA - History.doc168K
[DOC]The CIA 500 Front Companies and Organizations.doc 95K
[PDF]The CIA File - Robert L. Borosage and John Marks 1976.pdf 13M
[   ]The CIA UFO Papers; 50 Years of Government Secrets - Dan Wright; Jan Harzan 2019.epub1.0M
[PDF]The CIA World Factbook - 1982.pdf 21M
[PDF]The CIA World Factbook - 1991.pdf784K
[TXT]The CIA World Factbook - 2008.txt9.6M
[PDF]The CIA World Factbook - 2015.pdf 32M
[   ]The CIA and the Cult of Intelligernce - Marchetti, Victor; Marks, John 1975.epub517K
[PDF]The CIA and the Cult of Intelligernce - Marchetti, Victor; Marks, John 1975.pdf2.8M
[DOC]The CIA and the West Nile Virus - Leonard G. Horowitz.doc 69K
[DOC]The CIA infiltrating the Left - Peter Myers 2003.doc154K
[PDF]The CIA on Campus; Essays on Academic Freedom and the - Philip Zwerling 2011.pdf 11M
[PDF]The Carone Deposition, CIA - Dee Ferdinand Carone.pdf247K
[DOC]The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).doc286K
[PDF]The Crimes of Patriots, A True Tale of Dope Dirty Money and the CIA - J. Kwitny 1987.pdf6.7M
[VID]The Drug Business & Romney Exposed.flv 75M
[PDF]The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse Satanism and Murder in Nebraska 2nd - John W. DeCamp 1996.pdf8.4M
[   ]The Ghost; The Secret Life Of CIA Spymaster James Jesus - Jefferson Morley.epub 14M
[   ]The Hidden Hand, A Brief History of the CIA - Richard H Immerman 2014.epub1.1M
[DOC]The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave - Fritz Springmeier.doc2.3M
[   ]The Killing Game - Gary Webb 2011.epub2.5M
[PDF]The Manchurian Candidate, The CIA & Mind Control - John Marks.pdf1.4M
[PDF]The Matrix Deciphered; Military and CIA Weapons Testers - Robert Duncan (The Saint) 2010.pdf1.0M
[PDF]The Mind Stealers, Psychosurgery and Mind Control - Samuel Chavkin 1978.pdf680K
[VID]The Minds of Men; Official Documentary - Aaron and Melissa Dykes Dec 2018.mp4810M
[   ]The Official Senate Report on CIA Torture - 2010.epub2.5M
[   ]The Official Senate Report on CIA Torture - 2015.epub2.5M
[PDF]The Origins of The National Security Agency, NSA 1940-1952 - Thomas L. Burns 1990.pdf9.7M
[PDF]The Pegasus File, CIA agent turns whistleblower about Drug Trade - David Guyatt.pdf 87K
[PDF]The Pegasus File, Vietnam Special Forces; 25-year CIA deep-cover agent.pdf 87K
[VID]The Programmed Mind part 1 ~ Colors _ Reprogramming (Secrets of Mind Control).mp4 30M
[VID]The Programmed Mind part 2 ~ Lies _ Misdirection (Secrets of Mind Control).mp4 40M
[VID]The Programmed Mind part 3 ~ Subliminals _ Hypnosis (Secrets of Mind Control).mp4 39M
[VID]The Programmed Mind part 4 ~ Beliefs _ Magick (Secrets of Mind Control).mp4 45M
[VID]The Programmed Mind part 5 ~ Herd Mentality _ Fear (Secrets of Mind Control).mp4 52M
[PDF]The Roman Catholic Church, The CIA & The Knights of Malta - 2006.pdf 68K
[PDF]The Search for the Manchurian Candidate - John Marks 1978.pdf589K
[DOC]The Search for the Manchurian Candidate The CIA and Mind Control - John Marks 1979.doc723K
[   ]The Secret History of MI6 - Keith Jeffery 2010.mobi2.7M
[PDF]The Secret History of Mind Control - Walter Bowart 1997.pdf252K
[DOC]The Secret Wars of the CIA - John Stockwell.doc179K
[   ]The Spymasters; How the CIA Directors Shape History - Chris Whipple 2020.epub4.5M
[PDF]The Sword And The Shield, The Secret History Of The KGB - Christopher Andrew 1999.pdf 71M
[PDF]The Tatum Chronicles; Pegasus' An American Spy CIA Story - D.G. “Chip” Tatum & Nancy J. Tatum 1996.pdf1.1M
[   ]The Way of the Knife; the CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth - Mark Mazzetti 2013.epub3.0M
[PDF]The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents - George Barton 1917 A.O.pdf 14M
[   ]Tor and The Dark Net; Remain Anonymous Online and Evade NSA -- James Smith 2016.epub428K
[PDF]Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society - David G. Gwfatt April 1995.pdf393K
[PDF]Trance Formation Of America Mkultra - Cathy Obrien Mark Philips 1995.pdf6.1M
[PDF]True or False; A CIA Analyst's Guide to Spotting Fake News - Cindy L. Otis 2020.pdf 36M
[PDF]Turning Up the Heat; MI5 After the Cold War - Larry O'Hara 1994.pdf518K
[PDF]US Government Experiments on Citizens - Ted Gunderson Intelligence Report.pdf2.6M
[VID]Unbelievable Tech over our daily lives - V2K Testimony by Private Security Whistleblower Oct 2017.mp4229M
[PDF]Unshackled, A Survivors Story of Mind Control - by Kathleen Sullivan.pdf2.8M
[DOC]Vatican's post WW11 connections to the CIA, Mafia & Knights Templars - David Guyatt.doc 56K
[PDF]Who's Who in CIA; A biographical reference work on 3,000 officers - Julius Mader; Mohamed Abdelnabi 1968.pdf 31M
[   ]Yet More on Sir Mark Phillips.mht124K
[IMG]Z - cia headquarters.gif 47K