

The SA 1921-45: 

Hitler's Stormtroopers 

'h\ 2 LAP 

vid Littlejohn • Illustrated by Ron Volstad 

Men-at-Arms • 220 

The SA 1921-45 



David Littlejohn • Illustrated by Ron Volstad 

Sa- f: editor Martin Windrow 

First published in (h eal Britain in 1990 by 
Osprey Publishing, Finis Court, Chapel Way, IJotley, 
Oxford OX2 9LP, United Kingdom, 

Fin ail: i n f b@ospre y p ublisl li n g. c< >n 1 

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Series Editor: MART 1 N W 1 ND ROW 

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Da l a 
Littlejohn, David, 11)24— 

The Sturmahteihuig; Hitler’s stormtroopers 
19 2 t —45. — (M e 11 - a t-arms s e ri es; 2 20). 

1. Gcrmanv. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche 

Ar 1 >eiter — Partci. SturmaJ>teiI ung,1921 1945 
U 'Title II. Voistad, Ron III. Series 


I SUN 0-85045-944-3 


I he author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of: 
John R. Angolia, Klaus Benseler, Josef Chari la, 

A11 d 1 e\v Molio, K a r 1 () r t ma 11 n. UI ri c tA E ngla nd, 
Andrew S. Walker, Stewart Wilson. 

Ml: 1 he credit. 'Walker Collection* refers to the 

collection of the laic Andrew Walker now in the 

Imperial War Museum, London. Andrew S* Walker 
(listed above) is no relation. 

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t ii 19 i q Ad o If' Hi tier j oined 1 h e tin y German 
Workers' Party (DAP) in Munich, becoming its 
leader the following year and adding 'National 
socialist’ to its title. Thus the NSDAP, popularly 
known as the Nazi Party, was born. 

All political parties had strong-arm squads to 
protect their meetings from disruption by rivals, 
11) e N S 1 ) AI > w as n o ex c e p t i o n, In A ug u s t i q 2 i 
-naval Lieutenant Hans Ulrich Klintzsch took 
mmand of the NS 1 )APL 'Defence and Propa- 
< 1 a l to t) p' w 11 it :h. the f o 11 o wi n g m o n t h, w a s re - 
ed the SA {Sturm able thing — Storm De Lac li¬ 
nt , That November the SA had its baptism of 
when the Communists attempted to break up a 
meeting iri the Hofbrauhaus in Munich; 
ugh outnumbered, the SA gave their adver- 
a bloody nose. 

iq22 the NSDAP created a youth section 
dbund) for males between the ages of 14 and 
bears. It was sub-divided into two age groups, 
elder of which, for 16 to 18-year-olds and titled 
term Adolf Hitler, was in effect a junior SA. Tts 
r, the Hitler Youth, remained under SA 
nd until May 1932, 

inallv conlined to Munich, the SA made its 
important sally outside that city when, on 
October 1922, it took part in a 'German Day' 
rg which resulted in a pitched battle with 
munists who held sway there. The 'Battle 
g’ succeeded in breaking t he hold of the 
t in the city, and the press coverage which 
ent ac 1 1 ieved serve1 11 o 1 riake Hitler's name 
10 a wider public. 

t ’national' rally of the NSDAP was held 
anuary 1923 when some 6,000 SA men 

;vm y * :•' 


< i :,.y. 

A;: I;,Uy 

Capt. Rohm wearing first design S^afesdio/ patches; twin gold 
oak leaves. 

paraded before Hitler, who presented Standarien 
( standards: to four recently formed SA units: 

\ I s 

Miinchen, Munchen II, Niirnberg and Landshut. 
A 'batth 1 flag' iSturmfaline) was, at the same time, 
conferred upon an SA company from Zwickau — 
the first SA unit to be formed outside Bavaria, 
On 1 March 1923 SA Regiment Munich was 
ft jimccl. In l he same m o nth co 1 n rn a 11 d o ft he S A 
passed to Hermann Goering after Klintzsch, a 



Nuremberg, September 1923; tlic SA parade in the grey 
uniform of the period, (J, R, Angolia) 

member of Cap Lain Ehrhardt’s Freikorps, was 
recalled by his chief following a quarrel between 
Ehrhardt and Hiller over their differing reactions 
L o F re 11 c h o c c u p a l i o n of t he R uhr. C»o e r i n g 1 > r o u gh 1 
with him the prestige of a hero of the First World 
War hut was. by nature, indolent and sell- 
indulgenl. The true moving force behind the SA 
was Ernst Rohm, a staff officer at Army headquar¬ 
ters in Munich. Ii was Rohm who persuaded the 
military to supply the SA with arms, thus 
transforming it into one among several Wehrver- 
hande [ofiicially tolerated L armed groups 1 - witlimit 
exce ption an ti- Comm u nis t). 

In September 1923 Hitler succeeded in creating 
a hampjbund (Fighting Union) of sonic 70,000 men, 
mainly SA but also Bund Obey land (a Freiknrps unit 
and Reichs-Kriegsjtagge (an armed formation unii- 
mantled by Rohm). On 9 November 192 ; Hhlei 

attempted to use this force to overthrow the 
Munich government. The badly planned, badly 
executed operation ended in humiliating defeat. 
Ill e pc dice opened fi re on i he demonstrators, killing 
16 and wounding many more. Hitler was arrested; 
Goering, wounded, escaped to Aust ria, The SA was 
banned; those of its leaders who managed to avoid 
arrest fled to other (iemian states w here Bavarian 
law could not touch them. Hitler was given a five- 
year prison sentence but was released under an 
amnesty in December 1924, Rohm, protected by 
his armv masters, received nothing worse than a 
4 sc:\re re re j > ri m and \ 

The failure of the Putsch^ far from destroying the 
SA, served rather to spread it to other German 
regii>n>. Refugees from Munich sen up clandestine 
V\ in 1 ricr the name Fronibamt . Hitier did not 

lail to draw the correc L ex me hisions iVom this 
disaster. Armed insurrection against a government 
wlii h co mm an els 1 1 le lo y a 11 v of the police a n d a nn y 


is foredoomed. Henceforth he would employ only 
leeal methods. 

When the SA was reactivated in February 1925 
Hitler categorically forbade it to bear arms or 
function as any form of private army. The days of 
the SA as a Wehrverband were over. Its purpose was 
to clear the streets of his political enemies. Hitler's 
% j c w of the SA’s r 61 e w as bo 1 1 y ex >11 tested b y R d h m, 
.ho envisaged it as a citizens 1 army, part of 

Germany's secret re-armament. The disagreement 


between the two became so bitter that Rohm 
resigned from the Party in April and in 1928 quit 
Germany lor a military adviser's post in Bolivia. 
The SA remained without an overall command 
sis various units each being accountable to their 
•a Gauleiter) until November 1926, when Hitler 
imed himself Obersle SA Fuhrer ;Supreme SA 
rader). The actual executive leadership was 
aed in the Chief of Staff [Chefdm Staffs) Film post 
en t rus Led to a p rorn in cn 1 Freikorps I eade r, 
Franz Felix Pfeffer von Salomon 1 who sea about 
krzanising the SA along military lines, ll was now 
â– rmed into: 

pm e pen [the smallest unit) Slandarten {Regiments) 
\rupps (roughly platoons) Brigaden (Brigades) 
Erw 1 roughly companies) Gamiurme (roughly 


Gait sturm corresponded exactly to an NSDAP 

I August 1927 die SA numbered some 30,000 
1. Two years later that strength had doubled. In 
Motor SA was established to give greater 
ity and allow a quick mustering of strength, 
pile his success in expanding the SA and 
ising its efficiency, Pteller ceased to enjoy 
s conlidlncc. It became apparent that 
's concept of the S A differed little from that of 
Hitler discovered that Pfeffer had been 
v attempting to involve the Army in the 
^military training of the SA. In August 1930 
dismissed Pfeffer and telegraphed Rohm in 
asking him to return and take charge ol the 
fcolini was batik in Germany before (Ihristmas 

pfficially assumed duty as Chef ties Stabes on 5 
1931. He revised the structure of the SA, 

â– hiding it into: 

;msr Salomon sot iiuktl Jewish, he profbrrcd lobe known 
Ycr or, incorrectly. [''ran/ von PibfitT. 

Wilhelm Schepmaim as an Ohergruppenfuhrer, (Josef 
Chari la) 

Scharen : 1 he former Slandarten 

Gnippen) Untergruppen (the former 

Trupps Gamiurme) 

Sturm e Gruppen 


Under Pfeffer the highest SA formation, the 
Gamturm* had been subordinate to the Parly 
leadership; but the new Gruppe had no NSDAP 
counterpar t as it extended o ver sevcra 1 Gaite, and its 
leader {Gruppenfuhrer) was thus answerable only to 
Rohm or, of course, to Hitler himself 

On 17/18 October 1931 a Token mobilisation 1 of 
the Nazis' forces took place in the town of 
Brunswick, with around 104,000 uniformed parti¬ 
cipants. It was an impressive display of strength, 
but ils very success alarmed the Weimar author¬ 
ities. In December they imposed a ban on the 
wearing of all political uniforms. This proscription 
remained in force until the following June, by 
which lime ii had been demonstrated to have had 


litlle practical effect. The Nazis simply adopted a 
civilian uniform' of white shirt and black tie, and 
carried on as before. 

In July 1932 Rohm created a yet larger SA 
agglomerate - the Obergruppe. of which t here were, 
at this stage, five. I he SA now dominated the 
streets, disrupting the meetings of its rivals, and 
terrorising its opponents. Without actually chal¬ 
lenging the government to a head-on confronta¬ 
tion, 1 lit hr was able to blackmail and intimidate it 

with the size and discipline of his brown-shirted 


On 30 January 1933, as a result of a combination 
of victory at the polls and back-stairs intrigues. 
Hitler was apj>0inted Chance 11â–¡ r (Priine Mi] lister) 
of Germany. The burning of the Reichstag building 
the following month was blamed on the Commu¬ 

nists and used as the pretext for pushing through an 
enabling law which gave Hitler virtually dicta¬ 
torial powers. Goering, Minister of the Interior for 

i h(M.Q c. 1937 of SA find (in black kepis) SS men. ’Note diversity 
of 'uniforrat (Ulric of England) 

â– ' V V 



Prussia, authorised the SA to act as a polit 
auxiliary and to sweep all 'enemies of the state' ini a 
c o nc (‘ n t ra t i o n i :a n 1 p s. 

At the Party Day oI Vietory at Nurember g tha 
Sept ern b er, some 12 o, 0 00 u n i I b r m e d m e 

Rohm was made a member of the Reichs cabinc 
as Minister without Portfolio, The number oi SA 
Obergruppen had increased to ten by January 1934 
But time was running out for the SA’s mosi 
celebrated Chiefof Staff. Rohm made no attempt tc 
conceal his differences with Hitler over the role o: 
the SA; an advocate of She second revolution’, he 
wished to transform i( into an armed force tc. 
supplement, even replace, the regular Army. 
Hitler, on the contrary, felt that the SA had already 
fulfilled its task of crushing its political opponents 
a nr I now, wit 11 i is ro wd v he h a vio u r, was becomi n e 

j j o 

someth i ng of an em barrassmen t. He already looked 

ahead to a future war of conquest lor which a fully 

professional army was essential. The Army, for its 

" £ ■■ 

part, regarded the SA with undisguised contempt 
as bn)wn sc uin , a n d was eager to cr:>-< >pcra te wIth 
Hitler in expansion and re-armament. 

Recklessly foolhardy, or naive to an incredible 
degree, R6hm continued publicly to voice his 
criticisms of his leader and to back them with 
scarcely veiled threats. Matters came to a head in 
the spring of 1934 when Hitler learned that Rohm 
was secretly arming his Staff Guards, something he 
had expressly forbidden. During June the SA was 
ordered to take a month s leave. On 30June Hitler 
cut down its entire leadership in a single decisive 
blow. Dozens of SA men (and others; were shot 
dead by SS squads working from death lists 
prepared by Hitler and Goering. Rohm was 
arrested and, in prison, offered the chance to shoot 
himself. When he refused, he was shot through the 
window of his cell he his SS miard. 

if Cjl 

in Rbhm’s place Hitler appointed a loyal but 
colourless SA Obergruppm/uhrer^ Viktor Lutze, like 
all previous incumbents of the post a former Army 
officer. Lutze had to preside over the emasculation 

of the SA. Or _ ! . , SS. until this time 

subordinate to the SA Supreme Command, was 
Vr.in 1 r(: in incm :jende:;ce. I he M« ar.>j SA was hived 
off and amalga mated with its Junior partner’ the 
NSKK to become a separate body. The Flu get SA 
w as inv y - the German Air 

' ikior Lutzcin Oslo, 1942, with officers of Quisling's Rikshird 
[Norwegian counterpart of the SA). Note black collar to 
p^eaicoat and long-service rings. (Josci Char it a) 

k<i )ciation, the SA Fe Idjdgerko rps i n c o rp or a t c d 1 n t o 
Prussian Police. The ten SA Obergruppen were 
Lk hshed (although the rank 0 hergruppenfithrer was 
Irtaincd), the largest SA formation now being the 

Despite these amputations and revisions, the 
i uteri cal strength of the SA continued to grow, 
â– iirtv-six new Slandarfen were created in 1935, a 

ier 25 in 1936, 30 in 1937 and 42 in 1938. 
chough membership was, as before, voluntary, 
â– re can be little doubt that many joined out of 
mortunism, since job prospects or advancement 
depended on evidence of Nazi affiliation. 
What now was to lie the function ol'the SA? The 
lership had no dear answer. Hie most favoured 
ition was that it should act as a sort of para- 
itary spoils club providing both physical and 
ial training although without, in the ease of the 
tier, the actual use of arms, 1 hcSA might practise 
ovine grenades—but onlv wooden dummies! A 
ndary task was to assist in the dissemination of 
:: propaganda and to lurnish—as it did 

aticallv each year at Nuremberg —a physical 

â– / ^ 

infestation of the power and authority of the 
ae. The role of the SA as a preparatory school for 
armed forces was established only in January 
s<*3'. with the creation of the SA Wehrmannschaften. 
In M ay 1943 Lutze was killed in a motor 
id cut and was succeeded by Wilhelm Schep- 
m. When the Volksslurm was formed in October 
Schepmann was appointed its Director ol 
Training, while Franz Pfeifer re-emerged 
< ibseuri tv to take eomni ancl o j a l oiksslurm 

Brigade on the quiet Swiss border. 







8-16 men 

7 rupp 


3-4 Scharen 



3-4 Trupps 

Slur mb arm 


3-5 Slur me 

Stand art e 


3- ^ Slur nib anne 


Xjt 1 ‘.1 s’T .■“j si si 


3—q Standarten 

ill IgCUle 






(‘ 933 - 4 ) 


Army Corps 

Several Gruppen 



There were ten Obergruppen (Roman numerals 1 
to X). After this configuration was abolished the 
high e s t to rm a t i o n w as 111 e Grufipe . In it) 3 3 t h e re 
were 21 SA Gruppen (plus one for Austria). By lhe 
outbreak of war this had risen to 25 and, with die 
incorporation of conquered territories, to 29. 

At the OSAR (Obersle SA Fiihrung) were Main 
O dices for Leadershi|), Personnel. Ed ucati on, 
H ea 1 t h, Ad min is t rat. ion, W ehrsport an d ' eq ues t ri a 1 \ 
matters (the semi-autonomous XSRI). Below the 

OSAF the Gruppen had corresponding stall depart¬ 
ments and were responsible for running training 
schools (other than those at Reich level). 


Ranks (as from 1939) 

]S : on - c0 rn m iss itmed ra nk s 
SA Sturmmann 
SA Qbersturmmann 

SA Rottenfuhrer 
SA Scharfuhrer 

SA 0 her scharfuhrer 
SA Truppfuhrer 
SA Qbertruppjiilmr 
SA Haupt truppfuhrer 

Military equivalent 

Private 1st Class 
Lance Corporal 
Staff Sergeant 
Rem mental 


Se rgean t- Major 

SA Slurmfuhrer 
S A 0 berslurmfiihrer 
SA Sturmhauptfuhrer 

2nd Lieutenant 
t st Lieutenant 


Middle ranking officers 
S A , Stu rm b a nnjiih rer 
SA 0 b e rs t u rm b a n n - 

S A Si a n da rienjilk rer 

Senior officers 
SA Oberjiihrer 
S A H riga defuh rer 
SA (Imppenfiihrer 
SA Qbergruppenfuhrer 
SA Stabs chef 

Lt Colonel 


No equivalent 
Lt, General 
Chief of Staff 

At first Hitler’s men were distinguished only by 
L11 ei r’ K ampfh mde- a r cd I j rassa rd w i th a b lack 

swastika on a white circle - b u t gradually a species 
of uniform vvas evolvei L By 1922 111 is co 11 sisted of a 
grey wind jacket worn over a white shirt with grey 
breeches. Headgear was a dark blue or tan ski cap 
featuring some Nazi emblem or skulLand- 
crossbones (there was a wide diversity in this 
regard), A metal number, to indicate the unit, 
could be added to the centre of the swastika on the 
brassard, and a metal star below this to denote a 
squad leader. 

By 1923 uniform had formalised into a field grey 
tunic worn closed at the neck but with white sliiri 

and black tie just visible, and field grey breeches 
with either puttees or top boots, 1 he tan-coloured 
ski cap had two buttons in the front below the 
black/white/red national cockade. Rank was 
indicated by white bands around the brassard: 
Gruppenju.hrer (Squad Leader): one band 
Zugfukrer (Platoon Leader): two bands 
IIunder Is eh af‘sj'uh rer (Company GO): three bands 
Regimenlsfuhrer (Regimental CO): lour bands 
After the failure of the November 1923 Putsch the 
SA was banned, although It continued as the 

Frantbann, reverting to the windjacket form ofdresi 
and adding to the centre of the swastika (on 
brassard and flags) a black steel helmet. 

When the SA was rc-activatcd in February 1925 
It went into brown shirts —a job lot of surplus 
German army tropical garb acquired in Austria the 
previous year at a bargain price! Breeches and kepi 


vv ere like wise brow n, al bei t o f va rio us sh ades. Ra ti 
was, as previously, indicated by white ban j 
a t 'o u n d th e bras sard. In No ve m ber 1926, w 1 i 
collar patches were introduced for the first time, t! J 
bands were replaced by one, two, three or four staj 
on the left collar to Indicate rank. As the $ - 
expanded, bars and oak leaves were added 1 
accommodate new gradings. 

A major change was the adoption in 1932 of 
k h a k i t u 111 e i n resp o n se to a go vernrne n taJ d e rri a 11 
that the SA L should adopt a more res pec ta IN 
uniform . In 1933 shoulder straps were introducer, 
and coloured side panels added to the kepi, 1 
November 1933 the shade of khaki worn by the SA 


was darkened to 'olive-brownA 

Details of Uniform 

Collar patches 

In 1926 coloured collar patches were introduced: 
on the left was the rank insignia, on the right the 
unit n u 1 n era I ( s ). Stan da r ten fuh rer a n d a b o v e w ore 
rank on both collars. By contrasting the colour of 
the patch with that of the numeral(s) an attempt 
was made to reflect the Landes far ben (State colours; 
of the district—thus, units in Prussia had black 
patches with while numbers, those in the Hanseatic 
towns white patches with red numbers, etc. This 
arrangement proved difficult to sustain, and the 
colour combinations underwent a number of 
changes. The final arrangement is detailed below. 

in August 1929 red collar patches were brought 
in lor senior SA leaders. 

Members of Staff of an Obergruppe had on the 
right patch the Obergruppe number in Roman 

numerals. Stall of a G 

had the (/ 

abbreviation (e.g. "Sa’ for Saxony) in Latin script. 
Stall of an Untergruppe had the abbreviation in 
Gothic script. Staffofa Brigade had ‘Br’followed by 
lhe Brigade number (Arabic). Staff of a Standard 
had the Standarte number (Arabic). Staff of a 
Sturmbann had the Sturmbann number i Roman': with 
an oblique stroke followed by the Standarte number 
(Arabic). Members of an SA Sturm had both Sturm 

and Standarte numbers in Arabic separated by an 
oblique stroke. 

Collar patches lor officers u ere piped in silver or 
gold bullion according to ‘button colour’. Since 

there were not enough primary colours to go round, 
it was decreed in 19^1 that r*,. v\ (happen would 

..tn 1 the same colour and be distinguished by t heir 
ittons—silver or gold. During the period 1933 8 
dial terns had patches piped in the twin colours of 
teir Gruppe. Prior to 1939 collar patches of non- 
m missioned grades were un piped, b u t there afte r 
patches were piped in either yellow or white 
iccording to their, by this time discontinued, 
ait ton colour 7 — all buttons were now 
. .minium j. 

The symbols or letters worn on t he collar patches 
specialised SA formations (Medical, Motor, 
ijnals, etc.) are detailed in the sections relating to 

liar piping 

July 1932 piping around the outer edge of the 
n tunic/great coat collar was introduced. Tins 
in the twin colours of the Gruppe for all ranks up 
' -t nnhauptfuhrer. H igher ran ks th an this had gold 

Ear Patches (right side) 

aj Left to right): Staff of the Reichsfiihrerschule; Staff of 
Marine SA Training School; Staff of the National Sports 

"100I etc. 

Ioh (h) Reserve Sturm of Standarte 20; Reserve Schar of 
Scandarte 9a; Flieger (Flying) SA Standarte 1 
Mow v) Medical Sturm 6 of Standarte 2; Ad jutant, 1929-1932;; 
Sturtri 22 of Gebirg^i-Jager Standarte 11 

M ’v d) Signals Training unit; Sturm 54 of the Leibstandarte; 
Scinn 13 of Standarte 16 (List) 

i- . (e) Pioneer Sturm of Standarte 13; Feldherrnhalle; 

7 nestrian Sturm 6 of Standarte 62 

; t y 3 \\ 

\ |Hp £ 

\ IN % 


Goering in grey uniform with the unique brassard of SA 
Leader, September 1923* 

or silver piping according to button colour. In 1938 
1 w< )-co I our pi pii ig w as al >o I i .shed; all com missioned 
ranks had either gold or silver piping [as button 

1 he two colours listed under Piping 1 were those 
worn around the collar and/or collar patch as 
detailed previously. 

S ta fT of Grupp en : 11 right red coll a r p a Lc 11 es w i t h 
silver piping. Subalterns (until 1938): bright red 
w i l h red / wh i tc pi pi n g, thereafter s i 1 ver, 

Stall of the GSAF: carmine patches with silver 
piping. Subalterns (until 1938): carmine with 
ca mi i n e/ w h i le piping, 1 h ereaf ter sil ve t. 

Stabschef: bright red collar patches with gold 


The SA unit in the General Government (of 
Poland) wore grey collar patches piped in white 
with *GG* on right side. 

Personnel, up to the rank of Qherfiikrer, on service 
outside Germany during the war wore brown 


Summary of collar patches, piping, etc., as in May 1933 



Collar patch 





Rank 'bars' 

Os t land 


dark wine red 




silver /black 




dark wine red 


black /white 





N rh. 





silver/ black 

Be din - B r a n de n b 1 \ rg 







Pom mem 


apple green 


black .'white 









apple green 


red / vv Id te 



Wes tin ark 


dark brown 







dark brown 







emerald green 





Nor dinar k 

Nm . 

emerald green 




silver /black 




orange yellow 






Slid west 


orange yellow 



• j 


black /yellow 



sulphur yellow 







sulphur yellow 





Hoch land 


light blue 





Bavr. Ostmark 



light blue 







steel green 


red /white 






si eel green 







navy blue 


light blue/yellow 


silver/light blue 

1 0 

1 lessen 


navy blue 



light blue/red 


silver/light blue 

1 0 

Ostmar k 










w r 






w = while b = black s = silver g — gold 

In die above, under Rank ‘bars’, the first mentioned colour is that of the bar, the second that of the central 
stripe. Thus silver/black = silver/black/silver. The names of the Gruppen are given in their German form: 
Sachsen - Saxony, Oesterreich — Austria, etc. 

cues pip eel i1 i vv hite (silver 1 or o nice rs ) . 
Members of Hilfsivtrk JCordwest (a unit of 
Austrian Nazi exiles in Germany) wore russet collar 
patches with l NW 5 in white; the piping was red/ 

Shoulder Straps 

Introduced in 1933 and, at this stage, worn on the 
right only, they were as follows: 

(a) Non-commissioned grades: four strands in two 
colours (as per "Piping on an underlay in Gruppe 

(b) Sturmfiihrer to Stunt hauptiii/irer: four strands of 
silver or gold (as button colour) 011 underlay in 
Gruppe colour. 

(c) Sturmfiihrer to Standarlenjukrer : three strands of 
intertwined silver or gold abc) on underlay in 
Gruppe colour. 


Summary of collar patches, piping, etc, 

Gruppe Abhrm 

Tannenberg 1 

Westfalen VV f, 

Ntfcderrhcin Nrh. 

Berlin -Bran d en burg B 


Pom mem 

Niccler sachsen 



I ran ken 

Bayern w a. Id 




All >enland 


Wart he 

I lollemi a - M ora v i a ) 

B y i <)â–  j 2 a 11 c o liar pa te h n u mbc * 1 r s we re w h i te, 

[ 0 b e rjiih re r 1 o 0 b erg ruppenj Hit re r\ inter w o v e n t w (> 
strands of cord—one silver, one gold. Underlay: 
irufipe colour, 

e Stabschef { Rohm): as (d) but with six-pointed 
gold metal star. Underlay: bright red. 

as in 1940-5 

Collar patch 


dark wine red 


dark wine red 











apple green 



apple green 


dark brown 


dark brown 


emerald green 


emerald green 



orange yet low 



orange yellow 


sulphur yellow 


sulphur yellow 


light blue 


light blue 


steel green 


steel green 


navv blue 


navv blue 


russet brown 

yell ow 

russet brown 


bluish grey 


bluish grey 


cornflower blue 


cornflower blue 



(f) Stabschej' ( 1934-9): lh rec i n terw oven gold 
strands. Gold metal oak leaf cluster. L nderlay: 
bright red. 

On 1 J une 1939 underlay colour was changed for 
all ranks to the military concept of Wajjenfarhe (a 

i 1 



N m. 




F r. 




K P . 

I la. 








SA collar ranks. Worn on the left side only by ranks up to 
Standarten-fukrer, thereafter on both sides. 

(i) SA Mann (after 1938; SA Sturmmann) (2) Sturmman (after 
1938: (Obersturmmaii), (3) Kottcnfubrer (4) Scharfuhrer 
(5) Oberscharfulirer (G)Truppfulirer (7) Obertruppfiihrer 

(8) Trupphauptfuhrer (this rank, introduced in 1938, is 
sometimes called Haupttruppfuhrer} 

(9) Sturm fii hr er 

(10) Oberslurmfuhrer 

(it) Sturmhauptfiibrer 

Two colour piping discontinued 
hi 1938, thereafter silver or gold 
as button colour 

( ia ) Sturmbannfuhrer (13) Obersturmbannfiihrer (14) 
Standartenfiibrer (13) Oberlubrer (16) Brigadefubrer (17) 
GruppenHihrer (18) Obcrgruppeniulirer 

(19) Brigadefiihrer 

(20) (jruppenfiiihrer 

(21) Obergruppcnfubrer 

Second design, 1944-45 

(22} Stabs chef (Rohm) (23) Stabs chef (September 1934 to 

*945) ( 2 4) Stand a rtetigeldver waiter: senior officer in SA 
Finance Department, 1931-1933 

colour which indicated branch of the serv 

ice) a 


Signals units 


Equestrian units 


Pioneer units 


Jtiger jtichiitzen 


Medical units 

royal blue 

Marine SA 

navy blue 


T oot units 1 


Gruppen stalls 

bright red 

OSAF staff 


At this stage only the underlay was changed, the 
rest of the strap being unaltered except in the case of 
non-com missioned grades, who now had brown/ 
white upon an underlay as above. 





Shoulder straps 

Upper row 7 : 1932—1939 JLower row: period 1939“ 1945 
abc — according to button colour (or former button colour) 

(a) Upper: SA Mann to Obertruppfiihrer: twin colours of SA 
Gruppe piping on an underlay is same colour as collar patch. 

(a) Lower: brown with small silver Vs on Waffenfarbe 

(b) Upper*. Sturmfuhrer to Sturmhauptfuhrer: silver or gold 
(abc) cord on underlay in collar patch colour 

(b) Lowen “Silver 1 " (matt aluminium) or gold (abc) on 
Waffenfatrbe underlay. 

(c) Upper*. Sturmbannfiihrer to Standartenfubrer: three 
strands oi silver or gold (abc) interwoven cord on underlay in 
collar patch colour. 

(c) Lowen As above but underlay in tVa ilcnfarbe 

(d) Uppers Obcrfiihrer to op Obergruppenluhrer: two strands 
(one silver, one gold) of interwoven cord on underlay in collar 
patch colour. 

(d) Lowen Three strands (sliver/gold/silver) on bright red 

(e) Upper. Stabschef (Rohm) as above but with gold metal star, 
bright red underlay. After July 1934 the star was replaced by 
an oak leaf cluster. 

(e) Lower: Stabschef (Lutre/Schcpmann); gold cord, gold star, 
bright red underlay. 

On theouLbreak of war in September 1939 there 
w a sadia nge i n 111 e s 1 y I e o I s ho u 1 d e r s t ra p s b ri n gi 11 g 
them (for ollicer grades) more in line with military 
practice. They were now as follows: 

(a) Brown decked with silver Vs (two strands up, 
two strands down). 

•(b) Eight strands of silver or gold according to the 
former button colour ( button colour' was discon¬ 
tinued in 1938), 

(c) Three interwoven strands in silver or gold. 

' * O 

(d) Three interwoven strands—two silver, one 

(e) Four interwoven gold strands and gold me La 
oak leaf cluster. 



. . . . 



i'i ..V',.;.-.. 

r?:. v . ., 

V â– . V J. ' .11 I I II *3 

y‘- ■■■ 


[ he kepi as introduced in 1925 had one (or two) 
ilver button (s) on the front, otherwise no insignia. 
11 was the same for all ranks until August 1929, 
hen a red side panel (piped in silver) and silver 
piping around the crown was authorised for 
Standartenjukrer and above. 

In 1929 a cap badge was created—an eagle 
holding a wreathed swastika; below it only one 
button was worn. 

In 1931 piping in silver or gold "according to 
button colour 1 (hereafter abbreviated to abc) 
around the llap and crown of the kepi was 
authorised for all officers. 

In March 1933 side panels in the Gruppe colour 


were addeel to aII kepis. Piping lor con1 rnissioned 
grades was now revised to: 

Subalterns: two-colour piping in the Gruppe 
Jours around the crown only. 

Middle ran king officers: piping in silver or gold 

abc 1 around the crown only. 

, / 

| i i i Sen Io r office rs: si I ver or gold (abc) pi pin g 

around the crown with the two-colour piping of the 
Gruppe around the upper edge of the flap. In 
addition, silver or gold (abc) Tresse braid was 
added to the upper edge of the flap below the two- 
colour piping* Width varied, to, 15 or 20mm with 
ascending rank* After 1934 all such braid was silver 
except for (a) Stabs chef: 20mm gold 'Tresse, bright 
red sick 1 panel; (b) Chiefs of Staff at Gruppe 
1 1 c ad q u a r t e rs: \ 01 n n 1 wi cl c go I d 7 resse interwov e 11 
with red thread, bright red side panel; (c) Section 
Heads ( Ahteilungschefs) at the OSAF: 101 run gold 
Tresse, carmine side panel* 

In 1934 the cap badge was redesigned as a larger 
version of the j)receding \sharp-wi 11 ged eaglc. In 
1 936 two new versions were tried out: one, with the 
eagle's head facing left, was quickly discontinued, 
the other was adopted for use by both SA and 
Political Leaders. 

In 19 38 t wo-colou r piping was d i scon t i 11 u ed. A 11 
o 11 ice r g rad e s h ad si I ve r o 1' go 1 el (abc); o n e y e a r 1 a t e r 

Wartime kepi of Stab&chef Lutzc: bright red top with gold 
braid* (Adrian Forman) 

Kepi of a subaltern of Gruppe Pomerania: light green side 
panel with black/white piping, gold button and silver 1929-34 
type cap badge* 

silver became standard — only the Slabs chef had 

In addition to the kepi the SA had a brown forage 
cap. the LagermiHze (camp cap), with a single silver 
or gold (abe) button on the from and, on the left 
side, a triangle in the Gruppe colour upon which was 
an eagle-and-swastika badge normally woven, 
but also found in metal. The badge was, at first, of 
the 1929 design, later replaced by (lie 1936 type. 
Officers had gold or silver (abe) piping around the 
upper edge of the flap. In the Marine SA the 
Lagermiltze was of the same design but in navy blue 
< > r w h i t e acco r d i n g to the o r d e r 0 I'd re ss, 

The 'Italian * 1 type of LagermiHze worn by the SA 
Wekrm.annscha.flen is described hereafter* 

In SA (rruppe Hochland (High!ands) an Ecl < k I weiss 
was worn on the side of the kepi or LagermiHze ^ 
normally in metal but rarer cotton versions exist. At 
first this was the flower head only; later a swastika 
was added to the centre; finally a version with 
flower head, swastika and stock was created. This 
was usually worn on a e.loth rhombus in the Gruppe 

Cap ba dges were a 1 w a y s 'si I ver : w h i te m e t a I or 
aluminium) and did not correspond to button 
colour 1 . Bullion versions for officers existed, but 

were rarer 

Belt Buckles 

Be 1 fo r e 19 3 3 s e v e r a 1 u 11a u l ho r i sed d es i g ns o 1 ' b u c k I c s 
were produced and worn. Even after the institution 
oi an official design — rectangular, with an eagle 
and wreathed swastika upon a circle whose Lower 
hall is oak leaves — minor variations were common. 

In April 1934 a two-claw buckle was authorised 
lor wearing with the tunic. A brocade belt with a 
round buckle for senior officers was created in j r)3H; 
it features the SA monogram on the chest of a 
closed-wing eagle with, at the base, an oak leaf 
wreath and, at the Lop, Uriser Fiihrer , wiser Clauhe 
('Our Leader: our Faille). 

A'..: I?*?':* : 


: ;• •- ; ; 


.. .... ... â–  

,■: ; : : ■ = ‘ 


Belt buckle; there are several variants, some with a ^mobile* 
swastika* (Karl Ortmann) 

Cuff Titles 

Certain SA Standurlen were permitted to wear, on 
the lower left arm 13111m above the cuff, a 30mm- 
wide black band bearing the name of a fallen SA 


man. Over 50 such cull titles exist, most to little- 

known individuals; only a few names. e.t>\ Horsl 

/ • Cj 

7 odt an d l 7 k l0 r L u tz e (a w a id e d a 11 e r 

his death to Siandarle 99), arc generally familiar. 

1 he type of lettering can be Gothic, senii-Golhic or 
Stiller tin (German hand-writing script) the las! 
being the rarer, possibly earlier, form* 

In addition to personal names there were also a 
few commemorative titles of great distinction. Pre¬ 
eminent among these is Stosstrupp Adolf Hitler , 

awarded U> veterans of the Fiihrer' s original 
bodyguard. Almost equally illustrious were SA- 
Regiment Milne ken iQmp and Der Kommandeur SA - 
R eg it run l Mtin ch m igs 9. 

1 4 

Adjutants* Insignia 

At first SA adjutants wore a ‘wolf-hook' (hooked 
b a r in si 1 ve r hulli on or metal on both col I ars—on 
carmine pal dies for adjutants to the Stabs chef] on 
bright red tor other OSAF adjutants. A gold wolf- 
hook was worn only by Hitler's adjutants. 

In 19331he eustomary way ofindicatirig 111e r61 e 
of adjutant — an aiguillettc (looped ornamental 
cord worn from the right shoulder) replaced the 
wo If-ho ok collar device. Adjutants now wore 
normal rank insignia on the collar. Status was 
indicated by diflerent colon red aiguillcites: 

Gold silk: Hitler's adjutant 
(1 old cord: S A Slabs chef adj u t an t 
Silver cord: other OSAF adjutants 
S c a r 1 e t / go Id: Gruppen a d j u 1: an ts ([ 9 3 3 8} 

Brown /si 1 ver: Gruppen ad j u tan ts (1939 4 3) 

Adju t a n t s o 11 th e S t a f f o f' a B rigade , S tan da rie or 
Sturmbann wore aiguillettes in the intertwined 
colours of their Gruppe, c.g. red /white for Thuringia 
and Austria; white/green for Saxony, etc. 

f 2 mm ring 


Veteran Service Chevrons and Stripes 

In February 1934 all SA personnel who had 
enlisted prior to 1 Jan nary 1933 were granted a gold 
chevron with two red stripes down the centre to be 
worn on the left upper arm; but in September of the 
same year this was discontinued and replaced by a 
scheme of rings worn around each cuff to indicate 
the actual year of joining. The rings, in silver-grey 
aluminium wire, were of two widths, 4mm and 
12m m, a 1 icl s c rvi ce w as i nd i c a ted thus: 


192 b 

1927 2 — 

1928 1 2 

1929 1 1 

193° t — 

193 1 — 2 

1932 (to 30/1/33) - 1 

1 he above was unique to the SA; other 
uniformed formations continued to employ the 
chevron as the symbol of an 'old fighter 5 . The rings 
were worn round the cuff of all SA uniforms, 
i n cl u ding th e great c o a t. 

4mm ring 



The SA dagger, introduced on 13 December 1933, 

On a less lofty plane were those which mereh 
iiratecl function or membership of a particular 
formation, c.g. Ehrensturm ('Honour Company', 
/. hslandarle ('Bodyguard ’—worn by SA Rrigade 
83 of (kuppe Hochland) or Slurmbannz.b. V. USturmbann 
1 or special duty') followed by, for example, VjWj 
No. 5 Westphalia). Members of the OSAF had a 
armine cuff title with Oherste SA-Fuhnmg, 

' V dagger with standard 4 All for Germany’ motto, (Andrew 
Motto) ' 

SA Sturmffihrer with SA dagger with first type suspension, 
l 933 * (J‘ R * Angolia} 

is sometimes referred to as the : lloibein dagger on 
account of its resemblance to a 1fith-century Swiss 
dagger as shown in a painting by Hans Holbein. Its 
p re sen t a tio n, o n co mp 1 e t i o n o f p ro b a tio r i a r y 
service, indicated acceptance as a full SA member. 

The blade was normally inscribed A lies fur 
Deutschland, but those who had joined before 31 
December 1931 received daggers inscribed In 
herzlicher Freundschafi (Tn heart-felt friendship") 
Ernst Rohm. Some 125,960 daggers so in scribed were 
issued. After Rohm s murder all were either 
withdrawn or had their inscriptions erased. 

A rather more ornate version for senior officers 
was created in 1935, with oak leaf ornamentation 
on the cross-guard and pommel, gilt (instead of 
silver) sheath and hilt fittings, and an oak leal’ 
c 1 us t e r a b o v e a n d b e 1 ow t h e w<) rd i n g o 111 h e b 1 ad t 1 . 
Its overall length is 37mm, A second version, 42 mm 


1 o ng, w as d ev i s e d i n 19 3 7. T his h an gs 1 f om a d 
chain suspension of links alternately marked wi 
swastika and the SA monogram. 

Dasrsrers carried bv the Marine SA had 
wooden grips and sheaths (all others were brov. 
their metal parts being gill (all others silver), I 
versions, a metal SA monogram is inset at the to 
the hilt and a metal eagle-and-swastika 
versions as per first and second design cap badj 
inset in the middle of the liilL Pommels and cr 
g u ard s were freq u c nil y i nd ivid uall y nu m be ret 

Privately presented daggers often had t 
blades inscribed with a suitable dedication. On 
occasion of his 47 th birthday (28 December 19 

% * 

High Leaders dagger (1937) with double chain suspensi 
( c Old Brigade *) 


â– ' > : : 

:„Hv ; 



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} â„¢ x gg:| " 'Si y v wx 1 

Hi sit Leaders dagger as worn by Lutze?. (J. Charita) 

Lutze was presented with a specially designed 
dagger by officers of the Feldhermhalle. (Later, 
daggers of the same pattern were awarded to a 
number of high FHH leaders.) On his 50th 
birt 1 1 c 1 ay Lutze was given an ho 11 our v<:ision oi lts 
dagger by the Army, a unique feature of which was 
iis elaborate hanger with the YVchrmacht eagle 
mbroidered upon a scarlet cloth shield. 

Flags and Banners 

I he Party flag was a black swastika in a white circle 
on a red field, thus combining the old Imperial 
lours. (The national colours under the Weimar 
Republic, as today, were black, red and gold.) 
The first SA Slandarten (banners) were presented 
four SA Regiments on 28 January 1923, 
' -mewhat reminiscent of the ancient Roman 
military banner, these took the form of a pole 
surmounted by a flying eagle holding a wreathed 
> v\ as t i ka, be I o w w hi cli vv as m on n ted a recta n gu I a r 
box’ with, on the front, ‘NSDAP', and, on the 
â– verse, a place name (in September 1933 this was 
versed: place name on the front, "NSDAP on the 
rear). From this "box’ was suspended a red banner 
ith a black swastika placed ‘square’ on a white 
ci re I e and die mo 11 c > Deutschland Erwache ( L Ge r m a ny 

Ii lilhrir iih.)lie dagger. (Andrew Mollo) 


The flag of a recently formed Standarte is ‘consecrjitcd’ by contact with the ‘Slvud Flaij; 5 , 1931* 

SA Standard-bearer’s gorget* 

Awaken"}; the inscription on the reverse was Nat. 

> r.z. Deutsche A r better par lei Sturmahleil ung. Th e 
banner had a red/white/black fringe* 

In Nazi usage Standarie meant both a banner and 
a regiment, thus when an SA unit achieved roughly 
regimental proportions ii was awarded a banner 
h ich, i n a pseud o-rel i gious eeremony* was 
'coust c rated 1 by cont act with the THond F kig — the 
flag carried du ring the abortive Putsch of N ovem her 
:u >3 and stained with the blood of its fallen bearer, 
A Sturmfahne (the Hag of a Sturm) was red with a 
lark swastika (often placed 'square") on a white 
ircle. In the upper left corner was a Faknenspieget, a 
rectangle in die Gruppe colour with the unit 
numeral (s). This was originally outlined in the twin 
colours of the Gruppe (as per the collar piping; but 
later tills was changed to silver or gold (abe). 

A single Sturm fahne could be used for several 
Slur me (including Reserve ones), thus a number of 
such rectangles could appear (one above the other)* 
In addition, the name of a fallen comrade could be 
woven into the fabric of the Hag on a level with the 
Fahnenspiegd and to the right of it. Later this 
practice was dropped in favour of a streamer with 
the man’s name attached to the flag-pole* 
Vddilional names of fallen comrades from the same 
unit could be added to the flag-pole in the form of 
silver ri n gs, i y m m w id e, at t a t hed b e 1 ow t11 e lev e 1 o I 

the flag and bearing rank, forename and surname 
in Gothic lettering. If the fallen man had been a 
standard-bearer the ring was gold* 

The banner of a Motor or Equestrian Standarie 
differed in that it hung from a wooden bar at right 
angles to the flag-pole and was without the 
NSDAP/place-name ‘box, Instead the unit desig¬ 
nation appeared on the Fahnenspiegd. 

Standard-bearers wore a metal gorget upon 

which was a 'star' with, in the centre, a facsimile of 
the centrepiece of the SA belt buckle (variants 
exist). The SA did not follow the military practice of 
having a standard-bearer’s arm badge, although, 
pre-1933, unofficial arm badges were, on occasions, 


Command flags in the shape of rigid pennants on 
flag-poles were carried as unit ‘markers’ at large 
parades or, in slightly smaller versions, flown from 
the left-hand bumper of staff ears. These were 
square for a Stabs chef (lour consecutive designs) 
and senior leaders at the OSAF, Gruppe and 
Standarie level; triangular tor Untergruppe j Brigade and 
Sin rm h arm c o m in a n c 1 e rs. 

(i) Flieger (Flying) SA 

In i 930 the SA established a flying branch; one year 
later the 8S (still under SA command) did the same. 
As a sort of semi-civilian counterpart, the NSFK 

(National Socialist Flying Corps) was set up in 
1932, but unlike the Flieger SA/SS, it was not 
regarded as a Party organisation. 

Each SA Gruppe had its Flieger stajfel (flying 

squ ad mi 1) su b-di vided in to Fliegersturme and 
Flieger trupps* Each Fliegersiurm embodied at least 
one Lehrtrupp (flying training flight). 

Members of the Flieger SA wore standard SA 

uniform with a winged propeller on the right collar 
patch in silver or gold (a be). A combined SA/SS 
pilot’s badge w as devised incorporating the SA and 
SS monograms on silver 'wings with an eagle-and- 
swastika in the centre. Later a more apposite (and 
less odd) badge replaced this. It features a silver 
wire circle with black dots (representing a propeller 
boss) with, In the centre, a black swastika, on either 

Combined SA/SS pilot’s badge* (Andrew Walker} 

side silver bullion wings, the whole on a khaki 
hackground. J h e badge 1 br other aircr e w r n enibers 
h the same except that the central circle is red with 
white dots. 

in September 1933 the Flieger SA was absorbed 
into the German Air Sport Association (DLV). 
Former Flieger SA/SS members could wear on the 
upper right arm of their DLV uniform a combined 
SA/SS monogram within a circle—both in silver 
bullion (gold for senior officers). 

around the collar patch, this was royal blue/white* 
The gold metal anchor on the right patch was, after 
19^9? discontinued. 

A single-breasted navy blue tunic was intro- 
d need in r 934 on which (as on other forms of dress) 
silver long-service rings might be worn—these 
should not be mistaken for rank insignia which, in 
1 l ie Marine SA, was exactly the same as in the rest of 
the service. 

A white moleskin smock with trousers was worn 

(2) Marine SA 

in 1930 the SA formed Mannestiinne (Naval 
companies), but it was not until 1934 that these 
became a separate entity. 

Originally the Marine si Ur me wore the same colour 
of collar patch, shoulder strap, buttons, etc., as their 
parent Cruppe, but were distinguished bv: 

( a ) Navy blue peaked cap in place of a kepi. 

(1)) X avy b I u e. i n j) I ace of 1 >rovvn, brceches. 

{ 1 j A 1 ou 1 ed a nchor i n si 1 ve 1 or go 1 d : a be) on r igh t 
collar patch. 

With the creation of the Marine SA in 1934 all 
c o liar p a t c h es bee a m e j 1 a v y I ) l u e, all r ank insignia, 
buttons, etc., gilt. Shoulder straps for ratings were 
navy blue/while, those lor officers gilt, the underlay 
lbr bo ill 1 )cing navy bI ue. Tn 1939 shou Ider straps of 
Marine SA ratings were, as in the rest of the SA, 
brown flecked with silver Vs (on a navy blue 

During the time that two-colour piping was 
worn around the collar and (for subalterns) also 

Ami badge worn by iormer SA/SS men incorporated into 

as working dress by ratings. This was w ithout collar 
patches, rank being indicated by a scheme of red 
Tars’, chevrons, and stars. 

1 lie working headgear for ratings was either the 
normal SA Lagermutze in navy blue (white for 


summer) or the traditional German sailor’s flat cap 
- iill a tally in cornflower blue on which appeared 
die unit designation in silver lettering (after 1938, 

Id lettering), I11 warm weather a white top could 
be worn with tills or with the peaked cap. 

Swallows' nests' for Marine SA musicians were 
Uuvy blue with gold 'bars'. 

I here were several variants of the cap badge, 
D . ring 1930-7 it was the first design eagle-and- 
psastika in silver within a gilt oak leaf wreath — 
d re are at least four variants of the wreath. After 
1937 the gilt wreath (at least two variants) 
it â–  >rpo rated the SA monogram; above the wreath 
lias the second design eagle-and-swastika in gilt 

Ill ere were several trade badges—a red cog- 
v heel for technicians, a red blitz for telegraphists 
later changed to silver or gold according to level of 
skill g crossed red and while signal Hags for 
signallers, etc. As in the German Navy, an Officer of 
ihc Watch clipped a gold metal badge, in the form 
1 fa fouled anchor within an oval wreath of oak 
leaves, to his left upper pocket while on duty. 

The Marine SA was not restricted to Germany's 
-ea coast; lakes and rivers often provided an 
opportunity to Hearn the ropes’. Marine. SA units 
were also formed on board ocean-going German 
merchant vessels—the unit commander was not 
necessarily the ship’s captain, or even one of its 

St aff, both commissioned and Petty Officers, at a 
Marine SA sports school wore a double-breasted 

Marine SA officer’s cap badge, final design, (Ulric o( England) 


• 1 ■ 

Up I 


y.;4 â–  

xi s j • 

:• • • •: :■ •! !• ■ ■ 

t". "11 ••. ■ • 

, Hi 1 a â– . j j. v /â– ...â–  â– ! ; 
.y.% .•!.< 

Marine SA with first design cap badge. (Ulric of England) 

jacket in the style of a kriegsmarine officer with, on 
1 he right cuff, the equivalent of the rating’s cap 
tally, i.e. the place-name in white upon a 
cornflower blue band. 

(3) Motor SA 

Molortrupps and Motorstimne were created within 
the SA in April 1930, although it was not until the 
following year that the term Motor SA came into 
use.Just as theNSFK was ei 1 visaged as a n<>n-Jbirty 
back-up to the Flieger SA, so the NSKK Soz* 
Kraftfaiirkorps) was conceived as a civilian auxiliary 
to the Motor SA, 

The fol I owin g diflerences from normal 
uniform characterised the Motor SA: 

(a) An M on the right collar patch, 
fb: Black for navv blue) breeches. 

(c) A driver's badge on the left cuff. 

This last, introduced in 1931, was a driving wheel 

Members of an SA Motor^turm (possibly of Gruppe 
Franconia), early 1933* (Ulric of England) 

upon which was an eagle-and-swastika, all on a 
black rhombus* 

The placing of the M on the collar indicated 
whether the wearer belonged to: 

(i) Molorstandarte: an M and single large numeral, 
vvor ri bv ineinbei s of Si ail. 


(ii) Motor sturm within anon-motorised Standarte : an 
M and numeral in front of the oblique stroke, 

(iii} Motorsturm vvithin a A f oldrstandarte : ai \ M a 11er 
the oblique stroke (he. in front of the Standarte 
num her)* 

On 23 August 1934 the Molar SA was amalga¬ 

mated with the NSKK. which was now raised to the 

s ta l us o! an i n d ependen t par iy lormation. 

(4) Nachrichten (Signals) SA 

The first Signals units of the SA were formed in 


1930, Every Standarte was required to have one. 

1 1 raining inc 1 uded the use ol' sigi\al lamps, mo r se 
e (:> d e, w i re less tel e g ra p h y, a n d m e ss e n ge r - d og 


At first: members of Signals units wore, on the 
right collar patch, Aa' i Naehrichleri) , but in 1933 

this was replaced by a blitz (lightning flash) in the 
b u 11 on colo u r. Aft e r the i n trod notion < >J Wajjenjarbe 
the blitz was discontinued and membership of a 
Signals unit was indicated by lemon yellow 

underlay to the shoulder straps. 

As from 1933 holders of a Signaller's Oenilicate 
wore on the left cuff a red blitz on a brown oval, but 
in September 1939 the blitz was altered to silver or 
gold according to whether t he man held one, or all 
t h ree q ua I i flca tion oer tifioa uts — {i; VV i r eless, (ii) 
Tel egraphy, (i i 1} Messen gei -d og handling. 1 he 
German army and police still employed A ieldehunde 
(messe 11 ge 1 -d ogs). T hosc of the S A 1 1 a< I yello w d og- 
jaekets with the SA monogram on either side. 

A Signals Officer on the Staff ol'a Gruppe wore a 
itz at a 45-degree angle on his right collar patch, 
of the National Signals Training School had a 
white-outlined black blitz on a carmine right collar 
patch (also placed at a 45-degrcc angle). 

1 J 11L 

(5) Plainer (Pioneer) SA 

Among the several specialist units formed in 1930 
was a Pioneer (or Engineer) branch* Its members 
were, initially, distinguished by Ti (Pionier 1 on 
their right collar patches, but in 1933 this was 
replaced by a crossed pick and shovel in the button 

colour- With the introduction of Wqffenfarbe this 
was discontinued and replaced by a black underlay 
to the shoulder straps. 

Every Standarle had at least one Pimierslurm, and 
â–  h ere were even en ti re Pionier standarle (Pio n cer 

Holders of a Pioneer's Certificate wore a silver 
pick and shovel device on a dark brown ova! on the 
left cuff In March 1939 a gold class was added. 

An interesting, and unique, award to a Pioneer 
unit was the cuff title emsland awarded to 
Pionier standarle 1 o of Gruppe .A iordsee in recognition ol 
is outstanding contribution to the land reclam¬ 
ation scheme in that region. Emsland (around the 
River Ems) is close to the border with Holland, arid 
the German government copied the Dutch 
xamplc and sponsored an enterprise to convert the 
marshes into (arming land. 

6) Reiter (Equestrian) SA 

The year 1 930 also saw the setting up of equestrian 
units of the SA based on riding clubs, or in 
agricultural communities where riders provided 
their own mounts. After 1933 the Reiter SA was 
greatly expanded. It no longer relied on private 
horse ownership; every Gruppe was required to set 
up its own riding facilities. 

Members of the Reiter SA wore, on the right 
collar patch, gold or silver (abc) crossed lances. 
Staff of the Reiifuhrerschule (Equestrian Leaders 
School) in Berlin had gold crossed lances set at a 45- 
degree angle on a black collar patch. With the 
introduction of Wajfenfarbe the lances badge was 
discontinued and replaced by a bright yellow 
underlay to the shoulder straps. 

In March 1936 a National-Socialist Riding 
Corps (NSRL) was set up, theoretically separate 
from the Reiter SA; though its National Leader 
Reicksimpeklor) SA 0 hergruppenfiihrer L i t z mann was 
directly subordinate to the SA Chief of Stalf. It may 
have been that the NSRL was intended to be for 
those who, for reasons of age or occupation, were 
ineligible for full SA membership. Certainly the 
NSRL remains a somewhat shadowy organisation 
with no (known) insignia of its own. 

(7) Reserve SA 

Althc >u gh in semi-official existence for some two 
ears previously, a Reserve SA was not formally set 

up until March 1929. It was for men over 40 years of 
age, or men precluded from full active membership 
by the nature of their employment. Reserve duties 
involved some three hours’ attendance per week 
plus a fortnightly exercise. 

Prior to 1933 the Reserve amounted to only 
around 20 per cent of the SA's total manpower, but 
after Hitler’s accession its size and composition 
altered dramatically. In November 1933 it was 
divided into: 

S A R es e rv c l (SAR T ]: m e n b e tw e e n 35 a n d 45 

SA Reserve II (SAR II): men over 45. 

These two reserves absorbed die bulk of older 
members of the two principal war veterans 
leagues—Steel Helmet and the Kyffhauserhund. 
Members of these organisations under 35 were 
transferred to the active SA—a transfer in theory 
voluntary, but since refusal might be construed as 
unpatriotic, it was seldom resisted. 

Following the 'Blood Purge 1 of June 1934 the 
structure of the Reserve was again changed. The 
SA was by now so vast and its services so little in 


demand drat it was deemed expedient to remove 
even some of its younger element to the Reserve. 
The new structure comprised: 

Active Reserve I: men between 18 and 35. 

Active Reserve II: men between 35 and 45. 
Inactive Reserve: men over 45. 

In practice these age demarcations were not strictly 
adhered to, certainly not for officers. 

When SAR I was formed its ex-Steel Helmet 
members continued to wear their former uniform 
with the addition of an SA kepi, brassard and collar 
patches. On the right collar they had a metal 'R‘ 
and unit numeral. A chain-stitch T< appeared on 
the collar patch of all Active Reserve units. If 
placed before the Sturm number this indicated a 
Reserve Sturm of an active Standarle, 1 f placed before 
the Standarle number, ii indicated that the entire 
unit was Reserve. 

I) u 1 i ] 1 g t li e e xistei 1 c e of S A R II (N o vcm be r 19 3 3 
to August 1934) members wore the SA brassard 
with grey edges. Staff of the Departmental Chief of 
SAR II wore grey collar patches with, on the right, 
T)IT (Oberlandesfuhrer) in white. 

In March 1937 there was a modification to the 
type ol’ R' worn by Active Reserves I and IT. 
I a ry e r fo rni a t i o 11 s St ii rme , Stu rm b a n n e ., Slanda rt en) 


had a Roman script L R', smaller ones [Settamt, 
Trufips ) an ang 11 1 ar Lype o 1 ' R ), 

Ac uve R cscrye T ibrmations cou I d be as 1 arge as 
Brigade strength (and had "R.Brf on the right 
e o 11 a r). A rtive R e se r v e I i w e re on] y u p Ue Stan da rl e 
1 evel (witli an £ R 1 before the Standarte numI>er) .In 
both eases the collar patch was in the Gruppe colour. 

1 nac live Reserve membe rsh i p was indicated, not 
by an L R\ but by silver-grey collar patches, 
shoulder strap underlay and kepi side panel. 

(8) Sanitats (Medical) SA 

With violence frequently accompanying SA meet¬ 
ings, it was, from the very beginning, essential to 
have medically qualilied persons on hand. Until 
1932 s u ch inch v i d u als wc re i d e n ti I led b y either a 1 \ 
arm band or, more usually* a gornm circular cloth 
badge worn above, or in place of, the brassard. 
Doctors had a red cross on white; those with first- 
aid or ambulance experience had a white cross on 

In October 1932 violet coloured collar patches 
were introduced for medically qualified personnel. 
Doctors with the rank of Standartenfuhrer and above 
wore an Aesculapius staff (a snake around a stick) 
on both collars; 0II1cers be 1 ow this rank on the rig 111 

collar only. The same applied to pharmacists 
except that their emblem was an A' (Apotkeker), 
When coloured panels were added to the kepi die 
medical colour was, as above, violet, as was the 

underlay to medical shoulder straps. Late in 1933 
collar patch emblems were discontinued. In their 
place badges were worn on the left lower arm with 
the lb 11 ow i ng sy m hols: 


Doctors: an Aesculapius sta 
: b) 1 3 h armacisis: a Gothic L A 1 (in sum e cases Lat in 

L \ v\ 

J l i 

(c) Dentists: a Gothic *Z' {palmar.zt ), 

(d) Veterinary surgeons: a snake (without the 

All the above were gold wire (more rarely, gill 
metal) upon a violet oval piped in gold. Medical 
orderlies wore, as before* a white cross on a red 

circle on the upper left arm. 

In 1934 there was a further change—a reversion 
to collar patch emblems, but this time placed 
behind both collar patches (which vvei e \\< >w n the 
Grufipe colour). The symbol ism was as ah' a v • \ < 4 c 
that the £ A’ and the L Z’ were Ladn script. The 

eolo u r ofthc em 1 > 1 ems correspo ruled to the buttu t 
colour and they were normally metal, lev 
If eq uently bu I lion. Semi-q u alifiecl doctors and 
denlists (students in their final year) wore 011 the lei 
cull a 40mm brown circle with, in white cotton, 
respectively an Aesculapius stall and a Gothic L 

In November 1937 there was yet another 
alteration. The Nazis had bv now decided that 
their medical symbol should henceforth be the so- 
called life runek Medical speciality was, as before, 
indicated by a badge worn on the lower left arm. 
Since all medical personnel had the'life rune 1 , their 
particular skill was indicated by the shape of the 
backgro u n cl as foliows: 

(a) Doctors: oval. 

( b) D c n t i s ts: rec t a n g u 1 ar. 

(c) Veterinary surgeons: a triangle pointing 

(d) Pharmacists: a triangle pointing upwards. 

All the above were in silver bullion on -brown. 
Medical orderlies had a red life rune on a khaki 
oval, also a metal 'life rune' in the button colour on 
the right collar patch. On the march, orderlies wore 
a w h i t e b r a ss a r d w i t h a re dll fe rune', cl oc t o is t h e 
same but with red edges top and bottom. 

With the introduction of Waffenjarbe, the 
underlay of medical branch shoulder straps 
became royal blue. 

Staff and students at the National Medical 
School at Tubingen wore, on both collars, a 
carmine patch with a white-outlined black 'life 
rune'; officers had this patch piped in gold. 

Other Specialist 

(1) Musikeinheiten (Music Units) 

Every Standarte had its marching band {Mimkzug), 
every Sturmbann its fife-and-dnim corps 


Following long-established practice, bandsmen 
wore a i b rm of ’ sho u Id er orn am en t a t ion k no wn as 
"swallows’ nests’ Schwalbennester), These were in 

the colour of the Gruppe with silver or gold (abc) 
vertical braid "bars’. Ostland was an exception, 
v 1 ill black TasT. m a pink background. Initially all 
membt i ofa 4/ â–  k had a short hinge at the end 
■ f’their -walk>ws' nests, but this was altered in 1933 


1: Gruppenfukrer, 1928 
2 ; Scharfiihrer, Untergruppe Hamburg, 1932 
3: Oberscharfiihrer, Gruppe Nordmark, 1933 


1 / ■’< iy.yi 

t : ■:•: -L 

»:■: ■ 

7 k 



K. * 

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â– ? r %_â–  t, *1 

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w 5 hB' 



i : /X *%\S 5 R 

QV 1 * â–  * 4 "fc 


£4K JH FV 

.VI'. 1 

- - •_ *• r 

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',*>7, TV 


1; Sturmfuhrer, Motor SA, Gr. Mnken, 1933 
2: SA-Spielmaim, Gr. Hansa, 1934 
3: Standartenfuhrer (medical), Gr. Westmark, 

evening dress 


1; Obergruppenfuhrer, SA Gruppe Staff, 1939 
2: Obersturmbannfiihrer, OS AF, summer uniform 
3: Haupttruppfiihrer, Gr* Sudmark, 1940 


1: Hauptsturmfiihrer, Wehrmaimschaft, Gr* Nordsee, 1942 
2: SA-Mami, Wehrmaimschaft, Gr. Niederrhein, 1944 
3: SA-Mann, Wfehrmannschaft, Styria, 1945 


a nd l h ereafte r on I y t lie d ru m m ajo r of a M usikrug or 
Spielmannzug had a fringe (rather longer than 
before—about 7mm), The bandmaster, or conduc¬ 
tor (Musikzugfuhrer) did not wear swallows 5 nests, 
nor did any officer whose function was that of 
director of music. Swallows' nests were detachable, 
being clipped to the end of the shoulder by metal 
hooks and were worn only during music-making. 

In addition to their swallows' nests, SA musicians 

were, in 1931, granted a collar device—a Greek 
Ivre. Between 1931 and 1933 musicians' collar 
patches were piped in the twin colours of their 
fiuppe (a practice normally restricted to sub¬ 
alterns). No rank insignia were worn by non- 
< im missioned grades during tliis period; in its place 
a large metal lyre (in the button colour: was 
displayed on the left collar and the unit number on 
die right. The Mudkzugfiihrer wore the three stars of 
a Sturmfuhrer (and also a small lyre). After 1933 
musicians wore the lyre on the right with standard 
rank insignia on the left. 


No size for a Musikzug was laid down; a 
spielmannzug usually comprised about 2 \, men. 


2) Jager and Schiitzen Units 


1 he word Jager in (ferman means both a huntsman 
md a light infantryman. It is appropriate that this 
should be so, since the light infantry component of 
the German and Austrian armies was traditionally 
drawn from professional huntsmen and foresters. 
The SA sought to maintain the Jdger tradition in 
t} 1 ose parts of Cier 1 n a 11 y and Aus L ri a from w hieh 111 e 
former Jdger-Regimen ten had been drawn. I he 
traditional Jdger green was used for the l J' which 
appeared on the right collar patch, its shade 
contrasting with the Gruppe colour of the patch- 
light green on dark patc hes, dark green on light 


In May 1915 Mountain Light Infantry Regi¬ 
ments [Gebirgsjdger-Regimenten) had been created as 
pan of the German Alpine Corps. I his tradition, 

mo, was carried over by the SA for units raised in 


the mountainous regions ol soul hern Germany and 
Austria. Their right collar patch had a green L GJ 
as above in contrasting shades). Some SA 
(r t h irgsjdg e r-St a n da r ten in A u s t r i a wo re lor a ti m e a n 
Ldelweiss (head and stock) on their right collar 
natch before this was replaced by the L GJ' patch. 

SA bandsmen, C.1931 


A Rifle (or Sharpshooters) Battalion [Schiitgen- 
Bataillon ) sometimes formed the third battalion of a 
German infantry regiment, often functioning in a 
semi-independent capacity. Again, this tradition 
was adopted by the SA. On their right collar patch 
SA Schutzen-Standarten had an ’S' in a shade of green, 
as before contrasting with the Gruppe colour. I he 
SA also raised Gehirgsschulzen-Standarlen (Mountain 
Rifle Regiments) in an attempt to combine the 
skills of alpinism and marksmanship. These units 
had L GS' on the right collar—again in a shade of 
green which contrasted with the Gruppe colour. 

With the introduction of Waffmjarbe the shoulder 
strap underlay tor all the above was changed to 
green and, a little later, the green lettering on the 
collar patch was altered to white. These 'mountain' 
formations of the SA had the right to wear an 

Edelweiss on the left side of their caps. 

Ski-in g i n si rue lion fort n cd part of l he rn ou n tai n 
training, and the SA had its own 'mountain tunic 
(Bergrock) for this and rock-climbing. It: was 
generally similar to the normal tunic except that 

Badge warn on left upper arm, in place of brassard, by senior 
SA leaders during the war: gold wire on carmine backing. (J* R. 

the lower pockets were concealed (only the flaps 
showing : and the culls were elasticated to fit closely 
to l hc vv r ist, a I i owi n g gloves lobe w or n <) v er them. 
I’he trousers worn with the Bergrock were tapered 
a n cl c i o sc-1 i t ti n g a 11 h e a n kies, vv here the y 1 a c ed u j 3 
so that heavv climbing boots could be secured over 

Originally some J tiger collar patches featured a 
hunting horn, but this practice was lorbidden by an 
o rd c rof A u g u s t \ 9 3 4 vv Inch slat ed t h at the use of a 
la 2d horn as a collar device was 'unauthorised 1 and 


that it had to be rep 1 acecI I y y a L J'. 

As in the rest of the SA, no unit was actually 
armed. For training purposes small-bore rifles 
(us u a 11 y I 'rom existing gun cl u I is} were I lurrovv ed. 

(3) Leibstandarte 

In Munich an SA unit known as the Ltibsiandarte 
(Bodyguard; was stationed. It was not for Hitler's 
personal protection (that was the exclusive pre- 
ro £>’a t i v e n f t h e S S, but a c e re rno ni a 1 fo r m a t io n 
possibly intended to carry the tradition of the 
former Royal Bavarian Bodyguard Regiment once 
quartered in that city. On their right collar, 
members wore a script X on the light blue patch of 
G rupp e 11 ochla n d. 

German custom, the regiment was better known bv 
the name of its comm and e r, t h us i t w as po pul arl v 
referred to as Infantry Regiment List. Although a 
Bavarian regiment, its 4 tradition" was awarded to 
Sla n da rte 16 o f ’ Gruppe Berlin - B ran dm h u rg . M e m her s 
of this unit wore a block type X 1 in while on the 
b I ac k c ol I ar patch of their Grupp e . 

{5) Finance Department* 1931^3 

No one in the SA, apart from a lew senior officers, 
was paid, but that is not to say that the SA was 
nconcerned with financial matters. A Financial 
Administrative Branch {Geldverwaltung) was estab¬ 
lished in 1931 with special collar devices for its 
members. Ranks were: 

(i) Gruppengeldverwalter: a silver laurel leaf on a red 
patch on both collars, piped in silver. 

(ii) Untergruppengeldverwalter: silver or gilt (abc) 
laurel leaf on left, Untergruppe abbreviation on right 
coll a r, p i p e d i 1i g o I d o r si I v e r (a b c). 

(iii) Standardengeldv e rw a her: fou r sil v e r 1 h re e - p oi n t e d 
s t a rs o n 1 e ft si d e, o n ri gl 11 Stan da rt e n u m e r a I. C o 1 1 ar 
patches in Gruppe colour, piped in silver. 

(iv) Sturmbanngeldverwalter. three silver three- 
pointed stars on left collar, on right Sturmbannj 
Slandarte numerals. Collar patches in Gruppe colour, 
piped in twin colours oi Gruppe. 

(v) Sturmgeldvemâ– alter : two silver three-pointed stars 
on left, on right SturmjStandarte numerals. Unpiped 

patches in Gruppe colour. 

(4} Standarte List 

During the First World War Hitler served in the 
1 (i tli : Reserve ) T nfantry Regimen L Foilo w i ng 


(6) Administrative Officials 

In May 1933 the above collar devices were 


^ tjj-X 




Instructors at the SA Spurt School at Hamm wearing the 
special (Jhungsa.nzug uniform. (J. R. Angolia) 

discontinued and the Finance Department was 
absorbed into a broader general Administrative 
Branch. New ranks such as Oberverwallungsfuhrer 

and Slabsrechnungsfilhrer were dreamt up, but 
quickly jettisoned in favour of the more logical use 
of existing SA ranks prefixed by Verwaltungs 
\dministrative), thus an SA Obertruppjuhrer in this 
branch became an SA Verwallungsohertruppjukrer. 

Commissioned grades wore silver shoulder straps 
n a light blue underlay, non-commissioned ranks 

four parallel strands of light blue cord on a light 
blue underlay. All collar patches were light blue 
ith silver insignia. The kepi side 1 panel was 

likewise light blue. 

In March 1934 there was a major revision. All 
collar patches, insignia, kepi side panels* etc., 
reverted to normal SA practice of Gnippe colour— 
administrative function was now indicated by a 

metal ‘V s (occasionally bullion) worn behind the 
>11 ar patch on both sides. In 1937 the A was 
dropped and the Administrative Branch had light 

blue piping around all collar patches (in the case of 
officers, the blue was the inner colour, gold or silver 
the outer piping). In October 1941 the use of blue 
piping was discon ti n tied. 

(7) RZM (Reichszeugmeisterei) 

Tn 1929 the SA set up a Quartermaster’s 
Department to regulate uniform and provide it as 
economically as possible. After Hitler’s accession to 
power a National Quartermaster’s Department 
f R e ich szjug fa e is tern) w as es t a b 1 i sh e t S w h i c h h ad 
legal powers to control all NSDAP uniforms and 
their costs. Only firms granted an RZM contract 
could supply Party insignia, thus ending the flow of 
unofficial or semi-official pieces. All official items 
were now RZM marked or labelled. 

RZM personnel had special collar ranks de¬ 
scribed (in an order of October 1932) thus: 

(i) Reichszeugmeister a ‘ golden seal I oped lea f 
(goldenes gezacktes Blati) on both collar patches* 

in gold. 

rstands der ^eugmeistereien (Directors of QMe 
;}: a golden scalloped leal’ on left patch, 

golden 7M on right, piping gold. 


(iii) Angeslellle der gjugrneistereien (employees at QM 
depots): normal SA ranks on left, gold 'ZM on 

The following year the 'golden scalloped leaf 
was replaced by the oak leaf of a Slandarlen/uhrer, In 
[ 929 the collar patch colour was blue, but in 1933 
this was changed to carmine. 

(8) Eisenbahneinheiten (Railway Units) 

Railway units of the SA existed bi icily i 11 Austria. 
Their right collar patch featured a winged railway 
wheel. One unit had an E' (Eisenbahn) interwoven 
with the number V 011 its right collar com¬ 

memorating the shoulder insignia ol a former 
pro ini nen t A us t ri a n rai I way lb rmation. 

(9) Reichsautozug Deutschland (RAZ) 

Hitler was so impressed by the work of SA 
Siurmjiihrer Schaffer with his loudspeaker vans 
during the election campaign of 1933 that he 
placed him in charge of a special mobile 
propaganda unit known as Reichsauiozug DeuIsch¬ 
ia n d [ N a t i o n a I M o to r S q u a d (> e r man y). M c m b c rs 
ol this small formation had, as their working 
uniform, a brown boiler suit with two breast 
pockets, worn open-necked with a khaki shirt and 
black tie. The normal SA brassard was worn with, 
below this on the culf, a black band with 

Reichsauiozug Deutschland i 11 whitc. Hca d gear was a 
brown beret piped in black. Dress uniform was 
standard SA with red collar patches and shoulder 
strap underlay. On the right collar RAZ' was 
displayed in white, on the left normal rank insignia. 
Both patches piped in white. 

1 n \ 93 7 1 1 1 i 1 R AZ w as disband ccl. 

(1) Stabswachen 

One of the tasks of the SA had always been the 

protec tion of Party meetings and speakers, but it 
was not until 1933 that regular security units, 
known as Stahsivachen (Staff Guards} were formed. 

In these, service was full-time with a minimum 
enlistment of 1 2 months. Members wore normal SA 

â–  . v 

Senior* Leaders belt buckle with motto ‘Our Leader, our faith 7 , 
(J. R. Angolia) 

uniform with one of’the following cull bands on the 
lower left arm: 

Slab sc hr/: gold Sii tterlin script on carmine with gold 
cd ges (R 61 irn s personal bod y guard). 

Stabswacke: white Sii tterlin script on bright red for 
gu ards a t Gruppe and 0 bergruppe 1 tead cj ua ri crs , 
Stabswacke'. Gothic script in colour of collar patch 
lettering on band in colour of collar patch for 
guards at any headquarters below Gruppe level. 

The a hove exis Led be l w een 1 e br ua ry 193 3 a n d 
March 1934; thereafter and until the elimination of 
Rohm in June '34, the following were used: 

Slab sc kef Rohm: gold Gothic script on carmine band 
with gold edging. 

Adolf 'Hitler: grey Gothic script on black with grey 
edges for members of SA Standarte 'Adolf'Hitler'. 
Sta bs waeh e G 0 ring : s i 1 v e r Got 1 1 i c s c ri p t o n b ri g h t re cl 
band with silver edging. 

Sta bs wach e: Gothic scrip! i r 1 col o u r of c ol l a r p a tc h 
lettering (with edging in same colour) on a band in 
colour of collar patch, e.g. black lettering on a 
yellow band with black edges: Headquarters guard 
of SA Group Franconia. 

The right collar patch for OS Ah stall guards was 
p I a i n c a rrn i n e; th a l fo r Si a bs u mch e G bring , plain red; 
others in Gruppe colour with Gruppe abbreviation. 
On duty a steel helmet could be worn. 

(2) Streifendienst 

The SA had its own police or 'patrol' service, the 
Streifendienst, under the control of a local area 
< :o n 1 m a n d c r (St undo rlj iih re r ). O n d u t y m e m b c r s 

wore, at first, a i iomm-wide yellow brassard with, 
in black, Skindorlfiihrer Sireifendienst ; later a fix mini- 
wide black cufTband with, in white or gre\ Gothic 
lettering, Der Standortfuhrer, below this a place 
name, e,g. Blankenburg a. H. (am Havel), Half¬ 
width (30mm) versions also exist, e.g. 
Standortfuhrer-Grunstadl (grey on black, no edging;, 
and Der Standorlfuhrer Sloe kadi (grey on black with 
orev edges':. 

O f '-J / 

(3) Hilfspolizei/Feldpolizei of Berlin- 

After Hitler attained power in January 1933 he 
appointed Goering Minister of the Interior of 
Prussia, Since Prussia controlled some two-thirds ol 
Germany, it was a post of considerable power. 
Goering ordered die police to act ruthlessly against 
â– all enemies of the state'. To assist them in this task 
he created, in February 1933, a Police Auxiliary 
Hilfipoiizei) from among the SA/SS. At first they 
wore only their existing uniform with a 
hiufspolizei brassard (various designs), but the 

following month, now renamed Field Police of the 
Bcrlin-Brandenburg Group [Feldpolizei der Gruppe 
Berlin-Brandenburg ), their SA/SS uniform was 
modified in the following manner; 
a) On right collar patch a silver Prussian police 


b) A similar star in place of button on kepi, 
c A blue police greatcoat in place of brown SA 


d A police gorget (worn on duty). 

Collar patches were black, piped in black/white, 
1 he gorget was silver with the Prussian police star 

in the centre and a swastika in either corner. When 

the gorget included the unit number (riot all did) 
this appeared below the police star. 

4) Feldjagerkorps (FJK) 

In October s 933 the Feldpolizei was renamed the SA 
Feldjagerkorps (roughly: Military Police) and given 
a distinctive olive-brown uniform, comprising a 
police-style tunic, breeches and brown top boots. 
Belt and cross-strap were brown leather, the buckle 
being of the SA variety—gilt with a silver 
centrepiece. The greatcoat was olive-brown but 
with a dark brown collar (senior ranks had also 
dark brown re vers). Headgear was an SA kepi in 
the same colour as the tunic with a white side panel 

and, on the front, a gold police star beneath a silver 
eagle-and-swastika. Collar patches were white 
with, on the right, a gold police star, and were piped 
in gold for senior officers, in black-and-white lor 
subalterns, unpiped for others. Rank, ori the left 
patch, was standard SA with gold stars and silver 
‘bars’. The Fuhrer des Feldjagerkorps had a 15mm 
gold Tresse around the turn-up of Ills kepi. 

All ranks wore a white lanyard and, when on 
duty, a gorget similar to that of the Feldpolizei which 
normally featured an ‘A (Ahteilung) followed by a 
Roman numeral T to 4 VI b' for one of the eight 
Abteilungen (main units). Below the centrepiece star 
an Arabic numeral denoted the Hereiischq.fi (or sub¬ 
unit of around 60 men). 

Headquarters was Abkilling Ill b in Berlin. A 
white cuff title with /// B Berlin in gold exists (there 
may have been others). All FJK personnel wore the 
standard SA brassard. ! he sports singlet emblem 
was a police star with two swastikas above iL and 
'FJK’ (Gothic script) below. 

As ‘police 1 the FJK were allowed to carry 
revolvers and a dress bayonet, officers a ceremonial 
sword. On dutv a steel helmet was worn. 

Goering latterly lost interest and, on 1 April 
1 9351 handed the FJK over to the Prussian 
Sehidzpolizei. Thereafter it ceased to have any 
connection with the SA. 

{5) Standarte ‘Feldherrnhalle 1 

After the death of Rohm the various Stab swae hen 

were disbanded and replaced by a single SA 
Wachsiandarte (Guard Regiment). At first con¬ 
ceived simply as a ceremonial formation, it was, 

after March 1935 and the re-introduction of 
compulsory military service, envisaged as an elite 
regular body which would provide para-military 
training for the rest of the SA. Any man who had 
belonged to the SA tor at least six months was 
allowed, if he so wished, to do his two-year conscript 

service in this unit. In September 1936 the name 
was c hanged to AVI Standarle '‘Feldherrnhalle' (from 
the historic building in Munich which embodied a 

shrin e to I a 11 e n N a z i s o f N < >v e ni b c r 19 2 3) ♦ 

On i 2 Januarv 1937 n to celebrate Gocring's 441 1 1 
birthdav, Lutze nominated him Honorary 
Comm and er-in-Chief of the S/ Standarte 

Luftwaffe as an Air-Landing Battalion (later 
Parachute Regiment), into the army as a battalia: 
of Infantry Regiment 271. In August 1942 Grenade r 
(the new term for Infantry) Regiment 271 was! 
granted the title ''Feldherrnhalle'. In June 1943 it wa- 
raised to divisional strength as Panzer grenadier- 
Division Feldherrnhalle. Badly mauled in the fighting 
0n I lie Eastern I ront, 11 was disba 11 ded in Ju I v 194.; 




on brown was worn by units in the Reich and, after 
Sept cm 1 >e r 1942, b y Gten a diet Regun en t 271 and i r> 
successor. I,, July 194 3 z il 1 Geldh errn k a 11 e fo r n 1 a t i o 11s. 
home-based or Army, were granted the right t< 

“Feldherrnhalle ". The SAT StabsckeJ'had intended 
this to be no more than a symbolic gesture, and was 
more than a little taken aback when Goering 
incorporated the entire Stand arte into his newly 
lo r m c d L uft w tiffed 

For the following two years the Feldherrnhalle 

• 7 ? ^ 

operated under a dual command — SA and 
Luftwaffe — a fact reflected by its uniform: for 
'walking out", SA brown with the Luftwaffe eagle 
above the left breast pocket; for service dress, 
standard Luftwaffe blue-grey, in both eases with SA 
collar ranks on the left* The ri ght collar had at first a 
w hi te G o 1111 e L VV' ( Wadi) o n ca r m i n e, but in 19 3 8 
this was replaced by a 'wolf hook" with the SA 
monogram in the centre. 

Lutze's v i si o n of the Feld ken n h aide as a t r a i ni 11 g 
lormation for the SA was never realised, Tt did not 
function as a single entity but as seven separate 
Sturm ban tie in different German cities. With the 
coming of war the bulk of the Feldherrnhalle was 
incorporated into the armed forces—into the 

Duty gorget for Feldhcrrnhzille* 

,• w y 

.■' jy «: v 

â– X2 V. ;' 

1 • •• .. ■ • 


v v v .â–  uj 

s;; sy; 


■ v v • 

A'i â– â–  

â– â–  â– ; ;â–  


y; - y 

wy/vr- v >â–  

i J i :: 

wear on both shoulder straps the SA monogram on 
111 re e hori z on L a 1 K a mpjmn e c ros s ed b y one v e r ti ca 1 
one — In brot iz e f br n 1 e 1 1 and j un ior N G O s, s i 1 ver Ib 1 

senior X('Os, and gilt for oil leers. 

The kepi side panels for the Wachstandarte and 
Feldherrnhalle were carmine, 1 util 1939 shoulder 
snaps lb r no n - c o rn m i ss i o 11 e d r an k s w e re c armin c 
w r hi te on an u 11 der lay (for all ranks j t >1 white. W i t h 
the introduction of Wafjenfarbe the underlay for 

home-based units was changed to grey; that for 
Army units was white (while Infantry) and grass 
gre e n <: j n b e c ( j m i n g I *anz e rgrena dier . 

A special gorget was worn when on duty, but a 
standard-bearer wore the normal SA gorget. 

(6) SA Wehrmannschaften 

By a. decree of 19 J atm ary 1939 a new branch ol the 
SA, the ft whrmannschaflen : roughly: 1 Militiamen"), 
was established, ho undertake the pre- and post- 
military training of all German males 1 , it was to be 
responsible for the para-military education of the 

older age groups of the Hitler Youth and the 
reservist training of conscripts once they had 
completed their military service. 

S A d u t v w a s v{) l u 1 ita r v, mili t a r v sc r v i c e w as n o L: 

s j j * J 

thus every male would, eventually, find himself 

part of a Nazi-controlled organisation. War 
disrupted this grand design. There were no post- 
military-service conscripts— those called to the 

colours remained Tor the duration’, 

and the pre- 

mill t a ry t r a i n i ng of the Hi tier Yo u t h w as i ncreas- 
ingly taken over by the SS. Also, of course, much ol 
the regular cadre of the Wehrmannschafien was 
absorbed into die lories. In consequence the 

Wehrmannschafien functioned mainly as a back-up to 
the regular forces, for which purpose it was sub- 

divided into Army, Navy and Air F< wee ma dons, â–  jt 
as a general 'home front' auxiliary assigned to civil 
defence, police or any other body as dictated b\ the 
exigencies of war. 

Only in northern Yugoslavia did it assume full 
combat status. After the fall of that country in April 

1941 Lower Styria, Garinthia and Upper Carniola 
were incorporated into the Reich, and considerable 
partisa 11 unrest Iollowed. In r942 obligatory 
military service in that region raised a Wehrmann- 
schaftshataillon Slid which was later expanded from 
one to five battalions to become Wehrmannschqfls- 
regiment Uliter steurmark (Militia Regiment Lower 
Styria). It participated in several major drives 
against the local partisans. 

Hie Wehrmamschaften uniform was olive-brown, 
and comprised a tunic which could be worn open or 
dosed at the neck, breeches with top boots for 
officers (trousers and army boots for others}. An 
unusual feature was the ‘Italian 9 forage cap—a 

unique example of a German borrowing from its 
\xis partner. This had, on the front, the SA 
cockade monogram and, on the left side, an eagle- 
and-swastika on a triangle, correctly black 
although Gruppe colour was sometimes used. 

Rank was standard SA worn on collar patches in 
the Gruppe colour and piped in yellow or white 
according to the (former) button colour. Officers 5 
shoulder straps were normal SA, but non¬ 
commissioned grades bad round-ended straps in 
the same cloth as the tunic and piped in white for 
mils serving with the Army, in navy blue for those 

W ehrmannschaft belt buckle* (J. R, Angolia) 

Model 43 service cap as worn by tVchnnilflflscItaii! units in 
Styria— see Plate H3. (Ulric of England) 

w i t h L he Kriegsm a fine , a i id y e 11 o w fo r th os e w i th the 
Luftwaffe . 

The Ttalkin' forage cap was often replaced by 
the Mi 943 field cap. An Edelweiss cap emblem was 
worn by units in the ‘highland’ Gmppen . 

All ranks wore the normal SA brassard except 
the Styrian SA units, which had a brassard 
featuring the flame-breathing Styrian griffin on 
equal white and green (the Styrian colours); on 
active service, the brassard was usually discarded* 

A special Wehrmannschqfien belt buckle was 
designed but, in practice, the 'civilian* two-claw 
type was more commonly worn. 

During the closing months of the war the 

Wehrmannschqfien were i n cor po r a ted i n I o t he 

Volkssturm (the 'Home Guard' raised in October 

,,, .< \ 

(7) SA in the General Government (Poland) 
and Danzig 

After the defeat of Poland two large regions were 
incorporated into the Reich—Gan Danzig in West 
Prussia and Gau Posen (later renamed Gau 
Wartheland); the rest of the country was styled the 
‘General Government’ under a German Governor 
:Hans Frank). An SA unit ‘General Government' 
was raised from among the Volksdeutsche (racial 
German residents). In place ol the word Sturm as 
normally applied to an SA company, the earlier 
term Hundertschaft was used. In 1942 the various 
/iundertschaften throughout the country were re¬ 
named SA Wehrschulzen-Bereilschaflen (roughly: 
light infantry readiness companies’). On 20 April 
1942 this cumbersome title was abbreviated to -S'. I 
Wehrbereiischaften, and all male Volksdeutsche be¬ 
tween the ages of t8 and 65 ordered to enrol in it 

either for active servic e against the partisans or, for 
the older men, static: home-defence. 

SA units in tire General Government wore ‘GO' 

on a grey right collar patch. 

A special frontier defence force' was raised in the 

F ree City of Danzig at the start of the war. Members 
at this unit wore the SA monogram on a black right 
collar patch. The rest of the uniform was Army 
field-grey, [lie Army-style forage cap with an SA 
cockade on the (rout. 

Distribution of Standortfuhrcr Gros s -Berlin cuff bund in 
November 1933. 

Retired Officers/Acting Officers and Honor¬ 
ary Commissions 

(a) Retired SA officers could, on special occasion 
w ear their former unito mi. Bet ween i 9 3 3 and 1 ty: 

their status was indicated by a metal A 
(l 'emhschiedele = " RcUred 5 ) on both collars. In 193 J 
the military term a.D. [ausser D ten si) was preferred: 
f or those who had \lelt the servic e'. Cl re v collar 
patches and grey side panel to the kepi was then tin 
token of being retired. In 1936 the concept < f 

"retired officer' was dropped. 

g ranks were granted to individuals who 




although not members of the SA, carried out some 
specialist function within it. Such persons were 
k11 ow 11 as Rhrenhalher and wore si I ver-gre y patch es 
i m less a11achcd U:> the Statt ofat huppe or theOSAF, 
in which case the patches were red and carmine 

e) Officers with no current assignment but 
immediately available for du.Lv were said to be zur 
Verfilgung ('available for duty'). Persons on the 
active reserve but subject to recall in an emergency 
were zur hesonderen Verwendung kfbr special employ¬ 
ment'). Such persons wore, respectively, cuff titles 
with zAh and z.b.V. (gold Gothic lettering on 

i-' lr i, 

d) Honorary Commissions were introduced in 
December 1934 with the creation by the SA of 
1 S 7 andarten FJirenfuhrer a la mile\ I bis title, a mixture 
4 German and French, was equivalent to the 
British Army's 1 Colonel-in-Chief to a particular 
regiment (in the SA\s case, a particular Stand arte ). 
This unique rank had a unique collar patch — the 
»ak leaf of a Sla n da rtenjiik rer plus three stars with (on 
the riglit patch only) the 11 umber oI the Standarte to 
hich the FJirenfuhrer was accredited. 

At first this was the sole honorary rank granted, 
but the following year both higher and lower ranks 
were awarded. The special collar patch was 
iiscontinned and holders of SA honorary com- 


missions wore the normal insignia of the rank to 
which they had been appointed plus an ivory- 
> loured cuff title with Ehrenjuhrer in gold Gothic 
ttering, or, for 1 o'wer grades, Rangjuhrer (a Is<> go 1 cl 
m ivory). If they were gazetted to a particular 
formation, its number appeared after the word 
Ehrenflihrer. e.g. FJirenfuhrer Hr. R rj (Honorary 
Officer of Reserve Brigade 13). 

Training Establishments 

. \ X a tio n a I Lead ersh ip School (R eiclufilhrerschule) 
was opened at Munich in March 1931. Staff wore 
on their right collar a black 1 \ 1 rune' (runic 'T' j 
i m tli 1 ted i n vv li i t e on a carmine (1 ale r, bright red) 
patch. Shoulder straps for trainees and non- 
i om missioned staff were red/while on (for all 
trades) a red underlay. On their left upper arm 
graduates of the School wore a white-outlined 
black 1 vr rune on red. 

I11 July 1933 Rohm established a Training 
Kection {Ausbildunsswesens or AW) as one of the 

Main Departments of the OSAF. After his fall this 
was abolished, but was revived in January 1935 
with the creation of the post of CheJ des Ausbil- 
dungsuesms. The AW set up National (Reichs) and 
Regional (Gruppen) schools for all aspects of SA 
training—motor, riding, sports, etc. Trainees and 
staff wore normal SA service dress, but had, for 
work, a special Ubungsanzug comprising an olive- 
brown tunic, trousers and kepi (this latter differed 
from the normal and was without coloured panels). 
The tunic had a brown collar and concealed 
buttons (apart from those on the breast pocket 
flaps). Shoulder straps for trainees and non¬ 
commissioned staff were red/white on (for all 
grades) a brown under lav. 

Staff at the training establishment of one of the 
SA's specialist branches wore the emblem of that 
branch at a 45-degree angle on their right collar, 
e.g. the crossed pick and shovel of the Pionier SA. 
Where no such emblem existed (as at Motor or 
S po r Is S ch 00 1 s) a I a rge 1 A â–  (A ush iIdling ) w as w o rn in 
its place, the patch being in the Grnppe colour. 

With the Ubungsanzug special collar ranks were 
worn: one star (both collars; lor Gruppen full rer; two 
stars (left only) for gugfuhrer\ three stars (left only) 
for Letter. A cuff title chf.f aw (possibly carmine on 
white) exists and may have been for Staff at AW 

officers the SA also ran con rses for NCOs, the length 
of which varied from a single weekend for junior 
grades to two weeks for senior ranks. Graduates 
were supposed to receive a black chevron (to be 
worn on the lower left arm) but no photographic 
evidence of its existence has come to light. 

During 1935 6 Training Companies [Lehr- 
slurme) and T rai nin g Battal ions (Lehrs lurmbanne) 
wore a 22mm If on the right collar in conjunction 
with the Standarte number (i8nim) and the Sturm or 
Sturmbann n u mera 1 s (ca eh 12 rnm}, or vv i th a 
specialist emblem (e.g. Signals Blitz )—in this case 
placed upright, not at a 45-degree angle. The I f 
co uld be m e La 1 or cha in-s ti tch, ei 111 er black or w hite 
(whichever contrasted better with the collar patch 
colour), but due to a possible confusion with the ‘Lf 
of the Leihstandarte. which it resembled, it was 
{liseoni inucd in lavour of an : A ? (asdeLai 1 ed above). 

One little-known aspect of SA training was its 
sponsorship of a senior school for boys at Feldafing 

National Sports Leader, SA Obcrgruppenfuhrcrvon Tscliam- 
mer und Os ten, in summer uniform with short-lived March 
1936 cap badge. (J. Charita) 

on the Starnbergersee (south of Munich I. Opened 
in April 1934 with 193 specially selected pupils, 
known as SA jfungmannen, it was intended to train 
future SA leaders. On graduation a boy could enter 
the SA with the rank of Truppfuhrer. Pupils wore SA 
uniform (shirt, lie, tunic, breeches, brassard, etc.) 
butin place of the kepi, a brown side cap in the style 
of the Hitler Youth's camp cap, and, instead of an 
SA dagger, a bayonet-type side arm with blade 
inscribed Ehre, Kraft , Frdheii ("Honour, Strength, 
Freedom 5 ). 

In February 1936 control of the school passed 
from SA to Party hands, although even alter this 
several SA officers continued lobe members of staff, 

in cl udi n g t he head m aster, S A 0 hergruppenfiihrer 
Julius Goerlilz. It was not until 1941 that all 
connection with the SA was severed; thereafter 

pupils were enrolled in the Hitler Youth, stall in thr 
NSDAP. The full title of the establishment was, A.' 
Deutsche 0 her sc hide Starnbergersee. A cuff Lille win 
this wording exists and may have been worn b 
pupils, staff, or both. 

Welfare and Work Gamps 

During the two or three years before and after 
Hitler's accession to power, Germany was in th 
grip of the Great Depression. The ranks of the SA 
were swelled by thousands of unemployed men. I 
1931 it c h a n n e 11 e c iso in.e of its li n 1 i l e d re s o u rces in t 
the creation of a Welfare Section. 

Once in power the Nazis were able to devot 
more time and money to alleviating the plight of th 
workless. Technical Training Companies ( Tech- 
n ische Lehrs l iirme ) w e r e s e 1 u p i n ( ) c t o h e r 19 33 U 
help trained artisans regain skills they had lost as a 
result of prolonged idleness. But many ol the 
unemployed were unskilled, and for these, Work 
G a mp s (H ilfsw erklagern ) w e re cs tablish e 11 i n w 1 ti c 11 
practical vocational training was provided. 

Fhe organisation of the camps was left to the 
discretion of the individual Gruppe . 1 n some Crupper 
attendance was obligatory, in others voluntary, 
and the duration of training could vary from six 

weeks to 14 months. 

The term Hilfswerklagern was later replaced by 
$ehultmgslagern (School Gamps), but. by March 
1936 they were wound up due to an easing ol the 
trade depression, and the fact that re-introduced 
compulsory military service had taken large 

11 urnhers of voung men oIf Lhe streets. 

J 'TO 

Stall of the Technical draining Companies wore 
a silver cogwheel on a light blue rhombus on the left 
cuff. Otherwise their unilbrm was standard SA. 

Staff of the Schulungs lager n are reported to have had 
"Sell. If on their right collar patch, but no 
pi lotogr a phic evi deuce of t his Is a va i I a I) 1 e, 

* # ^ 

Miscellaneous Insignia 

Ol beers and N GOs could wear a lanyard Irom the 
m Id d 1 e b u t to \ 1 of t h e s h i r11 u 1 1 1 e r i g h 1 b re as t p octet, 
attached to a whistle for giving commands. Until 
1937 the colour of the lanyard was the same as that 
of the collar patch, except for J tiger units in 
Franconia and Hoc hi and who had green inter- 

woven with the Gruppe colour. After 1937 .ill 

1 a 11 vards w err brow 11. 


Former members of 'Steel l lelmeF incorporated 
into the SA wore, I or a brief time, a black chevron 
on the left cuff, but this was replaced by a black 
cloth rhombus bearing the 'Steel Helmet badge, 
normally in silver metal, but white cotton was 
occasionally used. 

SA personnel who were also members of the 
Auslands Organisation (Overseas Organisation of the 
NSDAP) wore, on the left cuff, a white or silver 
WO’ on a black rhombus, piped in silver. 

A small number of senior SA leaders during the 
war years wore, in place of the normal brassard, a 
gold bullion cagle-and-swastika of the Army type 
>n a carmine background* 

. 1 /: .SVf Leader, K)2i 

Uni fo r m ’ in 1921 2 w as any thi ng b u t s La nd a rd. A 
grey wind jacket was popularly worn over either 
civilian or part-military attire, A swastika 
armband was the only constant feature. A 

leathVhead was a favourite item of cap adorn¬ 
ment. The illustration is based on a photo oi 

H. Lb Klmtzsch, the first SA leader. 

[2: s^ugfUhrer, 1923 

Formal uniform was introduced in January 1923, 
consisting of a iield-grey tunic and breeches and 
tan-coloured kepi with the national cockade. Rank 
ivas signified by white bands around the brassard 
here, two for a ^ugfuhrer (Platoon Leader) . The SA 
Sfandarfe (Standard) also made its first appearance 
in January 1923; at this stage the letters 'NSDAP' 
appeared on the front. 

A3: Truppfukrer, Gruppe Fran ken , November 1926 
When the SA was re-activated in February 1925 it 
adopted an all-brown uniform. Rank was still, as 
previously, indicated on the brassard, but in 
November 1926 collar patches in different colours 
' d en ote cl i 0 ere n t region s w ere i n trod need; on t he 
left, rank insignia, on the right, the Standard 
t regimental) number. The regional colour lor 
Franconia (Franken) was wbite jas iL was for ninc of 

: : 

*' .â–  > v! 

sshs sii 

■. .■• 

'â– i 

: :■ • 

Knight^ Cross winner, SA Gruppcnfiihrer Bernhard Hoff¬ 
mann; cap badge is final design, (J, Gharita) 

the other, then, 31 regions). The two stars of a 
Truppfuhrer were, at this stage, placed parallel (not, 
as later, at an angle). In inclement weather a grey 
windjacket could be worm Various designs of belt 
buckle were worn. Inset: Radge ol the Front-harm. 

B1: (j mpp enjiih ret , 

As a token of their high rank, Standarknfuhrer and 
above had, in 1928, bright red side panels added to 
their kepis, and also silver piping around its turn-up 
and crown. A Gruppenjuhrer had bright red collar 
patches with twin silver oak leaves (the Chief of 
Staff had the same but in gold). A cap badge was 
not introduced until the following year. There were 
no shoulder straps. The brown shirt was, in 
reality, a brown blouse worn over a genuine shirt 
(ei t her brown or w h i te). 

82: Scharfuhrer, Untergruppe Hamburg, 1932 
A government ban on political uniform was 



Prince August Wilhelm (right), son of the former Kainser, an 
SA Hrigadt*{iihrt*r. Note unusual horizontal placing of unit 
numeral (235) on collar of the Sturnifiihrer, (Ulric of England) 

imposed in December 1931, When it was rescinded 
six months later one condition was that the SA 
adopt 4 a more respectable form of dress'. Its 
re s p o t i sc vv a s a t u n ic w o r n o v e r a ( t r u e ) s h ir t a n d tic. 
With this, brown trousers were worn (the SA 
reverted to breeches and top boots a few months 
later). This Sell a rj uh re r i s o 11 th e s t a tT o 1 t h c {t hen j 
Uniergruppe Hamburg and wears its white collar 
patches with (for staff) its Gothic £ Hg' abbrevi¬ 
ation. Collar patch piping, brought in at this time, 
is in the white/green of this Unier gruppe, The cap 
badge, i n trod need in 19 2 9, is (I rst d esi gi 1, T h e tw i n- 
claw buckle usually worn with the tunic did not 
make its appearance until 1934* 

Bj: 0 bench a rj uh ret , G rupp e j\ 0 rdm a rk , ujg'j 
Iti 1933 shoulder straps, worn on the right only, 
were introduced, and side panels in the Gruppe 
colour (here 'emerald green' for Nordmark) added 
to the kepi. This Ob ersch a rj uh rer w ears the g o r ge 101 a 
standard-bearer and carries the Slurmjaline of his 
unit* The brown 'shirt ( blouse) is here worn over a 
true shi r t: tli is ord er < jf d r ess was n o w design a ted t he 
'traditions', or full dress, uniform 1 Grosser 
Diensianzug ). 

Ci: Ohertruppjukrer, Gruppe H demand, igjg 
In southern Bavaria and upper Austria leath 
shorts [Lederhosen) were traditional male dress 1: 
summer. The SA permitted these to be worn wit: 
thick white stockings ( Wadensiulren) and black < 
brown shoes, but only in conjunction with th 
brown 'shirt' (not with the tunic). The Grupj 
colour tor Hoc hi and was light blue, and a! 
members were entitled to wear an Edelweiss on th 
left side of the kepi. 

C2: SA Mann. Gruppe Mi lie, full marching order , igg 
For route marches, IVehrsport (field exercises) and 
certain ceremonial occasions full marching order 
was worn, consisting of brown 'shirt' with back¬ 
pack, blanket, mess tin, bread sack, water batik 
and d ag ge r. T his SA Ad arm b el o r igs to Gruppe M i / 
(indicated by the orange-yellow side panel of lib 
kepi). On his right upper arm is a red-ribbed gold 
chevron denoting SA membership prior to 1933: 
later this was replaced for an 'old lighter' by long- 
service rings around both cutis. 

Cj: Sports kil (Gruppe Oherrhein) 

On the sports field no distinction was drawn 
between oil leers and others, thus no rank insignia of 
any sort appeared on this order of dress which 
consisted of a while singlet, brown shorts and black 
shoes ( without socks). I11 the centre of the singlet 
was the SA logo, Initially brown on white with, 
encircling the chest, a 30mm-wide band in the 
Gruppe colour; later die band was discontinued and 
the logo, in w hite, placed upon a background in the 
Gruppe colour — here cornflower blue for Oherrhein, 
At the base of the logo is the Gruppe abbreviation— 
here 'OR11 . The singlet logo varied in size from 
100 to 140mm. A smaller version : 75mm ; was worn 
on the led breast of the brown track suit. A cloth 
version of the SA Sports Badge could be worn on the 

D1: 0 h e rs l u rmjuh rer. Be I dp 0 1 ig e i , G ruppe Be rl in - 

Enro 11 ed as 'lie 1 d pollce' in the wake oft! 1 e Nazi 
'seizure of power', SA units in Berlin and 
Brandenburg wore the dark blue greatcoat of the 
Prussian Police over their brown uniforms. The 
Berlin-Brandenburg Gruppe colour was black, with 
black/white piping. This remained unchanged, bul 


a police star (silver) replaced the unit numerals on 
the right patch and the button on the kepi. 
Subalterns had collar patches piped in black, w hite 
with similar piping around the crown of the kepi. 
On dot y a go r g e t \v; t s w o r n, eh a r g ed vv i t h , a police 
star, two swastikas and die unit number. 

1 ) 2 : Feldjdger-Rottenfuhrer, 1934 
The Feld]dgerkorps uniform was of a si milar cut to 
that ol the Prussian Police, but in olive-brown. The 
unit colour was white (no longer, by this time, used 
by any SA Gruppe). Rank insignia was as for the rest 
1 j I the S A, I hi t a gok I police star lea 1 u red on t h c ri gist 
o 11 ar pa tch. T here w as wI lite pi ping arou n d co 11 ar, 
uils and down the front edge of the tunic (although 
iliis latter was sometimes omitted 1. As police' the 
I JK were allowed to carry revolvers. A gorget, 
bmilar to that of the Feldpolizei , was worn on duty. 

Dp: Sturmmann o f the Feldherrnhalle, tgjq 
By September 1939 shoulder straps were worn on 
both shoulders of the tunic and greatcoat (but still 
mly on the right with brown 'skirt order), The new 
lesien for those of non-commissioned rank was 


j row 11 flecked wi 1 h si 1 ver. 1 win-colour piping had 
seen abolished and collar patches were piped in 
at her white or vellow according to the (former) 
aiilon colour. The Fill I had carmine patches and 
kepi side panel, a special right collar device and a 
unique duty gorget. A brown cuff title with 
Feldtierrnhalle in Sitllerlin scr ipt was worn on the left 
2 IT. Inset: Emblem awarded in July 1943 and worn 
n both shoulder straps by home-based and 
military Fill! units. 

E1 :Ob ers l u rmfuh re r, AI a rin e SA , / 9 $4 

ill dress uniform in the Marine SA. as in the rest of 
the service, was the brown 'shirt/ (blouse) and 
breeches (navy blue) with top boots (black), A 
1 .:vv blue tunic with a true brown shirt and tic was 
t c undress uniform ' F 7 riner Diensfan ~ ug). f n place 

o 1 a kepi a peaked cap with a gold a nd si I ver cap 
badge (here, the first version) was worm Collar 
p i pi ng was royal blue / whi te, s u bal te rush a vi ng thi s 
also around their collar patches. Buttons, rank 
stars, etc., were gold, 

E2: Sturmbannfiihrer, Marine SA Sea Sport School* 1934 
1 lie tunic worn with undress uniform by the Marine 
SA was single-breasted, but stall, both tom mis¬ 
sioned and otherwise, at a Marine SA sea sport 
school had the more traditional double-breasted 
jacket as worn by naval officers. With this, navy 
b 1 ue t rouse r s were worn—in 1 he r est of the Manne 
SA trousers belonged only to 'office dress , or 
‘evening dress'. As at all SA training establish- 
merits, a branch-of-service emblem (here an 
anchor) was placed at a 45-degree angle on the 
right collar patch. On the right cuff a light blue 
band with the name of the school (here: ' 5/1 
Seesporlschule Seemoos*) was worn. The cap badge 
here is a variant of the first design with a wreath 
similar to that of the Kriegsmarine. The badge on the 
left upper breast pocket is that of an Officer of the 

Eg: Rottmfiihrer 3 Marine SA , while working uniform 
D u n n g s e a -goi n g e x c rc i s es Ma rin e. S A rati n gs w o re, 
like their counterparts in the Kriegsmarine, a white 
moleskin smock and trousers; headgear was the 
Lager mutze in navy blue. Rank was indicated by a 
scheme of red bars, chevrons and/or stars on the 

j 1 

lower left cu If—here the two red bars of a 

••4 11 

* “ * * * * ^ * * * 1 * 4 * ■ * * * * * « * * * * * * * * 9 * « « i » * ■* * * « & * * * ****** &£*-ri v W* ** 


Fi: Sturmjuhrer > Motor SA.. Gruppe Franken, igpj 
The Motor SA was distinguished by its black 
breeches and top boots (in place of brown) and by 
the special crash helmet worn while driving. Here a 
Sturmfuhrer of Gruppe Franken (Franconia) wears 

Cuff title of an Ehrenfiihrer of Reserve Brigade 13. (Walker 

â–  â–  \ . ...... 

■ ■ ■ r: ■ - ■ ' ' - ■ ■ •• 

* rvf }( E f ■* i. i. • . • ■ ■ ■ v vk. ■ -i, * Ui u 

V Sf fPKft V C 

-C ■ -- - -— ■ 

•s s- 


â– â– â–  â–  .â–  -S - . .. 

. .rt. :■£ :■ •: S- . . 

•; \ i- iU ' ■ 

k p- yc & â– â–  â–  

.. 'tfspts';. Sfc.•; 

•• ^ - ^ r 

::hv.'.; •. 


tha t G ro u p's 4 su i p h u r y c 1 I ow " coll a r pa tubes (whic h 
re p I a c e d 1 li e lb r m e r w h i te on es in i 9 3 2} w i th ro y a 1 
b I uej w hite co 11 a r, a ncl collar pate h, pi pin g, ( ) n h is 
left cuffis the Qualified Driver's badge, on his left 
b re as t po cket the c o m m c 1 n o r a t i v e b act ge of t h c S A 
rally at Brunswick in 1931, 

F2: SV 1 Spielmann, Gruppe Hans a, igy. 

This drummer wears the "swallows' nests' of a 
musician in the navy blue of Gruppe Hama, with 
collar patches and kepi side panel in the same 
co 1 o u r * Hi s co Haris p i p e d 1 n ro y a 1 b t u e a n d y el I o w, 
and his single shoulder strap is likewise royal blue 
and yellow on a navv blue underlav. He wears 

â–  d f 

leather equipment which includes an apron to 
protect his breeches from friction while marching* 

Fg: Slandartenfuhrer (Medical Branch )> Gruppe West- 
mark, evening dress 

The SA, unlike the armed forces or SS, had no 

specially devised evening dress* Instead it wop 3 
version of its of lice dress' (introduced in Ap 
1 933) comprising a brown tunic, shirt and tie w: 
black trousers piped narrowly in red down t 
outer seams* Evening dress' differed from "offi 
dress' only in that the shirt was white* not kha 
and neither belt nor headgear was worn with 
Here a medical Slandartenfuhrer (his fundi' 
indicated by a silver life rune' on his cull 1 wears t 
chocolate brown patches and shoulder stra 
u nd e r I ay of Grupp e Weslm a rk . His single s ho u 1 cl 
strap is twisted silver bullion* 

G /; Qbergruppenfuhrer on Staff of an SVJ Gruppe , iqg . 
As a member ofstaifofan SA Gruppe * this officer h. 
bright red collar patches arid kepi side panel. H 
senior rank entitles him to broad silver Tresse am 

silver piping around the turn-up of the kepi am: 
silver piping around its crown* Around both cull- 
he has two silver-grey rings, respectively 4mm am 
1 2mm wide* denoting service in the SA since 1929 
l ire colour ol SA uniform has bv this time beei 
altered to a slightly darker shade referred to a> 
4 olive-brown'* 

Gs: Obersturmhannjuhrer at OSAF, while summet 

In warm weather senior officers could wear a 
lightweight white tunic, normally without a belt 
but for ceremonial occasions the d ress bell could (as 
here} be worn. The suspension chain of the dagger 
passed through the flap oft he pocket to be attached 
to a button inside the tunic. The illustration shows 

an officer with the carmine collar patches and kepi 
side panel of a member of the OSAF* On his right 
cull he has a carmine band with £ Obersle SA - 
Fit lining' in gold. He has the "Tyr rune' of a graduate 
of the National Leadership School. On his left 
breast pocket lie wears the SA Wehrahzeichen and 
German Expert Horseman's Badge. The right 
collar patch lor members of the OSAF below the 
r a ilk of Sta n da rlen'full re r w a s b I a n k * 

Gg: 11 a up l / ruppj ilh rer, Gruppe SlJ.dm.ark, lygo 
This lla uptl ruppfiih rer (a r a n k c r ea te din 19 3 o ) vv e a r s 
the pink collar patches and kepi side panel of Gruppe 


Tunic of a Scharfiihrer of Standarte FeJdherrnhaJle* (Walker 

Sudmark. The collar pale lies are piped in while, 
reflecting the former silver button colour; the 
second style shoulder straps are worn on both sides* 
H e 11 as t h e c u if title ' E l illib aid . Stro m b ergef a w a ret e c I 
to Standarte i ofhis Gruppe. Dressed in a greatcoat, he 
collects lor the Winter Relief fWKIW) charity a 
dutv which even the most senior members of the 
Nazi party were required to perform. 

Hi: Hauplsturmjuhrer oj ike Wekrmannschafi as 
Adjutant to Gruppe Nordsee, 1Q42 
Hi is officer wears t he 4 olive-brown' uniform and 
hstinclive 'Italian' forage cap of die Wehrmann- 
fkajt , with the 'steel green: collar patches of Gruppe 
Yordsee to which lie is accredited as an adjutant 
signified by his aiguilleltes). His collar patches are 
aped in yellow (the former button colour having 
been gold). He has the special Wehrmannsciia.fi belt, 

Hj: SA Mann of Wehrmannschqft in Gruppe .Meder- 
rkein, ?<)44 

a member of Gruppe Niederrhein the man has black 
collar patches piped in yellow (former button 

‘Italian’ forage cap as worn by Wehrmannsclmft, (Walker 

colour: gold). In place of the 'Italian' cap he wears 
the M t 943 cap, by this period in the war the almost 
universal headgear of die German forces. He has a 
t w i n - c I a w 1 >e I l h u c k I e (n 1 o re c o t n m on 1 y u s e cl 1 h a n 
the official Wehrmannsdiajt type). His ski trousers 
are tucked into black shoes. ()n his left cuff is a black 
band with' Sturmbann z.b.V: (zur imonderen Verwen- 
dung = 'for special duty'} plus a place name. This 
type of cull’tide indicated a unit available for active 
duty in an emergency. 

H j: SA Mann of Wehrmannschqft in Slyria , 1345 
The collar patch colour of the Styrian Wekrmann- 
schqft is described as 'raspberry red'. Collar patches 
and shoulder straps are piped in white. A special 
white and green brassard with the black griffin of 
Styria within a white circle was authorised, 
although often discarded on active service. The 
g r iffin, pj us a sword, also featured on the left side ol 
the brown steel helmet. Mountain hoots were worn 
with thick white ankle socks. 



(Rtrfei't’iices Lo iilusLraliom are shown in bold. Plales are prefixed 'pi." with rommeniary locators in brackets, e.g. 'pi. FI (45-1 1 

adjuLaiiLn: pJ. Ill (47); 15 
August Wilhelm, Entire 44 

daggers; pi. C2 (46); 15. IB—I V„ 16, 17 
Danzig 40 

flags & banners; pi. A2 (43), H3 (44): 3,17-19, 18 
Fmnthnmi m . pi. A (’ mwt) (43); 4, 8 

Goeririg. Nermann ""p—-4, 6 , [■Mi, 47, 38 

Hitler, Adolf 3,4-5,6, 15, 18, 34, 36 
Hoffmann, Rem hard 43 

Klini/.sch, Hans [ lridi 3-4. 43 (Al) 

l.uize, Viktoi 6, 7 : 7, 12, 13 16-17, 17,38 

Munich f*ulsch 4, 8, 18. 15, 38 

N t) i vvirgiai l Rsk&hird 7 
N8DAT; pi. A2 (43); 3,5, 17, 13, 35, 42 
organisation 5-6, 7, 12. 13, 34 
Gntppen 5, 6, 7. 8, % ID, II, 12, 13, 15, 
ill. pi. A3-H2 (43-47) passim. 

OSAF 7. 3, 12,13, 15, 13, 36, 46 (G2) 
s]xxial fi.»1 j y liot is 13-39 
adiminis I ra Jion 34 - 35 
equestrian units 12, 13, 23 
living units 6-7. 13-20, 23 
jdgrr units 12, 33, 34, 42-43 
Leibstandwte 34 

Msmtu- 3A: pi. El-3 {15); 12,14, 16, 

20 -21, 21 

medical units; pi, F3 (46); 12, 24 
motor units: pi. FI (45-46); 5, 6. 10, 

21-22. 22, 36 

musicians; pi. F2 (46); 24 -33, 33 
pioneeis 12.22-23 
pirlice 4’ para-miHiai'v units 36—33 
Ffidh/rniJmEf' pL D3 / inset (451; 

17. 17, 37-38, 38. 46 
Fktdjrignrkofp',: pi. D2 (45); 7.. 37 
FddpSket pi. D1 (44-45), 37 
StubsuHttiwi 36, 37 
Strmffiidmisi patrols 36-37, 40 
Wehvammeh&fieri\ pi. 111-3 (47); 

7, 38-39, 59, 47 

[ I uaitemlasicis 35-36 
reservists 23-2-1, 41,45 
Srhii&■•!< units 12, 33—34 
signals units 12, 22 
training units 35, 41 —42 

Pfeifer, Fran/ 5. 7 
Poland 39-40 

ranks 7-12,1.2, 34-35. 40-41 

Brigfidefitfiw 8. II, 12 44 
tlhmifuhw 41„ 45 

Gmppaififain pi. BI (43); 8, 11.12, 43 
Haupttmppjuhrfr. pi. G3 (46-47); 7, 12 
leader; pi Al (43); 9. 16, 17 
Obeifthm-R, II, 12 

ObergmppenjuJtj pt. pi, G1 (4(4); 6, 7. 8. 

11 , 12 

OfMn^cJimfiiJtjrr. pi. B3 (44); 7, 12 
( }fxfi x lurtfiltan ftj ti hrer. pE. G2 (46); 8. 

10 r 32 

Obet s [{irvifuhrer. pI, Dl (14—45), El (45); 

7, 10,12 

Obersturmtnsinn 7, 12 
ObertiUpfifuftirr. pi. Cl (44); 7, 12 
Iitiiffwjiihh'i: pi. D2 (45), E3 (45); 7, 12 
SA-Mtmm pi. C2 (44) f H2/3 (47); 12 
Srhaif iibrn p|. B2 (43-44); 7, 12,46 
Stah^kafX 8.9. 11,12. 13. 13, 14, 15, 

43 (111) 

St/mdartmjvhnT, pt. F3 (46); 8, 10, 12, 

43 (HI) 

SfurfdMnfifvJmr. pt. E2 (45); 8. 10, 12 
5 iurmfuhrer. pi. FI (45-16); 7 : 10, 12. 

18, 44 

5il wmhauptfiihiw : pi. 141 (47); 7, 10, 12 
Sfurmmami: pi. D3 (45); 7, 12 
Truppfiih-reK |>l. A3 (43); 7. 12 
Zugfuforr, pi. A2 (43); 8 
retired ol I keis 40 

Rohm, Ernst 3, 4,5, 6, I 1. 12, 36. 4 I 

Schepmann, Wilhelm 5, 7. 12 
sport: pi. C3 (44), E2 (45); 7, 35, 42 
88 : 6, 6, 19-22, 20, 34. 37, 38, 46 (F3) 

fkdiLtmmer nnd Ostcn, von 42 

unilbmis: pi. A-H (4.3-17); 4, 6, 8-19. 3. 10-0 

passim, 35 

Ixrlt buckles; pi. A3 (431, B 2 (44), Hl/2 
(47); 14, 14,36.39 
hoots: pi. El (45). FI (45), H3 (47) 
bleedtes; pi. A2 (43) f El (45), 

FI (45);8 

4 mown shirts’; pi. Rl (13). B3 (44), 

Cl n (44). El (45); (x 8. 45 (D3j 
greatcoats: pt. Dl (44), 03 (47) 
headgear 8, 13—14 
i rash helmet: pi. Pi (45); 22 
forage cap; pi. E3 (45); l 1 

Italian'SLvle; pi. HI (47): 39, 47 
kepi: pi. A2 (43); 8, 13, 13-14 
side panels; pi. Bl G3 (43-47} 
passim; 13, 14 

M 1943 cap: pi. H2 (47); 39 30 
peaked cap; pi. El (45); 21 
insignia 8-15, 12-13 
see organisation; special formations 
badges: pi. At (43), B2 (44). El/2 

(45) ; 8, 13, 14, 14, 21, U 42, 43 
bra^ards: pi. Al/2 (43); 8 

rank bauds; pi. A2 (43); 8, 9 
collar patches: pi. A3-H3 (43-47) 
passim; 3,8-0, 9, 10, lh 15, 44 
c:iill titles, pi. D3 (45), E2 (45), G2 

(46) . G3 (47), 112 (47); 14-15. 

37, 40, 45 

Edelweiss: pi. C l (44); 14, 33. 30 
gorgets: pi. B3 (44), M/3 (45); 19, 

10 , 38, 45 (D2) 

piping; pi. 1U-H3 (43-47) passim; 8, 
(M0. 10, 11,12, 13-14, 3 4 
shoulder straps; pi. B3 (Id). D3 (45), 
F2/3 (46), C3 (47), 113 (47); 8, 

10-12, 12. 43 (Rl) 

veteran insignia; pi. C2 (44), G3 (46); 15 
shoes: pi. Cl, 3 (44), H2 (47) 
shorts: pi. 0/3 (44) 
summer uni.form: pi. Cl (44), 

G2 (46); 42 

trousers; pi. B2 (44 :-, E2 (45), F3 (46), 

142 (17) 

uinks; i>l. A2 (48). B2 (14), E2 (45), F3 
(46), G2 (46); 8.45 (El), 46 

weliarr and work camps 42 



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