Saturday, January 20th, 2001, will be remembered as a dark day for human
freedom - the day that George W. Bush took the oath on the same
Freemasonic Bible used by George Washington and became the 43rd President
of the United States.
It is not George W. Bush that is truly the
problem, it is all that he represents. Bush ("Shrub") is president in name
only, of course. The real power is with others behind the scenes, like his
father George Bush and those of even greater authority than he, like Henry
Kissinger and other leg-men for the Illuminati.
We can see this
clearly in the people the Shrub has appointed to "his" cabinet. It is like
a roll call of Illuminati placemen that served under his father and other
child abusers, rapists, and serial killers like Gerald Ford. Alongside
them are a stream of Illuminati operatives from corporate America,
including ALCOA, the Aluminum cartel controlled by the infamous Mellon
family, those close friends of the British royal family. It is ALCOA and
the Mellons who gave us fluoride, a poison and mind suppressant, in public
drinking water.
Shrub's vice-president, Dick Cheney, was his
father's Defence Secretary and together they launched the "NATO"
(British-American) war on Iraq in 1991. Cheney, as exposed by Cathy
O'Brien in Trance-Formation of America, is yet another mind controller,
child abuser, and serial killer. Colin Powell, the head of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, was America's highest military commander during the Gulf
War and you do not get to that level unless you know what people like
Father George and Cheney are involved in. Powell, like the Bushes and
Cheney, is bloodline and that's why he is to be the new Secretary of
State. Given that line-up and their mentality and agenda, don't be at all
surprised if the United States finds itself in another manipulated war
during this administration. You will see "monsters" being created in the
public mind to justify such action.
The Bush inauguration marks
the start of the massive push by the Illuminati to further their agenda
for a global fascist state. You will see this clearly unfolding in the
next 24 months and, as usual, watch what they do, not what they say. The
Bush administration will be a cold, calculating, vicious, period of human
history. I know people who have met the Shrub during his period as
Governor of Texas and cold, calculating, and vicious, as well as
staggeringly unintelligent, are words they chose to describe him. But
those who will be dictating the actions of his presidency make him look
like a puppy dog. Or maybe lapdog would be more appropriate.
many of those who still deny any evidence of a global fascist state
emerging before our eyes will be shocked out of their comatose state by
the time the Shrub leaves office. Indeed, probably long before.

Referenced material:
TranceFormation of America
by Cathy O'Brien
& Mark Phillips