Cosmic Spring

By Giuliana Conforto
Spring is here. The light is getting brighter, flowers are blossoming man and nature are more colorful. Our senses are awakening: eros, feelings, emotions, the need for contact with nature is getting stronger. There is also a growing sensation that there's something terribly wrong in this world. Human suffering is getting worse and more widespread. An overwhelming need for truth and healthy detachment from any power are increasing too.
What truth? The truth is what we feel inside, not what we see outside and/or say most of the time. There are different modes of knowing and communicating, while for millennia only one has dominated: the verbal one composed of words and names often without meaning. Not by chance was the "original sin" linked to the tree of knowledge. One such name is life. What is life? No orthodox discipline can answer this simple question that regards us all. Hermetic science has told us, for millennia; yet it was define as heretic by the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. It was then that the concept of heresy was sanctioned, or rather the "border" between what humans should believe or not believe. A censorship that has become human ignorance of what all great sages have proved and spoken about: man's immortality.
Today there's a new energy on planet Earth: It is the Heat of Cosmic Spring, announced by prophecies, myths, legends and "orthodox" texts, such as the Song of Songs and the Gospels too (Bible). It was also foreseen by hermetic wisdom. These days a longing for freedom, from old constrictions is growing; a new interest for our body, admiration for its beauty and nudity, even the scientific evidence that only a few genes make it different from monkeys.
Cosmic Spring is the Heat needed for genetic evolution of our human body, what traditions called resurrection or alchemy; not a "miracle" as they would like us to believe, but global perception, oneness of body, mind and psyche, capacity to comprehend all the forces of Nature. Cosmic Spring is the revelation of the Force which has generated all, Life, "Love that moves the sun and stars" (Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321) the "true Light, Love, that links infinite worlds and makes them alive" (Giordano Bruno, 1548-1600). Only poetry? No the Force is alive and true in anyone who is in love; it's eros, emotions, feelings, inner sensations. It would also be a discovery of physics if it were able to give appropriate names and aware of the "secret" all great sages revealed.
Cosmic Spring is the beginning of a new era, the end of Cosmic Winter which froze and stiffened human ways of thinking, cabled our brain and stopped men from living with joy, love, respect and understanding for himself and others. Cosmic Spring is the birth of self-consciousness and awareness that we are all part of one Cosmic Organism; it means the organic oneness of infinite invisible universes which might be in the future, respect to our present; it also means natural ethics and every being's communion with no need for laws, armies or imposed morals.
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Giordano Bruno Science
Giuliana Conforto's books are recommended reading at: and referenced in the book
Children of the Matrix
Giuliana Conforto's books are also available through
Bridge of Love BookEnds at:
Hidden Mysteries Books
