Important Message to Humanity Part II
by: Jillian Elizabeth Burgin, Albuquerque, New Mexico
I saw this picture on the website today and I broke down and cried at my desk.
They say we are at war to free the people of Iraq. (By killing them?)
We are at war to secure Iraq's economic future. (By stealing their oil?)
We are at war to rid Iraq of "the evil dictator". (Which one?)
As this picture so vividly shows�  nothing could be further from the truth!
My first thoughts on this, were:
Have the sick twisted FUCKS run out of children to torture, rape and murder in this country? Do we have to go to Iraq to murder more? Are children and civilians in general, no more than rubbish to be put out with the morning's garbage?
So as we ask ourselves, "how did it ever come to this?" we must realize that WE have given away our higher power as human beings�the power of truth, peace, love, and freedom. When we fail to act out of love or turn our back on doing what's right for humanity we give away our power to those entities who thrive upon our energy and use it to manipulate our world. Therefore, we begin to give up our lives and the lives of others.
We MUST remember that we are all one humanity. These are all our people, our children...suffering, dying, because of OUR military action.
I ask those that are in all positions of the military to stop your destructive and murderous activity immediately!!! Do the right thing for humanity.
We do not need any more mangled and destroyed human lives and bodies from any country.
Isn't it time we evolved?
Isn't it time we did better than this?
It doesn't HAVE to be like this!
I was not alive during the reign of Hitler but I feel the same black shadow cast over us now.
Must we wait for the swastika to crumble before the evil spell is broken?
How high must the pile of bodies become before we realize that we have been lied to and manipulated into committing unspeakable atrocities against humanity?
What if people back then would've done the right thing?
What if people do the right thing now?
What a concept!
Now we have the humiliation of "POWS ON PUBLIC DISPLAY" to the horror of American families that have been lied to. Will that rehearsed, emotionless speech from George W. Bush on how courageous their loved ones were, and how much 'they' mourn their loss, and how indebted America is to the service they've given to their country; give these families any comfort in their time of loss and sorrow? I seriously doubt it. I hope these families realize that their loved ones have become a part of a sick twisted game in which there can be no victory and that in war, everyone loses.
It is sometimes appalling to me, as an embarrassed American, that the arrogance of some of the people in this country has become unfathomable. I seriously believe that most of this pampered generation expected to go to war with Iraq and come home without a scratch. NEWSFLASH AMERICA: WE ARE ALL HUMAN!!! WE WILL ALL DIE!!! The question we MUST ask however, is what are we really throwing our lives away for?
So is the next step nuclear annihilation? I'm not too arrogant to think that it's not possible. I also don't think it's too late to prevent all our love, hopes, and dreams from going up in a mushroom cloud. But PLEASE ACT NOW!!! Do everything in your power to prevent this. Do not wait for the wrath of God or something that is NOT going to happen. Do not wait for more to die or cause more to die. Listen to your heart and your conscious and stop this destructive and murderous activity immediately!!!
What's the worst that could happen???