"...and the truth
shall set you free"
by David Icke

From: Leading Edge Newspaper ~ March/April 1997
an alternative newspaper offering new global perspectives &
paradigms in Spirituality, Healing & Creativity
he events of history are the result of the struggle between two states of mind: one which wishes to imprison and the other which desires to set free. The scene of this tussle is the collective human mind.
n these last years of the 20th century and across into the millenium, the human race is being given an opportunity we've not had since Atlantis, to step out of the prison and into mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom. Events are happening...that are dissolving the imprisoning vibration and vibrationally reconnecting the Earth with the rest of Creation. We and our "father" will be One again. It won't simply "happen" for every individual; the desire to do this needs to be present. But the opportunity is there for all and many are grasping that opportunity, as I know from the thousands of letters I receive and the people I meet. We are in a period of transition from the old fear vibration to the re-emerging love vibration.
e know this at a subconscious level and, for rapidly increasing numbers, at a conscious level too. Most people at this time can't remember why they are here, but they will. The Prison Warders know what is happening too, and the last thing that consciousness wants is for its prison and negative energy production unit to be no more. The key to breaking out of this spiritual prison is the awakening and expansion of our consciousness to the point where its vibratory rate will be so high and powerful that it can, collectively, dismantle the blocking frequency. The Prison Warders, via the Global Elite, have been doing everything possible to close our minds and to divide us so that we do not work together as One.
s I described in my book, ...and the truth shall set you free, the quickening pace of the global manipulation after the First World War reflects the pressure coming from the Prison Warder consciousness for a speeding up of the work towards centralized control of the human mind before the challenge to this planetary occupation reaches its peak, in the latter years of this decade and into the next millennium. This speeding up of the centralized control is yet again a reflection of the collective human mind. It has become a downward spiral.
s we have given our minds away and taken on thought patterns from others about our lack of self-worth and potential to control our own lives, we have created that physical reality. But instead of learning the lesson in the light of events this has caused, such as wars, we have allowed those events to further demoralize us, frighten us, and fill us with guilt and despair. This has further diminished our self-worth, thus increasing our self-loathing and our desperation to look to others for the answers to the gathering gloom.
he collective mind has then manifested that negative sense of reality in an escalation to even more centralized power and control which, at a subconscious level, the human mind is demanding out of its fear and self-loathing. The Prison Warders have taken advantage of this and fueled the fires of the collective mindset. But they can't create the reality; only we can.
nd we can only do that by the way we think about ourselves and the way we allow ourselves to absorb the thought patterns of others, including the Prison Warders and the Global Elite, who are working to erode our sense of self and self worth.