You want to change your life?
Then change the way you think!
by David Icke

From: Bridge of Love Magazine ~ Summer 1997 issue
Have you ever wondered what your subconscious mind looks like? Well today, I can show you.
There is no need for meditation, crystals or changing dimensions of consciousness for this miracle to be achieved. simply look at your life and you are seeing an exact physical reflection of your subconscious Self.
But how can this be?
It is, I believe, based on a form of magnetism. This process allows us to determine our destiny and experience, even though our lives may appear to be controlled by events over which we have little or no influence. We all control our lives minute by minute. We just don't realize it.
As this decade proceeds, the psychic and the open-minded scientific are enjoying a fusion of perspective. Agreement is emerging outside the scientific establishment that our consciousness, the eternal us, is a series of energy fields working through, and animating, the physical body. This is our multidimensional eternal Self, that part of us which leaves the physical body at the moment we all 'death'.
We have a conscious level which interacts with the brain and the body and is therefore subject to the limitations of this world of dense matter. But guiding this level like some spiritual 'mission control' is our subconscious.
This subconscious level contains all the thought patterns we have held onto from the past, all our concerns and ambitions for the future, and whatever we are thinking in the moment. This amalgamation of thought and perception is, in short, what we think of ourselves: our personal sense of reality.
These subconscious thought patterns are imprinted in our 'aura', the eternal Self. When we speak of someone having good or bad 'vibes', we are in fact describing the thought patterns (vibrations) that are being broadcast from that person's aura. These are the vibrations that we feel when we walk into a house and immediately sense the 'atmosphere', negative or positive.
The aura consists of magnetic energy which reflects in every second of our lives, the magnetic patterns created by our subconscious - our sense of personal reality. These patterns attract to us other magnetic thought fields (people, places, ways of life) which create an exact physical replica of our subconscious sense of Self.
In this way we create our own reality. We are in charge of our lives and no-one else.
Back in the 1970s when I was a news reporter with the BBC, I visited a hostel for what were then called "battered wives." Some had suffered violence from two, three or even four different men, one after the other. I was amazed at the time. Why did they continue to live with the same kind of violent partner? I now realize the answer.
The common theme of all those women was a lack of self-worth and self-love, an attitude that clearly went back a very long time. That sense of Self, that subconscious belief that they deserved to be punished, created the magnetic attraction with violent men.
The men, in turn, are those who have such a deep subconscious hatred of Self that they are seeking a 'mirror' at which they can thrash out and so avoid looking within. I have yet to meet a violent person who did not have a deep hatred of themselves.
When the women escaped from one violent partner, they merely attracted another because the magnetic pattern they were broadcasting (a lack of self-worth) was still there. That sequence can only be broken by changing the pattern - by loving and respecting themselves. The same applies to the men involved.
This magnetic attraction of thought fields is how we draw to us what we most fear; it explains love or dislike at first sight; why we are attracted so powerfully to certain places and ways of life.
What we call 'karma' is, for me, just another word to describe this process of magnetic attraction. If we act negatively towards someone, it means there is an imbalance in our inner Self. This imbalance (thought pattern) will eventually attract to us an experience that reflect that imbalance - our karma. This is not a form of punishment, it is an aid to our evolution because it means we are constantly facing our inner Self. What can be seen, can be dealth with.
All this is more than esoteric navel contemplating. It is fundamental to changing the world for the better. The world that we see is the collective physical reflection of the sum total of what humanity thinks of itself.
Humanity, in general, is programmed not to love, respect or forgive itself. These thought patterns have created the global reality, a world in desperate need of more love, respect and forgiveness between peoples. We can't give to other what we don't have for ourselves.
We are also programmed to give our minds away and look to others to tell us what to do. These thought patterns have created the reality in which a very few people actually control the direction of the world. We created all this by what we think of ourselves.
Two things worth remembering: the victim mentality creates the victim reality; and if you believe it, you will achieve it.
How can we change the world?
We change ourselves.
When can we do it? Now!