A time to talk!
by David Icke

From: Bridge of Love Magazine ~ Autumn 1997
So often the debate over gun laws degenerates into this black and white confrontation. Fixed position v. fixed position. No shades of grey. No common ground. No communication.
And what does this mean? It means divid and rule, the classic method throughout human history of the few controlling the many.
It is time to start talking to each other and to end the abuse - on both sides. It is not one group or another who will lose their freedom to the global dictatorship if we fail to unite. It is all of us, Christian, Jew, Arab, Democrat, Republican, environmentalist, New Age, Old Age, pro-gun and anti-gun.
When freedom goes, it means the freedom of everyone. Not just the freedom of people we don't agree with. I think we need to conduct the campaign over guns in this light and from this perspective. It is not as simple as guns are bad, so ban them, and people who want guns must be violent, so ignore them.
It seems to me that we have become ensnared and diverted into the wrong debate. The argument has focused on guns. Are they good or bad? Should people be allowed to own them or should they be banned?
I can understand the views of both sides, but it is the wrong debate at the wrong time. Surely what we all need to focus on is...what is the motivation of those who wish to take guns out of circulation now?
If we get sucked into the guns are good or bad debate, the real reason behind current events will be lost. This is precisely what the Elite wish to happen, indeed are trying to make happen.
Firstly, it is quite obvious as I travel and speak in many countries that the attempt to disarm the population is a global phenomenon. In the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and so on, I find the same scenario of problem - reaction - solution.
Someone goes crazy with a gun and many people are killed or maimed. There is a media-political outcry over guns in that country, and the outraged and manipulated public demand what they are conditioned to demand - the banning of guns in society.
In the UK we have had the horrors of Hungerford and Dunblane; in Australia there was the Port Arthur massacre; and similar incidents have happened in New Zealand and, of course, many times in the United States.
The reaction is the same every time: Ban guns.
Making guns against the law will not stop violent people from getting hold of them. The world is awash with organisations (mostly government supported) which supply weapons illegally to entire countries, never mind individuals. The gun used in Port Arthur was one that had been previously handed over to the police by its owner! So how did the killer get hold of it?
What's more, the victims of such tragedies are manipulated to support the game plan. What a grotesque sight it is to see the families of dead childre, going through their unspeakable and unimaginable grief, being used to front the anti-gun campaings of those responsible for orchestrating the very horrors in the first place. It is also interesting to note that again and again the gunmen involved have the classic traits of a mind-controlled robot, be it Thomas Hamilton in Dunblane or Martin Bryant in Port Arthur. Programming someone to do this, given the scale and sophistication of Elite mind-control projects, is very easy.
Another thing the ban-guns-lobby miss, is that while the pressure increases to take guns away from the public, the police and "security" services are armed tooan ever greater extent all over the world. Britain once prided itself on its unarmed police force, but no longer.
Does anyone really believe it is a conincidence that at the same time the public is being disarmed, those who control the public are getting access to greater and more powerful weaponry? Come on, let's wake up here.
Quite clearly it is all being co-ordinated to some common global goal, and as the evidence is overwhelming that (a) we are looking at a plan for total global control, and (b) that some sort of military coup against the "dissidents" is part of that plan, it is pretty obvious what the game is.
Coups against unarmed populations are rather more straightforward than coups against people with weapons to defend themselves.
And before anyone accuses me of supporting violence and being "pro-gun," let me be absolutely honest about my own position. I would not pull a trigger to save my life. I would rather die standing up for peace than live by adding to the violence. But many people would use guns to defend themselves and those behind the New World Order know that. Hence the attempts to disarm them.
I am not pro-gun, but I am pro-freedom. And if those who support the disarming of the population get caught in the narrow debate and miss the big picture and context in whch it is happening, they and their children will live to deeply regret this lack of vision and foresight.
In the same way, it is vital that those campaigning to keep guns in circulation understand that the overwhelming majority of those who oppose them are genuine, decent, people who simply wish to live in a violence-free world. Both sides need to understand each other. It's time to talk.
As I explain in my books, the world is controlled by a pyramid structure. The few at the top manipulate, divide and misinform those below them. If the base of the pyramid unites, the peak is in serious trouble because the peak is only at the tope because the base is holding it up there.
This is why dividing and therefore ruling the population has always been fundamental to human control in every socierty, era and culture.
It is time for all of us to unite behind the one value we all agree on. The right to be free. The question of gun control is a good place to start.
Let us stop talking to ourselves and start talking to those who disagree with us. Only then will be the base of understanding expand into all areas of society.
No matter what you think, where you come from, what you have done, or what colour your pigmentation, your freedom, or what is left of it, is being threatened by a highly imbalanced and cynical Elite who wish to turn Planet Earth into a global prison cell.
They can only do that if we are divided among ourselves and if we ignore what is happening around us. Never in known human history has it been more obvious that we need to unite behind what we agree on instead of being divided by focussing on what we do not.
We are in this together. And we will get out of it together - or not at all.