Scare-way to heaven...
by David Icke

From: Bridge of Love Magazine ~ Summer 1997
One of the biggest stories during my recent speaking tour of the United States was the "suicide" of 39 members of the Heaven's Gate "cult" in San Diego. My alarm bells immediately began to ring. A "cult suicide" blared the mainstream media with one hysterical voice. Oh yes? Now where have I heard this before? Jonestown, Guyana, Waco, the Solar Temple in Switzerland and Canada and so on.
Here we go again. I do not believe for a moment that the real story of Heaven's Gate is anything like the one we are being asked to believe. First of all, you only have to look at the eyes of the people in the videos taken of them to see that they were under some form of mind-control and/or drugs. I believe they were murdered and this is just the latest in a series of events stages to condition public opinion against "cults." I wrote about this is ...And The Truth Shall Set You Free and predicted more "mass suicides" by "cults." Heaven's Gate is just the latest.
Behind it all is the not so hidden hand of the CIA which operates through an organisation called the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) that was set up to discredit the term cult, and then apply it like confetti to anything they wish to destroy. This will be achieved when the public automatically associate the word "cult" with "dangerous nutters." Many already do!
One of CAN's leading lights is the notorious CIA mind-controller, Louis "Jolly" West. In his own published papers, he describes the following as "cults": 1 Neo-Christian cults; 2 Hindu and Eastern Religious cults; 3 Occult, Witchcraft and Satanic cults; 4 Spiritualist cults; 5 Zen and other Sino-Japanese cults; 6 Race cults; 7 Flying Saucer and Outer Space cults; 8 Psychological cults; 9 Political cults; 10 Certain Communal and Self-Help or Self-improvement groups that transform into cults.
In other words, anything remotely different from the mainstream is considered a cult by West and we are not talking of some isolated extremist on the fringes here. West was the man designated to do a "mental examination" on Timothy McVeigh, the fall guy set up to take the entire blame for the Oklahoma bombing.