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Dimensionality and Individual Action Excerpts from the David Icke Lecture Yelm, Washington March 1997 Q: Could you explain how sexual abuse affects the genes of the body? A: I don�t know, but there are people who talk this language. What it seems to me is that the physical body, genetics and what we call DNA, are actually vibrational thought forms � non-physical energy or waveforms. They are an expression of a non-physical pattern which reflects itself as a physical expression. Some how, through the passing-on of the genetic line of the physical body, the thought forms that have been taken on by that body in its genetic stream manifest themselves in what we call physical things � like genes and DNA. If we are operating on a fraction of our multidimensional potential, then the power of that is much greater. The thought forms and patterns that we have inherited through the body tend to become more dominant relative to our behavior and our perception. That�s the way I read it, anyway. I remember that someone said to Cathy O�Brien about how so many people who abuse their children were abused as children themselves. There has to be some reason why some people submit to that inheritance thing, and some people do. I think its the level of consciousness that is activated in the person, or that they are accessing, and the power that has to overcome the inherited thoughtforms of the physical genetic stream. There is some reason why what is inherited genetically in many many people will make them more open to mind control, and what have you. There are people to talk about this in great detail. A man in Oregon named Fritz Springmier has written a book called "How to Create an Undetectable Illuminati Mind Control Slave", and I think he has co-written it with someone who has been through it. He has pulled together a lot of information, and the Cathy O�Brien stuff is only a very small part of the book. He has many different sources that back up what O�Brien is saying. He does talk about things in more detail on the genetics.
Q: How about the media and control of the innocent population? A: First of all, innocence is a wonderful thing, but innocence in itself is a form of imbalance. There is nothing that is more prone to manipulation than a person that is genuine without being "street wise". It�s about being open, loving and innocent in one way, but also having the balance of being "street wise". Everywhere I go I see the need for balance. So much of the conspiracy research is three-dimensionally based only, and therefore gives the manipulators more power than they deserve and further disempowers the people they broadcast to. So many people are angry and frustrated and can�t see a way out of all of this. So many people who are into spiritual things are into it as a form of escapism. Some people drink to escape this world, some people take drugs, and some people float around and think they are "spiritual and enlightened" and can ignore this world. For me, if you look at anyone who has made a real difference from the standpoint of a spiritual direction on this earth, you are looking at people who have also grounded themselves here, in the world we live in. You don�t change a world by "escaping" from it. You don�t change a world by dropping out. You change it by "dropping in." Somehow, these two perspectives need to be brought into balance. If they are brought into balance, the New World Order is all over. In terms of the conspiracies, some people talk about how the environmental groups are being manipulated. But, what tends to happen from this perspective is that the environmental people get dubbed as "communists" or "agitators. Environmentalists that I have met are genuine people who want to clean this planet up and leave it a better place than they found it. What we need to say to them is "we respect what you do, but just have a look at the top of the pyramid of the environmental movement, and you will find that all the major people who are screaming about the environment are the same people on a corporate level who are ripping the environment apart." One fellow named Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil millionaire, very close to the Rockefellers, was the first UN environmental agency head and the head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil. I know many genuine people who went to the Earth Summit, and when I explained to them who was running that show, they were stunned, because they were genuine people who were not "street wise". The innocence and non-thinkingness also shows in terms of the microchip society, where the big steppingstone is the cashless society. Coins and bits of paper may not seem to be a great bulwark of freedom, but they are. If you into a shop now with an electronic card and they put it into a machine, and they tell you that it won�t accept your card, you say, "oh, well, I�ll pay cash then." When there�s no cash, what do you do when the computer says no? Then, we have given power to the computer and to whomever programs it to decide if we purchase. If we think about all this without being "street wise", we can buy into the belief that it would be great to have a cashless society, because it is being presented in a very positive way. Last year, all over Britain, there were posters that made fun of money, as if money were a remnant of the stone age. They want us to think it is, because they want us to go to a cashless system. So, the spiritual and the "street wise" need to come together urgently.
The internet. For me, the internet has great potential, but again we are into the thing where innocence and "street wise" need to come together. What is the internet? It is a vehicle for passing out information. Great. A lot of information is on the internet which would not have gotten out otherwise. Positive. But, if someone is trying to disinform or mislead, they can also put it on the internet. There are people out there proclaiming that they are who they are not. You have to consider, in looking at the information, does it feel right? Who benefits from me believing this? You know, there is a lot of stuff around at the moment about extraterrestrials. Now, I don�t have a problem with extraterrestrial life existing. I mean, you look at the night sky and see only a minute part of creation. The idea that we on this planet constitute the only evolved life is crazy. I have no problem with the idea that there is extraterrestrial activity around the planet, especially because we are going through a time of fantastic change. However, if we just leave it at that, we become a manipulator�s dream. I just remember another point. Hollywood. Hollywood is completely controlled by the people at the top of the pyramid. I will bring it back to extraterrestrials in a minute, because they�re connected. Hollywood, over the last century, has been perhaps the greatest form of global conditioning. You ask most people about their version of history, and invariably if they haven�t done research into what actually happened in history, they will give you a version of Hollywood�s version of history. Wherever I have gone in the world, I have seen "Independence Day", the video, everywhere. I watched "Independence Day" in the fall, and I can�t remember the last time my intelligence has been insulted quite so comprehensively. Look what�s starting to happen. The whole thing is starting to be pushed into the public arena. Now, when the same thing begins to come from many sources, it�s time to have a look. We are being sold the idea of a fear-based response to extraterrestrials. We are also being sold the idea that "we are inferior because we�re only human". I can�t help thinking, that if you want to create a centralization of military-political power very fast, and to get the public to demand that you do it, out of fear, what a great idea to have some kind of mythical idea of an extraterrestrial invasion. Now, extraterrestrials are everywhere and they�re here already. If you look at what happened in 1938 with Orson Wells and the radio program which claimed that an alien invasion was in progress, and that all hell broke loose, the potential for the manipulation of the subject of extraterrestrials is immense. I can see the building up to "well, there has been� not a coverup� but a holding back of information, because we did not want to create panic� but now we have to tell the people of the world that there is a potential threat from an invasion by an extraterrestrial source." The expected reaction? "Oh, my God, save us!" Well, then all the governments on the planet will be called to pool their resources to meet this "potential threat".
Now, in the 1960�s, there appears to have been something called "The Report from Iron Mountain", in which experts appeared to have brought together to produce a report on how to control the population and centralize power without further recourse to war. Two of the things put forward in this report, in 1966, as ways of centralizing power and control: This is why, throughout the centuries, that the people who wish to control us have always invented "monsters". For while, it was Colonel Khadaffi. Whatever happened to him? He was on every front page as the figurative "anti-christ". Has he left the planet, or what? Then, it was Saddam Hussein. Then, it was the Soviet Union, although the person that really runs the Soviet Union, David Rockefeller, was not even mentioned. So, you create a "monster", and you create mutual fear among people "in fear of the monster", and people "look for protection against the monster". Now, if you want to take this to a global level for your final creation of a global centralization of power, you need a threat to the whole planet. Global problem, global reaction, global solution. Now, I am not saying that extraterrestrials are not involved, here. In fact, I am virtually convinced that there might be an extraterrestrial intelligence that is orchestrating what I have just described, via their human "representatives" at the top of the pyramid. But, whether this is the case, or it isn�t, I think we have to be very careful, because who benefits from us buying into that? Anyone who wants to centralize power in the world.
Q: Well, how to we let them know that we know what they are doing, other than the obvious thing like turning the television off? A: The knowledge of thousands of years, which is being added to all the time, including symbolism, colors, mantra-messages, all come together in what we call television advertising. Yes, you can turn it off, and lots of people do. I don�t turn it off because I want to know what they are trying to tell us. It is possible to read or listen to something and emotionally detach yourself from it. I have this new book that is coming out called "I am Me. I am Free", which is all about conditioning and how we can take our power back, in my opinion. It�s a very irreverent book, and one of the chapters is called "Piece of Shit, Walk Away", which comes from Bill Hicks, the comedian, who talks about the film Basic Instinct. He said his capsule review was "piece of shit". Then he went on to describe how people were lured in by the hype that encouraged them to take this movie seriously. I think that emotionally we can walk away from so much. My son goes to school, but he knows how they are trying to condition him, so he takes what feels right and ditches the rest. He gives his teachers a terrible time and asks questions that they can�t answer. I think that in the media, you can watch the things, but you de-link emotionally from it. Someone once said "if you want to read the truth in the newspaper, read the white bits". You can see what is going on, ask the question "who benefits?", and perceive all of this from the perspective of knowing the game. You can become very informed on how they wish to manipulate us, what methods they are using and what the game is. If you just switch everything off and never read a newspaper, it is in mental and emotional terms a little bit like thinking "I can�t stand this world. I�m going to find the outback and walk away from it." That�s the physical expression of walking away from it. It�s about being able to cope with it and face it without taking it on. That means de-linking emotionally from it by seeing what�s there without getting pulled into the emotion, the anger, and all the other stuff. I think in this way the media becomes ineffective, because what is the media but a tool to emotionally manipulate us? It wants to get us into fear, anger, resentment and guilt. Then, it�s got us. The problem-reaction-solution game only works if are involved in those emotions. Tit-for-tat killings, intergenerational conflict in the Middle East and in Northern Ireland and these type of things only go on from generation to generation because people get pulled into the emotion, instead of talking a step back and saying, "who benefits from all of this?" It is very possible to live in this world without getting pulled into the manipulation of this world. This might come as a shock to Americans, but of all the countries in the world I have been in, this country is the most informed about what�s going on. In Britain, the talk radio shows are dominated by the BBC. There is one talk radio show of any size that is not controlled by the BBC. The independent radio stations are pop music with DJ�s in between. In America, at least you have stations which allow this stuff to come out. In Britain, none of this is getting out. In New Zealand, there is very little public awareness at all. In Australia, there�s a little more. In Europe, there is desperately little known by the public. In Sweden and Denmark, no one in the public arena is doing this stuff. The most disempowering thing is to sit down and say, "there�s nothing I can do", because then you create that reality. Nothing will be pulled in that will allow you to do anything. Once you start saying, "I want to make a difference", you�re putting that energy out. It will pull toward you energies that are in synchrony with what you�re putting out. One aspect of what will come to you are opportunities to make a difference. If someone comes out of the White House and says, "this is what we�re going to do", and you say "no, we�re not", the power is gone. I saw a wonderful bumper sticker that read, "Two terms for Clinton, one in the White House, one in jail". Bill Clinton doesn�t just have skeletons in the cupboard, he�s got whole cemeteries.
Q: I am really seeing a lot of the manipulation in our everyday lives. I took my cat to the vet to get a sore on its neck fixed, and they kept me there for two hours. They wanted to give it shots, weight it and a dozen other things, and charge me for all of it. A: In every area of our lives, the same policies are unfolding. You have little scams, like the people at the top of the pyramid control the food supply, in which they put chemicals and other things that make you sick over the long and short term, and the same people control the pharmaceutical companies that sell us drugs to overcome what the food has done to us. We need to stop getting so impressed with people in positions of power. The higher you go up the pyramid of the medical profession and the educational system, the more indoctrinated you are becoming and the more robotic you become � not more enlightened. The idea that people in professional positions know what they�re doing is an engrained thoughtform, not an actual reality. Most of them don�t. Now, I feel that the human entity has power beyond our wildest imagination, and that we can overcome all this stuff. We have not come here, incarnated here, just to walk away from this stuff like little sheep. We came here because we knew we could and would make a difference, and any problem thrown at us is solvable. For most problems, the answer is to take away the cause of the problem. But, we are only going to overcome these things if we get into multi-dimensional mode. We are multi-dimensional spirits. This is why I say that people don�t need to seek enlightenment. You just need to remove the barriers of ignorance. There are people all over the world that are being tricked into think that you have to run around looking for enlightenment. You are it. You are enlightenment.
We have also been conditioned to think that the power in a pyramid is at the top, when in fact the bottom, the public, is holding it up. One of the things they want to do is keep knowledge out of the public arena. The chief root of the word ignorance is "ignore", and the reason why many people are ignorant is that they ignore what is available. The knowledge suppression that has spanned thousands of years centers on the suppression of who we are and the nature of life. The very knowledge that has been condemned over the centuries through inquisitions is the very same knowledge they use to control us, which is why they want to keep it out of the public arena. They manipulate the population in interesting ways. For example, comments may come down from the top of the pyramid saying "those people who are into spirituality � it�s the devil�. pass it on � it�s the devil." Then people are coerced into commenting on their neighbor about what they�re involved in. The main comment that comes down from the top is "you are free", and it becomes the reality of the entire pyramid. Democracy, where at best 50 people tell 49 what�s going to happen, is synchronized with the word "freedom". Democracy is not freedom - it�s another form of dictatorship. What is this "freedom" they�re talking about? You are "free" to watch television whenever you like? You are "free" to watch any news bulletin any time of the day or night that gives you the "official version" of events? Freedom? Gandhi was once asked what he thought of Western Civilization. He replied, "I think it would be a very good idea." The word "freedom fighters" - what a contradiction. You don�t "fight" for freedom. You love for it. You "peace" for it. Three things would bring this whole thing down and set us free as individuals:
There is a fellow who wrote new words to the American national anthem. The tune to the American national anthem is an English drinking song, which everyone knew at that time, and they set the words of the national anthem to that tune. Many people think that if you challenge this centralized global tyranny, you must be into flag-waving nationalism. That�s just another tyranny with another name on it. So many people talk about freedom, and the need to bring down tyranny, when all they�re thinking about is replacing one type of tyranny they don�t like with one that they do like. We haven�t tried real freedom yet. Anyway, this fellow wrote new words to the anthem, which I think sums up the kind of world we could create, just by choice:
Oh, say can you see
If we find peace within, we heal ourselves within. We find respect within. We find love-for-self within. We will project that out and create exactly that in the world we live in. It�s just a choice. Thank you very much. - - - - David Icke |