RePrinted with Permission from Global Business Seminars
Global Business Seminars, 23RD SEPTEMBER, 1998
LITTLE: Global Business Seminars presents the seminar "Prepare for the New Millennium" on the weekend of November 28th and 29th [1998] at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. The keynote speaker is David Icke, world renowned author of eight books including "The Robots Rebellion" and "And The Truth Shall Set You Free." David has been dubbed 'one of the most controversial speakers in the world.'
This is Peter Little in Gosford, New South Wales, Australia and we caught up with David Icke at his headquarters in the USA.
Now David, for those people who don't know you for the first time, who is David Icke?
ICKE: Well I started out in England as a boy wanting to be a professional soccer player and became a professional goal keeper with Coventry City - they used to call me 'Cinderella' cause I kept missing the ball. Then I got arthritis when I was 15 and I played with arthritis as a professional soccer player for several years before it finally ended my career at 21. Then I became a journalist and I worked for newspapers, radio and then eventually became a frontline network sports presenter and news reporter at one time as a BBC reporter in England. I got a very high profile if you like, being on the television virtually every day.
But then during the 1980's, I really started looking at the environmental situation and got very concerned with what we were doing and got involved in environmental pressure groups and eventually became (an amazing story) in next to no time, I found myself national spokesman for the British Green Party. But I kind of observed politics. It was good for me from the inside. I started to realize very rapidly that politics was part of the problem not the solution and I started to have what you might call a "spiritual awakening" towards the end of the 1980's - not religious - spiritual. My eyes started to open both to the much wider nature of life and also my eyes opened to what was really going on in the world because what people see on the television, in the newspapers and the political speeches is actually a movie. That is not what's really going on. That is what we are encouraged to believe is going on.
LITTLE: What a fully produced movie - scripted as well?
ICKE: Well, scripted to a very large extent. Yes, I mean, in my books and in my talk at the seminar, I will be exposing what is really going on behind the movie screen and it is a b s o l u t e l y astonishing stuff. Not only that, it fits together and makes sense of apparent mysteries and contradictions in the world when your realize what the agenda is and how it works and how people are manipulated. You find actually that these contradictions and what have you become, perfectly explainable because of the affect they are having.
LITTLE: What level of research have you been doing?
ICKE: I guess from about 1992/93, I started to trip over information about how a tiny, tiny few people control the world and it started as a trickle and I followed the trail and it is now an absolute tidal wave. The biggest problem I have is not gathering the information any more but integrating it and fitting it together. What I have now established with great documented detail, and I will be telling the story in Brisbane, is that this few that control the world are actually the same interbreeding bloodlines that go back to the ancient world. You follow them into Europe. They became the European Aristocracy and the British and European Royal Families, with the so called Great British Empire, going out to Australia, to New Zealand, to America, to Africa, etc. These bloodlines were exported and when you do the research, you find that the same bloodlines that ran Europe and still run Europe also run places like America.
For instance, some astonishing genealogical research I have come across. Every presidential election in the United States since the first one - George Washington, 1789 - the candidate with the most British royal genes has won every single election. When you look, there is just over forty American Presidents so far in the history of that country, thirty-three of them are genetically related to England's King Alfred the Great and Charlemaine, the great monarch of France. Nineteen of them are genetically related to England's Edward III who has a thousand blood relations to Prince Charles. So these positions of power and, if we are talking about finance and also talking about the major banking families, the major families that control the transnational corporations that run the politics, that run the pharmaceutical cartel, the oil cartel etc, they are the same tribe. It is a complete scam that has been kept from us but the veil is not lifting very rapidly.
LITTLE: Well, you have heard the term "Born to Rule". Obviously, you don't agree with that.
ICKE: Well, I certainly don't agree with that on the level that people have a right to rule people because they are born into certain genetic lines. Absolutely not! One of the great areas of the talks that I do and the books that I write is the true nature of freedom. Setting ourselves free individually so we cease to be clones and robots and sheep and become what we are - multidimensional, infinite beings who are perfectly capable of controlling and orchestrating our own destiny. We have just forgotten the power we have to control our own lives because we are encouraged to forget it. Once you take this power back, the power to control and construct your own destiny, you are a nightmare to manipulate. So the whole programming that goes on from cradle to grave is to persuade people that they are 'ordinary, powerless men and women in the street.'
Once we believe that, then of course, we are a piece of cake to manipulate.
This is why, whether you're looking at banking, whether you are looking at business, whether you are looking at media, whether you are looking at politics, the whole story of the centuries, especially this one, is of power going into fewer and fewer and fewer hands. The big time for these cards to be played for this agenda to become reality in its finalised state are the years we are facing now - 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. The structure and the agenda that I have been writing about and talking about for years, and many other people have too, is now in our face. There comes a point when anything that remains hidden has to eventually hit the public arena if it is to become physical reality and we are at that point.
So I have been talking for years, for instance, about the agenda for a microchip population, that is now being suggested. I have talked about the agenda for the world army based on NATO, as NATO gathers more and more countries, so expanding its power by stealth. That is now happening. The European Union, in Europe, has now started to gather more and more countries from the former Soviet Union and that Superstate is getting bigger.
LITTLE: You're message clearly is very threatening to the establishment and my interest here is, do you come across many barriers in your research to stop you further investigating some of these?
ICKE: Well, it is not a popular thing to say within the establishment and within the governments of the world. I would make this point very strongly and I explain this in very simple terms in the talks and the books. When you talk, for instance, about the 'Freemason Secret Society' or you talk about 'The Government' or you talk about this company or that company, you are not actually looking at organizations that are totally and utterly corrupt �. full of corrupt people who know this agenda is going on. What you are looking at is an organization and I call it the "Brotherhood" inside these organizations. For the vast majority of Freemasons in the world, for instance, have absolutely no idea that this agenda is unfolding or that their secret societies being used for it, but the key people working inside, do. It is the same with governments and intelligence agencies and people like that. Not everyone who works for the CIA is actually trying to orchestrate an agenda to have centralized control of the world. So these organizations now, more and more, especially as the veil lifts as it is, are beginning to see how they have been manipulated and how, in fact, their organizations are being used for these things. When you put your head above the parapet, like me in the public arena and talk about this stuff, you become a magnet for such people to pass on information to you to communicate it, which they don't feel they can do personally.
So what's happened, as I said earlier in the chat, I have gone from following a trickle of information to being hit by a tidal wave. This is the reason now, once you become recognized for this kind of area of research and communication, you just pull it in and attract it massively and it is a wonderful time to be alive.
Anyone who hears me talk in Brisbane is not going to go away depressed at the state of the world. They are going to go away inspired to see that they have the power to control their own lives and that together we have power to take control of our destiny, back from these tiny, tiny few that run the world. Not least through the financial system and controlling that.
LITTLE: So even the little bloke can drive change from a local level first and then ultimately internationally?
ICKE: I am saying exactly that. As I said earlier, if you are going to control people en-masse, the first thing you have to do as a foundation of that is to persuade the masses they have no power and they have no control over their lives. One of the greatest, if not the greatest forms of mass manipulation, is something I call "problem - reaction - solution" and once people realize this, these simple techniques, they become much more difficult to manipulate.
"Problem - reaction- solution," works like this. You have something you want to introduce - a policy say, centralisation of power say, more power for security agencies. You know that if you introduce this openly and say this is what we are going to do, there will be an understandable reaction against it. People say "Hey, this is a fascist state you are creating here! We are not having this! This is outrageous! You are taking our freedoms away!" So to overcome that, you manipulate people in this way :
You create a problem. It could be a terrorist bomb, at its most extreme it could be a war, it could be an economic collapse, a government collapse, whatever. It could be some guy in Port Arthur, Tasmania, going crazy with a gun! There is then a reaction to this, understandably, from the public. You wind the public reaction up as best you can through the media and the public say, in relation to this manufactured problem, "This can't go on. Something must be done. What are 'they' going to do about it?" Again, what are "they" going to do about it? At that point, those who have covertly created the problem, got someone else to be blamed for it, got that reaction that "something must be done," then openly offer the solutions to the problems they have created.
You are talking to a person here who would not pull a trigger to save his life. I am not into that stuff at all.
But if we are going to get streetwise and bring an end to this, which we are, we surely have got to look at the picture as it is. The picture as it is, is that people would use guns to defend their property, to defend themselves against takeover. Of course they would. They would in America, they would in Australia. So if you are heading towards your final takeover, your final coup if you like, then you want a disarmed population and so this is a classic "problem - reaction - solution" that has been visited upon Australians in the last couple of years.
LITTLE: Can the same parallel be drawn, not so much parallel but the same "problem - reaction - solution?" Is that being applied in the situation with the scandal with Clinton and Lewinski? Is there something deeper behind the huge amount of money and the public disgrace that Clinton's facing? What are your thoughts on that situation?
ICKE: Well, basically, you are watching a movie here and a quite obvious one. In my books and my research and particularly research going on in America, the stuff that Clinton and George Bush (who was not his opponent in 1992 incidentally. They were associates and still are.) What they have been into and are into is absolutely horrific!
Bill Clinton has very much been involved in running drugs through Mena Airstrip in Arkansas. He has been involved in massive financial fraud. Not the least through Whitewater and as I list in my book - "And the Truth Shall Set You Free." If you know something about Bill Clinton that he doesn't want people to know and you seem in danger of revealing it �� it is not conducive to a long life!
So when you lift the veil on Bill Clinton you find horrific things that he has been involved in - now any one of which could have not only forced him into resigning in his two terms - he would never have got elected in the first place. The point is that there is an Agenda which is so finely tuned and projected forward . These guys know the people they want in the White House at a certain time and the year 2000. Because of the focus of global attention on the time of change, the new millennium, they want to manipulate that time for change mentality to make sure changes take place in the economic and political structure of the world and the military structure that push this centralisation agenda on. So they have, and I have not completely worked this out yet but it will become obvious quite soon, they have names that they want in the White House across the year 2000 ��.. It is not Bill Clinton!
Bill Clinton has suited the Agenda up to now because Presidents are just pawns. They may be in the genetic blood stream but they are still just pawns of people much higher. So the time has come to play the cards to remove first of all Clinton and, I would suggest, probably Al Gore will follow (his Vice President).
Now, they don't want to bring him down by revealing things that he has been involved in. This would really open a can of worms and take people into a much bigger picture of what has been going on.
LITTLE: So it is a big smoke screen!
ICKE: Absolutely! So what they have done is to push him out with something which is not going to go any further. So they take this lady, Monica Lewinsky, and they use that. Now if you look at Ken Starr's report. It talked incessantly about a sexual relationship between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton. It does not hardly mention the Whitewater which was supposed to be the focus of the investigation to start with , because that would lead into a much bigger area of the manipulation.
If you look at Watergate, which was again, as I show in my books, completely manipulated with Nixon. You are now looking at a repeat of that. If you look back to the early 70's, what happened was this. When the whole thing started, you had two people in the White House who had been elected. You had Richard Nixon, the President, and you had Spiro Agnew, the Vice President.
The first person they pushed out was Spiro Agnew. Now, Nixon needs to bring in a Vice President. Now, of course, they are not going to have a election for this. So he appoints a Vice President who has not been through the electoral process. His name was Gerald Ford. Then along came Watergate and that orchestrated by Henry Kissinger (who was the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to Nixon at the time.) Now Nixon has gone. So Gerald Ford, who is completely unelected and who was brought in as Vice President, now becomes the President and as President, he has the right to bring in a Vice President, completely unelected. He brought in Nelson Rockerfeller.
So they basically orchestrated a coup on the White House and no one realised they had done it!
If you come now to what is happening in the White House with Bill Clinton and Al Gore, the same things are unfolding. I would say that before too long, certainly by early next year, we are going to have another coup on the White House in which two people have been unelected. At least one, probably two are actually going to be running the country. This is the way it works, by manipulating the system and manipulating the way people see themselves.
LITTLE: Well, this has been a very fascinating conversation, David, and I certainly look forward to your appearance at the "Prepare for the New Millennium" conference in Brisbane on the last weekend in November. You are speaking to us today from - which city in the U.S.A?
ICKE: I am talking to you from Phoenix, Arizona, and I am just about to get on a plane back to England. I figure if you keep moving they will never catch up with you!
I have got so much to say about this time of the millennium, about the financial system, which fundamentally affects peoples' lives, the political system. Also about phenomenal changes that are taking place which have been suppressed, but which are coming to light more and more. About energy changes that are happening in the sun, phenomenal changes which are reflecting themselves in the earth's energy field, magnetic field. It is this that is affecting the weather that is more and more affecting people to wake up and look at themselves and the world in a different way. This is a fantastic time of change and we have amazing opportunities to turn this world from a prison to a paradise in our lifetime. It is that phenomenal and I can see it happening. It is going to be a great conference with some unbelievable information that is going to come out.
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