By David Icke

It is suggested, understandably, that the American and British occupation of Iraq is in serious trouble in the face of the escalating violence. The timescale for military withdrawal and a handover of power to the Iraqis is threatened by these events, I hear commentators say.

But there is quite another way of viewing the chaos and violence in Iraq.

Note the words of the September 2000 document published by the Project for the New American Century. This is the organisation set up by people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and a stream of so-called neo-cons that have controlled the Bush administration from the start.

The document, Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century, called for the very agenda of global conquest pursued by the US government since the neo-cons came to power with Bush in January 2001 and it demanded a permanent and 'substantial American force presence' in the Gulf region. The 'unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification' for this, it said..

Thus, as former Bush terrorism advisor, Richard Clark, has testified, Bush and co were obsessed with invading Iraq from the day they took office. They lied about 'weapons of mass destruction' to sell the invasion to the people that had been planned long before Bush came to power. Iraq is not a one-off. It is a stepping stone on the road to further control and conquest in countries like Syria, Iran, North Korea and others.

In short, the idea is not to withdraw US troops from Iraq, but to keep them there permanently and, indeed, seriously increase the numbers in pursuit of regional control. Without the violence and chaos in Iraq they would have no justification in maintaining a vast military presence. With it they can claim the troops must stay to 'protect the Iraqi people.'

Once you know that the US government has no intention of bringing the troops home, the unfolding events take on a very different perspective.

Watch for the deployment of more troops to Iraq to 'keep the peace' and, as I have been saying for a long time, watch for the eventual implementation of the draft because the US does not have enough voluntary troops in uniform to meet the demands of the Illuminati/neo-con agenda that includes, to quote their document, a policy to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission.'


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