By David Icke
Ted Heath and Peter Mandelson, one a Conservative MP, the other Labour, sit next to each other at an event to press for the further integration of the UK into the European fascist Union and the replacement of British sterling with the one European currency, the Euro. What a coincidence again that this is the policy of the Bilderberg Group and both are Bilderbergers.
The Isle of Wight off the south coast of England has two very distinct faces. There is the one you see and the one you don't.
The one you see is a stunning landscape and seascape, the beauty that attracted me here many years ago. But the one you don't see is very, very, dark indeed, The Island has a massive Freemasonic network, astonishingly so for a place with only 125,000 people, and I had many run ins with them in the 1980s over environmental issues when the Masons were manipulating planning applications for building developments which were making some of them a fortune.
But since my research into the manipulation of the world has advanced through the last 11 years, I realised that the Isle of Wight's dark secrets went very much deeper than that. It was, and is, one of the Satanic capitals of the UK, possibly even the planet. There are many centres for this Satanist-paedophile network on the Island, including a large house in the countryside where children are brought in at parties for guests to rape over billiard tables. A community worker told the UK's biggest selling Sunday newspaper, The News of the World, some years ago about the horrific Satanic rituals and sacrifice on the Island and the involvement of Freemasonry. But, again, I now know that this is not just any Satanic network, but one in which some very famous people are involved.
How interesting, therefore, that I understand a regular guest at the secluded Priory Bay Hotel on the east of the Island is Ted Heath, the former British Prime Minister, whom I expose in The Biggest Secret as a shape-shifting Satanist who tortures and sacrifices children. Heath stays in room 12, the Bourbon Suite, which is painted red and, for some reason, has the bath directly in the bedroom. It is in the oldest part of the hotel, which goes back hundreds of years.
Life is so full of co-incidences, isn't it, because another guest at the Priory Bay Hotel, which stands in its own grounds behind trees and close to the shore, is Heath's friend, Peter Mandelson, known to fellow MPs as "The Prince of Darkness". He is currently the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and is the key manipulating force within Tony Blair's government. Both Heath and Mandelson are Bilderbergers.
What is it about this little Island and, indeed, the Priory Bay Hotel, that attracts "the great and the good". Even Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman have stayed there, I am told. They were the stars of Stanley Kubrick's last movie, Eyes Wide Shut, which explores Satanic ritual among the elite.
The British royal family also have great connections to the Island. Queen Victoria and her Freemaonic German husband, Albert, had a palace built there, Osborne House, and the Satanist and Rothschild bloodline, Lord Mountbatten, was governor of the Isle of Wight. Prince Charles is another visitor, as is Prince Philip, who comes publicly for Cowes Week, the elite's yachting front, which is currently taking place on the Island.
So what is the attraction to these people of the little Isle of Wight? Maybe its just a co-incidence, nothing to worry about? If you can help...let me know.
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