Lift Your Eyes

lift your eyes
and look to the heavens
who created all these
who brings out the starry hosts
one by one
and calls them each by name
because of the great power
and mighty strength
not one of them is missing
~ the prophet Isaiah ~

Just a thought after watching some of the 24-hour, wall-to-wall, coverage of the Columbia shuttle disaster on US television and seeing the response of the government, the media, and many other people:
Of course it was terrible for seven people to lose their lives and for their families left behind. But at the same time that so many Americans and their government mourned the loss of innocent life in the skies over Texas and were told how "God knows the names of the seven souls" how many saw the staggering contradiction between this and the plan to murder thousands of Iraqi civilians in the same way that thousands of Afghan civilians were killed by British and American bombs?
ALL life is sacred. It matters not if they wear a space helmet or a turban. It matters not if they are American astronauts, Iraqi civilians, Chinese, African, Jew, or Indian. ALL life is equally sacred and when I see the lives of Iraqi men, women, and children treated with the same respect as those of American astronauts we might just be in danger of living in a sane and decent world.
- David Icke