"First law of manipulation: you don't set up inquiries that could destroy you unless you know beforehand that they won't."

By David Icke

The story behind the events outlined below goes back decades because the Illuminati agenda for global control projects forward a long time the sequence of events necessary to bring about it's global fascist dictatorship. Tales From The Time Loop has the detailed background. I will pick up the sequence here at the start of the 21st century:

1.) In September 2000 the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), an organisation created by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and a stream of people now controlling the Bush administration, published its blueprint for global US (Illuminati) conquest of the Middle and Far East called Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources For A New Century.

This called for the conquest of Iraq, Iran and North Korea together with other countries like Syria and the use of American forces to 'democratise' China. When the Bush administration, dominated by the 'neo-cons' behind the blueprint and related organisations like the American Enterprise Institute, came illegally to power in January 2001 by fixing the vote, this blueprint was the plan of action that guided its decisions and manipulations from day one.

2.) The PNAC document says that this blueprint for conquest would be a slow process "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." One year to the month after this document was published and nine months after Bush and the authors of the blueprint came to power, the United States did indeed suffer what President Bush called "Our Pearl Harbor" - 9/11.

As a result of the September 11th attacks, the official story of which is demolished in Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, the Project for the New America Century agenda has unfolded with great speed. Without 9/11 it could not have done so. This was no coincidence because the September 11th attacks were no more orchestrated by Osama bin Laden than by the man in the Moon. The orchestration came from within the borders of the United States under the supervision of the Illuminati operational headquarters in Europe.

3.) Using the excuse that 'Bin Laden did it,' the US and Britain invaded Afghanistan, causing the usual mass murder and maiming of civilians. They then installed their puppet, Hamid Karsai, former advisor to US oil company, UNOCAL, on its plan for oil and gas pipelines across Afghanistan that were stalled while the Taliban were in power.

4.) President Bush delivered the State of the Union address to the Houses of Congress on January 30th 2002. This was written by a neo-con and 'scholar' at the American Enterprise Institute called David Frum. It was he who produced the phrase the 'Axis of Evil' referring to the very targets of the neo-con's Project for the New American Century report of September 2000 - Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

More than that, the report even highlighted Saddam and Iraq as the excuse that should be used to start the sequence of conquest in the Middle East. So now Bush, the neo-cons who control him, and the Illuminati leaders in the shadows who control them all, focused themselves on providing the excuse for invading Iraq. They came up with 'weapons of mass destruction' and the imminent threat of chemical, biological and nuclear attack from Saddam Hussein.

This is the reason why the question is now being asked: how did British Intelligence, the CIA and others get it so wrong about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction? The answer is that the Illuminati placemen involved in all these agencies made up the evidence to give their Illuminati-controlled governments the excuse to sell the long-planned invasion of Iraq. It was not through incompetence that they were so wrong, that's just what they want us to believe to hide the truth. They were wrong by calculated design. Scott Ritter, the former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, said loudly before the invasion that no WMD would be found and the claims were just an excuse for war. He was right and the intelligence chiefs knew he was right.

They were creating the PROBLEM to glean the REACTION from the public to support the invasion and allow them to provide the SOLUTION - the takeover of Iraq to secure the first stage of their agenda for conquest and control of the region before heading further east to North Korea and China.

5.) The Project for the New American Century document says that allies like the UK are "the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership." In line with this, Tony Blair was brought into the loop to provide British Illuminati support for the American Illuminati government of George Bush.

Agreement was reached during 2002 to invade Iraq early in 2003 and Blair and his mendacious, manipulating cabal set about producing the made-up 'dossiers' to sell the war to the British public by frightening them into believing that the chemical, biological and nuclear threat from Saddam was imminent. This is why they included in their second 'dossier' the ludicrous claim - since exposed as extraordinary nonsense - that Saddam could deploy such weapons against British interests in 45 minutes.

Blair's 'Director of Communications' (spin), Alastair Campbell, oversaw the first dossier that was little more than a 12-year-old thesis on Iraq weapons capability compiled by a student in America that they downloaded off the Internet and presented, including the spelling errors, as cutting edge 'intelligence'. Campbell also made a series of wording 'suggestions' to the intelligence drafters of the second dossier to make it sound more frightening. This included, in describing the Iraqi threat, changing 'may' be capable of deploying weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes to 'are' capable.

This and all the 'suggestions' by Campbell were included in the dossier by Campbell's friend, John Scarlett, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee. The changes were not made on the grounds of intelligence, but on what Campbell, a spin doctor, not an intelligence operative, wanted to include to sell the threat and thus sell the war. It was also revealed that the 45 minute deployment claim, while utter nonsense anyway, did in fact relate only to battlefield weapons, but this important detail was not included in the dossier and Blair gave the impression to everyone that it applied to long-range weapons threatening British interests. All the evidence for this was clearly presented to the Hutton 'inquiry', but he outrageously ignored it.
The Evidence That Hutton Ignored

6.) Dr. David Kelly, a weapons expert with massive experience of Iraq and working at the British Ministry of Defence, became extremely concerned, together with many other weapons experts and intelligence operatives, that the second dossier was painting a false and inflated picture of the threat posed by Saddam and was being used by the Blair government as a propaganda tool to sell the war.

He spoke with three BBC journalists at different times, Andrew Gilligan of the BBC Today radio programme; Susan Watts from the TV current affairs show, Newsnight, (her phone interview was taped); and Gavin Hewitt, a highly experienced journalist with BBC television news. As the Hutton 'inquiry' heard, Dr. Kelly told the BBC reporters that the Blair government was spinning the dossier to make their case for war and many within the intelligence community had great misgivings about this. This view by Dr Kelly was confirmed by the Susan Watts tape.
Susan Watts / David Kelly Transcript of Interview

Lord Hutton in his whitewash 'inquiry' ignored all this evidence and more. Instead, he simply attacked Andrew Gilligan and the BBC for broadcasting Dr. Kelly's comments, or miss-reporting them as Hutton contended. He also criticised Dr. Kelly for talking to the media. Everyone was to blame, in the unfathomable mind of Lord Hutton, except anyone in government or intelligence.

Gilligan claimed, in just one broadcast at 6.07 in the morning when hardly anyone was listening, that his source (Dr. Kelly) said the government probably knew the 45 minute claim was inaccurate when it was included in the dossier. This could not be proved by Gilligan's specific evidence, but when you put all the evidence together this was clearly correct. It was this point that Blair and Campbell seized upon to divert attention from the real issues and the fact that Gilligan was absolutely spot on with the thrust of his reports - the government had 'sexed up' the dossier to make the case for war and many in the intelligence community were deeply sceptical of this. Campbell used the age-old manipulation technique of targeting the weakest part of a case and, in doing so, seeking to undermine the whole case, even though most of it is incontrovertible. People like Campbell are nothing if not predictable.

7.) When it became clear that David Kelly was the source of Gilligan's devastating information, Blair, Campbell and the gofer Defence Secretary, Geoff Hoon, wanted the source's name made public. Campbell wrote in his diary that exposing the source would "fuck Gilligan' and that it was vital to make his name public.
Kelly naming would 'fuck Gilligan' - Campbell

It would have been contrary to the rules of government procedure to directly name Kelly however, and so they hatched a plan to feed his name to the media without actually stating directly who it was. A meeting chaired by Blair agreed that a press release should be issued saying the source of Gilligan's report had been established and giving enough information about him for any journalist worth the name to guess who they were talking about. The Blair cabal also agreed that if a journalist named Dr. Kelly to the Ministry of Defence press office the name would be confirmed. Most journalists who called got the name quickly and had it confirmed, but a less informed Times reporter went through a list of 20 names before the press officer said 'Yes, that's him'.
MoD clues led papers to Kelly as source

This charade was considered by Hutton not to be a dishonest and calculated scam to get Kelly's name in the public domain!!!

8.) When Kelly was named all hell broke loose and he was used as a pawn, a fall-guy, by Blair's vicious cabal to undermine the clear fact that Blair and co lied to the people about weapons of mass destruction with the intention of justifying the war, just as Bush and co had done in the United States. Of course, both did the same, they were answering to the same masters and working to the same plan.

Dr. Kelly went for a walk in the countryside near his home in Oxfordshire at the height of the furore and never came back. He was found dead, allegedly committing 'suicide' because of the pressure. But even though he was said to have cut his wrist and bled to death, the medics at the scene reported very little blood. He was also claimed to have taken up to 29 tablets and yet, as a close friend revealed, Dr. Kelly had a serious aversion to taking tablets and refused even one for a headache because of the difficulty he had in swallowing them.
Dr Kelly's Final Hours Did Not Indicate Suicide
Dr Kelly 'did not kill himself'

Lord Hutton accepted the suicide version of Dr. Kelly's death given by the government pathologist, Nicholas Hunt, when on the eve of the Hutton report, three doctors wrote to a national newspaper saying this explanation of his death made absolutely no medical sense at all.
Three Doctors Dispute the Official Story of How Kelly Died

The government and intelligence officials were certainly delighted to have Dr. Kelly out of the way because he had the knowledge that could have exposed much of what really went on behind the scenes in the compilation of the 'weapons' dossier.

9.) Tony Blair was now faced with a massive scandal and if he or his cohorts could be shown to have lied to the British people and Parliament to justify the war with Iraq, or that they had been involved in the leaking of David Kelly's name to the media, they would all have to resign - even Blair.

This is when Blair announced that he was establishing an 'independent' inquiry (yeah, right) into what happened. First law of manipulation: you don't set up inquiries that could destroy you unless you know beforehand that they won't. Blair decided who would conduct the inquiry and imposed its extraordinarily narrow terms of reference. It would not involve the content of the 'weapons' dossiers and why they have proved so unbelievably wrong. It would only consider the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr. Kelly.

Blair chose Lord Hutton, the judge and former Law Lord (similar to the Supreme Court judges in the US), to conduct a farce of an 'inquiry' after taking advice from his former flat-mate, Charles Falconer, the Lord Chancellor, who heads the judiciary and knows which judges can be trusted to protect the establishment no matter what the evidence. No doubt Blair also consulted his friend and spinner, Peter Mandelson, who was Secretary of State for Northern Ireland while Lord Hutton was Lord Chief Justice there. How can I put this? If Peter Mandelson told me his name I would have to check his passport. He has twice had to resign as a Blair minister because of scandals involving money and misusing his office. He would have provided more confirmation that Hutton was 'safe'.

10.) Lord Hutton reports his findings and, hey presto, they clear the government and Alastair Campbell of any blame whatsoever and hurl all the blame at the BBC, whom the Illuminati, and not least media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, have long wanted to destroy.
Key points: The Hutton report

The BBC chairman, Gavin Davies, resigned in the wake of this transparent whitewash and so did the Director General, Greg Dyke. Ironically both were former financial supporters of Blair's Labour Party, but everyone is expendable when Blair's arse is at stake. Two days after Hutton's ludicrous report, Andrew Gilligan resigned and his resignation statement spoke more common sense in a few paragraphs than Lord Hutton could muster in his entire white and washed garbage of a 'report'.
Gilligan's Resignation Statement

Greg Dyke also refused to be bowed and condemned the blatant bias in both the lack of criticism of the government and the condemnation of the BBC.
Hutton Report dissected

In their desperation to hide the truth, and their arrogant belief that they are untouchable, no criticism was allowed of Blair and co, but this has already begun to backfire. The cover-up is so blatant and transparent that most of the British people are not buying it. An early opinion poll reported that a three-to-one majority believe the BBC over the government and a phone poll involving 34,000 people by Britain's Channel Four News found that 90% of the callers said Hutton was wrong in his 'conclusions' and only 10% thought he was right.

They are very good judges - better than Hutton, that's for sure. But then, how could they not be?

So what is the next stage of the cover-up by Bush and Blair of the manipulation of 'evidence' to support their invasion agenda?

It is to blame the absence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq on 'bad intelligence' and so turn the focus of responsibility away from themselves and on to expendable intelligence chiefs.

This is already happening both sides of the Atlantic and the Hutton 'report' was designed to clear Blair of knowing the 'intelligence' was wrong so that any further investigations into the lack of WMD will be held on the basis of 'why was the Intelligence so bad' and not on the fact that Blair, like Bush, knew all along that the 'intelligence' was mere propaganda.




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