by David Icke
October 11, 1999
There are many things to know about the Millennium to understand what is
really going on. Firstly it is only happening at this point because of the
Gregorian calendar - introduced by the Illuminati via the Vatican in October,
It is a ridiculous measurement of what we call "time" with it's 31 day
months, 30 day months, and 28 days..29 every four years. It is like throwing
all of your clothes in a wardrobe and pressing your bum against the door to
bang it shut. Everything is in there, but it's a bloody mess. So it is with
the Gregorian calendar.
But, then, it is not there to efficiently measure "time", it was created to
hit key solar cycles and astrological sequences which the
Illuminati-reptilians planned to use to advance their agenda. The Millennium
is a classic example of this. The Illuminati have always focused on the power
of the Sun. After all the Sun is 99% of the mass of the solar system - it IS
the solar system. When it changes, we change.
They know the effect on human thought and emotions when, for instance, the
Sun cycles reach their peak and massively powerful solar energy is projected
at the Earth. At it's most powerful it has taken out computer and power
What a coincidence that the Illuminati-created Gregorian calendar should be
orchestrated to hit the peak of a massive Sun cycle PRECISELY at the point of
the false millennium - January 2000. This has been done for a specific reason
- more than one - and that includes the way this powerful solar energy will
prime human consciousness to be more likely to react to events in the desired
In January 1997 there were 19 significant emissions of energy; Sun spot
activity; which affected the Earth field. This cycle has been climbing ever
since and will hit it's peak at the Millennium and the immediate months
afterwards with 160 solar "strikes" on the Earth.
I have been talking about this for more than a year and included this
information in The Biggest Secret where you will find the relevant solar
chart. Only a few months ago the American Astronomical Association issued a
press release at its Chicago conference warning that the world was threatened
with technological disruption at the Millennium because of this cycle. Y2K is
not the only source of malfunction, they said. The fantastic energy
bombardment from the Sun at that time, they warned, could mislead satellites
into believing they were being given instructions that were not, in fact,
being given..
The whole senario was planned centuries ago because the reptilians, operating
from the lower fourth dimension, and indeed whatever force controls them,
have a very different version of "time" than we have, hence they can see and
plan down the three-dimensional "time"-line in a way that those in
three-dimensional form cannot.
You not be surprised to learn, therefore, that an enormous network of
Illuminati rituals are planned all over the world at the turn of the
Millennium, especially at the Giza pyramids in Egypt where a stream of
Illuminati names will attend, including George Bush. The musician,
Jean-Michel Jarre, has been paid a fortune to create a musical and lights
extravaganza at Giza called, wait for it; the Twelve Dreams of the Sun.
Jarre told a news conference that his special effects will give the illusion
that the pyramids are doors through which the Sun passes. "The Sun, symbol of
Egypt and time, seemed to me to be the best analogy to celebrate the new
millennium" he said. Yes, it all came from your own creative mind,
Jean-Michel, me old darling, I'll believe you. The fact that the millennium
is the peak of a Sun cycle; the Illuminati created this false millennium with
the Gregorian calander; and they follow the Sun cycles to the finest detail,
is purely coincidental. Sure it is..
The Giza ritual, which will cost some $9.5 million, will attract 50,000
people, it is estimated, and will be broadcast to 60 countries.The centre of
the ritual will be a golden capstone placed on top of the Great Pyramid which
will emit golden light. They are not putting this in our face are they? This,
of course, relates to the Illuminati symbolism which spans the ages of the
pyramid with the capstone missing; the very symbol you find on the dollar
bill. The pyramid and all seeing eye - the shining capstone and eye which
represents the force which controls the world.

Click the Dollar for a close up view of the seal
Remember that the consciousness of the entire planet will be focused on
time..Gregorian-Illuminati time on the night of December 31st-January 1st. If
the Illuminati can lock into this consciousness focussed on their version of
time, their playing field, they can affect that consciousness in many ways,
not least flicking it off the time-frame it is currently tuned to and causing
enormous confusion and chaos.
This brings me to the epicentre of global control at operational level,
London. Over the last few years astonishing sums of money have been spent to
build the tallest building in Europe. It is the vast glass obelisk known as
Canary Wharf in London's redeveloped Docklands area alongside the River
Thames. Many Illuminati operations, like the Telegraph Newspaper Group of the
elite Bilderberger, Conrad Black, have moved in there.
In Illuminati symbolism and energy manipulation you invariably find the
obelisk close to the dome. The obelisk is the symbol of male energy, the dome
is the womb, the female. Now look what has happened in London. The British
Government under both Conservative and Labour administrations (same thing)
have spent the best part of a BILLION pounds to built the vast "Millennium
Dome". Where have they placed this grotesque waste of money? On the opposite
side of the Thames from the Canary Wharf obelisk.
On the hill above these two Illuminati creations for the Millennium is; the
Greenwich Observatory, the zero point of "clock" time to which all linear
"time" is related. And the zero time line passes very close to the obelisk
and the dome. The Queen of England, head of the reptilian-Illuminati House of
Windsor, will apparently be there on Millennium night, just as George Bush
and co are in Giza.
I am sure there is a plan to change the human mind's relationship to "time"
in some way and if you know any more about this or you know of other
Illuminati ritual plans around the world, please let this website know and we
will post them.
Contact us here [email protected]
Also, I would ask people to contemplate on what they can best do to bring in
light at the Millennium. We are not here to battle with the Illuminati or
fight them, we are here to bring in light to this troubled dimension and
therefore raise it's consciousness to beyond that of the Illuminati frequency
range. The Illuminati wish to keep us in low vibrational ignorance, therefore
control, and we are here to infuse high vibrational energy and break the
vibrational stranglehold humanity has been imprisoned by for thousands of
I am planning to be in Egypt at the time of the Millennium with the Zulu
shaman, Credo Mutwa, and others and you can be there with us, too.
Click the picture below for details:
If you can't be there, you might consider gathering like-thinkers together to
bring in light at the same time the Illuminati plan to close it down. All
night energy events, joining together with others to ground the light and
disperse the lower vibrational domination, might be one way you may consider.
This is such a vital moment for both those who wish to control and those who
wish to set free. It is not for me to tell anyone what they should do. Only
they know by listening to their inner voice, but I just want to emphasise
what is being planned to advance the Illuminati control of human
consciousness and what we can do to open the door to multi-sensory freedom.
We have set up a new page on this website for people from all over
the world to e-mail each other in an effort to bring people together in their
particular country or area who wish to work together at the millennium. All
you will need to do is say which area you live in and an email address. This will give the
chance for others in your area to make contact.
Join the DavidIcke2000 International Millennium Network Group Here
Thank you for all your support;
David Icke

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