The World's People Ask You: Why?
Open Letter to the Leaders of All Nations
by Andreas Toupadakis
* Why are you talking about globalization when at the same time the
decisions you are making are about pleasing only your own citizens,
this military, or that economic alliance, instead of the whole world?
* Why, when there are procedures in place according to UN charter
to bring specific terrorists to justice, have you allowed massive
military campaigns that wipe out innocent populations and destroy
nations? Why are you allowing atrocities and crimes against humanity
in the name of peace?
* Why have you not visited the museums of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
while in office, or had your military officers hear the stories of
the nuclear victims, or offered your own citizens the chance to read
the Russel-Einstein manifesto?
* Why have you not weighed properly what is at stake when you
threaten other nations, when humanity and the civilization of
thousands of years is 30 minutes away from extinction at any given
* Why is it okay in some places when international law is broken,
but in others it is not?
* Why do you still keep weapons of mass murder around when you know
that you cannot guarantee that they will never be used against
billions of innocent civilians, your sons and daughters included, or
that they will not be triggered by human error or computer accident?
* Why do all of you, almost exclusively, still support such a war
policy around the world that threatens to annihilate the whole of
Dear Sirs / Madams,
I am writing to you as a temporary citizen of the earth. Destiny has
entrusted you for a short time with the future of your countries, and
you work diligently to please the citizens of your own countries.
Many people like you had similar titles and responsibilities in the
span of thousands of years all over the world. They did their duty
and history has recorded it. Some of them are remembered with peace
and joy in humanity's soul, and some others are remembered with
sadness and horror. They had a choice to make and they did.
Should the decisions you are making today be about pleasing only your
own citizens, this military, that economic alliance, or the whole
world? It is not a secret that we have been at the point of
extinction for about 50 years now. Does anyone doubt that the world
has recently entered a new extraordinary chapter? Only a dozen years
ago there was a dynamic equilibrium between the deadly forces of the
East and the deadly forces of the West, and the people of the world
thought that they were in trouble. They were willing to pay taxes to
strengthen the forces to keep a balance. We now know that was a
horrific mistake. Now that this balance is no more, the people are in
despair and fear that the worse is about to come. What should the
people of the world expect to see in the near future?
It is therefore your responsibility, which is infinitely greater than
that of any other people like you in the recorded history of human
kind, to come together and finally abolish the weapons of mass
murder. The people of the world deserve that you humble yourselves
into immediate negotiations, no matter the cost. Later they will
demand it. We cannot and we should not think anymore of the future of
our countries alone, but of the future of humanity as a whole. Under
these extremely dangerous conditions in order to combat terrorism,
your governments are justifying any means, no matter how brutal. Why
do all of you almost exclusively still support such a policy around
the world that threatens to annihilate the whole of humanity? And why
when there are procedures in place, according to UN charter, to bring
specific terrorists to justice have you allowed massive military
campaigns that wipe out innocent populations and destroy nations? Why
are you allowing atrocities and crimes against humanity in the name
of peace?
Over six billion people are asking every one of you personally. Have
you ever read the Russel-Einstein manifesto? Have you offered your
own citizens the chance to read it? Have you ever visited the museums
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while in office? Have your military
officers heard the stories of the nuclear victims? How is it possible
for the whole of humanity and the civilization of thousands of years
to be 30 minutes away from extinction at any given moment, gone
forever, and you have not weighed properly what is at stake? How can
you continue discharging your duties as usual when global death is
minutes away?
Military bases around the world trying to control the military,
political, economic, and even social life of the people of the earth
are devoid of meaning today. All fear dies when a nation does not
threaten anyone. Doesn't everyone like to live among nations that no
one needs to be afraid of? We do. Then why threaten? Almost all of
the people of the earth if allowed to know the dreadful facts would
never pay taxes to support the building of the graveyard of humanity
by their governments. They would revolt. They need no world
government while there are weapons in storage. As long as these
weapons exist, humanity will be oppressed. They need no empires and
national interests when Damocles' nuclear sword hangs over their head.
Why is it okay in some places when international law is broken, but
in others it is not? The citizens of the world demand an answer from
you. They sense that their future and their children's is at stake
because of the lack of your will or ability to resolve such issues.
Will you be able to resolve a nuclear scenario tomorrow? Your
predecessors proved that they did not have the capacity to avoid two
global massacres. If you have the slightest doubt that you also do
not have the ability, why then do you still keep weapons of mass
murder around?
The desire for world domination is not new or a secret
( And let us be truthful, if it were not
the USA today, it would be one of the rest of you. The question is
what will each one of you do about it? Are you going to use your
nuclear weapons to destroy our beautiful world and every one of us
forever? Good, loving people who want to love and support their
families and their nations are waiting to hear what your answer is.
When we know what the results of colonialism were in the past, why
have you invented a new kind of colonialism, one that is less
conspicuous than the colonialism of old Europe? People see that your
strong governments achieve domination of other weaker countries by
investing capital abroad, which makes those countries firmly
dependent on you, and anyone who opposes this policy or its
implications is treated as an enemy of your states. The result is a
growing discontent pervading the people of the world because of this
unhealthy kind of globalization. More and more, as years go by, the
feeling of unrest is growing in the world. The most recent example is
Argentina. As economic interests are intermingled around the world,
agitation spreads beyond borders and takes the form of definite
demands in the form of terrorism. This state of affairs is
The anti-globalization movement and so many other similar movements
are growing at an alarming rate; that is a fact. You claim that you
act for people's interests, but the people are not convinced.
Brussels on December 13th, 2001 saw possibly the largest ever
demonstration across Europe. Well over 100,000 people took five hours
(on a working day) to march through the capital with the slogan
"people not profit." Your mission should be to help eliminate the
mistrust between nations, and as a consequence, eliminate militarism
and everything else that goes with it. We live in an age in which you
have to make the great decision, to abolish or perish, soon, very
soon. We have the capacity in the blink of an eye to destroy
everything that we have put together in the span of thousands of
While the leadership of some of you seems unable to do anything but
raise fear in people's hearts, the conscience of humanity will always
hope. As fear sweeps the globe more often today than yesterday, let
us not forget that "he who wrongs no one, fears no one. He has
nothing to hide and so is fearless. He looks everyone in the face.
His step is firm, his body upright, and his words are direct and
straight" as S. Radhakrishnan, president of India once said.
The times are pressing for an immediate, serious consideration of
what we want to see for the future of our children. Weapons of mass
destruction do not provide any protection for our children, future
generations, and us. Can you honestly look at your sons' and
daughters' eyes and say to them that you work for world peace when
some of you support with your words and actions the research and
maintenance of an unthinkable number of weapons of mass murder? You
are very well aware that instead of the abolition of weapons of mass
destruction, our world is headed for proliferation and nuclear
Today your governments are developing, maintaining, and threatening
to use weapons of mass destruction against nations that do not have
them. Also you are demanding that these nations not be allowed to
acquire them, or otherwise they will be bombed. Moreover, some of
your governments are using bribery towards the governments of the
rest of the nations that already have weapons of mass destruction to
make them destroy their weapons. What has made some of you think
that you are better than others, that you can hold on to your weapons
of mass murder but others cannot have any of their own?
Governments embracing weapons of mass destruction need to understand
that there is something much higher at stake than your private vested
and national interests are. You derive the right to take the chance
of a global catastrophe from nowhere. What you are doing is simply
wrestling with the infinitely great. It will be a lost game for all.
More power demands more responsibility, wisdom, and concern for
others. Let us abandon all means of war that bring about murder and
destruction in the name of national security and self-defense.
Having contemplated on these facts, I have decided to dedicate the
rest of my life to bringing awareness to the world's people about our
predicament. I would rather use my skills for world peace than for
the annihilation of my fellow beings. Can lovers of life count on
your help? It is our most sacred duty.
Andreas Toupadakis, Ph.D. is a Former Research Scientist of Los
Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories.
Dr. Andreas Toupadakis has spoken about peace and the urgent need for nuclear disarmament at the United Nations as well as numerous colleges, universities, and other venues in the US, Japan, and Greece. He was a featured speaker at the 2000 World Conference on Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and he has been the recipient of numerous peace and justice awards. The City of Berkeley adopted a resolution honoring him for the courage and personal sacrifice he displayed in leaving his job at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories.
He resigned dramatically from Lawrence Livermore Lab and his $91,000 salary in January 2000 when he discovered they were using the results of his environmental work in the Stockpile Stewardship Program to illegally maintain and develop new nuclear weapons with increased destructive power. He blew the whistle and joined the peace movement, saying that his conscience would not allow him to work for such a cause. He instantly became an outspoken advocate for peace, and especially for immediate unilateral nuclear disarmament.
He is a native of Greece with a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has taught chemistry at colleges and universities in the US and Greece, and he worked as a chemist in industry as well as at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. He has a wife and two daughters. He believes deeply in non-violence, and he revels in the teachings of such varied figures as Gandhi, Plato, Socrates and Einstein. He is currently writing his first book on life planning through wise career choice and on career change, and while he is visiting USA, he is giving lectures and seminars on peace and career satisfaction across U.S. campuses.
"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
-- Chinese proverb --
"I myself would wish neither; but if it were necessary either to do wrong or to suffer it, I should choose to suffer rather than to do wrong."
-- Socrates --
(This essay was delivered as part of a lecture on nonviolence at the
University of California at Berkeley, on February 7, 2002)
Andreas Notebook
May be copied, distributed or posted on the Internet for non-profit
purposes only.
� 2002, Andreas Toupadakis. All rights reserved.