Real Truth is starting to come to light
By: Rob Minteer
There is much of interest on your Website, and no doubt many bits of Truth. But without a firm foundation it will all crumble to nothing. The entire Maya calendar has been interpreted by British and German and other archeologists to support their basic Cosmological theories. But the real Truth is starting to come to light, and it is based on the Closest Perigees of the Moon, which affect what products the Core of our earth produces, and therefore what percolates up to the surface some years later. I have two very detailed files containing all the relevant information. (They are now posted on my Website to download.)
The Maya may indeed have known about the coming alignment of the Milky Way and "galactic Plane"--but if so, they also knew full well that all that we see "out there" is just a reflection/projection of what is going on WITHIN our Earth Mother. All but the Moon, that is, which is the source of all our snow and much of our rain. (The "water cycle" which is claimed to account for all our weather no doubt accounts for SOME rain, but likely a very small percentage.) Until just a couple years ago I had no reason to doubt the Astronomers and their explanations concerning the Sun, Moon, and stars.
But then Newton made it all clear. In High School Physics Newton was paraphrased as having stated: "A body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion." What a watered-down, rather meaningless gutting of what he stated so clearly, which was this: "Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon." That is the First Law of Motion. The Second is: "The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed." And the Third Law of Motion is: "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts."
From those three simple Laws there must come understanding of the motions of everything in the World (or Universe, so-called). We remain at rest on the surface of the earth because of gravity. We cannot put ourselves in motion except by means of those Laws. We might think that when we take off walking that we do so by means of an internal force. But look at the Third Law. When we press our foot against the ground backwards, using the muscles of our leg to do so, the ground also presses forwards against our foot in an equal amount, and so we move forward. If we press faster, we may run. To stop, we press forward, and the ground thus presses backwards. If there was no ground to press against, we could not move. Clearly the First Law of Motion is absolutely true.
With a bicycle or car or other wheeled vehicle the same is true-the rubber tire or iron wheel of a train pushes backwards against the road or track, and the track or road pushes forwards against the bike, car or train, causing the vehicle to move. Again the First Law holds true-it is an IMPRESSED force which causes the motion. Nothing else can alter the state of a body but that.
With an airplane the wings-otherwise known as airfoils-provide lift, but not until sufficient forward speed has been obtained. And how is that forward speed obtained? By the propeller or jet turbine blades pushing against the air, and the air pushing back with an equal action. In the first two examples our feet/legs or the wheels of the vehicle were much less massive than the earth which provided the equal and opposite reaction. But the total force from each was the same.
With airplanes the propeller is much more massive than the air-but it turns fast enough that it is able to push against sufficient air to be pushed in the opposite direction. Think of a canoe paddle in water-not until it is moved sufficiently fast will the canoe begin to move in the opposite direction. Why? Because water is a fluid and so moves out of the way of a moving solid. But moved sufficiently fast there will be compression enough so that the fluid is briefly denser than the paddle and thus will push sufficiently against the paddle in reverse. Same with the air and the airplane propeller. Gases in motion exhibit many of the same behaviors as liquids-indeed, such is the basis of all weather predictions-and so when the propeller moves fast enough the air compresses sufficiently to provided the necessary equal and opposite reaction to get the plane moving.
With rockets the exhaust gases from the combustion of the rocket fuel push first against the ground and then against the atmosphere. The ground and atmosphere push back in equal amounts, thus imparting the motion in the same way that all motion is imparted: by an IMPRESSED force. Once free of the atmosphere, with nothing to push against, the rocket or capsule, if the rocket stages have dropped free, will be entirely at the mercy of gravity. No course corrections will be possible in the vacuum of space, because there is nothing to push against.
And so the choice is there for all of us: either believe the lies of the greedy, power-mongers who have been in control during this Age (the Dark Age of the Era of Lies) or start to build a firm foundation of knowledge which will see us into the new Era which the Maya knew would begin in December 2012, beginning with the Age of Light in the Era of Truth.
Rob Minteer
