Pioneer 10 Deep Space Probe
Mystery Solved!
by Duke
All the the scientists at NASA could not figure this out? Shows you what a 4 year extended brain washing college degree will do for you, Eh! Piece of paper with ink slapped on it. Remember Einstein dropped out of school in sixth grade. A poster child for your education system, no doubt! I have emailed this article to NASA. The news articles said that NASA's Pioneer 10 space probe launched in 1972 was slowing down. They said that it was some mysterious unknown force in the Universe more powerful than gravity. First of all scientist at NASA why don't you explain gravity before you say that it is more powerful than gravity. Second of all there is nothing unknown in MY UNIVERSE and NO mystery that can not be explained.
Explanation Simple Physics:
Heat causes expansion (get ready for your world to expand AGAIN!) Heat causes energy to vibrate on a higher frequency. Observation: Boil a pot of water and steam rises. Why? Because the heat is causing the energy to vibrate on a higher frequency giving it less density, thus less mass and thus gravity does not effect it as much and the water molecules rise. When those water molecules reach a certain altitude, where it is much colder, cold causes contraction and causes the energy to vibrate on a lower frequency giving it more density, thus more mass, thus gravity effects it more and it falls back down to the ground in the form of rain, sleet, or snow. Simple physics right. This is also why you have more energy in the summer and feel more sluggish in the winter.
Now, space near stars would be very hot, which would give space NEAR stars less density. As you move away from stars (and remember these planets also put off some heat) space gets colder. Cold causes contraction, thus causing the energies to vibrate on a lower frequency, giving space more density. Basicly space gets thicker. This is what is slowing down your deep space probes. By this same token your speed of light is off. It would not be a constant because space has more and less density in different locations. Let me know when you Earthlings need some more answers about My Universe. By the way NASA you need to hire a better photo retoucher. Your photos on your website of the Apollo (pagan god Roman Empire) 11 are pathetic. (another good one masons) Saturn rocket booster (pagan god Roman Empire) , Columbia's root word in Latin is Columba (another pagan god Roman Empire). Yes America you named your nation's capitol after a pagan god out of the Roman EMPIRE!
Food For Thought:
You will become complacent with whatever you have.
After a while, the Rembrandt on the wall will just be a painting.
After a while, the coffee table made of diamonds will just be something to set your glass on.
Why walk down that path?
It's never ending.
You will always want more.
You will always want something different.
Whether it is a person.
Or a materialistic thing.
But Ah! Awareness is the key.
You can't have consciousness without Awareness.
If you are not aware that you are conscious, then you are Not conscious.
And the more Awareness you have
the more consciousness you have!
Remember: To desire something is to try to possess it
And LOVE is Non-possesive
Peace and Love Earthlings
Well you've been preaching that for thousands of years, but your never going to get it without Freedom.
What would be that ultimate freedom? Two words you will never hear a preacher or politician utter.
written by Duke
