I am Reality
I am Reality
I am older than Eve
I am younger than tomorrow
I am greatly feared
you fear more than you fear your own big brother
you fear me with such fear that you say I
do not exist
you never speak of me
you close your eyes when you see me
you shun those who know me
events hint ever more loudly at my existence
written words proclaim my existence
and the more clearly I reveal myself to you
the more fiercely you deny me
but I can run faster than you can
and at a time of my choosing
I will move toward you with giant strides
and I will stand in front of you and behind you, on your left
side and your right side, above you and below you,
and then at last you will look at me and you will know me
I am the dying earth under your feet
I am the comet as yet unseen
I am the eurocop who will break down your
I am the love that lies stillborn in your
I am the ocean of tears kissing the shoreline of your land
I am Every Thing
I am also No Thing
and the further you run from me
the nearer you approach to me
for I am also your own secret Self

thanks PM