No One Remembers
The days when our leaders spoke of freedom, liberty, justice, & the pursuit of happiness for all of humanity are of the past.
The days when the sovereignty of an individual was God given & sat higher than any authority are buried in past somewhere where it can�t be seen, where it can�t be reached.
The days when we were taught such values & encouraged to have courage to stand up & defend these principles, to question authority & provide resolve are long gone � no one remembers.
The days when people had the right to individuality, freedom of expression, uniqueness, & the God given right to be creative are suppressed.
The days when fear belonged only to those of a weaker character or just because they were yet inexperienced are no longer in print, & thus are not remembered.
The days when it was human for you to care & defend others from aggression are floating in the ether somewhere around us � no one can tell, the records were burned, the people were killed, the bodies were buried.
The days when you were remembered not to go w/ the flow & to swim against the current as hard as you could to safety went down the sewer.
To love, is a natural instinct.
To care, is a natural instinct.
To be creative, is a natural instinct.
To be yourself & to have an individuality separate from everyone else is God given, & therefore is a natural instinct.
To question & disagree when you know deep inside that there is something wrong, is a natural instinct.
To defend yourself, is a natural instinct.
To not accept abuse, is a natural instinct.
To want Peace, to desire Peace, is a natural instinct.
To run is a natural instinct.
To plant a seed, to fish, to eat, to swim, to walk in the forest, is your sovereignty.
The world belongs to us all, & not to those who claim ownership & punish you w/ death.
Our society is 1 in many possible societies. Our ways are limited. The possibilities are many, as many grains of sand, as many stars, as many galaxies. Our lines can be erased, & if we don�t erase them, time will erase them, or the air, or the water, or the sunshine.
To demand answers from those we gave the privilege to make decisions on our behalf is the least expected. If they can�t answer, if they can�t resolve, they don�t deserve the privilege, & their right must be taken away.
To kill is only natural to animals, or those in the animal kingdom.
But I remember, I was taught, I learned, I saw disasters, I saw changes, I experienced, & I am reminding you, not to fear. Do not accept this madness, do not believe these idiots.
Take a deep breath, feel the sunshine, laugh, & move forward.
Do not follow the river into the abyss. Swim to safety, & get away from the madness.
Take your power back. Take your sovereignty back. Be autonomous.
Reclaim your courage, reclaim your love, reclaim your right, & never give your sovereignty to anyone.
And remember, & remind others why you can�t forget.
