Rampant Insanity @ Warp 10
Only on Planet Earth� Especially in America
By: Jillian Elizabeth Burgin
"Buried deep within you�beneath all the years of pain and anger, there is something that has never been nurtured - the potential to make yourself a better man.
And that is what it is to be human�to make yourself more than you are.
There was a time you looked at the stars and dreamed of what might be.
And what will you do with that life�waste it in a blaze of hatred?
There is a better way. You still have a choice. Make the right one now."
-Captain Jean-Luc Picard of The Starship Enterprise (Nemesis 2002)
If only Jean-Luc were "running" in '04!
I am always astounded by the integrity of this character, however fictitious, of course.
Portrayed impeccably by actor, Patrick Stewart.
As a multi-generational Star Trek nerd-child, I have always been fascinated with traveling through space, meeting new life-forms, bringing peace and good-will throughout the galaxies. I thought surely this would almost be a reality by now but unfortunately we're still preoccupied with wiping ourselves off the face of this planet and at an alarming rate! It's clearly obvious�we are not "boldly going" anywhere.
I also remember being a child and watching films in school on the realities of a nuclear holocaust.
A traumatic event for a youngster�watching all those mushroom clouds and all the devastation they would bring to this planet and its life-forms. It was a wonder we had any hope for the future at all back then. We didn't even understand atomic energy or how a nuclear bomb worked, just that it was the greatest achievement of all time and yet our greatest nemesis. This is once again, and is still, our greatest human-made nemesis.
Now, where were those fall-out shelters?
Overall, most of us, especially in America, had easy lives in those days in comparison to previous times and times that have now come to pass. But each generation has their significant fears and why is that so? Why is there always something to fear? Why is hate such a clear emotion within our consciousness, going back to the beginning of our memory? I hear people say that we will always have destructive tendencies and that is just our nature. But I'm not quite sure I buy that. I believe we were created in Love and programmed by our society to hate and live in fear�manipulated by science and religion to keep us within desired boundaries of a false reality. We may never fully know the intrinsic nature of life in our physical existence but we are all part of the same being, a part of eternal Love and that is true reality. We truly are more than we can ever imagine being in this physical existence. We are divine beings on a divine mission on this Planet Earth and we have the power to transform this reality into whatever we choose it to be.
Unfortunately, most of us choose to live in ignorance. Underestimating our divine capabilities to self-actualize as human beings. Instead, we are killing ourselves off at staggering rates. Killing our children. Destroying our planet. Destroying our physical future. And continually giving our power away to malevolent entities, which are manipulating us into all of these behaviors. This is so ALL throughout the Planet Earth but in America it is at its worst. And now the lunatics we have let take over our country, have us all set on an insane collision course with death and destruction.
But wait�have I overrated the rampant insanity in this country and on this planet? Should I give it a 9 � with room to accelerate or can we somehow manage to take it out of warp?
It has been and is now almost inconceivable to "keep going on like this" without a cataclysmic event of some kind occurring. The problems of this planet seem so complex that without an event of this magnitude there can never be a positive turn-around in our world. For those of us left who still care and have hope, this seems an unacceptable option. But still, one often wonders if that is what it will take to transform our planet. It seems as if we've spoken to the universal darkness and are waiting for its response. Can we get an asteroid hit? Can we go out with a destructive astronomical dignity rather than a human-made cataclysm? Both choices really, are ours. It all depends on us, and what we choose to bring into our universe�and to realize that, is the first step in breaking free from the false physical-reality prison.
But to break free from the material world slave-mentality bears a certain responsibility�the responsibility of our own actions and decisions. There are those individuals on this planet that will never change their destructive behaviors no matter what everyone else is doing until they reach a certain point of awareness.
Nonetheless, we cannot change the world without first changing ourselves, and that begins only by operating through the power of Love. When we love ourselves and project it out to others as ONE being our world is drastically changed and healed. It is not a weakness to love�it is our highest spiritual attribute in human emotional capacity...and it is also the greatest fear of the malevolent entities attempting to rule our planet. If we fail to scream, they WILL run out of energy and we can ultimately shut them down, taking them out of power.
So meanwhile�back in the 24th century� the material world is "different". The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force of Planet Earth�everyone works to benefit humankind through the advancement of technology. All life-forms are equal, yet their individuality is celebrated, respected and necessary for survival. Disease and poverty are things of the past. Inter-galactic wars are not obsolete but are fought only when all diplomatic efforts have failed and only under extreme preemptive circumstances.
Yes, this is fiction�but so is everything within our reality. We made the choice to exist here in this space and time and despite the rampant insanity in America and throughout the world, it is still wonderful to be alive.
The choice of positive transformation on planet earth is ours�and�
