It is Time
Beloved Friends,
This is an amazing letter we received from a young person who literally
showed up at our door a few weeks ago, just about the time the Thomas
Messages started going out. (She had not read them) As she walked down
the street she had the impulse to knock on our door, and she has been
volunteering her time ever since. She told us amazing stories about her
life and gifts, and I knew immediately that she was sent to us by God.
When I asked her what she would like to say to the rest of us, this is
what she gave me. I think you will find it amazing and inspiring. It is
an opportunity to step inside one of these Psychic Children's mind to
experience what they must go through, and how they think. It also gives
insight into our own truth, who we really are, and why we are here. I
think this is one of the most important emails we've forwarded so far.
James Twyman
It is very important that you do not limit yourself in Love because your story is not the same as everyone else's. You are unique and beautiful and capable beyond measure to Love with the vastness of Spirit, no matter what your past experience has been. Remember, your story is not Who You Are.
I had an incredibly violent childhood. My body, mind, and emotions were abused in ways that are hard to believe. So, I know what it is like to come from a past absent of Love. I came into this world knowing who I Am, Rememebering everything before coming here, having full conscious experience of my conception and birth, knowing what I came for, and have never forgotten. Even with the terror that has been in this life for me, I have always known who I Am. I do not act like a typical abused child because my motivations are different, the clarity of my personality is different, the stength of my spirit is unwavering (not more or less, just different). I hear extra, see extra, feel extra. My senses are enlivened and sometimes oversensitive. I was born with special gifts and abilities that have not gone away with time, or growing up, or programming, or getting them beaten out. The only thing that stops me from having them is me. I've done my best at times to ignore them, shut them off, or abandon them, but they are there whether I think they are or not, whether I want them to be or not. I can do many things that other people can't do...yet. In the kind of story I have come from, this has made me very isolated. Yet, I did not go crazy, do not need extensive therapy for my entire life, and I am not permanently damaged.
The truth is, none of us are ever permanently damaged. No matter what has happened, there is always a way to heal and grow. And no matter what happened, there is always a way to heal. And no matter what happens, who you Are does not go away. In the world of healing there seems to be many back doors to not let go and be unaccountable. There is no such thing as "Once an addict, always an addict," and being victimized does not justify continuing to be a victim in life. These are cop-outs enabling one to rationalize getting out of the responsibility of spiritual growth, physical healing, and movement forward. It is our birthright to Love and to Thrive, yet we have created all kinds of excuses to not do just that. This is the Real craziness. You are your own Higher Power. You are not alone. You are already Free.
Tainting the Truth by sugarcoating, or twisting the Truth in order to make it more comfortable is a waste of energy. There simply is not enough time to wait or beat around the bush. Truth is important NOW, and that Truth is LOVE. Within the flame of love nothing else exists. No amount of negativity or darkness can live in the light of Love. That is why it is so important for us to amplify our own field of Love large enough to reach out into the world, to connect with the Grid that encompasses this Earth caressing and nurturing the darkness into light, the Grid of Love.
You do not have to have psychic powers or gifted abilities to Be Love, to Be who you Are, and to Live Truth. You are a child of God, a child of Love, special and perfect in every way. You have something very important to offer by your Being. The world is waiting for you to Open. Open your heart, let love flow in and out. Let love be your motivation in every action. Let love be the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning and the last thing before bed at night. Let love fill up your body, every cell, until it overflows out into the world, touching everything. Let Love be your gifted ability; it is what you are meant to do. Every moment take Love one step further in some way, let it grow and grow. Love is endless, as is your ability to express and experience it. There is no limit, no rule, no one way. The more you Open, the more Love will teach you, fill you, emanate from you. Do not wait. Start Now. Have Courage, Intent, Willingness. Let Love be the Truth you represent, the tool you carry, the vehicle that brings you to every new step.
It is Time. Let go, and LOVE.
