Tornado Wings
By Samuel James

I can distinctly remember most things in my life that I have personally endured or witnessed as soul, spirit, and flesh, for reasons that I have failed to recognize until now.
Born and raised in a farm setting, I had the wonderful opportunity to grasp absolute innocence in its prime. The simplicity of caring for the land, livestock, poultry and of ourselves as a family unit was indeed a nurturing and savoring experience for us all. At that particular age of my life I could only see and feel a reality that I had implicitly respected and ascertained as a beautiful and rejuvenating creation consisting of unfiltered set of events. It was easy for me to digest and accommodate.
Being approximately 35 miles away from any major city, the given sense and perception of any corporate institution or government seemed oblivious or just unimportant to me at the time. I was or at least I felt at the time, that it had absolutely no sensual bearing in my life whatsoever! It remained so for quite some time.
I can remember as a growing child, hearing my father's words on numerous occasions. Slandering the existing government at the time for their outrageous and unfair treatment towards Canadian farmers. His attitude in response to that was quite loud for he was a big man that rightfully seemed to carry dripping amounts of anger and hatred towards those whom he had felt powerless over. I was too young to understand his pouring grief. As a disciplined hard-working man, I could later see that he would never recover from such a fate. But he is respectfully at peace now. I love him and miss him a lot.
Riders in Bishop
With Tornado Wings
I can remember as an adolescent, my Great Grandmother inquiring as to what exactly it was on television that had repeatedly showered the airwaves with scenes and literature of war, death, and destruction. Grandmother could not read nor understand the English of the newscasters, therefore she was looking for a translation brought forth by the family. Moments later I could plainly see tears flowing down to her cheeks. But she is respectfully at peace now. I love her and miss her a lot.
I can also remember as a young man how my outlook in life had dramatically changed since my youthful years. The innocence that I once had with me no longer existed. It quickly vanished at a t time when I had unconsciously surrendered to the economic, social and political "system." Simultaneously it was also then when I was brutally assaulted, violated, dehumanized, degraded and openly raped of my innocence and integrity as a man. I didn't know it because I had already plugged myself in. Because of it I was then being immorally conditioned and programmed by shadowy, untalkative monsters and their murky entourage, all of whom existed right under my nose, my very own bed.
They were the kind of monsters that are undetectably controlling and manipulative, the kind that inhabit your mental capacity by making you believe what they think you should believe. They give so-called free will a slight of hand and our so called freedom a false sense of being. The kind of monsters that undeniably spares no mercy upon those whom are part of his flock. They will lie to you, trick you, deceive you, and curse you primarily for its own personal gain. The kind of monsters that certainly are not your friends by any means even though you are led to believe so. The kind of monsters that will not protect you or respect you because to them you are nothing more than a useless two-legged human. They will disguisingly oppress you and suppress you intellectually to such an extent that you in turn become more manageable and docile to their reign of power and terror. They entrap you, and enslave you to their economic, political and social agendas or calendars. The kind of monsters that will not stop at anything that comes in their way and the kind of monsters that cannot and will not love simply because it does not know how to love itself.
Riders in Bishop
With Tornado Wings
Inside the Corridors of the Universe
I can remember awakening one day from my sleep and actually catching a glimpse of those terrible monsters. They made themselves visible to me. It was as if they wanted to make themselves apparent, to make themselves known possibly for us to understand ourselves better, to know thyself and to realize or comprehend our evolutionary path and the existence that follows it. Regardless of what it may be, the monsters to me were grossly disfigured and murky in appearance. I could still see them, or at least I thought I did. Was it my perception of them that came to me or was it their perception of me that came to them? Were we ready for each other? Were we ready for the truth? Nonetheless it happened, as if it were meant to.
All the eyes that were upon me or I upon them could not properly focus in the light. Their vision, however, was excellent in the dark. They appeared convincingly to me, making no apologies for their demeanor or behavior. We stared at each other like reflections in the mist. As we were doing this, one in particular speaks to me. He speaks to me without moving his jaws, as if we were communicating telepathically. I could never be sure. It was surreal like a dream within a dream or an eye within an eye. No one moved as we all stood our ground heroically. As quick as they had appeared, they had left without a sound, leaving me with these words; " Our time here is almost done. Our agenda has almost been fulfilled soon your bed will be yours to keep but now until we take care of some unfinished business."
