Twilight Thought
by Tony Dodd
Hear this wonderful poem on Real Audio 3.0 here.

Many thanks to Tony Dodd
the Author and Speaker of the
"Twilight Thought"
A time when darkness creeps over the world
A time when creatures seek
the sanctuary of their haven
To sleep away the hours of darkness
safe from the night hunters.
The nocturnal world.
The vast night sky... studded with a billion stars.
Like a black cloak... infested with sparkling diamonds,
which give ghostly light
across the face
of the countryside.
The hills hang dark and foreboding... casting shadows over the sleeping hamlets
Their peaks pointing
towards the night sky
in sinister accusation.
The night air on the hills is cold and clean... with an edge sharper that the sharpest knife
cutting through anything
which intrudes on it's privacy
singing as it dances
through the branches
of the tall pine plantations
A song which says... the world is not sleeping... it is awake.
Anyone lucky enough to share
this nocturnal world ... and to make peace with the night
will soon develop an acute awareness... that the surroundings are not as they first seem.
The night comes to life... the heavens are alive
with movement.
The wind... sings a song... with a choir of a
thousand ghostly voices
as if the past... present... and future were all one.
Singing in mournful harmony.
The wind stops...
as if to take breath.
And the heavy sound of silence prevails.
A silence which echoes
through the heavens into infinity.
A silence which is the music
of the heavens...
a music of beauty and purity
which encompasses
the whole of time and space...
in a warmth of breathtaking magnitude.
The darkness is alive ...
with an all knowing wisdom...
a wisdom as old as time itself.
A wisdom that says...
I am the creator of all things.
My energy is the creation of the cosmos.
I am your blood...
your flesh... your breath...
I am you.
How little we know
of the scale of eternity
How dare we challenge
the might and enormity of such
wisdom and creation.
A million worlds could exist in the heavens ...
beyond our sight.
Each with living beings,
looking at the sky in wonder,
at the never ending universe.
They may also think
that no other intelligent being exists...
apart from themselves.
But perhaps they do not share
the arrogance of the human race.
Perhaps they possess
the intelligence to realize...
that all things are possible
in the vastness of forever.
Perhaps civilizations exist
many thousands of years
in advance of our own,
who view our existence
as we would view the
lowliest creatures on this earth.
Is it conceivable...
that this earth of ours...
which is but a speck of dust
against the scale of reality,
is not only being visited by other life forms...
but is being controlled by them.
Let us not be blinded by our arrogance...
as to what is possible and what is not.
Because we are children
at the dawn of our creation,
with the universe as our classroom
and intelligence
beyond our imagination
waiting to be tapped...
when we are ready to receive it.
When all wars are history
and the annihilation
of our own species is long forgotten.
And famine and plague
of the unfortunate no longer exists.
And we live together as brother and sister.
we will be fit to go forward
and achieve the endless possibilities
which are there for the worthy.
Every living creature
in the universe has a life cycle
which is part of creation.
Each with it's own intelligence
and life style and each
with it's fear and pain.
We are all part
of the greater scheme of things
and none of us are exempt.
Remember the virtue of destiny...
and the peace of understanding.
The beauty of compassion...
and the honesty of being at one with creation.
And the dignity of peace and eternity.
and the wonders you will see...
will reveal the true qualities of your universe.
To the truth of your origins your hearts will go out.
Your substance ...
which is the matter of time and space
will go forward to meet the next challenge.
The beauty of your origins
will surpass your belief and comprehension.
And the infinite depth of the cosmic reality,
will remain part of your heritage
in the mists of forever
Your council is the great host of light...
who's fabric is your fabric.
The fabric of all things.
You are nothing...
you are everything...
you are the spirit of eternity.
Where all roads cross
and souls of the universe
reassemble to the next stage.
Who are you?
What are you?
I am you.
You are me.
We are brothers and sisters of destiny.
We are the dust of the cosmos.
Our existence is infinite.
There is no life.
There is no death.
There is only creation.
The cosmic fusion of your being.
Be at peace with your creator.
Because here is the knowledge of all things.
The peace of understanding...
is the beauty of creation.
The word has been spoken
and the spirit within you knows.
That home is eternity...
and existence is immortal.