Useless Eaters

There was a fabulous piece in a film I watched called �The Majestic� starring Jim Carrey, regarding him wanting to use the Constitution to fight against a Congressional hearing accusing him of being a Communist. It was explained to him that the Constitution is a piece of paper with numerous signatures on it, a contract between the Government and the People. And as a contract it is always open to re-negotiation. The Constitution and other such legislative documents are contracts and are not set in stone no matter how many lives have been lost or sacrificed in the name of freedom. And as such are always open to re-negotiation, usually successfully carried out by Governments using the formula Problem-Reaction-Solution.
I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the phrase in one of your books of how the Illuminati refer to us as the useless eaters. Look around you every day, most people are only concerned with what goes on in there own small group of friends or even there own backyard. Put the price of beer up and people will instantly react, introduce draconian human rights legislation in Brussels and people will think that�s over there and we are over here and doesn�t really affect us. And perhaps the only people who would notice would be Amnesty and I even think they are the opposing side of the coin controlled by the Elite!
I believe the only way out of the Illuminati Master Plan for the world will come when they have reached there objective of wiping out the vast population of the earth. As they want to have less people that they can have more control over, that would be the only time to successfully change human consciousness. It�s basically a numbers game, as currently you have to chip away at Millennia of indoctrination by the Media and Education system, and the strongest indoctrination of all peer pressure. You need Millennia of re-indoctrination to succeed, we have a couple of protests a year that gets in the media competing against the Elites daily bombardment by the Media, Education and Peers to keep you further imprisoned. Maybe we should employ the Elites tactics and turn there indoctrination tactics back on itself. Play them at there own game.
One off protests and the like are simply not enough, and if various sources are to be believed we are due a Nuclear War in 2006. We are given the hope of �it doesn�t have to be like this� or �Nuclear War can be averted�. I think we need something along the lines of an event that involved five loaves and two fishes to avert this coming war.
I had a feeling, a belief if you will that at the turn of the Millennia we would as a race enter an age of Spirituality. An age that would cast aside religion and instead people would openly search out God in whatever way they believed was right wherever there hearts would lead them. The bible and other such religious books talks of God as being this mighty being sat up in heaven looking down on earth watching our daily lives. I don�t think we can even begin to comprehend who or what God is exactly. I feel it is a force so powerful, so omnipotent and so far out of human comprehension of exactly who or what God is.
If you can comprehend God and the afterlife, you need to think again. Everything you have heard or seen must be disregarded, cast aside. To know of God will be nothing like you have ever experienced before ever. Think of this our own Milky Way is 150,000 light years across and one light-year is equal to 9,500,000,000,000 kilometres. You do the maths! Then think there are many millions of systems like our Milky Way in our Galaxy and that there are at least 400 billion Galaxies in the Universe. And God�s presence is prevalent throughout all that.
And if you can�t beat them -