At edge of the grave
Zionism: plans and funds

Source: Blog of Ivan Kalashnik

Slavic cattle we will drive far to the north, outside of Moscow

?????-????? - ??????? ?????? ???????? - ??????

Menachem Mendel Schneerson - Chabad "Messiah"

I - the Messiah, suckers!
So sho - chase all your granny!

Chabad Mafia

Chabad Mafia

???????? ?????????? - ??, ? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???????? ???????????

Word of the Sanhedrin Rabbi Rebbe - Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Chabad "messiah."
Chabad 101
Our God - Lucifer

????? ??????? ??????? - ???????

"Most Jews do not like to admit this, but our god - is Lucifer ...
... - And we - this is his chosen people.

Lucifer is alive and very real. "

- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, the highest administrative assistant of a senior Republican senator of New York, Jacob Javits (Jacob Javits R-NY), in an interview recorded on tape, with Walter White, Jr. (Walter White, Jr.), Which was held in 1976 From the book "The Hidden Tyranny" (The Hidden Tyranny).

Harold Rosenthal, is believed to have been killed for giving this interview in 1976, in which he boldly stated that, as a group of Jews manipulating the bad and naive goyim.

This interview clearly repeats the Protocols of the Elders of Zion program, and since it was recorded on tape, it is irrefutable proof that not only truly Satanic conspiracy, and protocols.

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called all his sons, in Frankfurt, and, as he read the Satanic Talmud, said:

"Remember, my children, that all land should belong to us, Jews, and that non-Jews, being nothing more than feces of animals, should have nothing."

Explaining this, Amschel demanded that they swear swore that they will always stand for each other and never take anything apart. This they did, and they repeated it at the tomb of Amschel twenty-four years old when Nathan, from material considerations, has agreed to become "hrestyaninom" and "suddenly" died ...

Secret World Government by Cherep-Spiridovich

"Why is this SioNatsistky geek-degenerate, Schneerson, who have these servants of Satan is considered to be Jewish" Messiah "impudent to outrage, behaving as if he owns the world?

And because it is behind him, and finances all these Satanic orgies SioNatsistkie none other than Baruch, trillioner, the owner of the world.

So says Edward Hodos, a former ihnem den, and who is the only one of whom Schneerson gave two dollars to the picture instead of Schneerson president. Hodos has a personal collection is the founder of Chabad's skull - "the first fascist in history," as he calls it. He is in private ownership of the sacred relic. And it is their worst enemy.

It's not even Rothschild, which they have to run errands, and they lighted everywhere and always, as if it were he who stirs all the water. "

Table of contents

    The main point of struggle against the Slavs, we will send
    First, we divided the all Slavic peoples
    - Divide and Conquer
    In this war of fools will reduce the Slavonic cattle themselves and strengthen us, the principal conductor of distemper
    The most frightening word would be "anti-Semite." The word "Jew" would be pronounced in a whisper
    Intimidating cattle so that no one Jew does not fall from the head, not a single hair at a time when the Slavs will shoot bursts, destroying thousands of
    Dumb Slavic ethnic group does not realize that the worst fascists - those who never, never out loud does not say
    Those nationalist movements that seek to bring people out of our dictation, we will destroy by fire and sword
    We will provide full prosperity to our nationalism - Jewish sverhfashizmu
    We did the UN weapons of our aspirations to seize power over "all the kingdoms and peoples"
    Large populations of Slavs we deprive the national elite
    In the media - we are gradually replaced the national staff
    Humanization of education, resulting in objects that structure the thinking of the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be reduced and degraded
    We will give cattle a look at the history, where we show that the whole of human evolution was moving to the recognition of God's chosen nation of the Jews masters of the whole world
    We will not allow these countries to the development of science
    Lay the youth - and you win the nation!
    We will strike at the home, destroying it, cut the childbearing
    Create the conditions for life to criminals better than working cattle, from the prisons will be releasing criminals to become more murders, robberies, instability
    Sow fear among the people. Fear for his life, which will go for nothing. Fear, and shall rule
    Already 85% of the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean have been in our hands
    For fraud, we will announce the Kuban Republic of Armenia, then drove the Cossacks, turn it to the Khazars - Israel
    The rest of bribery. And those who do not succumb to - destroy
    Cut off from Russian by the Great Eastern Arc
    Whereas in the past century, the United States bought Alaska from Russia, in the XXI century will buy all Siberia
    Under the guise of "democratic transition" will give the Slav monarchy cattle
    President - a screen like the popularly elected
    At the highest positions of power structures, he led them to supply our people
    Conquest all nations and kingdoms, and their subjection to our suprapeople, chosen by God of Israel
    But most importantly - money. They do everything. They - the power. They - the force. Who has the money - in fact weapons. Ultramodern
    Money is owned by the media, durachaschimi billions of human cattle
    It is all about capital and the seizure of power
    We hate you immensely!
    You are doomed. Will you obey - you will have 65 - 70 million units, otherwise - 40-45
    The main thing now - to keep us at least another 2-3 years
    Our aspirations are directed at Russia now the dual purposes: first - the elimination of the most powerful and independent empire. The second - acquisition of wealth
    On the planet, an intense warming
    After 20 - 30 years will have to think about the relocation of the vast mass of civilized nations north of their current residence
    These lands - ancient ancestral lands - the Jewish Khazars, that is Israel
    The Slavs in their own land - temporary guests and are subject to eviction
    Great Khazars - Jewish State
    Slavic cattle we will drive far to the north, outside of Moscow
    Editor of "Slav" VF Popov, "sew" incapacity for "inciting ethnic hatred"
        Who is the editor Popov?
        On the heels of Popov machine should be labeled "escort"
        The editors of national newspapers were called to the regional prosecutor's office 


This speech [letter sent to them in the newspaper] Schneerson was published in the Vologda newspaper "SlavĀ», N-4 (32), 2001. Following the publication of the court could not "sew" her editor, VF Popov, Article 282, as He operated on the facts, and he stood up for Russian scientists Academician Yu K runners and Doctor of Laws OG Korotayev.

This speech was uttered these dyavolopoklonnikom in 1994. There is much debate about its authenticity, as once argued about the validity "of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion," but is an indisputable fact that almost all the goals Schneerson, it is now resolved.

Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson The plan "chosen by God"
The main point of struggle against the Slavs, we will send

1. Our special tactics to combat red-brown (and all Slavs - the red-brown), because of its isolation is the secret knowledge. The main point of struggle we will send against the Slavs, except renegades, getting to the Jews alone interests. True, these "shalt" We then, after using them for their own purposes, withdrawing from our society.

Slavs, among them Russian - is the most unruly people in the world.

Insubordinate because he store his mental and intellectual faculties, embodied by many generations of ancestors, genes that are not amenable to alteration.

Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why the seed is subject to liquidation, and at first - a sharp decline in their numbers.

2. Our control methods are not military, and ideological and economic power structures with the application, equipped with the most modern types of armament for the physical suppression of revolt with even greater ferocity than was done in October 1993 with the execution of the Supreme Soviet of Russia.
First, we divided the all Slavic peoples
- Divide and Conquer

First of all, we all divided the Slavic peoples (of 300 million, half - Russian) for the small country with a weak interrupted connections.

Here we use our old method: Divide and conquer.

We will try to pit these countries together. Involve them in the civil wars to mutual destruction.

Ukrainian would think that fighting against the expansionist Russia, is struggling for its independence, will think that finally gained its freedom, while fully becomes dependent on us.

The same will be considered and Russian, though they defend their national interests, returned "illegally" taken from their land and so on.

All we will do this under the guise of different sovereignties, the struggle for their national ideals. While we do not give either party self-determination on the basis of national values ??and traditions.

In this war of fools will reduce the Slavonic cattle themselves and strengthen us, the principal conductor of distemper

In this war of fools will reduce the Slavonic cattle themselves and strengthen us, the principal conductor of confusion, allegedly standing on the sidelines and not only involved in the bloody events, but not intervening in them.

The most frightening word would be "anti-Semite." The word "Jew" would be pronounced in a whisper

Moreover, we fully protect themselves. In the consciousness of the Slavic profane (uninitiated) we lay these patterns of thinking in which the most terrible word would be "anti-Semite." The word "Jew" would be pronounced in a whisper.

Intimidating cattle so that no one Jew does not fall from the head, not a single hair at a time when the Slavs will shoot bursts, destroying thousands of

Several processes (such as the trial of an anti-Semite Ostashvili, followed by its destruction) and other methods (radio, television - scary movies, such as revenge for the Israeli Mossad sverhrazvedki killing of Jews) frighten cattle so that no one Jew does not fall from the head, not a single hair While the Slavs will shoot bursts, destroying thousands - on the borders, where the Jews did not serve in peacekeeping forces, terrorism, criminal and custom killings.
Dumb Slavic ethnic group does not realize that the worst fascists - those who never, never out loud does not say

3. Dumb Slavic ethnic group does not realize that the worst fascists - those who never, never out loud does not say, and organizes all supposedly the most democratic standards (as the presidential election in March).

On the contrary, we make the word "fascist" dirty. This label will be afraid of anyone to whom we shed it.

We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, making it strong. The slogan of "internationalism" is outdated and no longer work as before, we replace the "universal values" that the same thing.

Those nationalist movements that seek to bring people out of our dictation, we will destroy by fire and sword

We will not give rise to any nationalism, nationalist movements and those who seek to bring people out of our dictation, we will destroy by fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia and Serbia.

We will provide full prosperity to our nationalism - Jewish sverhfashizmu

Instead, we will provide our full prosperity nationalism - Zionism, but rather: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is sverhfashizmom.
We did the UN weapons of our aspirations to seize power over "all the kingdoms and peoples"

Not for nothing that the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution which defined Zionism as the most notorious "form of racism and racial discrimination", but because of our triumphant march across the planet in 1992, overturned this decision.

This international body we have weapons of our aspirations to seize power over "all the kingdoms and nations."

Large populations of Slavs we deprive the national elite

4. A large population of Slavs, we will deprive the national elite, which determines the development and progress of the country. And, ultimately, the whole course of history.

To do this, we will lower their level of education - in the next 5 years we will close half of their institutions, and the other half we will learn.

Assume there more Armenians, Chechens, Gypsies and others. We will work to ensure that the governments of the Slavic countries as much as possible of the indigenous peoples who will be replaced by our Jewish elite.

In the media - we are gradually replaced the national staff

In the media - radio, television, press, art, literature, theater, cinema, we eventually replace national staff and replaced them with our or in extreme cases, cosmopolitan.

Humanization of education, resulting in objects that structure the thinking of the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be reduced and degraded

Humanization of education will be carried out, resulting in objects that structure the thinking of the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be reduced and degraded:

    a) Language and Literature

    6) Physics and Mathematics. 

We will give cattle a look at the history, where we show that the whole of human evolution was moving to the recognition of God's chosen nation of the Jews masters of the whole world

On the history of nothing to say. We will give cattle a look at the history, where we show that the whole of human evolution was moving to the recognition of God's chosen nation of the Jews masters of the whole world. Instead, the same national values ??will give you a Balalaika patriotism and drunken tears. Here, our goal is to replace the red-brown elite ours.

We will not allow these countries to the development of science

We will not allow these countries to the development of science. A core of scientists (Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people. We will not allow any high-tech, leading to a complete collapse of the industry which restrict to the production of essential items for a limited contingent of slaves, producing raw materials to us.

Among the citizens a lot of engineers, skilled workers and teachers. We will create them survive such conditions (no jobs, high rent, pay for utilities, transportation) that they will run themselves as they are now fleeing from the Russian CIS countries, in the village north of the deaf, where they seem to live better, that in fact case will also be a hoax.

Lay the youth - and you win the nation!

Lay the youth - and you win the nation, this is our motto. We deprive your community of young people, molested her sex, rock music, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, deprive your company of the future.

We will strike at the home, destroying it, cut the childbearing

We will strike at the home, destroying it, reduce childbearing.

Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly and openly. And had to do extremely hard work - millions to burn, shoot, dig, and the like. He left bloody footprints.

We act more cleverly: there will be no traces. Reduce childbearing at least half - it's destroyed in the year 2-3 million Russian without any physical effort. Do not have ovens, ammunition, graves. And there is no trace.

Create the conditions for life to criminals better than working cattle, from the prisons will be releasing criminals to become more murders, robberies, instability

Not born. No, and perpetrators. Create the conditions for life to criminals better than working cattle, from the prisons will be releasing criminals to become more murders, robberies, instability.

Amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers, in short, all but convicted in the article for "inciting ethnic hatred", which replaces the now law on anti-Semitism.

Sow fear among the people. Fear for his life, which will go for nothing. Fear, and shall rule

Sow fear among the people. Fear for his life, which will go for nothing, for fear of workplace that every moment could be chosen, fear for the future of your ... Fear, and shall govern.

Already 85% of the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean have been in our hands

5. These ambitious goals will be implemented in several stages. Already 85% of the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean were (the general public has not yet aware of it) in our hands, thanks to confusing and not explaining to the people the contracts concluded under Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

For fraud, we will announce the Kuban Republic of Armenia, then drove the Cossacks, turn it to the Khazars - Israel

Already, in the lands of southern Russia and a half million Armenians live - this is our outpost. At first, for fraud, we will announce the Kuban Republic of Armenia, then drove the Cossacks, turn it to the Khazars - Israel.

Help us then, that the Cossacks constantly drunk, love power and are ready peredratsya with each other on this basis. However, there is still a structured organization - the Orthodox clergy. We went back to his Jewish clergy members who are outwardly permitted by the Talmud to perform the rituals of other religions, keeping in mind their faith of Judaism.

The rest of bribery. And those who do not succumb to - destroy

The rest of bribery. And those who do not succumb to - destroy. More in Russian there is no more - less organized structures, but cattle and can not unite and establish them, because Russian cattle already drunk and on the structuring of degraded and incapable.

Cut off from Russian by the Great Eastern Arc

All mountaineers we paddock where they should be - in the mountains. At the same time we cut off from the Russian East, through the Great Arc.

This will create a confederation of free peoples "Itil - Ural", cut off by the Urals and Siberia from Central Russia (Komi, Komi-Perm republic of Udmurtia, a great Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and created by a secret agreement with Germany, the Republic of Volga Germans).

Then, the arc will be lower in Kalmykia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, somknetsya with Turkey. And beyond the Urals - everything is easier: the sovereign, supposedly liberated from the yoke of the Russian Sakha, Chukotka, Buryatia ...

There, we will create an intolerable situation such that the minorities themselves will be asked to "Western society" to protect them from the bloody Russian colonizers.

Whereas in the past century, the United States bought Alaska from Russia, in the XXI century will buy all Siberia

Whereas in the past century, the United States bought Alaska from Russia, in the XXI century will buy all Siberia. To enter the territory of Siberia between the Yenisei to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east and the border of China, Mongolia and North Korea in the south.

These lands twice the territory of the United States. Acre of land will be purchased at the price of $ 1,000 for the whole of Siberia will have to pay $ 3 trillion over 20 years. Annual payments would amount to $ 200 million, of which half will be spent on purchasing goods in the U.S..

Siberians are still there from what they have to submit to some foreign influence, while the U.S. looks better than its Asian neighbors. In the end, Beijing is closer to LA than to Moscow ...

Under the guise of "democratic transition" will give the Slav monarchy cattle

6. For all these activities paramount to us, we in the guise of "democratic transition" will give cattle Slavic monarchy.

Everyone - a puppet president. And more light, noise and pomp! Monarchism is good that all the energy of mass sent to whistle.

Detracts from the mystery of our active work on the structuring of the population sample, which is necessary to us.

President - a screen like the popularly elected

President - a screen like the popularly elected (and we can imitate the electoral procedures, so that everything seemed legitimate), because of which we will manage all the necessary processes.

At the highest positions of power structures, he led them to supply our people

The President is vested with unlimited powers. Through redeployment to higher positions of power structures, he led them to supply our people.

The Army, the Interior Ministry, FSB and all sorts of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means - to us.

Conquest all nations and kingdoms, and their subjection to our suprapeople, chosen by God of Israel

We will be in the hands of only strings that come to the hands of the president. And we'll be pulling the strings this way should be to implement the grandiose plan of conquering all the tribes and kingdoms, and subjecting them to our suprapeople, chosen by God of Israel.

But most importantly - money. They do everything. They - the power. They - the force. Who has the money - in fact weapons. Ultramodern

7. But most importantly - money. They do everything. They - the power. They - the force. Who has the money - in fact weapons. Ultramodern. The one hired army.

Money is owned by the media, durachaschimi billions of human cattle

Money is owned by the media, durachaschimi billions of human cattle. Impress people we need. Stow rebellious. Bomb resistant fans - the Iraqis, the Serbs, in the long term - Russian.

It is all about capital and the seizure of power

It is all the capital and seize power. Above the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power we practice more than three millennia, and no one with us in this case is not snokautiruet.

The money you have. The authorities, too. Them you do not have and never will! Do not give!

We hate you immensely!

We hate you immensely!

This gives strength to hate cute smile in your face, to infiltrate into your confidence and guide you by showing "care" about you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who in reality do not appear.

You are doomed. Will you obey - you will have 65 - 70 million units, otherwise - 40-45

You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, as long as you twitch, until then you will hit more than it should be.

Will you obey - you will have 65 - 70 million units, otherwise - 40-45.

The main thing now - to keep us at least another 2-3 years

The main thing now - to keep us at least another 2-3 years. And then we will not have to, here in this country, no problem. We will create such protective means that none of you and will not move.

All that is, we know secretly controlled and manageable. And no we can not stop!

Our aspirations are directed at Russia now the dual purposes: first - the elimination of the most powerful and independent empire. The second - acquisition of wealth

What we do

1. World reserves of industrial raw materials are depleted, and by the beginning of the next millennium "Western society" will not be able to retain its current level of consumption without replenishment from new sources - the colonial countries - donors.

Therefore, our aspirations are directed at Russia now the dual purposes: first - the elimination of the most powerful and independent empire, which occupies one-sixth of the earth.

The second - acquisition of wealth, which constitute 60-70% of total world reserves of raw materials and 75-80% of open world's oil and gas are concentrated in Siberia and the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean.

On the planet, an intense warming

2. The planet is intense global warming. The desert is moving northward at a speed of 10 km. per year, dewatering of land - 25 m per year.

Already the ancient centers of the world - Athens, Rome and, most importantly, Jerusalem (Israel) get in a zone just irrigation.
After 20 - 30 years will have to think about the relocation of the vast mass of civilized nations north of their current residence

After 20 - 30 years will have to think about the relocation of the vast mass of civilized nations north of their current residence.

By the time the Kuban, in the Rostov region to Ukraine will be a magnificent sub-tropical climate, and in the Black Earth and in the north of Ukraine - today's climate of Caucasus.

These lands - ancient ancestral lands - the Jewish Khazars, that is Israel

Looking back, it must be admitted that the land - the ancient ancestral lands - the Jewish Khazars, that is Israel captured Kievan Rus in the tenth century.

The Slavs in their own land - temporary guests and are subject to eviction

The Slavs are temporary guests and are subject to eviction.

Great Khazars - Jewish State

We will restore the area and build on these fertile lands of the Great Khazars - Jewish state, just as 50 years ago created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians.

Slavic cattle we will drive far to the north, outside of Moscow

It relocated part of Israelis, and we will drive out Slavonic cattle far to the north, outside of Moscow. There will be a small Northern Territory - reservation with a compact population, reservation, like an Indian in America. "

Editor of "Slav" VF Popov, "sew" incapacity for "inciting ethnic hatred"

The prosecutor's office or sitting Vologda complete morons who do not understand what they do, either sit-typical shabes gentiles who knowingly do business, pleasing to Zion. Another way that they do not call.

Editor of "Slav" VF Popov trying to deny to be the editor of this newspaper. The prosecutor's office is trying to disqualify him. He was "sew" disability. True, at first tried to put him behind bars. Against him twice a criminal case. The article is called do you want? 282nd.

Of course, for "inciting ethnic hatred." What kind of inciting ethnic hatred mean? The newspaper, which I personally love and re-read constantly, no enmity against the Jews did not invent. It operates only with the facts. And they are: the power in Russia belongs to the Jews. And they rule so that every child born of Russian there are ten people dead.

It was thought that the Russian will die in silence? Not that time, you know. Quietly and without fuss Prosecutor Vladimir F. deal failed. Prosecutor's Office failed to hide the editor-nationalist jail.

In his defense stood Russian scientists. This academic YK Runners and Doctor of Laws OG Korotayev. They gave a comprehensive assessment of his newspaper. That's what they say, "the prosecution is illegal, there is only propaganda, but not the action, and propaganda by the existing laws are not punishable."

Prosecution has been terminated due to lack of evidence. The court closed the newspaper. The newspaper was not the founder. There were reasons for this. The City Court has recognized Volgody Volgodskoe Slavic branch of the Council terminated its activities. No parent - no newspapers. To find fault with the fact that the newspaper at the time of trial, had no charter and recording contract with the organization. And this is enough to Article 15 of the Law "On mass media" to stop the activities of the newspaper.

Court November 9, 2001 annulled the registration certificate of the newspaper "Slav." But the court was not enough. Vladimir Popov, trying to disqualify, finding him incompetent. Moreover, it is "sew" an extreme version of incapacity, to fasten it to the trustee. With this diagnosis he step aside and not do, not something that will re-start and edit a newspaper. And this despite the fact that Popov - mentally normal person on the account and never has.

Declaration of acceptance of his incapacity comes from the prosecutor. The case at the request of prikurora invisible in the production of Vologda court. Court refuses to Popov in the complaint to the detractors. Who ordered all this "man of law" Vologda? Who are these people? Who are they by nationality? Where do they work? In connection with this disgraceful process occurs and another question: how many "man of law" itself come from? Do not exceed its modest credentials? As can be of a normal person "to do" abnormal?

Using the credulity Popova, without notice being taken of its unknown destination. Ostensibly in the interests of the investigation. As a result of fraud (and in fact it is - violence against the person), Vladimir Popov, was subjected to a number of examinations: how to check memory and re-forensic psychiatric examination in the absence of counsel. By what right? Who are these officials, who organized it all and have exceeded their powers? What are their names? What are their positions? All this was not disclosed.

Who is the editor Popov?

And Vladimir Popov - a highly respected man. WWII veteran, who took Berlin, a retired colonel, holder of order, a graduate of Academy of Armored, chairman of the All-Slav Council.

Popov is already eighth time elected to that office by the general meeting. This suggests that it is completely normal and mentally insane. If he was crazy, he was never able to edit and publish such a great newspaper!

And on what basis are being followed for Popov? By what right? Who gave the order to follow the Popov? Who are these officials, who organized it all and have exceeded their powers? What are their names? What are their positions?

On the heels of Popov machine should be labeled "escort"

On the heels of Popov machine should be labeled "escort." This fact is reflected in the declaration of war veterans, logistics, labor, officers, physicists and other yadershikov in defense of Popov.

The statement sent to the court of Vologda. Nationalists demand the names of those who pursue Popova, but who will give them? Information about the process is very small. I do not know what it was over, and when he started. These facts were not disclosed, on TV they do not show in the media do not print, but the course of affairs known to few.

The editors of national newspapers were called to the regional prosecutor's office

This is to quietly deal with unwanted regime on the level of small levers of power. I have a couple dozen such shameful processes from national publications and newspapers. It's safe to say one thing: the editors of national newspapers were called to the regional prosecutor's office, and many several times.

Meanwhile, on stands head telefizoru Union of Jewish Religious Communities, a rabbi and a member of the Moscow Synagogue "B'nai B'rith" Shaevich Adolf Solomonovich.

Vladimir Putin met in the Kremlin with representatives of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FJC), headed by Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar. Us, "dear Russians' offer to share the joy of the Jews over the fact that the president is interested in their religious life in" the unique multi-ethnic state. "

The topics discussed there, we do not know. But it is known that all nationalists emerged nabivshaya nauseam fable about the unfortunate and downtrodden Jews, and about some sort of "xenophobia and religious extremism." A little to condemn Judaism - the most obscurantist and extremist religion on the planet, "man of law" cardboard?

Zionism. Plans and funds - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson