Auschwitz Survivor Claims Elie Wiesel is an Impostor
March 4, 2009

Latest! "Elie Wiesel" and his Accuser are in Famous Buchenwald Photo (See below main story)
English Language Exclusive!
Translated from the Hungarian by our Budapest Bureau
This article was based on this one
Miklos Gruner personally approached the journal a few days ago to propose a free interview. Gruner was accompanied by an Hungarian doctor of medicine.
In May 1944 , when Miklos Gruner was 15, he was deported from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau with his mother and father as well as both a younger and an elder brother. He says that his mother and his younger brother were immediately gased after their arrival in the camp. Then he, his elder brother and their father had an inmate number tattooed on their arms and were sent to perform hard work in a synthetic fuel factory linked to IG Farben where the father died six months later. After that, the elder brother was sent to Mauthausen and, as the young Miklos was then alone, two elder Jewish inmates who were also Hungarians and friends with his late father took him under their protection. These two protectors of the young Miklos were the Lazar and Abraham Wiesel brothers.
I have received anonymous calls telling me I could be shot if I don`t shut up but I am not afraid of death any more. I have deposited the whole dossier in four different countries and, if I died suddenly, they would be made public. The world must know that Elie Wiesel is an impostor and I am going to tell it, I am going to publish the truth in a book called "Stolen Identity A7713".
Miklos Gruner and "Elie Wiesel" are in the most famous Holocaust Picture, taken at Buchenwald on April 16, 1945. Gruner is the boy at the extreme left on the bottom row, while "Wiesel" is 7th from left, middle row. "Wiesel" looks pretty old to be born in 1928, i.e 17 years old. Compare with Miklos Gruner who was 16. According to Gruner this man is not Lazar Wiesel or Elie Wiesel. He implies neither Lazar Wiesel nor Elie Wiesel are this picture.

Comments for "Auschwitz Survivor Claims Elie Wiesel is an Impostor"
Anthony said (March 6, 2009):
urge all visitors to your website to view the documentary on the SSPX
in Sweden (just type 'SSPX Sweden' on You Tube if you have trouble with
the link as I did). I urge people to watch the documentary not because
the documentary and its pathetically biased reporting is of any worth,
but because it is a fantastic example of what religious people and truth
seekers are up against in this current social climate. In it, a bishop
of the SSPX (Society of Saint Pius X) questions the amount of people
killed in the gas chambers during WWII, citing evidence he has witnessed
from an expert on the construction of gas chambers. Instead of the film
maker showing the bishop, or the viewer for that matter, evidence to
the contrary, he immediately labels the whole of the SSPX "anti-Semite"
and "extreme right wingers"!
The SSPX (of which I am not a member) are basically a society of
conservative Catholics that disagree with the changes that occured
during the second Vatican council. They celebrate mass in the
traditional way and preach against the modern errors (feminism,
socialism, ecumenism etc.) that have crept into the modern day Catholic
Church. Pope John Paul II decided to excommunicate the members of this
group in 1988. Sadly it seems that child molesting priests, bishops who
cover up for these priests and so called "Catholic" polititicians who
support abortion all escape excommunication from the Church, but a group
of people who desperately attempt to cling on to the traditions of the
Catholic faith are thrown out of the Church in disgust.
It seems the ultimate disgrace in today's world is to be claimed to be
"Anti-semitic", whether or not the claims are true or not means little.
To have an opinion on a subject is simply not allowed in today's
society, unless of course that opinion conforms with the new world order
agenda. If Joseph Stalin were alive today he would be a proud man.
Fred A. Kahn said (March 5, 2009):
Sir: This is a bunch of nonsense and a hoax about Elie Wiesel. The identity of Elie Wiesel has been well established. Far from allegedly never having been in a concentration camp, he was among the boys who survived Buchenwald and was accompanied with other boys to Paris by the chaplain Rabbi Robert Marcus in June 1945 and then thereafter learned French .
He wrote the manuscript Night at the urging of the Nobel prize for literature Mauriac who also promised to write the introduction which he did. The first manuscript was written by Elie Wiesel in Yiddish and reduced in length to the French manuscript used for publication La Nuit.
The meeting with Mauriac was on assignment by an Israeli newspaper for which Elie Wiesel was working at the time.
The assignment had been to interview the Prime Minister Mendes France, but the latter did not give interviews whuich led Wiesel to interview Mauriac. When M auriac learned about Wiesel survival as a boy in a side discussion after the interview , Mauriac according to Wiesel strongly urged him to write what became the book La Nuit. Mauriac promised he would wtite the preface which he did.
For awhile , in fact, Mauriac who assumed the search for a publisher had a hard time getting Wiesel 's book published since then in the late 1950s there was no interest for such publication. The person who makes such allegations does not provide any source except his own allegation . The comments do not provide any source either. It is, in my view, another urban so-called hoax. You would want to retract the nonsense if you have integrity for the truth. . I manage the Yahoo! Remember_The_Holocaust which is worldwide in membership and I am a Holocaust survivor.
Ed said (March 5, 2009):
Interesting how Elie Wiesel is trashing Bernie Madoff as a crook, a thief, a scoundrel," as well as a "swindler" and "evil."
He complains that "All of a sudden, everything we have done in 40
years—literally, my books, my lectures, my university salary,
everything—was gone,"
Beautiful irony .
Jean said (March 5, 2009):
Dear Jeremy, [below]
I cannot see anything in "Auschwitz Survivor Claims Elie Wiesel is an
Impostor" which denies the sufferings of the Jews in the German camps,
aka the "Holocaust". In a certain sense, it`s just the opposite: the
Jewish survivor Miklos Gruner is struggling against what he considers an
exploitation of the suffering of another Jewish survivor of Auschwitz
and Buchenwald, by a man who -claims Miklos Gruner- didn`t experience
himself this suffering and has stolen the identity, the memory and even
the book of a real victim, in order to become internationally famous and
make big money.
By the way, everybody could learn in the recent weeks that a big part of
this money was not given to the Holocaust survivors but "invested" in
the Madoff speculation scam by "The Elie Wiesel Foundation for
Humanity". Now Wiesel is hysterically yelling after Madoff (who is also
jewish, by the way) and calls him a "psychopath"...
Barbara said (March 5, 2009):
Thank you for your courage and honesty regarding "Wiesel" who is just
one more in a series of fake "holocaust" survivors. I've read that
several "holocaust" museums (or whatever they call themselves) have
started to surreptitiously reduce the "6 million" to a more manageable
figure. Since the Israeli invasions and, lately, outright massacres of
Palestinians, more and more people are questionning how history's most
nauseatingly ubiquitous, loudest and most persistent "victim" now ranks
itself amongst history's most abhorrent and inhumane monsters.
Of course, anyone who questions the "holocaust," or any part of it, is
risking much! Yet, it is okay to question any other historical event.
Why? Something to hide, perhaps? Well, then let's get to the bottom of
it once and for all! I am now researching the number of "holocaust"
survivors who have received financial compensation (or what have you)
from certain governments etc. Fascinating. Yours for 911 Truth
Jeremy said (March 5, 2009):
I agree with most of the stuff you write about Henry, but you don't
seem very balanced. For instance, you come from a line of Holocaust
Survivors, but a lot of the stuff you pump on your site caters to
revisionists, like this:
I'm confused as to what your stance on the holocaust is. Do you believe it was exaggerated and that 6 million jews did not die? I know my grandparents survived Auschwitz and most of their family didn't. I know I wouldn't give a lot of the people that are featured on your site the time of day, that's for sure.
And regarding homosexuality, yeah it isn't right, it's totally overboard, but on the other end, there is a hell of a lot of homophobia at an average high school. I don't think either ends of the spectrum are preferable, whether homosexuality is being too in your face, or kids are calling each other faggot at school. Neither extreme is healthy. It just seems like you're not taking a very balanced position.
Look at the lead story today. The Auschwitz survivor describes how his mother and brother were killed. I believe the holocaust happened and have said so many times. Just google my site for "The Macabre Holocaust Numbers Game" and "Is the Polish Holocaust also a Hoax?" But it is used by Zionists to guilt people into accepting their policies and that is the reason it is being challenged. I believe people have a right to question details without being jailed or prosecuted. The way to address revisionists is with proof.
As for homophobia, I am against cruelty to anyone but some homophobia is necessary for our protection. Homosexuality and heterosexuality are incompatible and the elitists are deliberately promoting homosexuality to attack and undermine society. We can coexist amicably with homosexuals who behave responsibly and don't proselytize.
Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at
Lev said (March 10, 2009):
I am a Hungarian and I can tell you that Mr. Wiesel doesn't have a Hungarian accent. Miklos Gruner also noticed that. He speaks English with some other accent. My guess is that he has some kind of Slavic accent. But this is only a guess. People can fake identities but cannot fake handwriting or accent. Here is an idea. Would be interesting to ask the opinion of an accent expert or an accent coach. Show them a sample of Mr Wiesel's speech and say Mr. Soros'; two video clips from you-tube to compare. Both have Hungarian backgrounds. It can be very easily established that Mr. Soros has a Hungarian accent, but what kinds of accent Mr Wiesel has? Finding out this would clarify where he is coming from.
Hungarian accent can be easy to picked out if you watch out for the pronunciation of vowels like i, e, a, u. Hungarian vowels are rounded unlike English vowels, which are un-rounded. Hungarians pronounce English words with rounded vowels, this is where the typical accent is coming from.