A 25-minute free video about lies which justify war

Episode 1:

Episode 2:
Tom Lantos

Episode 3:
Chris Dodd

Episode 4:
Group Evolutionary

click for written transcript of video

Nazi Shrunken Heads

The video maker advocates kindness and good vibes toward all Jewish people. And the video maker does not have the intention of reviving Hitler or Nazism. Hitler was a militarist and this video is anti-militarist. Having said that, the maker of this video also believes that the holocaust is a giant myth. A myth that reverberates today into the promotion of war. This video is about how the media and politicians manipulate the gullible American public for pro-war purposes.

This video has considerable overlap with new video "Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil" which among other things describes Eisenhower's role in the holocaust hoax. The 11 topics below also have overlap with the new Buchenwald video. Suggestion: After watching Nazi Shrunken Heads, then watch "Buchenwald" and afterward, go over the topics below.

This is "version 2" of Nazi Shrunken Heads. Originally released in April 2007, it was re-worked and re-released in August 2008.

11 Topics relating to the video

1) The Andreas Pfaffenberger statement
2) Pedestal holding the shrunken head
3) Caucasian shrunken head at Harvard
4) German-Jewish Psyche Warfare officer
5) Psyche Warfare officer phone call
6) The 50-page PhD dissertation on table
7) Disinformation campaign against Libya
8) Nayirah
9) Last King of Scotland movie director
10) Joseph Thon's motivation
11) Disappearance of too much evidence

1) German POW Andreas Pfaffenberger is the source of information for the shrunken heads. More importantly he is the Nuremberg source for the assertion that the Nazis made human skin lampshades. An assertion which most American 12 years olds, were aware of, and haunted by, for 40 years. Thomas J. Dodd reads parts of Pfaffenberger's written statement (called an affidavit) to the court. But Pfaffenberger was nowhere near the Buchenwald concentration camp when it was liberated by the Americans. He had surrendered as a German army soldier on the front 5 months earlier. And anyone who reads his statement in it's entirety will see that Pfaffenberger is lying. But aside from all this, the following images of the online Nuremberg transcript show how prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd knowingly misled the court as to the background of the Pfaffenberger statement. Here's Dodd in the Nuremberg transcript:


Spend 10 minutes reading the complete Pfaffenberger affidavit yourself:

Copy at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center:

If link doesn't work, click here for my archived copy.

Here's a clear example of Pfaffenberger lying in his affidavit: he claims to have seen with his own eyes the Austrian Minister of the Interior, Josef Reither, killed in the camp during the war, but Reither didn't die in a camp, nor did he die during the war, nor was he ever at Buchenwald. He was at Dachau.

See this information on Josef Reither:

You've likely heard the story about the Nazis making "human skin lampshades" and such. The information for that, presented at Nuremberg, comes from Pfaffenberger also. The below link is from the online Nuremberg Trial transcript and the page numbers are on the left. At the bottom of page 513, you can see that the information for the human skin lampshades also came from Andreas Pfaffenberger. The public already knew about the lampshades, but this is the legal confirmation:

There is digitized trial footage of the moment we're talking about, watch the actual trial footage of this dialogue from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. If that doesn't work, try:
And search for "
Concentration camp evidence presented at Nuremberg Trial"

The shrunken heads survived a lot of changes at the Buchenwald camp if you believe the standard story. Strangely they didn't survive after being the biggest moment of the Nuremberg Trial. Today they're no longer anywhere to be found, and that's probably a "convenient disappearance" since a modern day scientific analysis would likely dispel Dodd's story of their provenance.

2) Base holding head would have a hard time getting the grade of "C" in high school Wood Shop. Also there is a flat surface on the front where a metal plate with an inscription had probably once been, but was likely pried-off.

At the holocaust evidence sites of Nizkor and Shamash.org we find a picture of one of the heads. It is the head that is on the right side on the display table in the beginning of the video. We see that the wood base is asymmetrical, and from this the flat surface on the front is also lopsided. It's as if the whole base has been nudged left, and that's problematic because the Buchenwald camp was run by an elite organization known as the SS and they wouldn't have accepted this workmanship. It's already hard to imagine them breaking out the ancient Amazon indian recipe for creating a shrunken head. But then after doing so, that they would then accept a base for it that would barely get a grade of C in high school woodshop is just not believable. Germany is a country known for precision craftsmanship and exactitude, and it has been for a long time. It looks as if the pedestal might be made of a dark wood like mahogany, and dark woods tend to come from South America, though it's hard to tell.


The flat surface on the front likely had a thin metal plate inscribed with something like "Shrunken Head, South America." Someone likely pried this off so it would work as atrocity evidence, which is why we see a flat surface for no apparent reason.

(Below) Look to the far right and see the two heads. When allied Psyche Warfare personnel set the heads on the table, a pelvis bone was placed very close to the base, likely to cover up where the metal plates had been removed (or perhaps they hadn't been removed yet.) The image is a still from the movie "Judgement at Nuremberg" (1961) but the footage in the movie is real archived footage of the table. The pelvis, according to the movie, is supposed to be a "human pelvis ashtray." The ceramic-looking mask on the far left is a "death mask." Death masks were made to get an impression of a person's face before photography existed. It's probably taken from an anthropology collection from the University of Jena as are likely the other table objects, but the death mask doesn't make sense as an atrocity object here on the table.

Lawrence Douglas' article entitled "The Shrunken Heads of Buchenwald: Icons of Atrocity at Nuremberg" points out that the photo of the shrunken head on base (2 images above) comes from Charles Alexander and Anne Keeshan's book "Justice at Nuernberg: A Pictorial Record of the Trial (New York, 1946) Douglas mentions that Alexander was the Director of Photography for the International Military Tribunal, and that the only pieces of material evidence in Alexander's pictorial book are the heads and skin. What I take from that fact is that there isn't a lot of material evidence to support the holocaust. (SOURCE: Douglas in Representations #63, Summer 1998, page 41.)

3) Caucasian shrunken head at Harvard University



There is an anatomical museum at Harvard University that is part of Harvard's Countway Library of Medicine. The short article at the Harvard University link above, is key to understanding the Buchenwald shrunken heads because it explains how a demand for shrunken heads in North America and Europe created a market for counterfeit shrunken heads. The article states that shrunken heads were made by "unscrupulous individuals in South America who were not affiliated in any way with the tribes." In other words, they were real heads, but not from the famous so-called "head hunter" tribe, the Jivaro. Even the Harvard head was mislabeled for years as an authentic "tsantsa." The shrunken head presented at Nuremberg was also a fake tsantsa but a real human head in the same way as the Harvard exhibit. A real tsantsa made by the Jivaro tribe has the mouth stitched closed. The European buyers of shrunken heads didn't know that. A real tsantsa wouldn't have worked as planted evidence at Buchenwald. But no problem: most shrunken heads weren't real tsantsas anyway.

Harvard's caucasian shrunken head shows us something else: that the Buchenwald heads were not caucasian. One need only look at the difference. One can see that facial features, facial color, and hair color are preserved enough to be able to tell that this is a caucasian woman, and that the one offered as Nuremberg evidence is not. Perhaps the man whose head got made into a shrunken head had been a homeless person in a large South American city who died a natural death on the urban streets and was sent to a city morgue where unscrupulous people worked. These were the kind of scenarios where fake tsantsas came from.

I'd like to mention a comment posted at youtube.com before this video was deleted there due to it's holocaust denial content. The poster wrote the following: "When approaching Revisionist matters like the 'Polish shrunken heads,' it helps to take a simple and common-sense approach. Which scenario is more likely: That some bored German doctor spent a great deal of time imitating the head-shrinking techniques of an obscure Amazonian tribe (for no apparent reason), or that the over-zealous Nuremburg prosecutors admitted bogus evidence--in this case 2 specimens that look suspiciously like exhibits 'borrowed' from a natural history museum?"

4) The American Lieutenant in charge of documenting Buchenwald (where the shrunken heads came from) was from the Psychological Warfare Division of the Allied Forces. Albert G. Rosenberg was Jewish, born and raised in Germany. He had recently become an American.

"Psychological Warfare Division." That's a strange name for a department that's going to document a concentration camp for future generations isn't it? The Lieutenant in the PWD was Albert G. Rosenberg. Eventhough he was only in his late 20's at the time, he had a rare special pass called a "SHAEF Pass", which gave him the power to confiscate the posh villa belonging to Baldur Von Schirach, who had been the wartime mayor of Vienna and also the leader of the Hitler Youth. Rosenberg lived in the villa with 12-15 former Buchenwald inmates and the team wrote-up a documentation of the camp. Most of the former inmates were communists, led by a non-communist Austrian Catholic named Eugen Kogon. Kogon compiled the report while Albert Rosenberg supervised the overall project. One could say that the documentation of Buchenwald is largely a story of liberated communists working in a posh villa, under the supervision of a Jewish Psychological Warfare Division Lieutenant who had emigrated to the USA from Germany just seven years earlier. Objectivity you can count on.

After this project, Albert Rosenberg confiscated a German suburban house for Eugen Kogon and his family to live in, so that Kogon could write a book on his personal experiences at Buchenwald. The Psychological Warfare Division, which by now had made the Orwellian move to change it's name to "Information Control" wanted this book to be read by the German population. The book, called "Der SS-Staat, is still the standard work for Buchenwald. In my June 2007, 2-hour phone conversation with the elderly Albert G. Rosenberg, he told me that Kogon could have become Chancellor of Germany instead of Konrad Adenaur, (something about Kogon knowing a "Cardinal Pacelli" and how that was a good thing.) but one was more right and the other more center, and Adenauer ended up becoming Chancellor. Months later out of curiosity I looked up Cardinal Pacelli on Wikipedia and saw he became Pope Pius XII in 1939.

That would have been interesting though: Psych Warfare changes it's name to "Information Control" and promotes Kogon to become the head of Modernist Germany. It would have been 1984 in 1954.

Much of the above is documented in University of Texas, El Paso Professor David A. Hackett's book, The Buchenwald Report. Published in 1995. Here are some photos of the pages:

Above is part of page 16 of "The Buchenwald Report" by Professor David A. Hackett. Below is part of page 17

Below is Hackett's book, part of page 5:

Below is Hackett's book page 18:

Above: Hackett's book, page 20, on Psych Warfare's long lasting legacy of holocaust historiography.

5) My nearly 2-hour phone conversation with Albert G. Rosenberg in June 2007.

He is the Psych Warfare Officer who came into Buchenwald to document it. He immigrated to the USA in 1938 from Germany. He was 89 years old when we talked. I merely phoned him up after dialing Directory Assistance to get his number.

Among other things, I wanted to ask him about the table. How did the table with the heads and skins come about? He told me his answer: When he arrived at Buchenwald the table was already set up, and it had been set-up by the prisoners. He later mentioned that the prisoners had a self-governing structure, and their leaders were communists. I actually don't believe the prisoners set up the table. I think Psyche Warfare set up the table, but not Rosenberg--He was too low in the Psyche Warfare hierarchy and got to Buchenwald too late. David Hackett's introduction to The Buchenwald Report (pg. 15) states that Rosenberg arrived at Buchenwald on the 16th. That is the day the German tour took place, and the table was filmed with Billy Wilder directing the footage. But as was discovered by another researcher, we do know that Albert G. Rosenberg is the man who is speaking to the Germans on their forced tour of the camp. The researcher discovered a passage written by a Buchenwald inmate and author Jorge Semprun in his book, Literature or Life. Semprun had written this book many years later, and has mistakenly remembered Rosenberg as Rosenfeld.



The book has another passage about Rosenberg letting himself into the Goethe museum in Weimar, but we won't get into that.

Rosenberg told me that 2 years previous to serving in Germany, he'd been stationed in a port city in Brazil called Natal. This was apropos when the subject of shrunken heads came up, and Rosenberg told me he saw plastic ones and real ones in shops there. I asked him why the American army would put a German speaking Jewish serviceman in Brazil. He said it had something to do with supply routes to Africa, with the supplies then making their way to Europe. He said that, by chance in Brazil, he'd actually seen real shrunken heads, and the ones on the Buchenwald table didn't look like that. I don't believe that Rosenberg being in South America has anything to do with the shrunken heads on the table. I don't think Rosenberg was involved with setting the table up; and the heads just like the death mask in the front right corner, probably came from the University of Jena, where the Erich Wagner's dissertation came from.

Rosenberg told me he saw someone at Buchenwald beaten to death right in front of him by a crowd of inmates. The victim was apparently an SS guard, who at the end, had not been able to evacuate and instead tried to blend in as a prisoner, but was recognized and then beaten to death. That means the American army was letting that happen 4 days after they'd occupied the camp. It's conceivable it was an inmate accused of being an SS guard.

Rosenberg told me he had had a very rare pass called a "SHAEF Pass" which allowed him to requisition homes and things. He did use it to requisition the villa of Baldur Von Schirach. He jokingly he called it a "007 Pass" and something like Eisenhower's signature was required to get one. He joked about the pass being used for a "secret mission." But there really was a secret mission going on. How much Rosenberg knew about that is hard to say.

I asked him about Edward A. Tenenbaum coming into the camp before he got there, and he said that Tenenbaum had only been there for around a half of a day or so.

One of the things he'd done during the war was help write psych warfare leaflets that would then be dropped on German troops. They would say how their German officers are giving themselves medals why they are out here fighting. Or leaflets that would have the phonetic way to say "I surrender." (for German soldiers who can't speak English)

He actually told me and apparently believed, that prisoners would have to get nude, and Ilse Koch would ride out on a horse and select tattoos she liked. I found that so ridiculous, but I didn't tell him. I didn't tell him I was a denier until the end, since the conversation was about him, not me, and when I did tell him, I did it as politely as possible. His response was "the holocaust did happen." I told him that if he ever wants to write a rebuttal to anything in my video or website, that I'd publish it unedited on my site. The phone call ended cordially.

6) Professor David A. Hackett has in his possession a 50-page dissertation on the subject of how criminality relates to tattoos. It was written by a German camp doctor on the Buchenwald camp premises, around 1939-'40

Of all the table items above, I believe that David Hackett has the only remaining object. He has the dissertation, because Albert G. Rosenberg gave it to him.

In a phone conversation, and before I told him I was a denier (he won't respond to me now) Professor David A. Hackett, the translator of "The Buchenwald Report" told me that among all the papers that Rosenberg gave him around 40 to 50 years after the war, was this dissertation, written by a German doctor who was studying a perceived connection between criminality and tattoos. (Common criminals were a significant part of the inmate population at Buchenwald.) Hackett told me that he'd read the dissertation and it was of really poor-quality scholarship.

But consider that the dissertation is a piece of withheld evidence. Ilse Koch's lawyers would have liked to have known about it. Afterall, it could have helped exonerate Koch from the incredibly cruel charges that she made lampshades out of human skin. Her lawyers could have offered an alternate explanation, using the dissertation to bolster the notion that tattooed skin was at the camp because a student had been studying the skin. Similarly, the Nuremberg defendants' lawyers would have also wanted to see it, since they could have used it to offer an explanation as to why tattooed skin was found at Buchenwald. The Germans' lawyers probably never knew the dissertation existed.

During various trials, Rosenberg had this evidence and withheld it.

Does the dissertation mention anything about tribalism? Hackett won't answer my emails.

The dissertation is the only thing on the table that is known to be in existence today. Rosenberg gave it to Hackett in the 1980's or 1990's and Hackett currently possesses it. In my nearly two-hour phone conversation with Rosenberg, he told me that he "burned half of the reports" he had lying around from his days in Psych Warfare. Did he also get rid of things like the "human pelvis ashtray"? One wonders.

Imagine this withheld piece of evidence, in trials where people were sentenced to death long ago in Germany, probably sitting in the bottom of some box in some garage in El Paso, Texas; as kids ride their Razor scooters by on the hot asphalt street out in front.

It would be helpful if Professor Hackett could use a digital camera, and take photos of the pages of the dissertation and put them on his website so that others can take a look at this German language document.

7) The United States' disinformation campaign against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi

Supporting the assertion that the Israeli government, Great Britain, or the USA planted atrocity stories about Idi Amin in Uganda and abroad, we see that the CIA did something similar against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi several years later in 1985. See this Oct. 13, 1986 Time Magazine article on the Time Magazine website:


Here is a quote from it:

"In it Poindexter outlined a plan that 'combines real and illusionary events -- through a disinformation program -- with the basic goal of making Gaddafi think that there is a high degree of internal opposition to him within Libya, that his key trusted aides are disloyal, that the U.S. is about to move against him militarily.'"

Operations like this bring up a lot of issues. For instance supposed it had worked, and Gaddafi was led to believe certain people in Libya were against him, and he killed them. Then part of the fault for their deaths would have been the USA. Did anything like that happen to Idi Amin?

And in the article, the mention of Gaddaffi being "off his rocker" is similar to the portrayal of Idi Amin.

This Libya disinformation campaign might have never been known except the false news "blew back" into American newspapers and was reported as news in the Aug. 25, 1985 edition of the Wall Street Journal. From there the reporter Bob Woodward, already famous as the Watergate reporter, uncovered a John Poindexter memo which outlined this disinformation campaign, and thus a brouhaha was created. The episode is evidence to support the assertion that something like this was successfully pulled-off against Amin some years earlier. An odd extra element to the story is that the Jewish American reporter Judith Miller was, perhaps unwittingly, involved with spreading the disinformation. She later became the big "Weapons of Mass Destruction" reporter at the New York Times.

Had Bob Woodward not obtained the memo, the Gaddaffi disinformation attempt might never have known about the Gaddafi campaign. Perhaps the difference is that the Idi Amin disinformation campaign was never leaked to a reporter.

To summarize: seeing what the CIA tried to do with Gaddafi, is it that outlandish to think that Israel, Britain, or the USA might have conducted a disinformation campaign against Idi Amin?

8) Nayirah speaks perfect American English

I include this point just to show how easy it is to fool everybody. A friend, F.B., recently pointed out that Nayirah has no accent. I had never thought of that, and neither did anyone else apparently. The idea that not only does Nayirah speak American English with no accent, but she just so happened to be a 14-15 year old helping out in the neo-natal intensive care unit in a Kuwait hospital during wartime when the Iraqi soldiers barged in to steal the incubators!

It's so easy to put forth a war-atrocity lie believed by all. The rule is the more outrageous, the more believable. Nayirah had no accent because she lived in the USA with her dad, the US ambassador of Kuwait. This hoax should have been uncovered before anyone walked out of Tom Lantos' Human Rights Caucus, but it was two months before the incubator story was discovered as a hoax, and a whopping 10 MONTHS before it was discovered who Nayirah really was. By then the US was already in Iraq. A lie as imitative of past lies, (Germans killing babies in WW I) and as flimsy as the Nayirah account barely gets uncovered. And look how little people care: Tom Lantos who knowingly instigated the hoax (in collusion with the Hill and Knowlton PR firm) continued on as an elected representative until his death in 2008.

Click here for a timeline on how the Nayirah incubator story unfolded.

9) Interview with Last King of Scotland director Kevin MacDonald on youtube.com


When this clip is viewed with the idea that a government put out a disinformation campaign against Amin, it's seen in a whole new way. In my video, I quote a Time Magazine passage about the freezer of human heads in Amin's house, and as my friend Bradley Smith points out, that's how a successful disinformation campaign would work: a story that is floated into the air of the general population. The Macdonald clip confirms that these stories were floating around in Uganda. In the clip we hear how MacDonald's Ugandan advisor remembers a story about how Amin ate his favorite son's heart. And yet Macdonald is sort of on the fence as to whether he believes it or not. As he says, "It COULD be a myth." Of course it's a myth.

All it takes is watching director Barbet Schroeder's documentary on Amin from 1974 to see that Amin may be egotistical, and may need to be the center of attention, but he isn't a raving lunatic, which is how the movie The Last King of Scotland portrays him, directed by Kevin MacDonald whose Hungarian Jewish grandfather was also a famous filmmaker. (Not to be confused with Professor Kevin MacDonald who has the same name) The Last King of Scotland and the general historiography of Amin is likely a vestige of "blowback" from a psych warfare campaign against Amin in the 1970's by Israel, Britain, or the USA.

Barbet Schroeder's documentary on Amin shows Kevin MacDonald's movie to be one giant false portrayal of Amin. And that's amazing considering that Barbet Schroeder's movie is against Idi Amin. This can be seen in the closing scene of the movie where Schroeder takes advantage of his permission to film Amin to create a cheap shot by showing a close-up on Amin's face, while amplifying the breathing coming from the microphone attached to Amin's lapel, all to make Amin look like a savage beast. But here's the deal: Africa is hot, and that's how a huge man breathes in hot weather. (300 lb. 6 foot 5, I believe, former Ugandan boxing heavyweight champion.) Here's a still from the movie:

Viewers see this image with loud amplified breathing for accompanying audio. Documentary is called "General Idi Amin Dada."(1974) Available from the Criterion Collection on DVD.

10) Joseph Thon was hoping to get the Americans to use poison gas against the German population.

Joseph Thon was the man who mentioned the "six million" number before anybody could have known that was the number. He said it in front of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs in late March 1945. (By the way, did you notice in the video that Tom Lantos headed the same committee 60 years later?) Joseph Thon lied about German atrocities but what was his motivation to lie? We have his own words to answer that which he wrote in an introduction to a book called "Warsaw Ghetto: A Diary" by Mary Berg:

"The leaders of the United Nations have declared that
they would resort to poison gas and bacteriological
warfare only if the Germans used these inhuman methods
first. The Germans have used these methods to slaughter
millions of Jews in Treblinki, Majdanek, Oswiecim, and
other camps. But even today the civilized world does
not fully realize this fact. It is therefore our duty
to make known the horrible truth, to publicize
documents and eye-witness accounts that reveal it
beyond any doubt."

In other words, Joseph Thon was trying to get the Americans to use poison gas against the Germans. If you can convince the Americans that Jewish civilians are being killed in poison gas chambers, then you can then get the Americans to use poison gas and bacteria warfare against German civilians. That possibility was not far-fetched considering that the USA later used the atomic bomb on the Japanese civilian population. We see Joseph Thon trying to convey this"United Nations workaround logic" on the last page of his speech:

Links to photos of the entire speech are included below. The book-quote source is Joseph Thon's introduction to a special edition of the Warsaw Ghetto: A Diary. By Mary Berg (1945) The special edition was sponsored by the National Organization of Polish Jews, which was headed by Thon.

I couldn't find the special edition of the book, but found the quote in Professor Susan Lee Pentlin's paper on the diary which she wrote in 1991. Pentlin retired as a professor from Central Missouri State University in 2005. See:


or see:

and click to view the introduction.

Seeing Jews at that time of WWII as a small population with no military, we can see an aspect of Group Evolutionary Strategy that has parallels to how Tom Lantos helped get the USA caught-up in a war with Israel's biggest enemy, Iraq: Convince a large powerful country with an army to do your bidding by manipulating them with psychological and emotional stories. Thon used atrocity stories to try to get the allies to use poison gas and bacteriological warfare on the Germans, and Lantos used atrocity stories to get the US to use cruise missiles against the Iraqis.

Above: Photo of Joseph Thon.
Source: JewsInAmerica.org At this site, select "Gallery" and do a keyword search on "Thon"

Read Thon's entire statement. Click a page:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

It must be said, that this Foreign Affairs publication (which I wish I could include here in it's entirety because the allegations in it are so absurd) refutes the commonly believed concept that American troops going into the camps is what brought the holocaust story to the USA. The troops went into the camps in April. But this congressional publication shows the holocaust story firmly in place at the top levels in March.

Psych Warfare seems to be right behind the front lines, and being among the first to enter the camps to create evidence to bolster the lie that is already being put forth. I don't think the concept of "blowback" was really around back then. In other words, instilling beliefs in the people of Germany and USA was one in the same, ethically alright, and synergistic. It would have been seen as the only way to denazify the German population. By the late 1980's however, even the smallest blowback of disinformation created an uproar as could be seen with Libya's Qaddafi in 1986.

11) The Disappearance of so many objects and documents points to a cover-up.

A) The table objects have disappeared.
To my knowledge, every item on the Buchenwald table is now missing except the PhD dissertation, and that's because Albert G. Rosenberg took it home with him.

B) The Buchenwald Report disappeared.
This was a report that 10 former inmates worked on while living in a villa together, supervised by Albert G. Rosenberg. Scores of others were involved. A major undertaking. Yet by the 1950's, it's gone too. It wouldn't have existed today except, similar to the dissertation, Rosenberg took a copy home when he left the army. Hackett's introduction to the Buchenwald Report describes two ex psyche warfare officers not able to locate the report in the 1950's.

C) Karl Koch trial judgment and transcript have disappeared.
The nazis themselves executed Karl Koch in front of the Buchenwald inmates, but not for anything involving shrunken heads, lampshades, or tattooed skin, but rather because Koch had a few people killed. In the Nuremberg transcript on page 199 , on 1/14/46 we see that Dodd's staff has talked to the SS Judge who convicted Koch, Konrad Morgen. Dodd doesn't mention that his staff talked to Morgen at Dachau where the Americans had imprisoned him. Dodd then lies about Morgen seeing skin, heads, and lampshades as a way to "save face" for his own presentation of the shrunken head. Then on page 200, a German lawyer, Dr. Kurt Kauffmann tries to get the Karl Koch trial documents, and the judge states that it's up to Kauffmann to get these documents himself, but the German lawyers didn't have access to documents in archives, or to Morgen in the same way that the allied prosecution teams did. See page 482 in the transcript The German lawyers weren't even able to find out that Morgen was currently in Dachau, let alone ask him for a copy of the Karl Koch judgment. Also Konrad Morgen told John Toland in 1971 that the Americans almost killed him for not saying he'd seen heads and tattooed skin but Morgen still refused to lie. The source is David Irving's free online book "Nuremberg, The Last Battle" page 222 and 223 where Irving went into the Roosevelt Library and read John Toland's 1971 Konrad Morgen interview notes. If the Americans jailed Morgen and tried to coerce him to lie, and even hid him for a time from the German defense lawyers (Dodd knew where he was but the German defense lawyers didn't) then is it conceivable that the American prosecution team would destroy the Karl Koch Trial judgement which Morgen wrote? As well as the trial transcripts? Yes. And these documents are nowhere to be found today.

Kenneth Kipperman has done the most to track down the Buchenwald table objects. There is a Washington Post article about him(Ken Kipperman and The Table of Horrors" 6/24/2001) and also a Jerusalem Post article ("Kenneth's Kaddish" 4/12/2007) . When I read the Washington Post article, I got the impression that some of the items may have existed around the time DNA evidence started to come into play in the 1980's, and that National Archives official Robert Wolfe gave Kipperman the runaround, finally saying he didn't have the items. Could someone have got rid of the items once DNA evidence technology appeared?

It's a challenge to fathom how ignorant the Nuremberg prosecution was about Buchenwald: They have a huge staff of people, but they didn't even know that the head of the camp, Karl Koch was tried and executed for crimes there. (See my article on Konrad Morgen) Instead their modus operandi was presenting a shrunken head and tattooed skin and then faking-out the judges by making it sound like the information they read to the court was testimony and reports taken at the time the camp was taken over. At one point when American prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd discovers mid-trial (from a German lawyer) that Konrad Morgen sentenced Koch to death during the war, Dodd then pathetically tries to save his famous courtroom presentation by lying to the court and saying that Morgen also saw the tattooed skin and shrunken heads.

In the following passage of the Nuremberg Transcript, at page 199 we see a number of important points:

• That Thomas J. Dodd later read the trial transcript for December 19, 1945, (he wasn't present that day) where he would have noticed the Nuremberg Presiding Judge along with USA Prosecutor Robert Jackson not having a clue about the background of the Pfaffenberger affidavit he introduced. In other words, Dodd read the proceedings where this dialogue occured. But, chooses not to clear this up.

• We see a German lawyer trying unsuccessfully to get some Karl Koch trial documents, even the Karl Koch trial transcript.

• Dodd claims that SS Judge Konrad Morgan, saw a shrunken head, saw the tattooed skin, and saw a human skin lampshade. But, explains Dodd, Morgen simply didn't prosecute Koch for these offenses. Dodd says this to protect his famous presentation of a head and skin in the Nuremberg courtroom; and to hedge against the logic that the skin, shrunken heads, and lampshades might have come up in a trial by the Nazis against Karl Koch. And Dodd isn't going to be "called" on that because the Americans have SS Judge Konrad Morgen imprisoned at Dachau. It will be a months of delay before the German lawyers are finally able to find Morgen so that he can testify. Ideally, Dodd wanted Morgen to take the stand and say all this himself and tried to get him to do so. In David Irving's free online book Nuremberg, The Last Battle, page 223, we read how Konrad Morgen felt about this:

"But he (Konrad Morgen) refused to give perjured testimony at Nuremberg to the effect that Ilse Koch, widow of the commandant hanged by the S.S., had made lampshades out of human skin. 'That was a legend,' he said: 'totally untrue. The Americans almost killed me,’ recalled Morgen. ‘They threatened three times to turn me over to the Russians or French or Poles.'"

and here is Irving's source:

Note 492. Transcript of John Toland’s interview with Konrad Morgen, attorney, Frankfurt, Oct 25, 1971. (Roosevelt Library, John Toland papers, box 53). For Morgen’s Nuremberg testimony see IMT, Aug 7-8, 1946, pages 488-515.

How did the shrunken heads get from Buchenwald to Nuremberg? Apparently Benjamin Ferencz took them there. Ferencz was a Jewish American Nuremberg prosecutor. At his website benferencz.org/ (seen in Nov. 2008) we see a section called "Benny stories" and we find in Story 19: Investigating Concentration Camps, that Ferencz states,

I took back with me two small black shrunken heads
with full manes of human hair still on the scalp. 
The press, of course, widely distributed the photos,
reporting that they had been prisoners in Buchenwald,
whose shrunken heads were kept by SS officers as ornaments.
