Gilad Atzmon - Time to Talk about the Rise of Jewish Crime?
By Gilad Atzmon • Jul 24th, 2009 at 13:40 • Category: Biography, Features, Gilad Atzmon, Gilad's Choice, Newswire, Our Authors, Religion"I am what you call a matchmaker," Rosenbaum is quoted as saying at a July 13 meeting with the two undercover agents.
"I'm doing this a long time," the complaint says Rosenbaum told the two agents. He then added: "Let me explain to you one thing. It's illegal to buy or sell organs. … So you cannot buy it. What you do is, you're giving a compensation for the time."
As we learn from Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary Chris Huhne that “Britain is setting a shameful new record in anti-Semitic incidents this year,” we also happen to be informed by every press outlet about the massive New Jersey Corruption Sweep: A shocking tale of money-laundering and human organ trading led by a bunch of Rabbis.
The NY Times reports “It was replete with tales of the illegal sales of body parts; of furtive negotiations in diners, parking lots and boiler rooms”. In an article titled the “Jewish Launderette” the Israeli Ynet takes it further providing the juicy details. “The FBI raided synagogues and arrested a few Rabbis. One of those who are held in custody is Rabbi Yitzchak Levi Rosenbaum of Brooklyn who is suspected of trading in body parts. He is charged with a decade-long activity selling kidneys, exploiting both ill and poor donators. He would convince a donator to sell his kidney for $10.000. Rabbi Levi Rosenbaum would then sell the kidney to the needy for $160.000.”
I may raise the inevitable question here, can you imagine your local priest or Imam trading in ‘body parts’? Can you think of a Muslim cleric or a pastor trying to buy your kidney or sell you one in a ‘parking lot’ or in a 'diner’?

Gilad Atzmon is a jazz musician, composer, producer and writer.
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to view a partial list of crimes committed by FBI agents over 1500 pages long see
to view a partial list of FBI agents arrested for pedophilia see
Naturally, the criminal Zionist usurping entity is also involved! From the Associated Press today:
'Micky Rosenfeld, a spokesman for Israel's national police force, said Friday that Israeli police were not involved in the investigation. He would not comment further. Federal prosecutors in the U.S. said the investigation focused on a money laundering network that operated between Brooklyn, N.Y.; Deal, N.J.; and Israel. The network is alleged to have laundered tens of millions of dollars through Jewish charities controlled by rabbis in New York and New Jersey".
as bad as socalled zionism is [a peculiar theft of land with intent to murder/expel], "jewishness" appears as bad.
and "jewishness" [a 'quality' or essence of being jewish] derives from torahic laws, talmud and mishnah.
these books were written by people like madoff, sharon, rosenbaum, eli wiesel, dershowitz, et al.
however if jews, germans, russians, chinese, americans, et al wld deem selves first of all human beings and later or much later jews, germans, russians many tragedies wld be precluded.
supremacism is one of our greatests banes. tnx
So a Palestinian teenager goes missing in the West Bank and three days later, "Moshe' enters a New York hospital and gets a kidney tranplant?
Maybe these Rabbis should of stuck to circumcision. That's one body part they won't get arrested for handling.
Abominable Crime!
The crime is revolting, of course. But to ask, can we imagine an imam or a priest enaging in similar activities? Well, actually, I can. Of course. I can imagine priests raping little boys, and imams urging young people to blow themselves up. I can also imagine Jews and Muslims raping children, and priests building bombs. We are human beings first and foremost, and as such given to criminality of the worst kind when not in touch with our better natures. Zionism is ugly, and should be combated. Yet an article about "Jewish crime" is out of place on this site, even if Israel was involved somehow. Let's focus here, please, and not give into crude racism (as Zionist extremists often do, for example, when disparaging the supposed Islamic inclination to fanaticism and suicide). Bozh's comment above is correct regarding supremacism - ugly whether one demands acknowledgment as The Chosen People or as the followers of Christ the true messiah, or as the adherents of the "real" word of God as sent through his Messenger. It is not unique to Judaism, though it has given rise to a particular form, in Zionism. However, the Torah was not written by "people like Madoff" any more than the Gospels were written by people like Torquemada or the Qur'an by people like Usama bin Laden. Please do not get distracted by such emotional, passionate nonsense.
It has been recently reported that murdered Palestinian children bodies were autopsied and found missing major organs.
We also need to scrutinize naive left-wing theories on the “Jewish problem,” particularly Marxist theories tracing it to “practical need.” Look at organized Judaism today in America. U.S. Jews are among the wealthiest demographics on earth. And the Jewish problem here and now is worse than ever, bar none except the Zionists in the Levant and the Jewish Bolsheviks in the early Soviet Union, who also were granted all the resources society could muster and still couldn’t shed a greed and ambition-driven murderous nature.
IMO, we need to start looking towards Jewish ethno-religious doctrine, canon, and dogma, and the attitudes towards non-Jews they instill, possibly in combination with some kind of genetic basis underlying the most intractably criminal of the Jews, perhaps traceable to inbreeding and not unlike the mental illnesses and pathological greed that inbreeding among European royalty begot.
Couldnt agree more !
The Banking System is the bigest Criminal in history, not to mention killing Jesus Christ.
The Finacial Legal system is also criminal..
The political system is Defenitly Corrupt and criminal
Major parts of "western culture & waves" are all criminal.
I can go on for very long..
The problem is genetic , or who else would get away with all those ongoing crimes.
Therefore this is not the first Rabi-crimes… they where involved in Ecstasy trading… and also in sex trading..On can see no limit to this history long criminal behaivour.
Thank you Gilad for all light , I get from reading you..
@Mark 10 -
i have noted your remark which says that the mosheic laws were not written by people like maddoff, dershowitz, et al.
i cld have been clearer had i said what dersohwitz, et al have said and did. He, among many, and along all torahic scribes do praise mosheic laws; such as: ye shall be light onto the world; Ye shall have servants, but will not serve anyone; Ye shall be lenders and not borrowers.
and even jesus had said [or s'mbody else?]: Ye shall always have poor among you; I came to uphold the [mosheic] laws and the prophets.
the last utterance attributed to jesus clearly approbates the genocide of all canaanites; solely because their god "Baal" clashed with hebrew god, "Yahweh".
mind you, torah is very unreliable book and genocide may have not been carried out utterly, if at all. Not much if anything written by mad hebraic priests can be evaluated as factual.
the book itself can be compared with mein kampf [my campaing/struggle] There is good points in both books as well. tnx
I do agree mostly with this response. Noone can deny the Crusades, or the Witch burnings in New England, nor can anyone deny people starving in India while cows and rats are fed freely, or Moslems who beat themselves into bloody horror once a year, just to be "holy." . However, I think it is important to look at history in terms of pattern. Jews certainly do not corner the market in evil doings, as have been pointed out, but the general philosophy of "how to live, or how to succeed, or how to support one another," seem to carry many of them (ethos) into treachery, abuse of others less fortunate for personal gain or forthe sake of a fictitous promise of land that the rest of the world does not recognize…."after all, do we REALLY believe in a God. And of course we don't believe in a Jesus Christ, but you can and should. Why not. so You be the meek, and You be the downthrodden and You be the poor of the world. No problem. We'll go on and on to sell you dollar items when we paid 1/2 cent for them in China, or we'll happily sell you Christmas presents that you can't afford at Christmastime. Be our guests."
href='#comment-10552'>@Mark 10 -
@JHGustafson -
I'm sorry, I believe your logic is only thin racism. Any merchant culture, as Jewish culture certainly is, becomes known in equal measure for marketplace shrewdness (and at worst deviousness) and higher learning. Other Semitic cultures (especially in the Levant) are known for this too. Chinese people have been slaughtered in places like Indonesia during mass uprisings because they, too, were deemed to be exploiting the populace. As far as "taking advantage" of Christians, this goes back to medieval times: if you prevent one group from partaking in normal commerce whilst another group is prohibited from it (ie the proscription against usury by the Church), then of course that other group (ie Jewish merchants) will take advantage of that. Once again, this is not unique to Jews or Jewishness, and if you truly believe yourself to be free of crude prejudice than you need to rethink your perceptions. In any case, this forum should be dedicated to pursuing justice for Palestinians, not degenerating into racialism and arguments for eugenics.
Well, are we surprised about this zionsts crimes? not me! they are liars! haven't we all seen it? haven't we all read it? I mean. "those all books", the Torah, the old testament, they are all written by the first forms of multimedia corrption! Don't forget, these people wanted first: Germany, then, Argentina, then Cyprus,then Uganda..finally, they got Palestinia…Don't trust them!!! none of them!
@Mark 10 -
I can't tell you the number of times I have read this trope — essentially that Jewish crooks are forced into their behavior by the bigotry of non-Jews, dating all the way back to the medieval Church era. It is essentially another "Jewish victim" argument maintaining that they lack free will through no fault of their own, therefore they are not accountable for the crimes they commit. Zionists use variations of it all the time.
How about these crooked rabbis? Were they forced into their illegal trade because it is against the law to profit from the sale of human organs? No. They were motivated by greed, emanating from their supremacist culture that declares the laws of the non-Jews don’t apply to “the chosen.“
What we have is a chicken and egg argument. Jewish nationalist apologists maintain they are forced into their culture of corruption and murder due to intolerance. Jewish nationalist critics such as myself maintain the culture of corruption came first, and flows from their racist ethno-religous doctrine which instills utter contempt for non-Jews and their laws into its adherents.
A lot of Zionist apologists also maintain Jewish nationalists persecute the Palestinians through no fault of their own, as well, that it’s all defensive. Sorry, but it's time to force organized Jewry to take accountability for its own behavior instead of perpetually blaming Christians, Muslims and everyone else for the loathsome ethnic racketeering it undertakes in pursuit of its own profit, ambition, and agenda. The behavior of these rabbis is just another incident in a long line of criminality emanating from a Jewish supremacist culture of corruption and contempt for “the goy.”
@Chris Moore -
I cannot abide by your argument for several reasons. Examining the history of the group deemed "Jews" (leaving aside any question of race/ethnicity v. culture) before the institution of Zionism, it is incontrovertible that they were persecuted throughout the medieval era and that Zionism itself arose from the confluence of nineteenth-century European imperialist thought with extreme persecution of Jews in Europe. (As Atzmon himself says, in one of his more rational articles, the Palestinians are "the last victims of Hitler".) NO ONE is "excusing" the behaviour of any criminal based on a history of persecution. This is an argument made in African American communities too, when faced with high crime rates amongst young black men (who have historically suffered disproportionately in terms of equity): the criminal bears responsibility for the crime, not history. But - would you then deny the slavery and endemic racism that created the circumstances in which such crimes occur? To examine history is not to excuse, only to contextualize.
Nor do you address the point made that many ethnic/cultural communities have suffered and do suffer accusations of inherent criminality - I hear it all the time with regard to Chinese, Indian/Pakistani communities, and have heard my fair share of imprecations against Armenian - Armenian! - dishonesty, as well as Lebanese, Turkish, etc etc. The only reason you focus here on the actions of crooked rabbis in the US is because the ugly fact of Zionism gives you an opportunity to engage in some specious arguments with eugenicist overtones, present in your earlier comment especially. I suspect you are fellow-travelling on the genuine cause of rolling back Zionism and freeing Palestine to advance your own odious, very passe notions of a "genetic" basis for criminal behaviour on the part of Jews.
Mark10 is the typical hasbara agent. Their (hasbarist) hypocrisy stinks to high heaven… Christ couldn't stand their hypocrisy, said it to their faces, and was killed for saying truth they could not bear. Beware. History repeats.
@Mark 10 -
Spare me your selective moral outrage. The entire basis of Jewish nationalism is racism, from racist Jewish Bolsheviks who murdered millions of non-Jewish Christians and dissidents under guise of “communism,” to the well-documented racist Jewish Zionists in the Levant to racist Jewish Zionists in America subjugating, manipulating and denigrating the goy on Jewish nationalism’s behalf. Where is your outrage at their racist behavior? According to you, it’s all the goy’s fault.
And quite conflating Jewish nationalist criminalism with legitimate racial grievance. You suspect I have an ulterior agenda? I suspect you do: playing the left-wing victim card in pursuit of a murderous, racist left-wing vision formulated primarily by Jewish nationalist “intellectuals” posing as champions of social justice to camouflage their power grab, and put the State to work on their supremacist agenda. There likely would have been no Holocaust but for the Jewish Bolsheviks and their State-organized mass murder in Soviet Russia. Loathsome Hitler was emulating loathsome Jewish Bolshevik racists.
BTW, it is the Jewish Zionists who regularly maintain that Arab terrorism is partially due to Muslims marrying their first cousins; I’m merely raising the possibility that the Jewish nationalist culture of keeping the bloodlines “pure” (free of goy blood) per Jewish supremacist interpretation of Jewish religious doctrine may have led to unwanted consequences and objectively irrational, inbred-royalty level greed, ambition, and delusions of grandeur, all accelerated by Shabbat goy useful idiots with Jewish supremacist sympathies ushered in through the Trojan horse of righteous victim rhetoric.
It’s not only Christian Zionists who think Jews are history’s “chosen.” There are a lot of blinkered useful idiots on the Left, as well, who think Marx and Trotsky’s “genius” can be traced to their Jewish blood, which should be preserved at all costs. They’ve been subtly (if not explicitly) conditioned to think this way by crypto-racist Jewish liberals.
Did MARK 10 actually mention the Armenians. Interestingly the Armenians are yet another group that have suffered as a result of Jewish disregard for gentile lives.
The revolution against the Ottomans that was supposedly led by ethnic Turkish nationalists was anything but. The leaders of this revolt came primarily from Thessaloníki which is now part of modern day Greece. Its leadership was also heavily supported by Italian Jews such as Emmanuel Carraso through masonic lodges connected to Bnai Brith. Thessaloniki, by the way, had a very interesting distinction at the beginning of the 20th century: its population was from a third to a half Jewish.
Maybe this is the reason why Vladamir Jabotinsky, arch Zionist, godfather of modern terrorism, and the founder of the Israeli Irgun was appointed to the very important post of the editorship of The Young Turk newspaper despite being, a recent arrival, neither Turkish (he was born in Odessa in what was then Russia) or even being particularly fluent in the local language. Apparently Jabotinsky must of had other critical attributes that made this foreigner especially desirable for this post. Maybe this predominance also explains the enforced secularity of the new Turkish government that evolved and which continues to this day as well as the Turkish government's historically close relationship with Israel. It also might explain the particular animus that quickly developed against the Armenians which resulted in their slaughter under the Young Turk government. Before this the Armenians had dwelled peaceably with their Muslim neighbors in the Ottoman empire for over a millennium. Apparently some group had a long standing grudge against the Christian Armenians, maybe based on the Armenians' well known business acumen, especially in banking and as merchants and traders, and might have considered them as rivals of one type or another. The brutal killing of the Armenians resembles that total disregard for human life that later was shown in the genocide of of the Ukrainian Christians by the Jewish commissars there in the late 1920's.
Funny, but it seems like anywhere that Jews come to power some gentile group is going to end up being slaughtered. I guess we are all Palestinians.
yes at least when they kill arabs they use them and not waste them like most people so this make them better than most people geeeeehhhheeesss
This Jewish crime capper is just another blimp in the ,all Jewish controlled media.Admit it,they are the slave owners. In the era of WWII,there was 4 monsters–Churchill, Stalin,Roosevelt,Hitler. All were from Jewish blood lines.Only Hitler kept his Jewish last name. Today,many western countries are sporting Jews as leaders. Very dangerous times. Canad is about to elect a zionist Jew as Prime Minister.When that happens–watch the fireworks–killings.
i recall,a few years ago,in New York, A Rabbi,infected over 150 new born boys with Herpes virus. Just imagine if a Catholick priest had done the same? The Rabbiis have a custom of sucking the boys penis after circumcision-they call it blessing into manhood.
As you would expect,the NewYork health board.allowed the practice to continue–on the condition that any rabii with Herpes has to use a thumble condome over the dickie–before sucking the blood–What the F**K?
Everything they do, they do in the name of the Talmud. The judges that finally pass sentence, will do so under Talmudic law. The poor people that were butchered were merely cattle. No better than the beasts of the field. It is no crime. Getting caught is the crime.
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste
I would like to say that, considering the topic, the discussion here seems surprisingly rational and is lacking in the usual diatribes and hurling of insults. I'd like to change some of that.
I see people tap-dancing around the edges of an issue, mostly using politically-correct language in order to (for some reason) avoid being labeled or branded with the dreaded "anti-semite" slur. I for one, don't mind it. I am unabashedly and shamelessly what would be considered "anti-semite". Given the current state of affairs in the world and how Jews seem to have gotten themselves into the middle of every bit of unpleasantness since the creation [theft] of their [Palestinian] "homeland" [ancestral lands] - in various regions, countries, industries, and even this latest criminal investigation - I see the term "anti-semite" as a badge of honor to be worn proudly.
There's a reason that the Jews are the worlds most universally despised people. There's a reason that they've been kicked out of (or enslaved by / attempted to be exterminated by) countless countries over the last several thousand years. Here's a clue: It's not really because they are "God's chosen people".
It was once said, and many times proven right, that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. In the modern day, one need only look at the infiltration at every level of U.S. (and various European) government by dual Israeli/U.S. citizens, shameless pro-Israel panderers, and general Israel-firsters - those like U.S. Seceratary of State Hillary Clinton and German Chancellor Angela Merkel - who put the needs of Israel and Jews ahead of the well-being of even their own peoples. Whether they (and their ilk around the world) have been bought or whether they've been blackmailed, the result is the same. And, when one takes a deeper look into history (i.e., unofficial and not taught in government run indoctrination centers [read: schools]) and realizes that Jews have been playing this same game of political chess in various countries throughout the world and throughout the centuries, it becomes obvious why they've been on the receiving end of the ill treatment they've gotten.
I'm going to do something I know will be unpopular and cause outrage. I'm going to go against everything every one of us is taught in school since day one. I'm going to say Hitler was right, and he was justified in every thing he did to rid his country (and the world) of the Jews.
Again, one need only look at modern day affairs in, for example, the U.S. government to see why he did what he did. Not only had German government of the time been infiltrated in much the same way modern U.S. government has, not only was the German economy of the time under direct assault by foreign (read: Jewish) speculators who were actively debasing and undermining the value of the Mark, but Judea (and international Jewry) had declared open economic war on Germany.
Jews hate all non-Jews. Period. They despise us. They see themselves as God's chosen race, and they see us all as something that is less-than-human. Their own "holy" books tell them as much, and these books will tell you what they think of all of us if you put in the time to research it. No person who has ever read direct translations of their history in their own words will ever think otherwise. The Torah, aside from the Laws of Moses, gives a direct account of their military conflicts with their neighbors going back thousands of years. The Talmud proscribes, among other detestable things, the ways in which they are supposed to conduct business, both amongst themselves and with non-Jews. (The simple fact that they have proscribed methods for business dealings with those who are non-Jews should tell you something.)
Jews do not like us. Why should we give them any special treatment? Why should we treat them as anything other than the sub-human monsters and usurpers that they really are?
@ James.
Hitler was right? Some years ago I would say "you are nuts". Now I am not so sure anymore.
[...] literally, heartless. In the meantime, the zionists are laughing at all of us….. THIS related piece is an interesting read. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)RABBIS [...]
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[...] Time to Talk about the Rise of Jewish Crime? By Gilad Atzmon July 24th, 2009 [...]
[...] organs for ten years and could help his secretary. "I am a matchmaker," Rosenbaum is quoted as saying at the meeting, "I'm doing this a long time." He then added: "Let [...]
[...] selling organs for ten years and could help his secretary. “I am a matchmaker,” Rosenbaum is quoted as saying at the meeting, “I’m doing this a long time.” He then added: “Let me explain to [...]