added by this website] 
Washington DC, Sunday, November 2,
2003 Arrested
oil tycoon passed shares to
banker LONDON (Agence France-Presse) --
Control of Mikhail
Khodorkovsky's shares in the Russian
oil giant Yukos have passed to renowned
Rt Hon Lord]
Jacob Rothschild, under a deal they
concluded prior to Mr. Khodorkovsky's
arrest, the Sunday Times
reported.  David Irving
A FRIEND inquires of me,
sending me this clipping, "Are
you tired of this yet?" But of
course for me as a WW2 historian,
the gradual onset of any new
Holocaust holds a grim
fascination: for is this story
not the very stuff that
anti-Semitism, and in the long
run Holocausts, are spawned
upon? Mikhail
Khodorkovsky had a "previously
unknown arrangement" with Jacob
Rothschild for the latter to take
control of the former's Yukos
stock in the event that the
former could no longer "act as a
beneficiary" of the shares. The two are
said to have known one another
"through their mutual love of the
arts." The exact
nature of these "arts" isn't
specified, as my correspondent
notes: "It could be the Black
Arts." That sounds like naked
r*cism to me. 
IN BRIEF -- probably not in your
own national newspaper -
Leonid Nevzlin, biggest
Yukos shareholder not yet in
jail, has been granted Israeli
citizenship, raising eyebrows
even in Jerusalem over the haste
in which it was done.
Fact: Nevzlin resigned from Yukos
to head the Russian Jewish
Congress. [biography] | Voting rights to the shares passed to Mr.
Rothschild, 67, under a "previously
unknown arrangement" designed to take
effect in the event that Mr. Khodorkovsky
could no longer "act as a beneficiary" of
the shares, it said. Mr.
Khodorkovsky, 40, whom Russian authorities
arrested at gunpoint and jailed pending
further investigation last week, was said
by the Sunday Times to have made
the arrangement with Mr. Rothschild when
he realized he was facing arrest.
Mr. Rothschild (left) now
controls the voting rights on a stake in
Yukos worth almost $13.5 billion, the
newspaper said in a dispatch from
Moscow. Mr. Khodorkovsky owns 4 percent of
Yukos directly and 22 percent through a
trust of which he is the sole beneficiary,
according to Russian analysts. From the
figures reported in the Sunday
Times, it appeared Mr. Rothschild
had received control of all Mr.
Khodorkovsky's shares. The two have known each other for years
"through their
mutual love of the arts" and their
positions as directors of the Open Russia
Foundation, Yukos' philanthropic branch,
it said. Russian authorities Thursday froze
billions of dollars of shares held by Mr.
Khodorkovsky and his top lieutenants in
Yukos -- throwing control of the country's
largest oil company into limbo and causing
frenzied selling on financial markets. Russian prosecutors said owners of the
shares are still entitled to dividends and
retain voting rights, but can no longer
sell their stakes. They said the freeze was necessary as
collateral for the $1 billion that Mr.
Khodorkovsky and his associates are
accused of misappropriating during the
1990s. Mr. Rothschild is the British head of
Europe's wealthy and
influential Rothschild family, and
runs his own investment empire. Russia:
The Guilty Men 
Abramovich |  - ... on
the, ahem, oligarchs
court rejects Gusinsky
fraudster Boris Berezovsky granted
asylum by Tony Blair's
reports that The World Jewish Congress
asked Interpol not to arrest Jewish
Russian media magnate Vladimir
Apr 25, 2001: Russian
media tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky has
flown from Spain to Israel, apparently
in a new bid to escape the clutches of
Moscow prosecutors
Outrage in Berlin
German politician claims Jews are "a
Race of Perpetrators"
Kremlin Targets Jewish Tycoons in War
on Critics
Russian International Corporate
(of Khodorkovsky and Rothschild): "I am
launching the Foundation [First
Russian International Corporate
Philanthropic Foundation] in London
to highlight the international nature
of the Foundation's aims and to create
an infrastructure from which the next
generation of Russia's leaders will