Red Symphony
In Spain in the 1960's one of the most enigmatic books about worldwide revolution, The Red Symphony, went through dozens of editions. The book was based on the notes of one Dr. Landovsky, an NKVD doctor at the trials of the 1930's. The author, a narcotics specialist, was "mobilized" into the state security organs, where his inventions were used to "loosen the tongues" of important suspects. Landovsky's notebooks reveal the secret of why so many of the absurd confessions of the accused in these trials seemed so "sincere" even to foreign observers (Feichtwanger and others): The suspects were under the influence of drugs.
But the main value of these notes are those bits of evidence which never came out in the trials. Landovsky was present at the interrogations of the well-known Bolshevik Christian Rakovsky and helped record and translate the court stenograms. (In the interests of security the interrogations were carried out in French, a language unintelligible to the majority of Chekists.)
The accused was a colorful and significant figure in the worldwide Communist
movement. His true nationality remains unknown: According to official
record he was born in Northern Dobruge, a part of Bulgaria before the First
World War which later went over to Romania. According to other sources he
came into the world as Chaim Rakover in
a Jewish village in Bessarabia where he lived until the age of 18, later fleeing
to Romania to avoid Tsarist military service. Rakovsky
was the very model of a revolutionary-cosmopolite: He started out as an
activist in the Bulgarian Social-Democrats and later became a leader of the
Romanian anarchists. (Together with his comrade-in-arms Anna Pauker he
planned and carried out terrorist acts against government officials.) Later he
gadded about Europe until the revolutionary storm struck in Russia, carrying
him away to the Ukraine where he ended up in the post of representative of the
Soviet People's Commissariat. He found the time to
work in the Comintern and finished his career as Soviet ambassador in Paris.
Rakovsky recounted stunning facts to Stalin's investigators. The Bolsheviks and the Comintern worked hand in hand with the international bankers. The latter, just like the Marxists, sought to destroy all national borders and establish a worldwide dictatorship -- not a proletarian one, true, but a financial oligarchy. At the given moment, however, the goals of the two groups coincided. (It was with this aim that the bankers, among them Jewish ones, supported Hitler.) Russia, with its conservative-monarchical regime presented itself as a certain obstacle to their plans, on the one hand, and an enormous social testing ground, on the other. Trotsky enjoyed the confidence of the masters of the "interest spiderweb", the Schiffs, Warburgs and other international super-financiers, who placed at his disposal enormous sums. Kerensky, according to Rakovsky, was also one of the bankers' agents who yielded power to his "higher-ups" when they requested him to. Therefore "Red Leon" became from the start practically the complete master of Russia and the Bolshevik Party.
Any attempts on the part of anyone else to occupy that role were decisively cut short. When Lenin began to exhibit excessive independence and make claims to real power Trotsky organized (through the Cheka) the Left Social-Revolutionary putsch and then the Fanny Kaplan assassination attempt, as a result of which Vladimir Ilyich was once again put in his place. But the main achievement of the "permanent revolutionary" was the formation of the Red Army. As soon as he took charge of the War Commissariat and the Revolutionary War Soviet, uniforms and ammunition appeared as if by magic, and the Reds began to prevail over the Whites. The secret depositions of the former Paris ambassador confirmed that this breakthrough was the result not only of financing on the part of Lev Davidovich's international friends, but also the activities of agents of those very same friends within the ranks of the Whites.
Rakovsky's testimony, though it differs from most of the well-known historical versions of events, is nonetheless confirmed by a whole series of sources. For example, the fact that the White government was formed of "allies" from among the Masons was accepted as fact by the well-known writer Roman Gul. The support given by Wall Street magnates to Hitler was confirmed later, after the end of the Second World War. Other details are also worthy of attention: for example the fleeting reference in the text of The Red Symphony to "your acquaintance Navachin", a garbled translation from Spanish of Dmitry Navashin (with whom Rakovsky was indeed acquainted), the director of the Franco-Soviet Bank, the safekeeper of Trotsky's funds and a leading Mason. (He was killed in 1935 near Paris in unexplained circumstances. The spouse of the deceased declared in a "Paris-Soir" interview: "They killed my husband because he knew too much. He was the victim of powerful, worldwide occult forces.")
As far as Trotsky's ties to the world financial elite are concerned, they were well-known long before the publication of The Red Symphony. In 1919 the French government received from its informer in Washington a detailed report (1618-6 No. 912), where "Red Leon's" New York banker-sponsors were listed. It was noted that Trotsky established his connections with the financiers after his marriage to the daughter of banker Abram Zhivotovsky. One of the main financiers of the Revolution Felix Warburg compromised himself to such a degree by his connections with the Bolsheviks that it was decided to remove him from the US Federal Reserve Board, in order to "cover the traces" of American bankers' ties to the Russian Revolution.
According to French intelligence sources Trotsky entered the inner family
circle of the banking world. It's also no secret that the
Jewish financial group which aided the Revolution was in fact a tighly-knit
family clan, to which not only Christians but simple Jews were barred access.
The Dreyfuses, Lazards, Schiffs and Warburgs
arranged marriages only among themselves, creating a
privileged group within Jewry which even bore specific ethnic characteristics.
And over the course of two centuries the Rothschild dynasty perpetuated itself
exclusively through close-relative marriages. Regarding this the Israeli
writer Hannah Arendt wrote: "Jewish banking capital became
international, united through intersecting marriages, and turned into a real
international caste... What could be a more convincing illustration of the
fantastic conception of a worldwide Jewish government than the Rothschild
family, uniting citizens of five different governments the separate conflicts of
which didn't affect the interests of their respective state banks even for a
Rakovsky's seemingly paradoxical explanation of the bankers' desire to control world revolution "by unflinching will and complete control, which is impossible under capitalist democracy" finds confirmation in the works of many philosophers and psychologists. They assert that those individuals who've achieved world financial dominance possess not only superhuman stubbornness, but dangerous and destructive complexes as well. By the way, the American founding father Benjamin Franklin noted long ago: "There are two passions which have a powerful influence on human affairs: love of power and love of money . . .. When they are united . . . they produce the most frightful outcomes." (I can't avoid illustrating these words with a quote from the Roman newspaper Tempo, which characterizes Roberto Calvi, the financial genius of the Italian "P-2" lodge: "They called him 'the banker with the frozen eyes'. He possessed a cold, algebraic mind and an unfeeling heart incapable of emotion. He was a bookkeeper of millions, dispassionate and unsmiling. He thirsted only for power. For more than three decades he cultivated this feeling in himself with maniacal stubbornness."
Other investigators (and I cite Alexander Dugin) "portray the participants in the 'bankers' conspiracy' as more than simply vicious individuals, concentrations of perversions and passions, but assert that the 'worldwide banking brotherhood' consists of a special type of being, referred to in the Old Testament as 'sheddim', the result of an extraordinary mutation." However, let's not delve too deeply into biology and psychopathology. The main thing is that Rakovsky was not alone in his conclusions.
"Communism is simply a front for something deeper", wrote the American Ralph Epperson. "Communism is not the revolt of the poor, but the secret conspiracy of the rich. The international conspiracy arises not in Moscow but in New York." (See: Ralph Epperson. The Hidden Hand. St. Petersburg, 1996, p.103)
The same assertion appears in his book Where England is Going (1927, England). After stating that the Comintern is a conservative organization compared to the stock exchange in New York, he asks: "Who's driving England toward revolution? Not Moscow, but New York".
It's interesting that the West tried to save the most important suspects in the Moscow trials of 1936-1938. It was with this end that Leon Feichtwanger, writer and leading "B'nai B'rith" member, came to Moscow to have a visit with Stalin. The American ambassador Davis was present at the Rakovsky trial and made enigmatic Masonic gestures to the accused. Finally, on the eve of the verdict a mysterious powerful radio station in the West transmitted the following phrase several times in a row: "Pardon, or else the Nazi threat will increase." Pardon was not forthcoming. And on the last day of the trial (March 12, 1938) Hitler's forces entered Austria, effecting the Anschluss.
Nonetheless, a certain "consensus" must have been achieved: Feichtwanger, upon returning to the West, wrote a book where he expressed approval of the Moscow trials, and entered his own verdict: justice had been served. According to certain sources Radek and Rakovsky were never executed, unlike the others, and lived out their years under assumed names after serving short sentences. However, we may never know the truth...
The nature of the "bankers' Internationale" darkly hinted at by Rakovsky was clarified by later investigations (more than ten books which came out in the 60's and 70's) of American professor Anthony Sutton. By complete accident a sheet of paper fell into his hands containing a list of members of a certain secret organization who occupied key positions in the American establishment. Over the course of several years Sutton gradually uncovered the structure of the organization (which he called the Order), and discovered that it exerted enormous influence on American political and economic life. What's more, it turned out that the Order controls the US educational system, by means of which the worldview of the youth is formed, many cultural establishments and even the church. Even more important are the international activities of the secret union: It financed the two major political movements of the 20th Century - the Bolsheviks and the Nazis - helped them attain and hold power, and then brought them into conflict. During the course of the war the major corporations represented by the Order made astronomical profits, weakened the governmental institutions of the major European powers and drew nearer to their ultimate goal: the creation of a "new world order", where the Order will play the leading role.
The wealthiest American families are Order members: the Rockefellers, Davidsons, Paynes and Harrimans, who control major financial centers and leading fields of industry. The Order created its own funds and think tanks, its own research, consultative and power structures. In his book The Secret Cult of the Order, Sutton traced the occult traditions of an organization arising (as Rakovsky also asserted) from the Illuminati. It's curious that the symbolism of the "skull and bones", with its connotations of death and destruction, appeared simultaneously on the uniforms of the Nazi SS and in the name of the Order's affiliate at Yale University from which George Bush, future head of the CIA and US President, emerged. The "philosophical" strategy: to bring "thesis" and "antithesis" into conflict to achieve the desired "synthesis", was based on the ancient methodology of secret societies "enriched" by the Hegelian dialectic of the Order's founder, J.P. Morgan. (By the way, this "dialectic" was discussed in The Red Symphony.)
Sutton's hypotheses are in accord not only with Rakovsky's testimony, but also with the investigations of a certain secret American-Nazi organization which existed during the Second World War. (More about that later.) The existence of a secret Order striving for world dominion was confirmed in an interview conducted by conspirologist A. Dugin with a high-placed Mason, Brother Marcion, who named the "Memphis-Mizraim" society, about which little is known (for example, that it contains 90 or 99 degrees of initiation).
Maybe the two organizations are one and the same, maybe not. Rakovsky
speaks of a conspiracy composed primarily of Jewish bankers. The "Memphis-Mizraim"
order was also founded (in the middle of the 19th Century in France) by the rich
Jewish brothers Bedarid.
Membership in this organization has been ascribed to various people of the most various nationalities, from the founder of theosophy Helena Blavatsky to Trotsky.
Christian G. Rakovsky, a founding member of Communism in the U.S.S.R., and who later was the Soviet Ambassador to Paris, became a victim of Stalin's purges and the show-trials of 1938. His importance in world events was described by Leon Trotzky, Lenin's comrade and Minister of Defense in the Bolshevik government, in My Life, An Attempt at an Autobiography (Pengui Books, Ltd., c. 1928):
"Christian G. Rakovsky is, internationally, one of the best known figures in the European Sodalist involvement. A Bulgarian by birth, . . . he is a Roumanian subject by dint of the Balkan map, a French physician by education, a Russian by connections, by sympathies and literary work. He speaks all the Bal kan and four European languages; he has at various times played an active part in the inner workings of four Socialist parties - the Bulgarian, Russian, French and Romanian -- to become eventually one of the leaders of the Soviet Federation, a founder of the Communist Intemational, President of the Ukrainian Soviet of People's Commissaries, and the diplomatic Soviet representative in England and France -- only to share finally the fate of all the 'left' opposition. Rakovsky's personal traits, his broad international outlook, his profound nobility of character, have made him particularly odious to Stalin, who personifies the exact opposite."
While in prison, Rakovsky was interviewed by Stalin's foreign agent, Gavriil G. Kusmin (known as Gabriel). During the interview, Rakovsky revealed an astounding and convincing plan for starting World War II, which Stalin accepted. Based on this information, Stalin freed Rakovsky. The interview was witnessed by Dr. Joseé Landowsky, a Russianized Pole who lived in Moscow. The questioning took place in French and Dr. Landowsky was asked to translate it into Russian. Besides a copy he made for himself, the original document will be found in the Russian Archives. The interview was taken from a Spanish book La Lucha Por El Poder Mundial and was translated into English by George Knupffe. The English translation can be found in the book Red Symphony by J. Landowsky, (London: The Plain Speaker Publishing Co., 43 Bath Road, W6). The following summary is based on the excerpts in Toward World Government, New World Order, by Deirdre Manifold and edited by Cornelia R. Ferreira, Toronto: Canisius Books, 1993, pp. 26-52. In the paragraphs below, statements in double quotes are made by Rakovsky except otherwise indicated.
The plan proposed by Rakovsky was made in 1938 before the World War II started in 1939 and was literally accomplished. The plan reveals that:
All events that followed after this
interview in 1938 occurred as though they were acted out of a movie
script. Professor Antony C. Sutton in his book Wall Street and the Rise
of Hitler (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1976) proves conclusively that
the American financiers provided the money and matériel to Hitler to launch
World War II. That the international bankers participated in the financing
of the Bolshevik revolution as documented by his book Wall Street and The
Bolshevik Revolution (Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1981) together with
other data provided by other authors cannot be questioned. In addition, Sutton
in his monumental 3 volumes Western Technology and Soviet Economic
Development 1917-1965 (Stanford, California: Hoover Institution
Press, 1973) demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that all the technology, the
know-how, much of the raw material and most of the funds to build the industrial
and military machine with which the U.S.S.R. threatened the free world came from
the U.S. That menacing military machine could well have been stamped: "Made
in the U.S.A."
From: JESUS IS LORD Ministries of Monroe