


The truth about David Duke

As most of you know, former state’s representative David Duke, will have to serve jail time. I’m sure every one heard or read, in the media, about the case against him.

Here is an article of one of his French friends. When you read this, you’ll realize to which extent the lobby controlled media, lie. It also points out the fact that if we tolerate that people like Mr. Duke, Zundel and many others are sentenced for their believes, America will become another Soviet Union, just like most European countries.

The truth about David Duke

David Duke has long been the target of a U.S. Government campaign to silence his voice. Unlike Europe, which has direct laws limiting frank discussion of the race or Zionist question, America supposedly has free speech. But, even the American Congress has admitted that politically incorrect people have been target by tax and other criminal investigations. That is the way that the Zionist powers in America deal with their dissidents (until they are able to change the Constitution’s Bill of Rights). David Duke has been investigated by the Federal government for years as they have been anxious to find some sort of financial technicality to create a case to discredit and silence him.

The latest investigation had gone on for almost four years, but since David Duke has become the most vocal voice from America in opposition to Israel and the planned war against Iraq, the Zionists have made a dramatic move to silence him. Technical charges can be piled up and he faced going before and all-Black Jury and the possibility of 20 or 30 years in jail or to “plead” to two charges. He could have probably stayed in Russia forever, but he decided to take a plea to the charges and get it over with so he could continue his work. If he had charged, he would not have been able to travel and speak in Western Europe and America for the rest of his life. Continuing to speak out in the cause of European-Americans was the most important consideration to David Duke, so now he faces this difficult period.

Don’t let the media fool you about David Duke and his guilty plea. He did what he had to do. He would have been no good to himself or our cause if he were sentenced to years in jail. The media and government are hoping that you will believe that David Duke falsified his tax returns and misspent supporters? money. It is easy to see what the Zionists are doing. They seek to create doubt in the minds of his supporters and thus dry up the financial support he needs for his work.

I have known David for three years. I met him when he started the “National Organization For European American Rights” in January 2000. I had read a lot, mostly bad things in the controlled media, about him. When I had a chance to read his web page, I had a totally different version of the facts. When David’s team announced the creation of their news organization in Philadelphia, I gave them a call and the next day I got an invitation at my home. A couple of days later, I flew all the way from Brussels (Belgium, Europe) to Philadelphia to attend his speech.

I was amazed to see the real David Duke. I felt deceived that I had previously believed some of the claims of the media. David Duke is not a fanatical, hateful racist. He doesn’t hate others because of their race, culture, belief or nationality. What is David’s core belief? He simply loves the European people and its heritage and believes in the right of peoples to live in their own homelands, speak their own languages, live their own cultures and be free. Since David is a European-American his main concerns focus on European-Americans, Europeans and people of European descent wherever they may live. In his Philadelphia speech he made clear that he was against slavery and any kind of exploitation of other peoples. He is not a supremacist and has the courage to point an element of extreme Israeli supremacism that has so much power in the media and in government.

So why is he persecuted? It has nothing to do with taxes or financial matters. They want to destroy a man who tells the truth about those who really control America. In fact the man behind this persecution was Michael Chertoff of the U.S. Justice Department, the same man who let the 200 Israeli spies caught in America before and after 911 go. David Duke has always been the biggest political threat to the political establishment in America. He got more votes in Louisiana for U.S., Senate than Patrick Buchanan got in the entire nation. Duke would never back down like Mississippi Senator Trent Lott did. The New World Order government of America doesn’t hesitate to twist laws to send political opponents to jail despite the first amendment.

Do you remember when this was done in Soviet controlled countries? All the western media pretended to be appalled by political convictions. Now people in Eastern Europe are free. This won’t last very long since the Zionist controlled European Union is buying them out of their newly acquired freedom. Former East Block nations may join the European Union, for material wealth, if they harmonize their legislation. Many people in the US will wonder why by harmonizing their legislation, the Poles and other Eastern Europeans would lose their freedom. Isn’t the European Union based on the values of democracy? Two of the founding stones of Democracy is freedom of speech and of beliefs. In Europe we are free to repeat what the governments want us to say and we are also free to believe their lies. However if someone questions some of the biggest lies, he often up ends in jail. In a way, in Europe, we are more advanced than in the US, our governments don’t have to twist some tax laws because of the first amendment, they just fine or jail people for questioning their lies.

So what does David do with his supporters’ money? When I visited him in Mandeville in May 2000, I stayed at his house. I saw the life David and his supporters had. The whole house except the kitchen and the sleeping rooms is used as an office for his organization ‘Euro’. His staff use all rooms but one. Only one sleeping room and a bathroom were for David’s private use. The car he used was a second hand car he had fixed and he would later resell to help make his living.

David works restlessly for the cause he defends. When he is at home, he reads newspapers, watches and analyzes the news or works on one of his books. But he is also the never-resting activist. While I was there, former South African terrorist Nelson Mandela came to Louisiana to get his honorary degree. David didn’t hesitate a second, he had us make a couple of billboards, he called a few neighbors and we drove to Baton Rouge and did a protest against Mr. Mandela’s honorary Ph.D.  David has traveled the world to keep white nationalists informed. I met him again in Germany, where he made a speech at a NPD, about four months ago.

Does that sound like someone who is using his cause to make money? Couldn’t someone as intelligent and hardworking as David make much more money if he didn’t do any politics? The media doesn’t hesitate to mislead people to think that because he had to plead guilty, he has defrauded his followers. As Don Black explained in his article, David had to do a plea bargain or be judged by a mostly back jury and maybe be put away for many years.

The U.S. Government’s purpose in all of this is to lessen Duke’s support from all of us. Once you understand that I hope that you will become determined to support him even more. Help him publish his excellent articles. If we don’t use what is left of our freedom of speech, it will erode even more as it has in Europe. We might not always have an easy road by defending freedom, but we’ll be in more trouble if we let them take away our freedom of speech as they already have done in most European countries.

Emmanuel Brun d’Aubignosc


David Duke, Nick Griffin and his wife, a young and beautiful supporter from the UK and myself eating an ice cream. Northern Germany summer 2002.

More about David Duke

More about Nick Griffin