Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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camp hospital blocks virtually from their beginnings. More
often than not, to become sick in a concentration camp meant to be
doomed, as Eugen Kogon put it. SS doctors or corpsmen would frequently
contribute to that fate by means of lethal injections. At Buchenwald, for
instance, an SS doctor finished off a whole row of prisoners with
injections of sodium evipan and then strolled from the operating
room, a cigarette in his hand, merrily whistling The End of a Perfect
Kogon, who had been
prisoner secretary to the chief doctor in Buchenwald, described the power held
by prisoner functionaries on the hospital blocks; how prisoners brought there
as patients, if considered dangerous (because they were brutal to other
prisoners who informed on them or because they belonged to a rival political
faction) could be either medically neglected by prisoners in charge or even
killed by them by means of lethal injections. In most camps, ordinary criminals
were at first in charge of hospital blocks, and under them abuses were
greatest; conditions improved considerably when political prisoners wrested
power from the criminals, and when prisoner doctors were permitted to do
medical work. But long before, SS doctors and corpsmen had used camp medical
blocks for killing; in Dachau, there were convalescent blocks : in
which the sick and debilitated were simply left to die 7* And we know of the use of the medical blocks to
collect ostensibly incurable or otherwise undesirable inmates for
euthanasia killing.
But the medical block could also become
what Kogon called a rescue station for countless prisoners. More
than anywhere else in the camp prisoners could be hidden, numbers could be
switched, and patients slated for killing could be warned and discharged
Another effective device was to hide prisoners on contagious wards where SS
personnel rarely strayed: Kogon states that on three occasions he himself hid
on the tuberculosis ward in order to avoid transfer to Auschwitz to be
killed.9 There could also be genuine
convalescent blocks and other medical arrangements that helped one to survive,
such as convalescent slips enabling one to spend several days under
relatively favorable conditions.
The SS doctors assigned to the early
concentration camps tended to be medically undistinguished, strong in their
Nazi ties, and personally self-aggrandizing. Generally speaking they were
more adept at feathering their own nests than at healing and usually their
skill lay in killing rather than in saving.10 Experiments on prisoners were also done mainly
in these traditional camps, though for the most part not on an extensively
organized basis until the early 1940s. More characteristic of Nazi doctors was
their regular participation in triage killing of the weak and the
sick as well as of prisoners designated by others for destruction. Camp doc-
tors] |
__________ * This license to kill did
not always extend to healthy prisoners, at least in the early stage of the
camps. In June 1933, the Munich Prosecutors office implicated a camp
doctor at Dachau together with Eickes predecessor in an inmates
murder.8 Such legal
scrupulosity in the camps must have been rare. |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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