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The Holocaust History Project.

 Dr Robert Jay Lifton THE NAZI DOCTORS:
                        Medical Killing and the
                            Psychology of Genocide ©
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My greatest debt is to survivors of Nazi death camps, many of whom I interviewed but only a few of whom I name here. It is they who carry within them the terrible truths we must all reckon with, and their contribution to my work, and to my life, has been inestimable.

I am especially grateful to Leo Eitinger, who spared himself nothing in teaching me about Auschwitz and much more; to Raul Hilberg, for constant advice, information, and perspective, as well as the kind of close, knowledgeable reading of the manuscript that few authors are privileged to receive and to Elie Wiesel for strong support and wise counsel throughout the work.

For valuable discussions and various forms of help with arrangements in the United States and different parts of the world Erwin H Ackerknecht, Leo Alexander (who made available to me many of his early materials), Amnon Amir (who sent me his dissertation on Nazi “euthanasia,”) Rudolph Binion (who made available his research materials) Vahakn N Dadrian (who provided writings and information on the Turkish genocide of Armenians), Lucy Dawidowicz, Peter Demetz, Karl Deutsch, Richard Falk, Leslie Farber, Erich Goldhagen, Michael H. Kater, Robert M. W. Kempner, Heinz Kohut, Ruth Lidz, Theodore Lidz, Franklin H. Littell, Peter Loewenberg, James M. McHaney (who made available materials from the Nuremberg Medical Trial), Margaret Mead, Alexander Mitscherlich (who conveyed to me everything he could concerning his invaluable early exposé of Nazi medical crimes), Margarete Mitscherlich, George Mosse, Fritz Redlich, Fritz Stern, Albert J. Stunkard, Uriel Tal, Telford Taylor, Lionel Tiger, and Henry Turner.

Members of the Wellfleet psychohistory group with whom I have shared much of the work include Norman Birnbaum, Margaret Brenman–Gibson, Peter Brooks, Harvey Cox, Erik Erikson (opening up new dimensions in our dialogue of thirty years), Kai Erjkson, Robert Holt, Gerald Holton, Hillel Levine, John E. Mack, Charles Strozier, Francis Winters, and Daniel Yankelovich.

In Germany, Horst von Glasenapp provided important early materials and many additional forms of help during the research phase. Paul Matussek offered crucial support with arrangements and an appointment as Fellow at the Forschungsstelle für Psychopathologie und Psychothera- [… pie]  
Medical Killing and the
Psychology of Genocide

Robert J. Lifton
ISBN 0-465-09094
© 1986
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