14. How many gas chambers to kill people were there at Auschwitz?
replies to Q/A # 14:
Nizkor begins by standing the argument on its head. Nizkor writes: "Wrong,
as usual; no evidence, as usual. . ."
Let's call a pause here and focus in on this matter of evidence. Revisionists
are UNDER NO OBLIGATION to produce any evidence whatsoever. If you call
somebody a thief, or a drug pusher, or a murderer, it is YOU who must bring
proof. Anybody can make accusations. Accusations must be backed by facts
that can be verified.
It is the Holocaust Hucksters, with their obstinate promotion of
this outlandish propaganda claim that there were homicidal gassings in
places like Auschwitz who are under strict obligation to produce the evidence
in support of their fantastic yarns.
Höss utterly terrified of British interrigators
who obtained a "confession" out
of him
Click here
for full story of this picture
The fact is that, even 50 years after the alleged events, the Holocaust
Hucksters have consistently and miserably failed to provide even minimal
evidence in support of what they are claiming. This, despite the virtually
limitless resources at their disposal. All they have is so-called "victim
testimonials" and the "Hoess Confession"
tortured out of a defenseless man.
And now, as the structure of lies and deceit is crumbling right around
their ankles, instead of truth and logic, they fall back on brutally punitive,
coercive laws to sustain their discredited and unsupported atrocity propaganda
(e.g., I have in mind the recent disgraceful event in Germany, mentioned
below, where a scientist gets sentenced to prison for writing an impeccable
forensic report refuting the Holocaust Hoax, or the sleazy recent tactic
of knocking out CODOH - the Committee for
Open Debate on the Holocaust - from the Internet, without rhyme, reason,
or warning).
The challenges and questions, put to the Holocaust Hucksters by Revisionists
and others, stand unaddressed. Their latest "star" performer,
Pressac, financed by the aggressively hucksterish Klarsfeld Foundation,
fell flat on his face in providing answers and is now being quietly sidelined,
as one can observe from Nizkor's text: they prefer to recommend as reference
for their pretensions a source more aligned to the Politburo Party Line.
This is really getting tiresome.
Since the Zündel Trial in 1988
the world has been informed - and, by this time, many millions already
know! - that there exists not one small shred of forensic evidence that
there were ever any homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz - except disinfestation
chambers to exterminate vermin.
The plain truth is that the Allies manufactured the "gas chamber"
story as atrocity propaganda to "stoke up" their own people against
the "Nazis" and to distract their people from their own war crimes
- such as the terror bombing of civilians and the mass rapes, robberies
and brutalities of the Red Army.
There have now been four independent forensic and scientific investigations
of Auschwitz's so-called "gas chambers" since 1988. Here is what
needs to sink into the hardest skull of the most obsessive Holocaust Huckster:
There were no "gas chambers" for killing people at Auschwitz
or anywhere else in Germany! The Holocaust Promotion Lobby has no scientific
evidence whatsoever for the existence of such homicidal "gas chambers"
- only "witness testimony" and propaganda claims!
Four experts have now looked into this thoroughly and left us their
Leuchter Report - Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. was, and is, an expert
specializing in gas chambers and executions and was so certified by a Toronto
Court during the Second Zündel Trial. He was described by Missouri
State Penitentiary Warden Bill M. Armontrout as "well versed in all
areas and. . . the only consultant in the United States [in gas chambers]
that I know of."
- Leuchter examined the
alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek in 1988 and
of Dachau, Hartheim and Mauthausen
in 1989, and took samples from the walls and floors for forensic testing
for cyanide residue to be done in the United States. He concluded that
the rooms were not and could not have been used as homicidal gas chambers
based on their construction and the fact that either no or only extremely
small traces of cyanide residue were found in the brick and mortar samples
of these alleged "killing sites".
- In contrast, a room where Zyklon B - the alleged killing gas - was
used for disinfection purposes by the Germans, the brick and mortar had
1000 times more (!) cyanide residue in the samples than the alleged "gas
chambers" which supposedly were used to kill millions around the clock.
[Click here to see chart]
did not conduct these laboratory tests. Professor Dr. James Roth, a ten-year
veteran of Princeton and a court-approved expert, analyzed and tested the
rock soil and wall scrapings from the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz
at the prestigious Alpha Labs in the USA and testified to the negative
results in 1988 under oath in Toronto. The entire record can be found in
the chapter titled "James Roth"
in "Did Six Million Really Die",
by attorney Barbara Kulaszka - court records cited many times before. His
testimony, and that of Fred Leuchter
in a chapter by that name, is well worth re-reading. "Did
Six Million Really Die? Report of the Evidence in the Canadian "False
News" Trial of Ernst Zündel - 1988."
- The Krakow Institute Report - Alarmed by the Leuchter Report,
the Auschwitz State Museum itself commissioned in 1990 the Krakow Forensic
Institute to carry out an investigation of the alleged gassing sites. The
Krakow Report fully corroborated the cyanide readings found by Leuchter,
although it interpreting the results differently.
- The Auschwitz Museum maintains, not too surprisingly, that Poland's
acid rain had eliminated the cyanide. This flies in the face of the scientific
fact that the "Prussian blue", the compound formed by cyanide
and iron in the bricks and mortar, is one of the most stable and enduring
compounds (discoloratation is perhaps a better word) known to man. The
late Dr. William Lindsey, Chief Research Chemist for Dupont of America
stated that this combination of Zyklon B with iron could last thousands
of years in rain, sleet and open air. This telling blue stain is clearly
seen today in disinfection chambers, but not in the so-called "gas
chambers" at Auschwitz.
- We are now asked by the Holocaust Hucksters to believe that the rain
selectively washed out the evidence of the so-called "gas chambers"
but left the evidence where vermin had been killed. Believable? So is the
Easter Bunny.
- The Lüftl Report - Walter Lüftl is a professional
engineer with a large engineering firm in Vienna. He is a former president
of the Austrian Association of Engineers.
- Over a period of 25 years, Lüftl was regularly called in court
cases as an expert witness involving engineering and construction matters.
In 1992 Lüftl wrote a report calling the alleged extermination of
millions of Jews in gas chambers during WWII "technically impossible."
- Lüftl also pointed out that the design and numbers of the crematories
showed that they were incapable of handling the number of "gassed"
victims routinely alleged by the Holocaust Lobby. "Corpses are not
flammable material," wrote Lüftl. "to cremate them requires
much time and energy. . . " none of which the Germans had in limitless
- Lüftl was criminally charged in Austria - where "Holocaut
Denial" is a criminal offense - for writing this report "denying
the Holocaust." but all charges against him were quietly dropped.
Rudolf Report - Germar Rudolf, a diplom chemist in Germany trained
at the Max Planck Institute, a famous German facility, investigated the
sites of the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz and took samples
for the purpose of determining cyanide levels. Rudolf's report concluded,
like Leuchter's, that the alleged gas chambers could never have been used
for the claimed mass gassings on an industrial scale. Tests on samples
showed no or minimal traces of cyanide.
- Germar Rudolf is a special case and illustrates that when it comes
to the so-called "gas chambers" of places such as Auschwitz,
society no longer deals in rationality and reason. Here is a young, profoundly
apolitical young man with a new family and no links whatsoever to any political,
much less "extremist" group - like "Holocaust Deniers."
He wrote a treatise on his findings that is impeccable. He submitted his
report to more than 300 experts for their critique before he published
- Not one of them found even the smallest error!
- Germar Rudolf was criminally charged under Germany's repressive "Holocaust-is-a-dogma"
law. Just a few weeks ago, Germar Rudolf has been sentenced to a prison
term of 18 months for his scientific finding. The book he wrote has been
banned in Germany, and many people connected to its publication have been
punished with jail terms and/or fines. The report has been ordered to be
- This brilliant scientist, with a young, pregnant wife and a baby already
born, has been evicted twice from his apartment for his "sin."
He is now in political exile - his career ruined and his life in shreds.
- It is a monumental sham! It's Shoah business at its sleaziest. The
so-called "Holocaust" has now degenerated into a voodoo-like
Holocaust Promotion Cult with its operators doing their desperate best,
by hook or by crook, to avoid being exposed to the light of day. (Lesser,
but none-theless perfect examples are the recent website cancellations
such as CODOH International, based in
the United States, The Adelaide Institute in Australia, and The
Freedom-Site in Canada.)
- Cannot intelligent people settle this matter once and for all? Why
doesn't the scientific community - world-wide! - get together and appoint
a Grand Jury type investigation? We are not living in the Middle Ages any
more where Galileo Galilei must recant his "heresies" - or else!
- In March of 1993, I wrote:
- "We have to start a letter writing campaign to . . . international
bodies to put pressure on the German government to stop persecuting and
harassing people just because they have a different viewpoint on history
when it concerns the Holocaust.
- We also have to ask that the UN Human Rights Organizations force
Germany to allow civilized trials, where experts can be heard - experts
like Leuchter, Faurisson,
and Irving - and not just some Kangaroo
Court proceedings in which the accused basically gets called to the bar
to be convicted, and has no chance to present his viewpoints buttressed
by expert witnesses and documents.
- In my own case in Munich, Fred Leuchter, the gas chamber expert,
was not allowed to testify because he was considered "not qualified"
. . . Dr. Faurisson was not allowed to testify - "not qualified".
I had asked Germar Rudolf, a qualified, university trained Diplom Chemist
to testify - he too was disqualified.
- Not a single witness was allowed to testify in my defense, to make
clear my reasons for saying that no six million people were gassed in places
like Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek.
- This situation must be changed. I believe that if all of us work
together, we can make the necessary changes inside the courts and in the
media in Germany.
- We are the new 'Freedom Fighters'! Our weapons are our pens, typewriters,
computers, or just our telephones, fax machines and telegrams. Thousands
of letters should flood their offices. We must act, not just talk."
- Will Nizkor act - not just talk? Will Nizkor stop confabulating by
simply relabeling morgues into "gas chambers" and crematories
into killing centers and get to the crux of the matter?
I challenge the world to appoint a Blue Ribbon Commission to investigate
this hoax once and for all. Revisionists have nothing to fear.
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