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14. How many gas chambers to kill people were there at Auschwitz?

Ernst Zündel
replies to Q/A # 14:

Nizkor begins by standing the argument on its head. Nizkor writes: "Wrong, as usual; no evidence, as usual. . ."

Let's call a pause here and focus in on this matter of evidence. Revisionists are UNDER NO OBLIGATION to produce any evidence whatsoever. If you call somebody a thief, or a drug pusher, or a murderer, it is YOU who must bring proof. Anybody can make accusations. Accusations must be backed by facts that can be verified.

It is the Holocaust Hucksters, with their obstinate promotion of this outlandish propaganda claim that there were homicidal gassings in places like Auschwitz who are under strict obligation to produce the evidence in support of their fantastic yarns.

Höss utterly terrified of British interrigators
who obtained a "confession" out of him
Click here for full story of this picture

The fact is that, even 50 years after the alleged events, the Holocaust Hucksters have consistently and miserably failed to provide even minimal evidence in support of what they are claiming. This, despite the virtually limitless resources at their disposal. All they have is so-called "victim testimonials" and the "Hoess Confession" tortured out of a defenseless man.

And now, as the structure of lies and deceit is crumbling right around their ankles, instead of truth and logic, they fall back on brutally punitive, coercive laws to sustain their discredited and unsupported atrocity propaganda (e.g., I have in mind the recent disgraceful event in Germany, mentioned below, where a scientist gets sentenced to prison for writing an impeccable forensic report refuting the Holocaust Hoax, or the sleazy recent tactic of knocking out CODOH - the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust - from the Internet, without rhyme, reason, or warning).

The challenges and questions, put to the Holocaust Hucksters by Revisionists and others, stand unaddressed. Their latest "star" performer, Pressac, financed by the aggressively hucksterish Klarsfeld Foundation, fell flat on his face in providing answers and is now being quietly sidelined, as one can observe from Nizkor's text: they prefer to recommend as reference for their pretensions a source more aligned to the Politburo Party Line.

This is really getting tiresome.

Since the Zündel Trial in 1988 the world has been informed - and, by this time, many millions already know! - that there exists not one small shred of forensic evidence that there were ever any homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz - except disinfestation chambers to exterminate vermin.

The plain truth is that the Allies manufactured the "gas chamber" story as atrocity propaganda to "stoke up" their own people against the "Nazis" and to distract their people from their own war crimes - such as the terror bombing of civilians and the mass rapes, robberies and brutalities of the Red Army.

There have now been four independent forensic and scientific investigations of Auschwitz's so-called "gas chambers" since 1988. Here is what needs to sink into the hardest skull of the most obsessive Holocaust Huckster: There were no "gas chambers" for killing people at Auschwitz or anywhere else in Germany! The Holocaust Promotion Lobby has no scientific evidence whatsoever for the existence of such homicidal "gas chambers" - only "witness testimony" and propaganda claims!

Four experts have now looked into this thoroughly and left us their reports:

I challenge the world to appoint a Blue Ribbon Commission to investigate this hoax once and for all. Revisionists have nothing to fear.

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