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49. What was the main provision of the German "Nuremberg laws" of 1935?

Ernst Zündel Replies:
Rebuttal # 49:



It is supremely ironic that Adolf Hitler was elected by an instrument, the Weimar Constitution, that was created and promulgated by a Jew called Preuß after Germany's defeat in World War I. Before that time, democratic elections were unknown in Germany, since Germany was a country ruled by monarchy.


Adolf Hitler's National Socialists were legitimately elected to power, together with other nationalist parties, on January 30, 1933.


Readers of the Zundelsite must understand that after World War I, the German nation tried for 13 long years to solve its pressing economic problems by electing political parties of the Leftist (Social Democrat), Centrist (Zentrum Party) and various other nationalist movements caused by the lost war and the crippling sanctions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. None of these attempts showed any success.


None of the post-WWI regimes were able to stop the dangerous drift toward anarchy and a potential Bolshevik revolution in Germany - with all the bloodshed and destruction caused by that Marxist nightmare.


In an act of supreme collective will, born out of fear for the future and exasperation at the failure of the other political parties and the Weimar Republic itself, the Germans opted for Adolf Hitler's radical reforms and solutions in democratic elections.


The Jewish-Marxist-Liberal oligarchy, who had usurped power in Germany after the country's defeat in 1918 by fair means and foul, slowly lost the power struggle. They lost it only 15 years later because they failed miserably and had nothing to offer - except more national humiliation, more unemployment, more corruption, more vice, more degeneration, and ultimately more hopelessness.


Hitler offered hope and identified the source of the problem. He pointed out to the German electorate the devastating political, economic and cultural dominance many Jews had acquired in the Weimar Republic - and promised his desperate people sweeping and lasting solutions to the "Jewish Problem."


He promised them, in speech after speech, in numerous articles, booklets and broadcasts, as far back as the early 1920s, in "Mein Kampf", and in his 25 point Party Program, that he would take Germany back for the Germans, once he was elected.


The German people spoke decisively through the ballot box, and Hitler soon delivered on his election promises of work, peace and honor in careful but decisive legislative initiatives and decrees.


The Communists, many of whom were Jewish, at first tried to undermine and then overthrow Hitler in a desperate clandestine but violent revolution - and failed. They were crushed by the "Enabling Act" - an emergency decree which allowed Hitler to suspend some civil rights and adopt sweeping powers to dissolve political parties etc.


This Act was passed by a majority of the German Reichstag or Parliament. It was perfectly legal and legitimate under the Weimar Constitution. Similar actions had been taken previously by other chancellors of different ideological outlook. Nothing ever came of it. The world did not care. Only Hitler cleaned house - more resolutely and thoroughly than his predecessors.


The International Jewish organizations next tried to achieve the overthrow of Hitler from the outside by a worldwide economic smear-and-vilification campaign and by a brutal global economic boycott against National Socialist Germany, ably described in detail by Edwin Black, a Jewish author, in his book "The Transfer Agreement" and several other books. One potential instrument of this planned overthrow was the Jewish community of approximately 500,000, which had acquired great influence during the Weimar Republic.


It is against this historical background that one must see the provisions of the "Nuremberg Laws." The Jews had determined that Germany was to be crushed! The "Nuremberg Laws" were, in part, a desperate act by a regime not yet firmly in power to forestall this possibility - beset as it was internally and externally by enemies who had stated for almost 15 years that they were going to crush the German Liberation Movement of Adolf Hitler - by any means necessary! The German people, who had toiled and suffered under the Weimar conditions and corruption for so long, believed in Hitler. They reaffirmed their belief in his government by an overwhelming electoral show of approval and confidence in 1933.


Thus, Hitler survived the various challenges to his regime and went on to become the most loved and adored leader in German history. The rest is history! He promulgated the Nuremberg Laws without worrying about being politically incorrect and without apologies to his enemies. He knew that, given the nature of the enemy and what was at stake for Germany and the world, drastic problems called for drastic measures and remedies. He wanted the Jews out of Germany - and preferably out of Europe.


He tried to take the sting out of economic hardships by arranging for paid early retirement, relocation allowances, retraining programs etc. The Jews emigrated in an orderly fashion in great numbers - to Palestine, England and America.


Once the Jews were neutralized, Germany recovered under Hitler. It prospered economically. It healed itself socially. It ended the class war. It made spectacular technological advances and blossomed culturally. It recovered its pride and honor among nations.


These were astounding changes in a very short period of time. A policy of physical fitness training and positive outlook on life soon led to a healthier mental outlook. Once-alarming suicide rates plunged. The crime rate nose-dived. Scientific discoveries showed great stride.


Never forget: Hitler was a democratically elected leader. He and his government had to be bombed out of office in the most vicious, barbaric war ever foisted on a people and a whole planet by his opponents. And for what?

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