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*** Think! ***

April 23, 2004

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

When I read the Faurisson piece below to Ernst Zundel, he said after a brief silence: "He dances like a butterfly - and stings like a bee." I believe this is the best summary yet that has the potential of moving Holocaust Revisionism into mainstream awareness in the Western world.

Please memorize it. Copy and disperse it. Post it wherever you can. Spread it to the snoozing masses. It all but shouts at you: "Think!"


"Hitler's and Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction"

Is it not simply wondrous to be told the same lie twice by the same people and for the same purpose at nearly sixty years' distance?

In January 1944, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt decided to create, on the advice of the Jew Henry Morgenthau and his cohorts, the so-called War Refugee Board (WRB). In November 1944, that official body published, under the heading "Executive Office of the President / War Refugee Board / Washington, DC" a report entitled "German Extermination Camps Auschwitz and Birkenau", falsely accusing Adolf Hitler of possessing weapons of mass destruction or WMD's (called execution gas chambers).

In 2002, President George W. Bush decided to create, on the advice of the Jew Paul Wolfowitz and his cohorts, the so-called Office of Special Plans (OSP). Headed by Abram Shulsky, that official body promoted reports falsely accusing Saddam Hussein of having WMD's.

The lie was the same: an accusation based on false evidence. The people were the same sort: powerful American Jews. The purpose was the same: war.

But there were also differences. First, the lie against Hitler concerned WMD's that were, for physical and chemical reasons, altogether impossible and inconceivable while the lie against Saddam Hussein was about WMD's that were quite possible and conceivable, since his accusers themselves possessed such devices in great abundance. Secondly, the lie against Adolf Hitler was more than half a century old and going stronger than ever, while the lie against Saddam Hussein was only a few months old and not yet very strong. Thirdly, if someone disputed the accusation against Adolf Hitler he might, like Ernst Z�ndel, be sent to prison whereas if someone disputed the accusation against Saddam Hussein he would, at least currently, be running only slight risks.

Observe how the lie was built up against Saddam Hussein and you will see exactly how the lie against Adolf Hitler was forged by the same sort of people and for the same purpose: perpetual war.



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Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence. Take a look - and tell a friend.



Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 992-4211

Fax: (613) 941-6900




Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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