July 26, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
I have two ZGrams today for you from Paul Fromm, on-location
representative of Ernst Zundel and Director of CANADA
FIRST IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE, one of several organizations he
Nothing illustrates Canada's dysfunctional immigration
system better than the contrast between German-born Revisionist publisher
Ernst Zundel and Jamaican rapist and incest practitioner Kenneth Eudenzie
Zundel has published material critical of the Hollywood
version of World War II. He's a pacifist and has never been charged, much
less convicted, for any crimes of violence. Yet, he's offended Canada's
powerful Zionist thought control lobby and now languishes in prison,
detained, prior to deportation, on a bogus Canadian Intelligence and
Security Service warrant alleging that he's a terrorist and a threat to
national security. He's only a threat to those so insecure that they
refuse to debate history.
Then, there's Jamaican Kenneth Eudenzie Jones. He's done
seven years in prison for rape and incest. He's been fighting to stay here
in his new sexual predation grounds for 8 years.
Typical of Absurdistan where lunacy rules in the courts,
Jones is a free man, let loose in this sexual happy hunting grounds, while
a gentle artist and publisher Ernst Zundel sits in solitary confinement in
the Metro West Detention Centre in Rexdale.
Paul Fromm
A Toronto rapist has won a last-ditch bid to remain in
Canada using a technicality in federal immigration laws. Kenneth Eudenzie
Jones has been fighting deportation to his native Jamaica since 1995.
Jones was convicted in 1996 of sex offences including sexual
assault and incest, according to Federal Court of Canada documents.
He was sentenced to seven years in prison and has since been
released on parole.
Mr. Justice Douglas Campbell said Jones can remain here
under applicable federal immigration laws.
Immigration officials argued Jones should be deported
because under a new immigration law that passed in June last year, offenders
convicted of serious crimes are not allowed a deportation appeal.
Jones' lawyer told the court an appeal filed in November
1998 should be heard under the old immigration law, which allows offenders
to remain in the country while their appeal is heard.
The decision has angered police and child-welfare workers
who say Jones is free to reoffend again.
Police officers, speaking on the condition of anonymity,
said they hadn't been notified of Jones' status or where he will be staying
in the city.
Since the Holly Jones slaying, police have been trying to
monitor the movements of known sexual predators.
Officers said they'll try to have Jones listed in a registry
of sex offenders.
Toronto Sun July 26, 2003

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |