June 25 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Yesterday I got the first six copies of Ernst Zundel's
"Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell #7", copyrighted
in my name, since Canada is such a viper's nest of censorship to protect the
I love the way this, our first Soaring Eagles production,
looks and feels! In a few days the first printing shipment ought to be here.
Those of you who pre-ordered copies in bulk at cost may now
send in your checks to:
Ingrid Rimland 3152 Parkway, Suite 13, PMB 109 Pigeon Forge,
TN 37863 USA
The rest of you will have to pay retail prices if you would
like to have a copy - and you should. It's 180 pages in length - and worth
every penny you spend. I had originally intended to set a retail price of
$15, but I have decided to make it an even round $10. Please add a little
extra for postage.
I am convinced this latest endeavor to make the Zundel Saga
known to larger audiences will go far!
I should also add that the first edition is already just
about sold out, and I have gotten a very good price for a reprint, which
ought to happen soon.
On a different topic:
I haven't been able to see any write-up on the latest,
namely the quashing of the defense subpoenas, except sparse news bytes like
the one below.
Actually, Ernst Zundel was denied more than having his
attorney question his Jewish detractors in court for their meddling - he was
even denied to subpoena Andrew Mitrovica, the author who wrote an expos� of
CSIS's knowledge of (or possibly role in) the parcel bomb sent to him in
The judge who ruled on this? Again, none other than the
Honorable Justice Blais, former boss of CSIS, who has been squirming in his
seat for months now, having to deal with this hoary case - and let me say
this: this latest is one weasely ruling! For shame!
Anyway, below is what the public gets to read and we get to
put in our archives for posterity:
Denier loses ruling in Canada
A CANADIAN court blocked an attempt by a Holocaust denier
to force Jewish officials to testify at his hearing.
Ernst Z�ndel had attempted to show that officials of the
Canadian Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith Canada had unduly influenced
senior government ministers. The court acknowledged this week that both
organizations met with ministers and issued news releases on Z�ndel, but
added that lobbying ministers is a "legitimate exercise in an open
and democratic society."
Z�ndel, who has been in prison for more than a year, is
fighting to quash an order that declares him a danger to Canadian society.
The government issued the order as a first step toward
deporting Z�ndel to Germany, where he faces legal charges.
(Source: Jewish Telegraph Agency, New York, Thursday, June
24, 2004)
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Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4211
Fax: (613) 941-6900
Email: [email protected] |