June 4, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
I have been so busy I have had to shelve even extremely
important business regarding Ernst Zundel's unlawful incarceration to the
back-burner - one of them being the unpleasant task of taking on Amnesty
International in a systematic way for their refusal to step in and at the
very least investigate the illegal kidnapping and holding-in-detention of my
As a non-profit outfit, taking membership money, this global
organization, Amnesty International, is not supposed to let itself be
shamefully politicized - and this is one of the areas we are looking into to
see of grassroots action can be applied. Besides, it's not exactly
attractive to see such a well-known "relief" agency dive for their
fig leaf the moment they spot a "Holocaust Denier" who might need
some protection from self-serving pressure groups as well.
The second strategy, of course, will be to marshal protest
demonstrations in front of their headquarters - in as many countries as we
Particularly the Canadian AI has blatantly sided with
Canada's freedom-of-speech oppressors by continually talking out of both
sides of their mouths - but doing absolutely nothing. They ship a canned
reply to every protest letter - and that's all! In fact, they have
pre-judged Ernst Zundel to be guilty of "hate crimes" and meriting
deportation to Germany when even a cursory investigation would have told
them that he was never charged, much less convicted, in either Canada or the
US of "hate crimes" where he has spent practically all of his
adult life and where all his responsible (!) non-violent (!) activism took
AI will have some explaining to do to its members - and its
potential members!
This morning I received some very interesting information
from one of my eagle-eyed cyber monitors. We have had the following visitors
to the Zundelsite from May 29, 2003 to June 3, 2003:
- Amnesty International: (US branch) May 29, 9:45 am
- US Navy: May 29, 1:47pm
- Anti-Defamation League (ADL): May 29, 1:56pm
- Justice Canada (justice.gc.ca) May 29, 10am
- Parliament of Canada (parl.gc.ca) May 29, 10:30 am (They listened
to the unedited CSIS interview as well as checking about 50 other
- Justice Canada (justice.gc.ca) May 30, 11:52 am
- Justice Canada (justice.gc.ca) June 2, 11:04 am
- Parliament of Canada (parl.gc.ca) June 2, 2:40 pm
- Justice Canada (justice.gc.ca) June 3, 11am
- Amnesty.De (Amnesty International Germany) June 3, 11:27am
- Government of the Yukon - June 3, 12:30pm
So you see, your letters to the government and media have an
effect! Please don't let up! Just cite the facts:
That Ernst was legally in the United States, being married
to a US citizen, that his papers were being legally processed, that he never
received any official notice that his application for residence had been
"abandoned", that he was arrested without a signed arrest warrant,
that he was thrown into Maximum Detention like a common criminal, that he is
now barred from coming back to the United States for 20 (!) years - and that
he is in imminent danger of being deported to Germany where lifelong
incarceration is a very strong possibility due to Germany's Orwellian
censorship laws.
Be polite. Be brief. Show class. And send me a copy so I can
preserve it in our archives.
For today, please write to the following branches of Amnesty
International in their respective countries - and ask them to intercede for
Ernst Zundel at headquarters, lest they will have have some explaining to do
to their membership why they let themselves be either cowed or politicized
by a vociferous special interest lobby group in Canada.
Here is that list:

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |