May 10, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
This is going to be an incomplete ZGram because many details
are still missing, but I thought I should get at least partial word out
about what happened here these last few days, particularly yesterday:
First, it started with unbelievable interference with my
telephone lines. I had had difficulties off and on for the past few weeks in
that "somebody" put blocks on my phone lines, preventing me from
sending or receiving long distance calls. Strangely enough, this happened
intermittently - it wasn't as if a line remained solidly blocked.
When Ernst tried to call collect from the Detention Center,
a voice told him that " the request of the owner", no collect
calls were allowed. Naturally that was disconcerting to him because he did
not know what might have happened to me - or why I might refuse to take his
When a repairman finally came and tried to track the
problem, he told me that in 31 years of working at Bell South, he had never
encountered this type of a problem. He managed to solve it - one line at a
time. I was given a password for my own use and assured that nobody else
could make changes on my lines.
When my fax machine line again acted up and I called in to
complain, I was not asked for my password - which means that this security
arrangement meant zilch.
Then, email started bouncing, and the Zundelsite went dark -
not for the first time either!
At first, I paid little attention, only alerted my volunteer
webmaster to see what the story was all about and asked him to try to revive
it. About a month ago, a server who had hosted my website for quite some
time finally had given in to enemy pressure and asked us to leave, but
kindly gave us some time to find another home. Vincent Breeding, a
Southerner affiliated with the David Duke group in Louisiana, kindly offered
free space on his server, and I gratefully accepted until we could regroup
and decide what to do next - ideally, get our own server if and when funds
permitted - but then I received a call from a fellow in Britain informing me
that Vincent's server was likewise under attack. Same for Don Black's
Stormfront. Apparently, same for several others.
Among our friends, it is no secret that I am known as a
techno-dummy, so I will not even try to explain what came next and how many
websites might be affected, much less why: Let me just say that it is my
understanding that the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal - that obscene
Marxist-flavored outfit that convicted Ernst for a website that is mine, has
always been mine and will always be mine - served QWest with a 75 page order
to "cease and desist" within 48 hours - or have QWest employees
face arrest for contempt of court, should they ever travel to Canada!
Get this: An administrative Canadian body with no
enforcement powers of their own - recently described by Ernst as a
"hick tribunal" that had ruled that historical truth not be
allowed as a defense - is telling an American communications giant like
QWest to "cease and desist" - or have its employees face arrest at
the northern border! And the giant falls to his knees and gives in!
Now that ought to get people's attention!
If I can, I am going to stay out of this one! This is for
professional cyber experts, technical geeks and freedom fighters of all
stripes to fight out. In fact, this is for all freedom-loving Americans to
decide if other countries can dictate to America what can or can't be on a
Meanwhile, I suppose the Zundelsite will have to do some
server-hopping, to put it graphically. By myself, I don't have the knowledge
or the financial means to set up an independent server, replete with
competent technical assistance, having relied on volunteer help all these
years. If I am off the air now and then, you'll know why.
While all this was going on, there was Ernst's first Federal
Court hearing taking place in Canada - allegedly regarding bail. This was
ironic, since he had already been served with a ministerial "security
certificate" calling him a "terrorist" liable to be deported.
"Why even bother with bail?" is what I asked
myself yesterday all day. Ernst's sister called from Germany and said that
on the radio she had heard, first, that he had been *already* sent to
Germany - and then, later in the day, that no, he *would* be sent to
Germany. Any, any moment now!
By late afternoon, I assumed that Ernst was probably already
on the plane and did not have a chance to tell me.
Meanwhile, my e-mails kept bouncing and bouncing. People
were very upset.
Then a stray e-mail appeared from a Canadian friend, like
some ragged little orphan, telling me that the hearing was still going on,
with Ernst behind a glass partition. Security was extremely tight. Media
were crawling all over the place. The room chosen for the hearing held only
about 20 people, which meant that most of Ernst's supporters were not
allowed in. I knew that the Zundel Defense had planned a surprise for the
opposition - namely to announce they were mounting a constitutional
challenge to the Marxist-flavored CSIS Act - but I did not know whether it
had yet occurred, and what the reaction would be.
To say that yesterday was a day of mixed and tense emotion
is understating it. What Ernst will be doing with this constitutional
challenge - to put it in my own words against my limited legal understanding
- will be to challenge in the Supreme Court of Canada the very existence of
Canada's Mini-Mossad.
Finally, around eight o'clock in the evening, Ernst called -
his voice so hoarse that he could barely whisper. He said Doug Christie, his
attorney, thinks that with this newest legal initiative it is unlikely he
will or even can be deported now. It is, however, likely - in fact, Ernst
believes it to be a foregone conclusion - that he won't be released in the
foreseeable future under any circumstances. The media whores are already
bleating like the sheep they are that "detention can be virtually
How Ernst plans to fight this kind of a battle out of a
steel cage in maximum detention with merely the stump of a pencil - no pen,
no eraser, no highlighter permitted! - is beyond me. You see what I call the
mark of a man?
The day was spent, according to Ernst, with attempts by his
opposition to smear him with the broadest brush on earth - with guilt by
association with anybody he might have ever met. For 40 years, he was a
publisher and broadcaster. In decades of intense and dedicated activism on
behalf of his vilified kin, the German World War II generation, he has met,
interacted and corresponded with as well as interviewed thousands. How can
he be responsible for what these people - often names he can't even recall -
may have ever said or done?
By contrast, my chronology of why and how the arrest and
deportation of February 5, 2003 in Tennessee came about, is simply shrugged
off as "hearsay"! Hearsay my foot!
This so-called "bail hearing" is to continue next
A brand new and potentially gigantic chapter has now opened
in this never-ending struggle for Freedom from Oppression - and guess who is
still in the middle?
This story is still breaking. For updates, while you can
before the Censors nab you, visit the Zundelsite at
===== ===== =====
We need your financial support. If this latest Zundel
Hurricane for Freedom of Speech against the Forces of Darkness becomes
full-blown, as I predict it will, it will span several countries, even
continents - and cost millions. We'll do our part. Please - you do yours!
Send your donations to:
Ingrid Zundel, Ed.D.
3152 Parkway, Suite 13,
PMB 109
Pigeon Forge, TN

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: |