May 18, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
As I briefly mentioned on the eve of the Zundel Bail Hearing
last Friday, we are all reasonably confident that we had strengthened our
case, and that Ernst believed, and said so, that his impression was that a
reasonably fair and savvy judge was hearing the case. As the judge himself
said, he wanted to know "...all of it." We were more than happy to
I was not unduly worried when Ernst did not call me right
away that evening because he did not always have access to the phone. I
thought he would call when he could.
Sometime that evening, I was also told that Ernst was being
"transferred" - but that he did not know where to - and knowing
bureaucratic routine, I thought that maybe it would take a while to check
him into a new facility, but that he would find a way to at least let me
know where he was being kept - and that he was okay.
All of Saturday passed - and no word.
It was not like Ernst - and I became increasingly uneasy.
And when night fell, and still there was no call, I KNEW that
something was seriously wrong!
The day before the hearing, Ernst had called me and asked me
to put the tape recorder on because he wanted to dictate a few letters. He
asked me to transcribe them and to fax as well as email them.
Two were to law firms on some specific strategies he
planned. One was a letter of reference from Dr. Faurisson. The other two, he
told me, were the most important ones - and I should make sure to do them
first and get them out as soon as possible.
The letters he referred to where 1) to Andrew Mitrovica,
the investigative reporter who had written the Random House hardcover title,
"Covert Entry" that documented Canada's civilian spy agency, CSIS,
(Canadian Security Intelligence Service) as having engaged in a number of
illegal acts. Ernst asked Mitrovica if he would testify for him - and
indicated that, if he were not willing, he might have to be subpoenaed.
The other letter was the one he told me was the most
important - a letter to the Security Intelligence Review Committee,
abbreviated as SIRC, also a government agency ostensibly set up to watch
over CSIS but in reality an agency "in bed" with CSIS, as a 1995
investigation into the Canadian Heritage Front proved - at least in the
minds of those who have good reason to be skeptical of how these two
agencies function.
I am letting you read the letter to SIRC:
Ernst Zundel
Niagara Detention Center
PO Box 1050
Thorold, ON
L2V 4A6
May 14, 2003
The Executive Director
Security Intelligence Review Committee
PO Box 2430 Station D
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5W5
Urgent Response Requested / Attention: Mr. Thomas
Dear Sir or Madame:
My name is Ernst Zundel. I do not think I need any more
introduction, since I had extensive dealings with SIRC from 1995 to 2000,
via the ongoing "security threat" proceedings triggered by my
citizenship application of 1993. These proceedings were halted on December
13, 2000 by letter of Barbara McIsaac, QC and Murray Rodych, Counsel for
the Department of Justice, because I withdrew my citizenship appeal on
December 12, 2000. I had moved to the US by then to be with my American
In America, I was made aware of a book about the illegal
activities of Canada's civilian spy agency, CSIS by the well-known
Canadian investigative reporter, Andrew Mitrovica, of the Globe and Mail.
The book, "Covert Entry", copyrighted in 2002, ISBN Number
0-679-31116-5, was published by the well-known Canadian/American book
publisher, Random House. It was widely reviewed in the Canadian and
American media and is listed in _____ (inaudible on tape) as (1.) Canadian
Security Intelligence Service and (2.) Police Misconduct, Canada.
The entire book, over 500 pages in length, is a shocking
revelation about the questionable and some outright, documented illegal
operations conducted in clear contravention of the CSIS Act and the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as the Criminal Code of
Canada. This conduct by CSIS cries out for an investigation.
I would like to draw your attention especially to Chapters
3, 4, 6, 9, 15 and 16 and particularly the pages 129, 136 to 140, 151, and
281, which pertain to CSIS's actions against me. I want to draw particular
attention to pages 136 and 140, where the author describes in detail the
origins and the handling of the parcel bomb sent by mail to me in the
middle of May 1995.
Your former investigating attorney, Sylvia Mackenzie,
well-known to me, has already had extensive correspondence with and even
conducted personal interviews with CSIS operative, John Farrell, who can
testify to and has personal knowledge of CSIS's illegal activities,
especially relating to this murderous parcel bomb sent to me - he seems to
indicate, with the full knowledge of CSIS handlers, who are identified by
name and rank by John Farrell.
Thus, SIRC investigators should have very little
difficulty in getting to the bottom of this sordid and, what seems to me
[to be] clearly a criminal conspiracy to have me killed by that bomb. (See
pages 305, 307. 308, 309, 310, 322, 323 and 326.)
Your mandate, and the duty of SIRC, is to watch CSIS. You
have woefully failed the people of Canada and, in effect, been remiss in
the performance of your duties in this case. I am requesting from you a
full and complete investigation Of these very serious and well-documented
allegations made by John Farrell and Andrew Mitrovica in "Covert
Entry". I include photocopies of the pertinent pages 135-140.
A copy of this letter has been sent to my attorneys.
Another is kept in a safe place. I expect to hear from you at the earliest
Ernst Zundel
When Ernst had not called me by mid-morning today, I became
very, very worried. I called several people I thought might know where he
had been taken - nobody knew. Today is Sunday; I knew that tomorrow is a
Canadian holiday. No government agency was going to give me an answer.
Finally, around noon, there came that anxiously-awaited call
from Ernst.
He said the following - and I could hear serious stress in
his voice:
He had been taken to Metro Toronto Detention Center West. He
said he was only allowed five minutes to talk - and there were three guards
standing beside him.
He said that "...Rudolf Hess had it easy..." He
also said "...they know about my blood pressure..."
He said something else that I don't want to repeat - but I
know what he means, and I interpret that as his way of telling me that he is
being badly mistreated - at the very least psychologically; possibly
I asked if someone was hurting him. He said "no" -
but what else could he say, with three guards standing there beside him?
He added he "could take it."
He said that he believed what was happening to him was
" retaliation for the SIRC letter."
He said that he was without legal documents; that there had
been "a flood" and all his documents were wet, including
"original ones." He also said, "'re on your
own..." and I take that to mean that I am to notify as many people as I
can that something is seriously wrong.
I know Ernst; he has always kept worries from me; he does
not scare me without cause - this brief phone call was a most frightening
one indeed.
I have had intermittent server and telephone problems, as
you all know - I don't know how far I can get on my own. I have already
alerted some people I know - I will try to see what else I might do. I have
also notified our respective legal teams, both here and in Canada. Paul
Fromm, who just flew in from Winnipeg, will try to see Ernst and find out if
there is anything that he can do.
I suggest that all of you try to alert media - even if only
local media. These people will pass on your concern because they all feed
into media syndicates. Tell them this is a story of international
implications - that Ernst is being held and badly treated for his political
We also need to flood Amnesty International with as many
calls and emails as we can. If someone could collect some information about
Amnesty International branches, that would be a big help to me since I need
to get on the phone and start calling.
Somebody needs to check out just what is going on! This
story has all the earmarks of major, major mischief - please do your part!
Today it is Ernst - tomorrow it could well be me and you and every one of
our loved ones. Believe me I know - I have been there.
Pass this email on - and post it on your websites. I will,
meanwhile, try to alert some people I know in international media.
As soon as I know more, I'll let you know.

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |