Rally organized by CAFE
Video of the Free Ernst Zundel Rally
Ernst Zundel Enters court room to applause: [Watch
Ernst Zundel gives a short press conference: [Watch
Freedom Loving people confront Canadian Jewish Congress
Spokesman: [Watch Now]
Rally outside the hearing room: [Watch
Pictures of the Free Ernst Zundel
Rally in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Immigration Hearing Room - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian
Association for Free Expression sets up the rally and gets the protest
signs ready.

Before going in for the detention review hearing

Covering the entire entrance to the hearing room,
supporters hold sign "Jailers Obey the Law"

Police monitor the situation

Harassing protestors, police wildly take pictures of every
person demonstrating for freedom of speech.

We head into the hearing room.

The courtroom is filled with supporters.

The adjudicator takes her place

Ernst Zundel enters the court room to a rousing applause

Zundel talks to his lawyer, Doug Christie

The media swarm Zundel

Ernst Zundel analyzes the situation with his lawyer

More media, capturing every word

Zundel gives a "thumbs up" to his supporters

After a short 7 minute hearing, Zundel is held in
jail. The media swarms him and he gives a few comments.

Ernst Zundel counting how the government is denying his

Zundel denounces Secret Hearing, Secret witnesses, and
lying testimony.

Doug Christie talks to the CBC

Spokesman Rudner from the Canadian Jewish Congress, always
eager to run Ernst down.

People in the hearing room confront the CJC spokesman for
ethnic bashing

Strange National Post reporter runs up to everyone trying
to get their names

Supporters disgusted with the detention of Ernst Zundel
hold up signs and posters.

People just walking by join in the protest

This Indian is sick of secret trials in Canada

Discussing the issues with other supporters.

Police officer in his cruiser sends out a FYI to other
officers in Niagara Falls

Doug Christie leaves the hearing facility

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |